;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Sprints de Bretagne + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Philippe de Pechy + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 03 May 2009 at 17:46 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Aero lenconValframbert" "ARLNCN" "Aerodrome" "N4826,850" "E00006,550" "Aero Ancenis" "ARNCNS" "Aerodrome" "N4724,483" "W00110,633" "Aero Angers Marce" "ARNGRS" "Aerodrome" "N4733,617" "W00018,733" "Aero Argentan" "ARRGNT" "Hangar" "N4842,567" "W00000,117" "Aero Avranches" "ARVRNC" "Aerodrome" "N4839,683" "W00124,250" "Aero Bagnoles de lOrme" "ARBGNL" "Aerodrome" "N4832,750" "W00023,100" "Aero Belle Ile" "ARBLLL" "Aerodrome" "N4719,600" "W00311,883" "Aero Brest Guipavas" "ARBRST" "Aerodrome" "N4826,867" "W00425,200" "AeroChatelleraultTarge" "ARCHTL" "Aerodrome" "N4646,883" "E00033,117" "Aero Cholet" "ARCHLT" "Aerodrome" "N4704,867" "W00052,667" "Aero Coetquidan" "ARCTQD" "Aerodrome Militaire" "N4756,633" "W00210,917" "Aero Dinan Trelivan" "ARDNNT" "Aerodrome" "N4826,667" "W00206,083" "Aero Dinard Pleurtuit" "ARDNRD" "Aerodrome" "N4835,317" "W00204,700" "Aero Falaises" "ARFLSS" "Aerodrome" "N4855,583" "W00009,783" "Aero Fontenay le Comte" "ARFNTN" "Aerodrome" "N4626,583" "W00047,450" "Aero Granville" "ARGRNV" "Aerodrome" "N4852,950" "W00133,833" "Aero Guiscriff Scaer" "ARGSCR" "Aerodrome" "N4803,283" "W00339,767" "Aero La BauleEscoublac" "ARLBLS" "Aerodrome" "N4717,367" "W00220,783" "Aero La Dominelais" "ARLDMN" "Aero Novac" "N4745,000" "W00138,967" "Aero La Fleche" "ARLFLC" "Aerodrome" "N4741,450" "W00000,483" "Aero LAigle St Michel" "ARLGLS" "Aerodrome" "N4845,550" "E00039,500" "Aero Lannion" "ARLNNN" "Aerodrome" "N4845,350" "W00328,383" "Aero Laval Entrammes" "ARLVLN" "Aerodrome" "N4801,750" "W00044,567" "Aero Le Blanc" "ARLBLN" "Aerodrome" "N4637,250" "E00105,250" "Aero Le Mans" "ARLMNS" "Aerogare" "N4756,817" "E00011,883" "Aero Le Quilloux" "ARLQLL" "Aerodrome" "N4736,100" "W00155,300" "Aero Lessay" "AERLSS" "Aerodrome" "N4912,183" "W00130,383" "Aero Loudun" "AERLDN" "Aerodrome" "N4702,217" "E00006,067" "Aero Mauleon" "AERMLN" "Aerodrome" "N4654,233" "W00041,783" "Aero MontaiguStGeorges" "ARMNTG" "Hangar" "N4655,817" "W00119,467" "Aero Montreuil Bellay" "ARMNTR" "Aerodrome" "N4706,933" "W00006,333" "Aero Morlaix Ploujean" "ARMRLX" "Aerodrome" "N4836,083" "W00348,900" "Aero Mortagne Perche" "ARMRTG" "Aerodrome" "N4832,467" "E00032,167" "Aero Nantes" "ARNNTS" "Aerodrome" "N4709,417" "W00136,467" "Aero Niort Souche" "ARNRTS" "Aerogare" "N4618,850" "W00023,633" "Aero Ouessant" "ARSSNT" "Milieupistel" "N4827,850" "W00503,733" "Aero Plesse" "ARPLSS" "Aerodrome" "N4731,983" "W00150,633" "Aero