;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Brioude-Beaumont, France + ; + ; Championnat Regional Auvergne, 2011 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Laurent Aboulin + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 26 June 2011 at 01:51 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Albepierre Bredons" "ALBPRR" "Village" "N4504,667" "E00249,950" "Albi le Sequestre" "ALBLSQ" "Aero" "N4354,800" "E00207,000" "Ales Deaux" "ALESDX" "Aero" "N4404,367" "E00408,583" "Allanche" "ALLNCH" "Village" "N4514,000" "E00256,150" "Ambert le Poyet" "AMBRTL" "Aero" "N4531,017" "E00344,750" "Ardes" "ARDES" "Village" "N4524,267" "E00307,017" "Arrivee 15" "ARRV15" "_" "N4519,433" "E00321,500" "Arrivee 33" "ARRV33" "_" "N4518,967" "E00321,833" "Aubenasson" "ABNSSN" "Aero" "N4441,783" "E00509,250" "Aubenas Vals Lanas" "ABNSVL" "Aero" "N4432,367" "E00422,300" "Aurillac" "AURLLC" "Aero" "N4453,850" "E00225,000" "Auroux" "AUROUX" "Village" "N4445,000" "E00343,683" "Barrage de Granval" "BRRGDG" "La Truyere" "N4455,633" "E00304,900" "Barrage de Lavalette" "BRRGDL" "_" "N4508,983" "E00412,717" "BarragedeMonistroldllr" "BRRGDM" "Gorges de l'Allier" "N4456,817" "E00340,150" "Barrage de Nausac" "BRRGDN" "l'Allier" "N4444,733" "E00349,100" "Barrage des Pradeaux" "BRRGDS" "Montagne a l'EST d'Ambert" "N4532,333" "E00350,717" "Barrage de Villefort" "BRRGDV" "_" "N4427,250" "E00355,967" "Bedarieux" "BEDARX" "Aero" "N4338,450" "E00308,700" "Belleville" "BLLVLL" "Aero" "N4608,567" "E00442,850" "Berre la Fare" "BRRLFR" "Aero" "N4332,267" "E00510,667" "Brassac les Mines" "BRSSCL" "Ville-Gare SNCF" "N4525,133" "E00320,233" "Brioude Beaumont" "BRDBMN" "Aero" "N4519,433" "E00321,500" "Brioude Ville" "BRDVLL" "Basilique" "N4517,517" "E00323,150" "Calviac" "CALVIC" "Aero" "N4456,083" "E00204,000" "Cassagnes Begonhes" "CSSGNS" "Aero" "N4410,767" "E00231,083" "Castelnaudary" "CSTLND" "Aero" "N4318,733" "E00155,217" "Castres Mazamet" "CSTRSM" "Aero" "N4333,300" "E00217,433" "Cerviere" "CERVIR" "Village" "N4548,633" "E00346,700" "Chabreloche" "CHBRLC" "Village Proche Autoroute" "N4553,033" "E00342,283" "Chateau dAlleuze" "CHDLLZ" "Gorges de la Truyere" "N4457,367" "E00305,450" "Chateau de Domeyrat" "CHDDMR" "Medieval" "N4515,033" "E00330,950" "Chateau de Leotoing" "CHDLTN" "Gorges de l'Allagnon" "N4521,450" "E00313,183" "Chateau de Murol" "CHDMRL" "Medieval" "N4534,917" "E00256,550" "Chateau de Pauhlac" "CHDPHL" "Proche Brioude Aero" "N4517,983" "E00320,850" "Chateauneuf de Randon" "CHTNFD" "Village" "N4438,433" "E00340,617" "Champeix" "CHAMPX" "Village" "N4535,550" "E00307,533" "Chastanier" "CHSTNR" "Village" "N4442,700" "E00345,133" "Coustellet" "CSTLLT" "Champ" "N4352,000" "E00509,500" "Depart 1" "DEPRT1" "Viaduc Autoroute" "N4517,000" "E00313,517" "Depart 2" "DEPRT2" "Village lac en haricot 