;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Brenham, Texas + ; + ; Region 10 South, 2009 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Bob De Leon + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 14 May 2009 at 08:07 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "AandA Flying Service" "N2932.183" "W09515.850" "Aero Bee Ranch" "N3052.767" "W09825.017" "Ag" "N2903.250" "W09557.750" "Ainsworth" "N3018.767" "W09501.617" "Alexander Ranch" "N3016.317" "W09807.017" "Alison" "N2949.883" "W09753.350" "Anchorage Farm" "N3000.567" "W09645.567" "Anxiety" "N3202.267" "W09631.900" "Apache Pass" "N3044.100" "W09708.600" "Austinia" "N2925.050" "W09459.900" "Aviasud" "N2929.183" "W09555.850" "BB" "N2921.417" "W09527.567" "Bailey" "N2913.233" "W09752.300" "Bakers Place" "N3019.817" "W09727.533" "Ball" "N2853.267" "W09701.267" "Bamberger Ranch" "N3013.017" "W09826.017" "Bar 16" "N3149.467" "W09646.700" "Bar 3 Ranch" "N3039.750" "W09737.350" "Bar S Ranch" "N3008.600" "W09651.367" "Barge Ranch" "N3105.517" "W09727.617" "Barnstormer" "N3201.283" "W09715.217" "Bat Cave" "N2940.317" "W09818.267" "Bayless" "N2924.150" "W09525.917" "Bear Creek Ranch" "N2948.517" "W09816.350" "Berry" "N3127.217" "W09745.083" "Big Brown Creek" "N3149.867" "W09603.133" "Big Dukes Place" "N2831.817" "W09631.650" "Biggin Hill" "N3007.100" "W09551.600" "Birchfield Ranch" "N3115.967" "W09825.433" "Blanco Landing" "N3007.350" "W09822.483" "Bleakley Ranch" "N3013.517" "W09808.517" "Bowers" "N2927.117" "W09551.933" "Boyd" "N3134.517" "W09718.067" "Brandes" "N2948.550" "W09615.900" "Breakaway Park" "N3031.083" "W09746.833" "Bridle Ridge" "N3025.083" "W09604.767" "Britts Crosswind" "N3043.483" "W09751.717" "Bruner" "N3123.417" "W09528.400" "Burris Ranch" "N2853.267" "W09803.017" "Byram Ranch" "N3013.450" "W09817.317" "Byrt" "N3155.317" "W09615.900" "C F C Aviation Ranch" "N3040.567" "W09801.050" "Calaway" "N2905.017" "W09630.017" "Camp Longhorn" "N3044.483" "W09822.717" "Canyon Lake" "N2954.950" "W09814.850" "Card" "N2847.350" "W09745.800" "Cardiff Brothers" "N2943.767" "W09550.983" "Carter Ranch" "N3134.017" "W09546.000" "Chan C" "N3028.767" "W09719.150" "Charping" "N3111.617" "W09724.433" "CherrySprayingServic" "N2949.783" "W09705.950" "Cibolo Sea Willo" "N2925.750" "W09807.900" "Circle P Ranch" "N2906.167" "W09813.000" "Cleveland" "N2918.017" "W09811.017" "Clover Lake Farms" "N2914.017" "W09528.600" "Corpora" "N3048.983" "W09636.067" "Cougar Landing" "N3138.517" "W09718.867" "Creasy" "N2920.167" "W09506.917" "Cross Triangle Ranch" "N3000.633" "W09825.517" "Cross B" "N2919.250" "W09822.217" "Cross CountryEstates" "N3037.500" "W09734.367" "Crosswinds" "N3025.983" "W09724.750" "Cunningham" "N2940.533" "W09800.767" "Cut and Shoot" "N3019.017" "W09520.017" "Danz Ranch" "N3016.817" "W09825.583" "Dean Ranch" "N2929.417" "W09707.317" "Dean Ranch2" "N2953.917" "W09824.183" "Deer Meadow Ranch" "N3200.800" "W09555.700" "Deer Pasture" "N3055.583" "W09814.183" "Deiterich Ranch" "N3045.200" "W09808.800" "Del Valle" "N3010.067" "W09735.567" "Diamond N Ranch" "N3003.450" "W09548.767" "Diamondaire" "N3136.500" "W09709.767" "Dibrell" "N3126.633" "W09516.533" "Dillard Ranch" "N3118.300" "W09547.800" "Dobbs Ranch" "N2905.883" "W09657.317" "Double U Ranch" "N2955.350" "W09828.850" "Dry Branch Ranch" "N2950.400" "W09601.400" "Dry Creek" "N2959.183" "W09541.133" "Dryden" "N3015.633" "W09737.517" "Eagle" "N2858.933" "W09534.783" "Ehni" "N3055.417" "W09517.617" "El Paisano2" "N3002.017" "W09641.083" "ElginIntracontinentl" "N3020.267" "W09721.017" "Elm Creek" "N2930.317" "W09759.817" "Estates" "N3032.250" "W09526.183" "Fair Weather" "N2956.250" "W09602.367" "Faust