Ploermel Loyat" "ARPLRM" "Milieu Piste" "N4800,100" "W00222,733" "Aero Poitiers" "ARPTRS" "Aerodrome" "N4635,250" "E00018,383" "Aero Pontivy" "ARPNTV" "Aerodrome" "N4803,467" "W00255,350" "Aero Pouance" "AERPNC" "Aerodrome" "N4744,400" "W00111,400" "Aero Quiberon" "ARQBRN" "Milieu Piste" "N4728,933" "W00306,000" "Aero Quimper Pluguffan" "ARQMPR" "Aerodrome" "N4758,550" "W00410,000" "Aero Redon Bains/Oust" "ARRDNB" "Aerodrome" "N4741,967" "W00202,200" "Aero Rennes" "ARRNNS" "Seuil Piste 33" "N4803,867" "W00144,117" "Aero Samurs" "ARSMRS" "Aerodrome" "N4715,567" "W00006,783" "Aero Soucelle" "ARSCLL" "Aerodrome" "N4735,000" "W00025,000" "Aero Soulaire" "AERSLR" "Aerodrome" "N4733,833" "W00033,017" "Aero St Brieuc Armor" "ARSTBR" "Aerodrome" "N4832,317" "W00251,317" "Aero StNazaireMontoire" "ARSTNZ" "Installations" "N4718,817" "W00209,917" "Aero Saint Sigismond" "ARSTSG" "Aerodrome" "N4725,983" "W00056,000" "Aero St Supice" "ARSTSP" "Aerodrome" "N4747,467" "W00138,167" "Aero Thouars" "ARTHRS" "Aerodrome" "N4657,717" "W00009,433" "Aero Val dIze" "ARVLDZ" "Aerodrome" "N4811,000" "W00118,000" "Aero Vannes Meucon" "ARVNNS" "Aerodrome" "N4743,200" "W00243,317" "Airvault" "AIRVLT" "Centre Ville" "N4649,617" "W00008,267" "Angers" "ANGERS" "Chateau" "N4728,200" "W00033,567" "Antrain" "ANTRAN" "Centre Ville" "N4827,967" "W00129,300" "Augan" "AUGAN" "Centre" "N4755,150" "W00216,733" "Auray" "AURAY" "Centre Ville" "N4740,083" "W00259,283" "Ax Andouille" "AXNDLL" "Ulm" "N4810,400" "W00050,783" "Ax Aron" "AXARON" "Ulm" "N4816,983" "W00031,300" "Ax Bauge" "AXBAUG" "Ulm" "N4734,200" "W00004,117" "Ax Beausoleil" "AXBSLL" "Ulm" "N4746,983" "W00033,000" "Ax Kerfot" "AXKRFT" "Ulm" "N4843,433" "W00301,600" "Ax La Bazouge" "AXLBZG" "Ulm" "N4800,767" "W00029,583" "Ax Lamballe" "AXLMBL" "Ulm" "N4829,250" "W00224,750" "Ax Ligre" "AXLIGR" "Ulm" "N4707,000" "E00017,000" "Ax Montsurs" "AXMNTS" "Ulm" "N4807,400" "W00033,867" "Ax Mt St Michel" "AXMTST" "Ulm" "N4836,183" "W00133,167" "Ax Poullaouen" "AXPLLN" "Ulm" "N4821,500" "W00339,817" "Ax Querlan" "AXQRLN" "Ulm" "N4749,467" "W00415,150" "Ax Sarzeau" "AXSARZ" "Ulm" "N4732,983" "W00242,000" "Bain de Bretagne" "BNDBRT" "Centre Ville" "N4750,483" "W00141,117" "Ballots" "BALLTS" "Centre Ville" "N4753,683" "W00102,883" "Barrage dArzal" "BRRGDR" "Barrage d'Arzal" "N4729,900" "W00223,017" "Barrage Rance" "BRRGRN" "Barrage Rance" "N4837,100" "W00201,333" "Becherel" "BECHRL" "Centre Ville" "N4817,783" "W00156,650" "Becon les Granit" "BCNLSG" "Centre Ville" "N4730,050" "W00048,067" "Besle" "BESLE" "Centre Ville" "N4741,717" "W00152,567" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,383" "E00025,167" "Bressuire" "BRESSR" "Gare