Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial Cooma, Australia [ Bunyan Airfield} Control Points

Courtesy of David Pietsch
Dated: 29 August 2014
Magnetic Variation: 12.7E
Time zone: Australia/NSW, Summer offset from GMT is 11:00 and in Winter it is 10:00.

Information about soaring at Cooma, Australia [ Bunyan Airfield} is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds

Monaro Region
Canberra Gliding, AKA the Cooma Soaring Centre


Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.

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  NumberName           Codes         Links          Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation        ID      ICAO   Frequency    Comments                                                                                          R/W Direction  R/W Length  R/W Surface
                                                    °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet                   ID                                                                                                                                        Meters               

    Adaminiby          TA     a,g,V,o,G           35 59 54 S  148 47 54 E  or  35 59.900 S  148 47.900 E     3301    ADMNBY                   34       309                 Council Airfield                                                                                       28                        G          Council Airfield
    Albury             TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 04 06 S  146 57 30 E  or  36 04.100 S  146 57.500 E      538    ALBURY   YMAY           196       284       123.25    Controlled Airport                                                                                     26                  1890  A          Controlled Airport RPT ASIC Card
    Anglers Reach      T      a,g,V,o,G           35 59 48 S  148 39 36 E  or  35 59.800 S  148 39.600 E     3901    ANGLRC                   45       302                 Town on edge of lake                                                                                                                        Town on edge of lake
    Begs Frogs Hollow  TA     a,g,V,o,G           36 45 39 S  149 48 14 E  or  36 45.650 S  149 48.233 E      299    BEGA                     92       152                 01/35 and 10/28                                                                                        01                        G          01/35 and 10/28
    Bemboka            TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 40 42 S  149 33 18 E  or  36 40.700 S  149 33.300 E      919    BMBOKA                   71       161                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           10                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Nov 13

    Benambra           TA     a,g,V,o,G           36 58 00 S  147 41 54 E  or  36 58.000 S  147 41.900 E     2300    BNAMBR                  158       246                                                                                                                        23                        V          Assessed from Google Earth Oct 13
    Berridale          TA     a,g,V,o,G           36 21 00 S  148 49 02 E  or  36 21.000 S  148 49.033 E     2900    BRDALE                   37       242                 Narrow. Next to Gun Club                                                                               26                        V          Narrow strip with raised banks each side. Next to Gun Club
    Bombala            TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 54 18 S  149 11 00 E  or  36 54.300 S  149 11.000 E     2480    BOMBLA   YBOM            86       190       126.7     Council Airfield 09/27 and 33/15                                                                       27                        G          Council Airfield 09/27 and 33/15
    Bredbo             T      a,g,V,o,G           35 57 14 S  149 08 48 E  or  35 57.233 S  149 08.800 E     2300    BREDBO                   20        16                 Harolds Pancake Parlour                                                                                                          A          Harolds Pancake Parlour
    Bunyan             HSFTA  a,g,V,o,G           36 08 00 S  149 08 00 E  or  36 08.000 S  149 08.000 E     2500    BUNYAN                                      122.7     Canberra Gliding Club                                                                                  27                        G          Canberra Gliding Club

    Cabramurra         TA     a,g,V,o,G           35 55 39 S  148 23 04 E  or  35 55.650 S  148 23.067 E     2359    CABRMR                   71       301       118.1                                                                                                            29                        G          
    Chakola            T      a,g,V,o,G           36 06 06 S  149 11 12 E  or  36 06.100 S  149 11.200 E     2402    CHAKLA                  5.9        66                 River Flats with outlanding possibilities                                                                                        A          River Flats with outlanding possibilities
    Charlottes Pass    T      a,g,V,o,G           36 26 05 S  148 19 58 E  or  36 26.083 S  148 19.967 E     5801    CHLTPS                   79       257                 Chalet                                                                                                                           A          Chalet
    Colinton           TAP    a,g,V,o,G           35 47 30 S  149 09 32 E  or  35 47.500 S  149 09.533 E     2598    CLNTON                   38        16                 Private Locked Chris Clearahan                                                                         36                        G          Private Airfield Locked Owner Mr Chris Clearahan
    Cooltalandra       TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 15 10 S  148 53 16 E  or  36 15.167 S  148 53.267 E     3701    CTLNDR                   26       252                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           01                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Oct 13.|Strip between trees about 60 m apart