3km nord" "N4522,667" "E00329,067" "Egletons" "EGLTNS" "Aero" "N4525,283" "E00204,083" "Evaux Chambon" "EVXCHM" "Aero" "N4610,100" "E00225,917" "Eygalieres" "EYGLRS" "Champ" "N4346,217" "E00458,950" "Feurs Chambeon" "FRSCHM" "Aero" "N4542,217" "E00412,033" "Figeac Livernon" "FGCLVR" "Aero" "N4440,400" "E00147,317" "Fixs Saint Geney" "FXSSTG" "Col Brioude-le Puy" "N4508,500" "E00339,817" "Florac Sainte" "FLRCST" "Aero" "N4417,183" "E00327,967" "Fournols" "FORNLS" "Village" "N4530,500" "E00335,117" "Gaillac Lisle/Tarn" "GLLCLS" "Aero" "N4353,033" "E00152,500" "Gannat" "GANNAT" "Ville" "N4606,133" "E00311,617" "Gordes" "GORDES" "Champ" "N4354,750" "E00515,100" "Grandrieu" "GRANDR" "Village" "N4447,033" "E00337,283" "Graulhet" "GRALHT" "Aero" "N4346,200" "E00200,500" "Gueret St Laurent" "GRTSTL" "Aero" "N4610,750" "E00157,450" "Issoire le Broc" "ISSRLB" "Aero" "N4530,900" "E00316,017" "Issoire Ville" "ISSRVL" "_" "N4532,817" "E00316,317" "La Bastide Puy Laurent" "LBSTDP" "Village" "N4435,433" "E00354,300" "La Canourgue" "LACNRG" "Aero" "N4427,167" "E00315,000" "Lac Chambon" "LCCHMB" "Lac proche Scancy" "N4534,233" "E00254,983" "Lac Charpal" "LCCHRP" "Lac de montagne sud Margeride" "N4437,950" "E00333,033" "Lac Chauvet" "LCCHVT" "_" "N4527,833" "E00249,583" "Lac dAydat" "LACDDT" "Lac de montagne" "N4539,833" "E00259,233" "Lac de Bourdouze" "LBORDZ" "Lac de montagne" "N4528,000" "E00255,817" "Lac de Guery" "LGUERY" "Lac de montagne" "N4537,117" "E00248,683" "Lac de Malaguet" "LMALGT" "_" "N4515,683" "E00342,633" "Lac de Montcineyre" "LMNTCN" "Lac de montagne" "N4528,000" "E00253,733" "Lac de Serviere" "LSERVR" "Lac de montagne" "N4538,883" "E00251,517" "Lac du Bouchet" "LCDBCH" "Lac de Cratere" "N4454,533" "E00347,417" "La Chaise Dieu" "LACHSD" "Village" "N4519,250" "E00341,700" "Lac Pavin" "LACPVN" "Lac de Montagne" "N4530,000" "E00253,050" "Lacs de la Godivelle" "LCSDLG" "2 circulaires" "N4523,133" "E00255,950" "La Grand Combe" "LGRNDC" "Aero" "N4414,667" "E00400,700" "La Malzieu" "LAMALZ" "Village" "N4451,183" "E00320,483" "La Montagne Noire" "LMNTGN" "Aero" "N4324,450" "E00159,367" "Landos" "LANDOS" "Village" "N4450,667" "E00349,917" "Langogne Lesperon" "LNGGNL" "Aero" "N4442,383" "E00353,267" "Lanuejols 30" "LNJLS3" "Village" "N4407,833" "E00324,067" "Lanuejols 48" "LNJLS4" "Village" "N4430,033" "E00334,317" "Lapalisse Perigny" "LPLSSP" "Aero" "N4615,233" "E00335,267" "Lavoute Chilhac" "LVTCHL" "Village" "N4508,850" "E00324,200" "Le Mazet de Roma" "LMZTDR" "Aero" "N4346,133" "E00453,583" "Le Puy en Velay Loudes" "LPNVLL" "Aero" "N4504,783" "E00345,800" "Le Puy en Velay Ville" "LPNVLV" "_" "N4502,550" "E00353,700" "LIsle/Sorgue" "LSLSRG" "Champ" "N4359,083" "E00503,217" "Massiac" "MASSIC" "Village" "N4515,083" "E00311,383" "Mayet de Montagne" "MTDMNT" "Village" "N4604,217" "E00340,000" "Mazeyrat