++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Buochs, Switzerland and the French Alps + + + + Contributed by Alois Bissig + + Via Andrea Schlapbach + + Contributed on 05 July, 2003 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 13 July 2003 at 06:51 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Ab+ZielBlyl, 44, 16.0, 6, 18.32, 2000 2, Aiguines, 43, 48.02, 6, 14.97, 550 3, Aix enDiois, 44, 41.58, 5, 24.9, 500 4, Albulapass, 46, 34.95, 9, 50.42, 2312 5, Ambri, 46, 30.95, 8, 41.28, 981 6, Ampus, 43, 37.02, 6, 20.93, 625 7, Aosta, 45, 34.82, 7, 15.98, 3000 8, AspressrBch, 44, 31.1, 5, 44.3, 831 9, Aubenasson, 44, 41.7, 5, 9.03, 240 10, Aups, 43, 37.52, 6, 10.98, 450 11, B Gastein, 47, 7.0, 13, 8.0, 1002 12, Barcelnntt, 44, 23.3, 6, 36.62, 1132 13, Brclnnttsd, 44, 20.18, 6, 39.88, 3000 14, Bardonecch, 45, 4.53, 6, 42.65 15, Barreme, 43, 59.55, 6, 23.2, 780 16, Bellechass, 46, 58.83, 7, 7.98, 433 17, Bernina, 46, 24.67, 10, 1.47, 2304 18, Blatten VS, 46, 21.55, 7, 59.07, 1322 19, Blayeul, 44, 14.82, 6, 18.92, 2200 20, Blinnenhrn, 46, 26.8, 8, 17.28, 2800 21, Bonval, 45, 22.28, 7, 2.7, 1780 22, Bormio, 46, 28.42, 10, 22.25, 1217 23, Bruenigpss, 46, 45.63, 8, 8.52, 1008 24, Briancon, 44, 53.38, 6, 38.0, 1230 25, Brunnen, 47, 0.02, 8, 36.6, 438 26, Buochs, 46, 58.42, 8, 23.7, 442 27, CH WPAosta, 45, 37.6, 7, 13.88, 3500 28, Caille, 43, 46.68, 6, 44.68, 1080 29, Calanda, 46, 51.73, 9, 26.12, 2000 30, Castil, 43, 52.6, 6, 32.35, 885 31, Cereste, 43, 51.03, 5, 32.97, 330 32, Chabimont, 44, 3.27, 6, 1.18, 480 33, Chabottes, 44, 39.27, 6, 11.03, 1080 34, Chamonix, 45, 54.15, 6, 51.73, 1080 35, ChandlnDrf, 46, 14.93, 7, 19.18, 818 36, Chruezlpss, 46, 43.42, 8, 44.95, 2347 37, CPtStBrnrd, 45, 41.0, 6, 53.0, 2188 38, C Bleine, 43, 50.67, 6, 49.42, 1500 39, C abre, 44, 32.98, 5, 35.92, 1300 40, C Cabre, 44, 32.98, 5, 35.92, 1180 41, C Calibier, 45, 3.83, 6, 24.83, 3530 42, CFontPaynn, 44, 54.97, 5, 19.5, 1800 43, C Mosses, 46, 23.97, 7, 6.17, 1445 44, C Rousset, 44, 50.33, 5, 24.0, 1350 45, C ars, 44, 32.0, 6, 42.17, 2100 46, C Vars, 44, 32.0, 6, 42.17, 2111 47, C Croix, 46, 19.2, 7, 7.68, 1750 48, C Forclaz, 46, 3.48, 7, 0.17, 1526 49, C Aravis, 45, 52.45, 6, 29.53, 1486 50, C Balme, 46, 1.68, 6, 58.28, 2204 51, C Saisies, 45, 46.22, 6, 31.62, 1633 52, C Pillon, 46, 21.28, 7, 12.35, 1546 53, Coupe, 44, 0.75, 6, 18.77, 1500 54, Courmayeur, 45, 47.57, 6, 58.45, 1226 55, CrapSongGn, 46, 49.93, 9, 13.47, 2500 56, Cruis, 44, 3.75, 5, 50.17, 710 57, Diavolezza, 46, 24.8, 9, 58.03, 2973 58, Die, 44, 46.1, 5, 21.2, 550 59, DieA, 44, 45.5, 5, 21.75, 390 60, Digne, 44, 5.25, 6, 13.33, 560 61, Dixance, 46, 4.9, 7, 24.25, 2364 62, Dormillous, 44, 24.75, 6, 23.5, 2400 63, Eggishorn, 46, 25.93, 8, 5.72, 2943 64, Entreves, 45, 49.12, 6, 57.15, 1306 65, Espinasses, 44, 27.6, 6, 13.08, 650 