SNCF" "N4650,283" "W00029,750" "Briec" "BRIEC" "Centre Ville" "N4806,183" "W00400,033" "Broons" "BROONS" "Centre Ville" "N4819,100" "W00215,633" "Bruz" "BRUZ" "Centre Ville" "N4801,633" "W00144,783" "Callac" "CALLAC" "Centre Ville" "N4824,583" "W00326,000" "Campel" "CAMPEL" "Centre Ville" "N4756,217" "W00200,400" "Cande" "CANDE" "Centre Ville" "N4733,717" "W00102,217" "Carentoir" "CARNTR" "Centre Ville" "N4749,033" "W00208,067" "Carhaix" "CARHAX" "Centre Ville" "N4816,633" "W00334,300" "Carnac" "CARNAC" "Menhirs" "N4734,500" "W00304,800" "Caro" "CARO" "Centre Ville" "N4751,833" "W00219,383" "Caulnes" "CAULNS" "Centre Ville" "N4817,383" "W00209,183" "Celar" "CELAR" "Centre de Recherche" "N4759,500" "W00144,567" "Chalonnes/Loire" "CHLNNS" "Pont" "N4721,750" "W00043,117" "Champigne" "CHMPGN" "Centre Ville" "N4739,933" "W00033,750" "Chanteloup" "CHNTLP" "Centre Ville" "N4757,983" "W00136,900" "Chantonnay" "CHNTNN" "Gare SNCF" "N4641,483" "W00103,267" "Chartres de Bretagne" "CHRTRS" "Centre Ville" "N4802,367" "W00142,333" "Chateaubriant" "CHTBRN" "Chateau" "N4743,217" "W00122,517" "Chateau Gontier" "CHGNTR" "Centre Ville" "N4749,833" "W00042,417" "Chateaulin" "CHATLN" "Centre Ville" "N4811,783" "W00405,467" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHLVLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,083" "E00019,317" "Chateauneuf du Faou" "CHTNFD" "Centre Ville" "N4811,717" "W00349,233" "Chateau du Loir" "CHDULR" "Centre Ville" "N4741,283" "E00025,683" "Chatillon en Vendelais" "CHTLLN" "Centre Ville" "N4813,550" "W00110,600" "Chemille" "CHEMLL" "Centre Ville" "N4712,800" "W00043,583" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Pont" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Collinee" "COLLIN" "Centre Ville" "N4818,400" "W00231,833" "Combourg" "COMBRG" "Centre Ville" "N4825,067" "W00145,333" "Combree" "COMBRE" "Centre Ville" "N4742,550" "W00101,717" "Corlay" "CORLAY" "Centre Ville" "N4819,083" "W00303,483" "Craon" "CRAON" "Cente Ville" "N4750,817" "W00057,033" "Crevin" "CREVIN" "Centre Ville" "N4756,150" "W00139,750" "Deployat" "DEPLOT" "Chateau Depart" "N4759,733" "W00224,400" "Depneantsyve" "DPNNTS" "Centre Ville" "N4800,817" "W00219,800" "Derval" "DERVAL" "Centre Ville" "N4740,033" "W00140,267" "Douarnenez" "DORNNZ" "Centre" "N4805,817" "W00419,833" "Doue la Fontaine" "DLFNTN" "Centre Ville" "N4711,617" "W00016,083" "Durtal" "DURTAL" "Centre Ville" "N4740,233" "W00014,550" "Elven" "ELVEN" "Centre Ville" "N4744,133" "W00235,150" "Ercee" "ERCEE" "Centre Ville" "N4749,950" "W00133,450" "Ernee" "ERNEE" "Centre Ville" "N4817,883" "W00055,867" "Etang Chanin" "ETNGCH" "Etang