    Cooma Snowy Mts    TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 18 00 S  148 58 02 E  or  36 18.000 S  148 58.033 E     3107    COMASM   YCOM            24       231       118.1     CTAF                                                                                                   35                  2134  A          CTAF Licenced Airfield  ASIC Card required
    Corryong           TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 11 00 S  147 53 18 E  or  36 11.000 S  147 53.300 E      965    CORYNG   YCRG           112       279       126.7     CTAF Ccts to North                                                                                     25                  1402  A          CTAF Council Airfield Ccts to North of field
    Cudgewa            TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 12 36 S  147 46 42 E  or  36 12.600 S  147 46.700 E     1299    CUDGWA                  122       278                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           27                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured.  Assessed from Google Earth Jan 14
    Dalgety            TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 27 34 S  148 50 29 E  or  36 27.567 S  148 50.483 E     2799    DLGETY                   45       228                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           07                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Sep 12 Big rocks in field off strip
    Eastbourne         TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 10 51 S  148 39 01 E  or  36 10.850 S  148 39.017 E     3901    ESTBRN                   44       276                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           31                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Oct 13. |Land to SE. Black tyres marking edge of strip?

    Eucumbene Dam      T      a,g,V,o,G           36 07 42 S  148 36 54 E  or  36 07.700 S  148 36.900 E     3799    EUCMBN                   47       283                 Dam Wall                                                                                                                         A          Dam Wall
    Guthega Village    T      a,g,V,o,G           36 22 56 S  148 22 23 E  or  36 22.933 S  148 22.383 E     5499    GUTHEG                   74       260                 Inn                                                                                                                              A          Guthega Inn
    Jimenbuen          T      a,g,V,o,G           36 42 48 S  148 50 42 E  or  36 42.800 S  148 50.700 E     2598    JIMBEM                   69       214                 Cultivated paddocks in vicinity                                                                                                  A          Cultivated paddocks in vicinity. From Google Earth Sep 12
    Jindabyne          TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 25 36 S  148 36 06 E  or  36 25.600 S  148 36.100 E     3399    JNDBYN   YJIN            58       248       126.7     CTAF circuits to North                                                                                 30                        V          CTAF All circuits to North of field
    Khancoban          TA     a,g,V,o,G           36 12 52 S  148 06 40 E  or  36 12.867 S  148 06.667 E      961    KAHNCB                   92       277                 Council Airfield                                                                                       33                        A          Council Airfield

    Kosciuszko         T      a,g,V,o,G           36 27 22 S  148 15 48 E  or  36 27.367 S  148 15.800 E     7310    KUZSKO                   86       258                                                                                                                                                  A          
    Kybeyan1           TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 20 41 S  149 24 24 E  or  36 20.683 S  149 24.400 E     3399    KYBYN1                   34       147                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           04                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Feb 11
    Kybeyan2           TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 22 30 S  149 24 47 E  or  36 22.500 S  149 24.783 E     3399    KYBYN2                   37       150                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           24                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Feb 11
    Merimbula          TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 54 30 S  149 54 06 E  or  36 54.500 S  149 54.100 E        7    MRIMBLA  YMER           110       154       126.7     Ccts to East                                                                                           04                  1615  A          Ccts to East ASIC card required
    Michelago          T      a,g,V,o,G           35 42 36 S  149 09 54 E  or  35 42.600 S  149 09.900 E     2300    MKLGO                    47        16                 Cultivated Paddocks vicinity South of town.                                                                                      A          Cultivated Paddocks vicinity South of town.