66, Fellilueck, 46, 40.45, 8, 39.93, 2478 67, Furkapass, 46, 34.43, 8, 25.0, 2431 68, Galmhrnhtt, 46, 29.45, 8, 14.63, 2113 69, GapTallard, 44, 27.3, 6, 2.3, 598 70, Gemmipass, 46, 23.93, 7, 36.9, 2314 71, Gotthrdpss, 46, 33.4, 8, 34.1, 2108 72, Gr Berrar, 44, 25.88, 6, 41.65, 2800 73, Graechen, 46, 11.8, 7, 50.33, 1619 74, GrStBrnhrd, 45, 52.22, 7, 10.3, 2469 75, GranPrdsst, 45, 29.8, 7, 20.75, 3000 76, Grnblwsthn, 45, 16.65, 5, 45.87, 2000 77, Grimselpss, 46, 34.4, 8, 20.03, 2166 78, Gurschenlp, 46, 37.18, 8, 35.98, 2261 79, Jasiers, 44, 26.28, 6, 46.53, 3000 80, Jausiers, 44, 25.02, 6, 44.27, 1400 81, Julierpass, 46, 28.83, 9, 43.83, 2284 82, Kaegiswil, 46, 54.6, 8, 15.28, 470 83, Klausenpss, 46, 52.13, 8, 51.3, 1948 84, Lueenersee, 47, 3.67, 9, 45.57, 1970 85, LEscale, 44, 4.55, 6, 1.23, 437 86, La Motte, 44, 19.52, 6, 1.85, 650 87, La Mure, 43, 58.92, 6, 31.87, 930 88, LFullyStam, 46, 10.58, 7, 5.7, 1900 89, LRossinirS, 46, 27.97, 7, 4.03, 887 90, LSrrPncnDM, 44, 28.32, 6, 16.23, 790 91, LaragnBahf, 44, 18.98, 5, 49.12, 570 92, Lau Faurie, 44, 22.1, 6, 18.82, 1553 93, Le Casset, 44, 58.97, 6, 29.63, 1500 94, Le Rosier, 44, 55.87, 6, 40.95, 1400 95, Les Crots, 44, 32.15, 6, 26.02, 780 96, LesDiblrts, 46, 19.68, 7, 12.32, 2940 97, Les Mees, 44, 1.77, 5, 58.78, 511 98, Leukerbad, 46, 22.83, 7, 37.8, 1404 99, LogisduPin, 43, 46.65, 6, 38.47, 1025 100, Lourmarin, 43, 45.53, 5, 23.97, 280 101, LucenDios, 44, 35.55, 5, 28.43, 630 102, LucenDioi, 44, 36.83, 5, 27.28, 560 103, Ludesch, 47, 11.37, 9, 47.17, 560 104, Lukmnrpss, 46, 33.85, 8, 48.17, 1916 105, Lungern, 46, 47.02, 8, 9.6, 715 106, LurMntngn, 44, 7.65, 5, 49.55, 2000 107, Mallefgss, 44, 3.97, 5, 53.87, 700 108, Malmoissn, 44, 2.48, 6, 7.55, 505 109, Malojapss, 46, 24.25, 9, 41.25, 1805 110, Marcoux, 44, 7.7, 6, 17.18, 700 111, Martigny, 46, 6.42, 7, 4.88, 467 112, Mees, 44, 1.77, 5, 58.78, 511 113, Megeve, 45, 50.5, 6, 39.0, 1410 114, Meiringen, 46, 44.67, 8, 6.6, 577 115, Mezel, 43, 59.85, 6, 11.72, 590 116, Modane, 45, 12.77, 6, 42.67, 1100 117, MontDaphn, 44, 42.1, 6, 36.0, 903 118, MontanBll, 46, 20.78, 7, 29.18, 2543 119, Montgardn, 44, 32.98, 6, 12.82, 800 120, Montmaur, 44, 33.63, 5, 51.43, 900 121, MstrsStMr, 43, 50.82, 6, 13.17, 1000 122, Nantua, 46, 9.02, 5, 35.92 123, Nossage, 44, 18.93, 5, 44.65, 650 124, NyrsrJbrn, 44, 10.27, 5, 50.68, 550 125, Nufennpss, 46, 28.52, 8, 23.33, 2478 126, Ofenpass, 46, 38.48, 10, 17.62, 2149 127, Omblance, 44, 52.67, 5, 13.0, 1000 128, Orpiere, 44, 18.85, 5, 41.72, 800 129, Orsieres, 46, 1.8, 7, 8.67, 901 130, PaxdeFaye, 43, 44.33, 6, 48.8, 1300 131, Pellafol, 44, 48.18, 5, 54.28, 915 132, PicdeBure, 44, 37.63, 5, 56.13, 2400 133, Plampinet, 45, 0.18, 6, 39.75, 1400 134, Plmpinet, 45, 0.18, 6, 39.77, 1480 135, Prebois, 44, 47.43, 5, 41.32, 760 136, Puget, 43, 44.92, 5, 16.57, 