Chanin" "N4743,900" "W00131,433" "Etang de Coron" "ETNGDC" "Etang de Coron" "N4812,967" "W00323,483" "Etglablisier" "ETGLBL" "Etang de La Blisiere" "N4742,133" "W00114,083" "Etang de la Taberge" "ETNGDL" "Etang de La Taberge" "N4744,050" "W00148,817" "Foret Pavee" "FORTPV" "Foret Pavee" "N4739,783" "W00122,967" "Fougeres" "FOUGRS" "Centre Ville" "N4821,233" "W00111,817" "Goven" "GOVEN" "Centre Ville" "N4800,350" "W00150,817" "Guemene Penfao" "GMNPNF" "Centre Ville" "N4737,817" "W00149,900" "Guer" "GUER" "Centre Ville" "N4754,267" "W00207,217" "Guerande" "GUERND" "Centre Ville" "N4719,883" "W00225,500" "Guichen" "GUICHN" "Centre Ville" "N4758,033" "W00147,750" "Guillier Chateau" "GLLRCH" "Chateau d'Eau" "N4801,583" "W00225,383" "Guingamp" "GUNGMP" "Centre Ville" "N4833,717" "W00308,833" "Hede" "HEDE" "Centre Ville" "N4817,633" "W00148,050" "Herbignac" "HRBGNC" "Centre Ville" "N4726,717" "W00219,283" "Ile aux Moines" "ILXMNS" "Ile Aux Moines" "N4735,533" "W00250,667" "Ile dArz" "ILEDRZ" "Ile D Arz" "N4735,583" "W00247,933" "Ile de Houat" "ILEDHT" "Ile de Houat" "N4723,317" "W00257,283" "Illifaut" "ILLIFT" "Centre Ville" "N4808,733" "W00220,950" "Irodouer" "IRODOR" "Centre Ville" "N4815,000" "W00156,933" "Josselin" "JOSSLN" "Centre Ville" "N4757,367" "W00232,900" "Jugon" "JUGON" "Centre Ville" "N4824,933" "W00219,800" "Kerlann" "KERLNN" "Depart/Arrivee Circuit des Aiglons" "N4803,033" "W00144,417" "La Couyere" "LACOUR" "Centre Ville" "N4753,500" "W00130,850" "La Croix Hellean" "LCRXHL" "Centre Ville" "N4757,500" "W00230,100" "La Croix Laurent" "LCRXLR" "Intersection D775/N171" "N4740,400" "W00128,950" "La Ferte Bernard" "LFRTBR" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,133" "E00038,400" "La Gacilly" "LAGCLL" "Centre Ville" "N4746,033" "W00207,767" "La Gravelle" "LGRVLL" "Peage" "N4805,050" "W00101,367" "La Guerche de Bretagne" "LGRCHD" "Centre Ville" "N4756,633" "W00113,833" "Lamballe" "LAMBLL" "Centre Ville" "N4828,100" "W00230,867" "Lameziere" "LAMEZR" "Centre" "N4813,117" "W00145,200" "La Noe Vermand" "LNVRMN" "Carriere Blanche" "N4801,300" "W00221,283" "Lanouee" "LANOUE" "Centre Ville" "N4800,133" "W00234,883" "La Roche Bernard" "LRCHBR" "Pont" "N4731,150" "W00217,933" "La Rochelle" "LRCHLL" "Vieux Port" "N4609,417" "W00109,050" "La Trinite Porhoet" "LTRNTP" "Centre Ville" "N4806,017" "W00232,600" "Le Grand Fougeray" "LGRNDF" "Centre Ville" "N4743,450" "W00143,883" "Le Lion dAnger" "LLNDNG" "Centre Ville" "N4737,833" "W00042,717" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "Gare SNCF" "N4738,467" "E00009,383" "Locmine" "LOCMIN" "Centre Ville" "N4753,317" "W00250,083" "Loheac" "LOHEAC" "Centre