Langeac" "MZRTLN" "Aero" "N4506,300" "E00330,400" "Mende Brenoux" "MNDBRN" "Aero" "N4430,250" "E00331,650" "Meyrueis" "MEYRUS" "Village" "N4410,850" "E00325,700" "Millau Larzac" "MLLLRZ" "Aero" "N4359,350" "E00311,000" "Monistrol dAllier" "MNSTRL" "Village-gorges de l'Allier" "N4458,367" "E00338,233" "Mont Aigoual" "MONTGL" "Sommet - Station Meteo" "N4407,350" "E00335,000" "Montlucon Domerat" "MNTLCN" "Aero" "N4621,217" "E00234,283" "Montlucon Gueret" "MONTLU" "Aero" "N4613,567" "E00221,767" "Mont Mouchet" "MNTMCH" "Margeride" "N4458,167" "E00323,067" "Moulins Montbeugny" "MLNSMN" "Aero" "N4632,067" "E00325,300" "Noiretable" "NORTBL" "Village" "N4548,683" "E00344,867" "Olloix" "OLLOIX" "Village" "N4537,033" "E00302,883" "Orgon" "ORGON" "Champ" "N4347,200" "E00504,100" "Paray le Monial" "PRLMNL" "Aero" "N4628,067" "E00408,067" "Pezenas Nizas" "PZNSNZ" "Aero" "N4330,350" "E00324,783" "Perouges Meximieux" "PRGSMX" "Aero" "N4552,183" "E00511,200" "Peyrelevade" "PERLVD" "Aero" "N4542,300" "E00202,000" "Peyrus" "PEYRUS" "Champ" "N4453,900" "E00507,900" "Pierrelatte" "PRRLTT" "Aero" "N4423,933" "E00443,050" "Pierre sur Haute" "PRRSRH" "Sommet - Antennes" "N4539,100" "E00348,550" "Plomb du Cantal" "PLMBDC" "Sommet Telepherique" "N4503,517" "E00245,967" "Pont du Gard" "PNTDGR" "_" "N4356,833" "E00432,150" "Pont St Esprit" "PNTSTS" "Aero" "N4416,167" "E00439,167" "Prevencheres" "PRVNCH" "Village" "N4431,550" "E00354,650" "Puget/Durance" "PGTDRN" "Aero" "N4344,817" "E00503,683" "Puy de Dome" "PUYDDM" "Sommet - Antenne" "N4546,350" "E00257,867" "Puy de la Vache" "PDLVCH" "Volcan" "N4541,867" "E00257,133" "Puy de Scancy" "PDSCNC" "Sommet" "N4531,467" "E00249,617" "Relais du Luguet" "RLSDLG" "Antenne Relais" "N4519,900" "E00301,583" "Remoulins" "REMLNS" "Champ" "N4356,583" "E00444,917" "Report Nord" "RPRTNR" "_" "N4520,617" "E00320,667" "Report Sud" "RPRTSD" "_" "N4517,717" "E00322,717" "Revel Montgey" "RVLMNT" "Aero" "N4328,883" "E00158,750" "Riom" "RIOM" "Ville" "N4553,700" "E00307,167" "Roanne Renais" "RNNRNS" "Aero" "N4603,167" "E00359,983" "Rocher de Prade" "RCHRDP" "Gorges de l'Allier" "N4501,983" "E00335,183" "Rodez Marcillac" "RDZMRC" "Aero" "N4424,450" "E00229,000" "Romans St Paul" "RMNSST" "Aero" "N4503,967" "E00506,167" "Ruoms" "RUOMS" "Aero" "N4426,717" "E00420,000" "Saint Affrique Belmont" "STFFRQ" "Aero" "N4349,450" "E00244,883" "Saint Chamond" "STCHMN" "Aero" "N4529,583" "E00432,100" "Saint Etienne Boutheon" "STTNNB" "Aero" "N4532,050" "E00417,833" "Saint Flour Coltines" "STFLRC" "Aero" "N4504,500" "E00259,550" "Saint Flour Ville" "STFLRV" "Cathedrale" "N4502,117" "E00304,417" "Saint Galmier" "STGLMR" "Aero" "N4536,433" "E00418,317" "Saint Germain lHerme" "STGRMN" "Village" "N4527,500" "E00332,300" "Ste Martin de Londres" "STMRTN" "Aero" "N4348,050" "E00346,917" "Saint