-35.9983333, 148.7983333, "Adaminiby", "Adamnb", "Description: Council Airfield", ff0000, 145 -36.0683333, 146.9583333, "Albury", "Albury", "Description: Controlled Airport", ff0000, 145 -35.9966667, 148.6600000, "Anglers Reach", "Anglrs", "Description: Town on edge of lake", ff0000, 138 -36.7608333, 149.8038889, "Begs Frogs Hollow", "BgsFrg", "Description: 01/35 and 10/28", ff0000, 145 -36.6783333, 149.5550000, "Bemboka", "Bembok", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.9666667, 147.6983333, "Benambra", "Benmbr", "", ff0000, 145 -36.3500000, 148.8172222, "Berridale", "Berrdl", "Description: Narrow. Next to Gun Club", ff0000, 145 -36.9050000, 149.1833333, "Bombala", "Bombal", "Description: Council Airfield 09/27 and 33/15", ff0000, 145 -35.9538889, 149.1466667, "Bredbo", "Bredbo", "Description: Harolds Pancake Parlour", ff0000, 138 -36.1333333, 149.1333333, "Bunyan", "Bunyan", "Description: Canberra Gliding Club", ff0000, 118 -35.3066667, 149.1900000, "Canberra", "Canbrr", "", ff0000, 130 -35.9275000, 148.3844444, "Cabramurra", "Cbrmrr", "", ff0000, 145 -36.1016667, 149.1866667, "Chakola", "Chakol", "Description: River Flats with outlanding possibilities", ff0000, 138 -36.4347222, 148.3327778, "Charlottes Pass", "Chrltt", "Description: Chalet", ff0000, 138 -35.7916667, 149.1588889, "Colinton", "Colntn", "Description: Private Locked Chris Clearahan", ff0000, 145 -36.2527778, 148.8877778, "Cooltalandra", "Cltlnd", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.3000000, 148.9672222, "Cooma Snowy Mts", "CmSnwM", "Description: CTAF", ff0000, 145 -36.1833333, 147.8883333, "Corryong", "Corrng", "Description: CTAF Ccts to North", ff0000, 145 -36.2100000, 147.7783333, "Cudgewa", "Cudgew", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.4594444, 148.8413889, "Dalgety", "Dalget", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.1808333, 148.6502778, "Eastbourne", "Estbrn", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.1283333, 148.6150000, "Eucumbene Dam", "EcmbnD", "Description: Dam Wall", ff0000, 138 -36.3822222, 148.3730556, "Guthega Village", "GthgVl", "Description: Inn", ff0000, 138 -36.7133333, 148.8450000, "Jimenbuen", "Jimnbn", "Description: Cultivated paddocks in vicinity", ff0000, 138 -36.4266667, 148.6016667, "Jindabyne", "Jindbn", "Description: CTAF circuits to North", ff0000, 145 -36.2144444, 148.1111111, "Khancoban", "Khncbn", "Description: Council Airfield", ff0000, 145 -36.4561111, 148.2633333, "Kosciuszko", "Kscszk", "", ff0000, 138 -36.3447222, 149.4066667, "Kybeyan1", "Kyben1", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.3750000, 149.4130556, "Kybeyan2", "Kyben2", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.9083333, 149.9016667, "Merimbula", "Mermbl", "Description: Ccts to East", ff0000, 145 -35.7100000, 149.1650000, "Michelago", "Michlg", "Description: Cultivated Paddocks vicinity South of town.", ff0000, 138 -36.2083333, 148.8033333, "Middlingbank", "Mddlng", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.5116667, 147.3566667, "Mitta Mitta", "MttMtt", "Description: CTAF Private PPR (03) 6072 3632 Mr Kelly", ff0000, 145 -35.8983333, 150.1450000, "Moruya", "Moruya", "Description: CTAF Council Airfield 18/36 04/22", ff0000, 145 -36.7333333, 147.1666667, "Mt Beauty", "MtBeat", "Description: CTAF", ff0000, 145 -37.0483333, 147.3333333, "Mt Hotham", "MtHthm", "Description: CTAF Ccts to NE", ff0000, 145 -36.1050000, 149.0733333, "Muddah East", "Muddah", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.0991667, 149.0550000, "Muddah Lake", "MddhLk", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.5016667, 149.1950000, "Nimmitabel West", "Nmmtbl", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.1766667, 149.3450000, "Numeralla", "Numrll", "Description: River Flats with landing possibilities in small paddocks", ff0000, 138 -36.4050000, 148.4116667, "Perisher", "Pershr", "Description: Ski Tube Station", ff0000, 138 -36.2300000, 149.1500000, "Polo Flat", "PolFlt", "Description: Private Airfield Caution 300ft Mast to SE of Field inside cct area Land East side of 18/36 preferred", ff0000, 145 -36.0116667, 149.1177778, "Riversdale", "Rvrsdl", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138 -36.1416667, 149.2650000, "Rose Valley", "RosVll", "Description: River Flat area with outlanding possibilities", ff0000, 138 -36.3927778, 148.4263889, "Smiggins Holes", "Smggns", "Description: Hotel and Chalet", ff0000, 138 -36.5050000, 148.3050000, "Thredbo", "Thredb", "Description: Village Centre", ff0000, 138 -36.2072222, 149.4533333, "Warreen", "Warren", "Description: LAND OWNRISK", ff0000, 138