Ville" "N4752,000" "W00152,900" "Loire" "LOIRE" "Centre Ville" "N4736,850" "W00058,733" "Longue" "LONGUE" "Centre Ville" "N4722,967" "W00006,417" "Loudeac" "LOUDEC" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,867" "W00245,650" "Malensac" "MALNSC" "Centre" "N4740,267" "W00217,083" "Malestroit" "MLSTRT" "Centre Ville" "N4748,650" "W00223,033" "Martigne Ferchaud" "MRTGNF" "Centre Ville" "N4749,767" "W00119,083" "Mauron CV" "MARNCV" "Centre Ville" "N4804,900" "W00217,117" "Mauron Circuit" "MRNCRC" "Circuit Automobile Mauron" "N4804,200" "W00217,883" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,983" "W00036,600" "Maze" "MAZE" "Centre Ville" "N4727,383" "W00016,267" "Merdrignac" "MRDRGN" "Centre Ville" "N4811,650" "W00224,717" "Messac" "MESSAC" "Centre" "N4749,267" "W00149,467" "Mire" "MIRE" "Centre Ville" "N4745,317" "W00029,500" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Centre Ville" "N4647,100" "E00010,950" "Mohon" "MOHON" "Centre Ville" "N4803,133" "W00231,550" "Moisdon la Riviere" "MSDNLR" "Centreville" "N4737,317" "W00122,333" "Moncontour" "MNCNTR" "Centre Ville" "N4821,567" "W00237,933" "Montreuil Juigne" "MNTRLJ" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,817" "W00036,500" "Mt St Michel" "MTSTMC" "Archange" "N4838,183" "W00130,667" "Mur de Bretagne" "MRDBRT" "Centre Ville" "N4812,133" "W00259,233" "Muzillac" "MUZLLC" "Centre Ville" "N4733,317" "W00228,750" "Nozay" "NOZAY" "Centre Ville" "N4733,850" "W00137,550" "Orgeres" "ORGERS" "Centre Ville" "N4759,950" "W00140,083" "Paimpont" "PAMPNT" "Centre Ville" "N4801,133" "W00210,333" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "Gare SNCF" "N4638,850" "W00014,217" "Peumerit Quintin" "PMRTQN" "Centre Ville" "N4821,650" "W00316,333" "Pipriac" "PIPRIC" "Centre Ville" "N4748,517" "W00156,783" "Plelan Le Grand" "PLLNLG" "Centre Ville" "N4800,117" "W00205,983" "Plemet" "PLEMET" "Centre Ville" "N4810,850" "W00235,533" "Plesse" "PLESSE" "Centre Ville" "N4732,517" "W00153,167" "Pleyben" "PLEYBN" "Centre Ville" "N4813,500" "W00358,050" "Ploermel CV" "PLRMLC" "Centre Ville" "N4755,833" "W00224,050" "Ploermel Echangeur" "PLRMLC" "Echangeur Ploermel Est" "N4755,100" "W00223,200" "Plumelec" "PLUMLC" "Centre Ville" "N4750,300" "W00238,317" "Pointe du Raz" "PNTDRZ" "Point du Raz" "N4802,383" "W00444,333" "Pont de Ce" "PONTDC" "Pont Angers" "N4725,267" "W00031,433" "Pontivy" "PONTIV" "Centre Ville" "N4804,200" "W00258,117" "Pontorson" "PNTRSN" "Centre Ville" "N4833,483" "W00130,483" "Pont Pean" "PONTPN" "2eme point de virage CircuitdesAiglons" "N4800,617" "W00142,450" "Pont Rean" "PONTRN" "1er Point de Virage Circuit desAiglons" "N4800,133" "W00146,517" "Questembert" "QSTMBR" "Centre