Nectaire" "STNCTR" "Village" "N4534,617" "E00300,167" "Saint Pourcain" "STPRCN" "Village" "N4618,233" "E00315,850" "Saint Rambert dAlbon" "STRMBR" "Aero" "N4515,367" "E00449,517" "Saint Yan No Glide" "STNNGL" "Aero" "N4624,383" "E00401,267" "Saou" "SAOU" "Champ" "N4438,200" "E00503,767" "Saugues en Margeride" "SGSNMR" "Village" "N4457,567" "E00332,883" "Sauxillanges" "SXLLNG" "Village" "N4533,050" "E00322,300" "Tarascon" "TARSCN" "Champ" "N4347,300" "E00441,817" "Tournus Cuisery" "TRNSCS" "Aero" "N4633,767" "E00458,567" "Travaillan" "TRVLLN" "Aero" "N4410,883" "E00455,750" "Treves" "TREVES" "Village" "N4404,617" "E00323,317" "Ussel Thalamy" "USSLTH" "Aero" "N4532,217" "E00225,500" "Uzes" "UZES" "Aero" "N4405,083" "E00423,683" "Valreas Visan" "VLRSVS" "Aero" "N4420,217" "E00454,450" "Varlanc" "VARLNC" "Prairie - Niveau Vert" "N4525,417" "E00344,300" "Viaduc de Chapeauroux" "VDCDCH" "SNCF/Gorges de l'Allier" "N4450,333" "E00344,133" "Viaduc de Garabit" "VDCDGR" "SNCF/Gorges de la Truyere" "N4458,517" "E00310,617" "Viaduc de Millau" "VDCDML" "Milieu du Viaduc" "N4404,717" "E00301,350" "Vichy Charmeil" "VCHCHR" "Aero" "N4610,300" "E00324,250" "Vic le Comte" "VCLCMT" "Village" "N4537,500" "E00313,817" "Vielle Brioude" "VLLBRD" "Pont sur l'Allier" "N4516,217" "E00324,233" "Vienne Reventin" "VNNRVN" "Aero" "N4527,850" "E00449,733" "VillefranchedeRouergue" "VLLFRN" "Aero" "N4422,200" "E00201,633" "VillefrancheSaoneTarar" "VILLEF" "Aero" "N4555,200" "E00438,100" "V Bord Etang" "VBRDTN" "Prive - Vert piste 3%, Nord" "N4547,683" "E00328,167" "V Landos EO" "VLANDS" "Cultures Prairies Vert 070; Antenne RN" "N4450,000" "E00351,933" "V Loubaresse" "VLBRSS" "Prairie Orange montee au sud" "N4456,800" "E00314,567" "V Malaguet" "VMALGT" "Cereales Vert 34" "N4514,867" "E00342,367" "V Pardines" "VPRDNS" "Cereales Vert Honte" "N4534,133" "E00309,567" "V Pongibaud" "VPNGBD" "Prairie Vert montee vers ouest" "N4550,200" "E00250,550" "V Randanne" "VRNDNN" "Cultures Prairies Vert remontent au nord" "N4541,167" "E00255,400" "V St Bonnet Chateau" "VSTBNN" "Cultures Vert 04-22 07-25" "N4525,583" "E00402,167" "V St Chely" "VSTCHL" "Ble Prairie Vert fonction des cultures" "N4450,733" "E00319,667" "V St Georges 01" "VSTGRG" "Cereales Vert Ligne electrique 24" "N4510,617" "E00331,050" "V St Georges 02" "VSTGEO" "Ble prairie Vert devers parallele 34/16" "N4510,400" "E00327,950" "V St Priest des Champs" "VSTPRS" "Prairie Vert Ulm 2 sens etroite 20M" "N4557,500" "E00244,900" "V Vernet Esbelin" "VVRNTS" "PrairieUlmVertSTcrtfnldssspstlm2%Pstlm5%" "N4529,833" "E00326,567" "V Vernet est" "VVERNE" "Prairie Orange 30 5% ligne electrique" "N4528,633" "E00328,500" "V Vernet Saute Mouche" "VVRNTS" "Prairie Rouge 33 5%LigneTelephonique" "N4528,917" "E00326,667" "Yssingeaux" "YSSNGX" "Ville" "N4508,567" "E00407,350"