    Middlingbank       TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 12 30 S  148 48 12 E  or  36 12.500 S  148 48.200 E     3901    MIDLNGB                  31       267                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           36                        G          LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured.  Assessed from Google Earth Oct 13.
    Mitta Mitta        TAP    a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 30 42 S  147 21 24 E  or  36 30.700 S  147 21.400 E      820    MITTAM   YITT           165       267       126.7     CTAF Private PPR (03) 6072 3632 Mr Kelly                                                               32                   914  G          CTAF Private PPR (03) 6072 3632 Mr Kelly
    Moruya             TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       35 53 54 S  150 08 42 E  or  35 53.900 S  150 08.700 E       16    MORUYA   YMRY            95        87       126.7     CTAF Council Airfield 18/36 04/22                                                                      19                  1524  A          CTAF ASIC card Council Airfield 18/36 04/22
    Mt Beauty          TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 44 00 S  147 10 00 E  or  36 44.000 S  147 10.000 E     1099    MBEAUT   YMBT           188       261       126.0     CTAF                                                                                                   33                        G          CTAF Airfield
    Mt Hotham          TA     a,g,V,v,N,o,G       37 02 54 S  147 20 00 E  or  37 02.900 S  147 20.000 E     4259    HOTHAM   YHOT           190       250       126.75    CTAF Ccts to NE                                                                                        30                  1463  A          CTAF RPT ASIC card Ccts to NE

    Muddah East        TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 06 18 S  149 04 24 E  or  36 06.300 S  149 04.400 E     3301    MUDEST                  6.2       313                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           01                                   LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Norrow strip about 15 m wide. Assessed from Google Earth Sep 12
    Muddah Lake        TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 05 57 S  149 03 18 E  or  36 05.950 S  149 03.300 E     3301    MUDALK                  8.0       311                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           28                        G          Assessed from Google Earth Jan 11. Suitability not assured.
    Nimmitabel West    TLP    a,g,V,o,G           36 30 06 S  149 11 42 E  or  36 30.100 S  149 11.700 E     3199    NMTBLW                   41       185                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           32                                   Private Airstrip LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Oct 13
    Numeralla          T      a,g,V,o,G           36 10 36 S  149 20 42 E  or  36 10.600 S  149 20.700 E     2500    NMRALA                   20       117                 River Flats with landing possibilities in small paddocks                                                                         A          River Flats with Landing possibilities in small paddocks
    Perisher           T      a,g,V,o,G           36 24 18 S  148 24 42 E  or  36 24.300 S  148 24.700 E     5699    PRISHR                   71       257                 Ski Tube Station                                                                                                                 A          Ski Tube Station

    Polo Flat          TAP    a,g,V,v,N,o,G       36 13 48 S  149 09 00 E  or  36 13.800 S  149 09.000 E     2700    POLOFL   YPFT            11       185       118.1     Private Airfield  Caution 300ft Mast to SE of Field inside cct area Land East side of 18/36 preferred  01                  1494  A          Private Airfield  Caution 300ft Mast to SE of Field inside cct area Land East side of 18/36 preferred
    Riversdale         TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 00 42 S  149 07 04 E  or  36 00.700 S  149 07.067 E     2500    RVRSDL                   14         7                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           36                        G          LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Jan 13.
    Rose Valley        T      a,g,V,o,G           36 08 30 S  149 15 54 E  or  36 08.500 S  149 15.900 E     2402    RRSVLLY                  12       107                 River Flat area with outlanding possibilities                                                                                    A          River Flat Area with outlanding possibilities
    Smiggins Holes     T      a,g,V,o,G           36 23 34 S  148 25 35 E  or  36 23.567 S  148 25.583 E     5551    SMGGNS                   70       258                 Hotel and Chalet                                                                                                                 A          Smiggins Hotel and Chalet
    Thredbo            T      a,g,V,o,G           36 30 18 S  148 18 18 E  or  36 30.300 S  148 18.300 E     4600    THRDBO                   85       253                 Village Centre                                                                                                                   A          Village Centre

    Warreen            TL     a,g,V,o,G           36 12 26 S  149 27 12 E  or  36 12.433 S  149 27.200 E     3199    WAREEN                   30       119                 LAND OWNRISK                                                                                           04                        G          LAND OWNRISK Suitability not assured. Assessed from Google Earth Jan 11

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