Ville" "N4739,733" "W00227,067" "Quintin" "QUINTN" "Centre Ville" "N4824,333" "W00254,667" "Redon" "REDON" "Centre Ville" "N4739,283" "W00204,767" "Reminiac" "REMINC" "Centre Ville" "N4751,633" "W00213,850" "Renaze" "RENAZE" "Centre Ville" "N4747,750" "W00103,033" "Reservoir de Vioreau" "RSRVRD" "Reservoir de Vioreau" "N4731,500" "W00125,400" "Retiers" "RETIRS" "Centre Ville" "N4754,933" "W00122,767" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,917" "E00019,150" "Rohan" "ROHAN" "Centre Ville" "N4804,183" "W00245,133" "Rostrenen" "RSTRNN" "Centre Ville" "N4814,217" "W00318,917" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "Gare SNCF" "N4750,467" "W00020,467" "Sarzeau" "SARZEA" "Centre Ville" "N4731,617" "W00245,767" "Saulnieres" "SALNRS" "Centre Ville" "N4754,900" "W00135,300" "Saumur" "SAUMUR" "Pont" "N4715,750" "W00004,133" "Secondigny" "SCNDGN" "Centre Ville" "N4636,717" "W00025,117" "Segre" "SEGRE" "Gare SNCF" "N4740,750" "W00051,933" "Sens de Bretagne" "SNSDBR" "Centre Ville" "N4819,950" "W00132,100" "Serent" "SERENT" "Centre Ville" "N4749,233" "W00230,333" "Silfiac" "SILFIC" "Centre Ville" "N4809,033" "W00309,433" "Sille le Guillaume" "SLLLGL" "Chateau" "N4810,917" "W00006,983" "St Allouestre" "STLLST" "Intersection N24/D11" "N4755,167" "W00243,200" "St Calais" "STCALS" "Centre Ville" "N4755,283" "E00044,817" "St Gildas de Rhuys" "STGLDS" "Centre Ville" "N4729,867" "W00250,017" "St Gildas des Bois" "STGILD" "Centre Ville" "N4730,933" "W00202,350" "St Hilare du Harcoet" "STHLRD" "Centre Ville" "N4834,650" "W00105,533" "St Jean de Brevelay" "STJNDB" "Centre" "N4750,783" "W00243,267" "St Julien de Vouvantes" "STJLND" "Centre Ville" "N4738,483" "W00114,450" "St Maixent lEcole" "STMXNT" "Centre Ville" "N4624,767" "W00012,250" "St Malo Intramuros" "STMLNT" "Intra Muros" "N4838,900" "W00201,583" "St Mars la Jaille" "STMRSL" "Centre Ville" "N4731,383" "W00111,067" "St Meen le Grande" "STMNLG" "Centre Ville" "N4811,300" "W00211,250" "St Sauveur de Flee" "STSVRD" "Centre Ville" "N4745,800" "W00048,533" "Surzur" "SURZUR" "Centre Ville" "N4734,700" "W00237,717" "Teillay" "TEILLA" "Centre Ville" "N4748,467" "W00132,267" "Trefeuntec" "TRFNTC" "_" "N4810,567" "W00417,333" "Treffieux" "TREFFX" "Centre Ville" "N4737,167" "W00132,250" "Uzel" "UZEL" "Centre Ville" "N4817,150" "W00251,183" "Vaiges" "VAIGES" "Centre Ville" "N4802,450" "W00028,533" "Vannes" "VANNES" "Port Centre Ville" "N4739,350" "W00245,617" "Vern dAnjou" "VRNDNJ" "Centre Ville" "N4736,067" "W00050,100" "Vihers" "VIHERS" "Centre Ville" "N4708,817" "W00032,050" "Villepot" "VILLPT" "Centre Ville" "N4746,633" "W00116,633" "Vitre" "VITRE" "Centre Ville" "N4807,633" "W00112,683"