133 137, Puimichel, 43, 58.82, 6, 1.25, 730 138, Puimoissn, 43, 52.2, 6, 9.88, 769 139, Puimoisso, 43, 55.88, 6, 13.57, 2100 140, Quinson, 43, 41.0, 6, 4.28, 500 141, Raron, 46, 18.35, 7, 50.52, 635 142, Reschense, 46, 49.92, 10, 30.78, 1507 143, Rians, 43, 36.38, 5, 45.4, 400 144, RitomStmr, 46, 32.0, 8, 41.0, 1815 145, Rocher, 44, 44.18, 6, 34.95, 930 146, Rosans, 44, 22.88, 5, 28.3, 620 147, Sagogn, 46, 47.27, 9, 15.55, 770 148, Saillans, 44, 41.82, 5, 11.85, 280 149, SaintBlas, 44, 52.37, 6, 36.6, 1200 150, SainteJll, 44, 20.0, 5, 18.2, 440 151, Sallanchs, 45, 57.23, 6, 38.35, 535 152, SnBrnrdnp, 46, 29.98, 9, 10.05, 2469 153, SanVittor, 46, 14.18, 9, 6.05, 261 154, Sntschpss, 46, 20.22, 7, 17.18, 2251 155, Saou, 44, 38.2, 5, 3.77, 300 156, Savine, 44, 31.65, 6, 23.97, 786 157, Schaenis, 47, 10.38, 9, 2.43, 416 158, Schwezrtr, 47, 2.33, 9, 47.25, 2189 159, Sederon, 44, 13.23, 5, 34.48, 750 160, Seeron, 44, 12.35, 5, 32.23, 800 161, Serre, 44, 27.0, 5, 44.0, 715 162, Serres, 44, 25.68, 5, 43.12, 670 163, Seyne, 44, 20.53, 6, 22.37, 1200 164, Simplon, 46, 17.67, 8, 5.72, 2800 165, Simplnpss, 46, 14.85, 8, 1.82, 1997 166, Sisteron, 44, 17.25, 5, 55.82, 540 167, Siteron, 44, 10.3, 5, 57.33, 480 168, Solliers, 45, 15.35, 6, 48.03, 1297 169, Splugnpss, 46, 30.48, 9, 19.2, 2300 170, Stndrlslp, 43, 58.2, 6, 30.38, 920 171, StbnChtrn, 44, 3.6, 5, 59.5, 650 172, Sttnnlsrg, 44, 2.7, 5, 46.87, 680 173, St Geniez, 44, 14.72, 6, 3.2, 1100 174, StMariaMu, 46, 36.15, 10, 25.45, 1388 175, St Stefan, 46, 30.05, 7, 24.62, 1000 176, StAndrkrt, 44, 1.05, 6, 35.85, 2200 177, StaldenVS, 46, 14.0, 7, 52.28, 800 178, StCrxdVrd, 43, 46.68, 6, 9.58, 655 179, Sterzing, 46, 53.1, 11, 26.1, 600 180, Stlfsrjch, 46, 31.78, 10, 27.25, 2750 181, Stockhorn, 46, 41.12, 7, 32.62, 1640 182, TeteAmont, 44, 52.63, 6, 30.82, 3000 183, Theodlpss, 45, 56.62, 7, 42.6, 3317 184, Thoard, 44, 9.0, 6, 8.8, 770 185, Thorame, 44, 4.62, 6, 28.42, 1100 186, Thusis, 46, 42.6, 9, 26.62, 670 187, Trets, 43, 28.83, 5, 42.68, 240 188, Trigance, 43, 44.95, 6, 28.28, 740 189, Turtmann, 46, 18.48, 7, 42.73, 640 190, Ugine, 45, 44.87, 6, 25.47, 530 191, Ulrichen, 46, 30.33, 8, 19.27 192, ValdIsere, 45, 26.83, 6, 58.83, 1000 193, Valenty, 44, 21.28, 5, 55.22, 570 194, Valpeline, 45, 55.85, 7, 25.22 195, Valpellin, 45, 56.1, 7, 31.47, 2800 196, Vals GR, 46, 37.13, 9, 10.9, 1252 197, Vaumuse, 44, 10.32, 6, 5.4, 1400 198, Verbier, 46, 5.72, 7, 13.22, 1943 199, Veysonnaz, 46, 11.85, 7, 20.22, 1235 200, Vinon, 43, 44.17, 5, 47.18, 274 201, WP Nord, 45, 59.38, 7, 32.53 202, WP West, 44, 53.58, 5, 12.35 203, Wstpnktfr, 45, 0.65, 5, 12.48, 1200 204, Wttnwssrn, 46, 31.95, 8, 28.32, 2619 205, ZrmttGrnr, 46, 1.43, 7, 45.05, 1605 206, Zernez, 46, 41.97, 10, 5.43, 1473 207, ZerveilaS, 46, 34.82, 9, 7.1, 1862 208, Zweisimmn, 46, 33.15, 7, 22.83, 935