Farm" "N3016.367" "W09621.300" "Fenner Ranch" "N2911.600" "W09641.350" "Fentress" "N2946.100" "W09746.517" "Fieldss Field" "N3005.533" "W09539.100" "Fisher Ranch" "N3056.983" "W09747.800" "Flattop Ridge" "N3049.383" "W09806.650" "Flying K" "N3050.283" "W09757.017" "Flying Armadillo" "N3008.100" "W09708.583" "Flying C Ranch2" "N2923.083" "W09540.983" "Flying G H Ranch" "N3014.717" "W09704.967" "Flying H Ranch" "N3039.583" "W09754.667" "Flying Heart Ranch" "N3130.133" "W09704.850" "Flying J" "N2944.233" "W09822.733" "Flying R Ranch" "N2947.967" "W09805.100" "Flying S Ranch" "N3121.217" "W09512.350" "Flying X River Ranch" "N3031.017" "W09810.450" "Fox" "N2940.067" "W09811.933" "Frels" "N2910.750" "W09619.367" "Galaxy Ranch" "N2921.650" "W09637.350" "Garnett Ranch" "N3005.767" "W09809.767" "Garrett Ranch" "N2917.233" "W09521.583" "Gay Hill Farm" "N3015.767" "W09630.017" "Gdap Air Ranch" "N3028.817" "W09532.400" "Gerum Farm" "N2923.517" "W09711.083" "Gizmo" "N3155.767" "W09656.333" "Glad Oaks" "N3201.017" "W09542.017" "Glaser" "N3054.517" "W09707.017" "Gottwald" "N2940.017" "W09730.017" "Granite Shoals" "N3035.367" "W09822.217" "Green Acres" "N2958.483" "W09549.083" "Green Lake Ranch" "N2835.017" "W09651.267" "Green" "N3035.767" "W09740.167" "Griffin" "N3049.283" "W09804.833" "Grosser" "N2946.517" "W09834.683" "Grove/Ranch" "N3114.983" "W09731.367" "H and S" "N2919.867" "W09542.283" "H M Ranch" "N2935.933" "W09810.267" "Hahns" "N2856.933" "W09632.983" "Harmony" "N2917.767" "W09822.767" "Harris Ranch" "N3013.183" "W09818.150" "Havelka Haven" "N3127.917" "W09724.283" "Hawken Air One" "N3019.100" "W09718.133" "Hawkeye Hunting Club" "N3146.017" "W09707.767" "Heathrow" "N3126.350" "W09708.817" "Hensley Ranch" "N3042.550" "W09654.117" "Herbert Ranch" "N3028.883" "W09816.867" "Heritage Ranch" "N2939.267" "W09549.767" "Heritage" "N2926.667" "W09806.767" "Hess" "N3003.117" "W09613.100" "Hilde Griff" "N3043.333" "W09747.483" "Hilltop Ranch" "N2939.517" "W09808.267" "Hoffpauir" "N2948.350" "W09545.183" "Holict" "N3125.617" "W09658.783" "Hoopes Ranch" "N3041.817" "W09733.600" "Horseshoe Bay" "N3031.617" "W09821.533" "Hound Run" "N2931.300" "W09656.217" "Houston" "N2931.183" "W09516.517" "Hub" "N3125.783" "W09607.817" "J D Ranch" "N2922.483" "W09517.433" "Jim Roach" "N3000.933" "W09744.233" "Jo Na Acres" "N2945.517" "W09554.517" "John B Connally Rc" "N2908.150" "W09816.583" "Johnnie Volk" "N2921.617" "W09500.600" "Jordan Ranch" "N3046.750" "W09547.833" "Joseph Ross Scherdin" "N2904.867" "W09522.967" "Joye Ranch" "N2914.500" "W09737.783" "Kami Kazi" "N2925.250" "W09509.550" "Keller Ranch" "N3013.833" "W09828.517" "Ken Ada Ranch" "N3007.850" "W09554.017" "Kennedy Ranch" "N3008.250" "W09831.517" "Keno" "N3045.317" "W09748.000" "Keyes Ranch" "N3017.367" "W09810.433" "Kings Ranch" "N3102.700" "W09802.567" "Kitty Hawk Flying" "N2937.517" "W09816.683" "Knape" "N2913.233" "W09518.650" "Knapp Pecan Orchard" "N3158.450" "W09640.700" "Kubecka" "N2846.033" "W09618.417" "KubeckaFlyingService" "N2858.850" "W09637.317" "Laas Farm" "N2954.767" "W09559.650" "Lackorn" "N2932.350" "W09750.100" "Lake Bay Gall" "N3026.517" "W09511.183" "Lake Bonanza" "N3019.983" "W09536.733" "Lake Whitney CC" "N3200.017" "W09725.017" "Lakeside Beach" "N3030.067" "W09808.817" "Landing" "N3150.133" "W09657.167" "Laseair" "N2926.733" "W09500.467" "Last Resort" "N3127.517" "W09517.767" "Lempa" "N2900.350" "W09718.700" "Lexington" "N3024.750" "W09658.000" "Liberty Hill" "N3117.683" "W09717.817" "Little Peach" "N3112.883" "W09725.600" "Live Oak Ranch" "N3011.233" "W09626.000" "Lochridge Ranch" "N3159.367" "W09557.067" "Longbird" "N2944.900" "W09606.883" "M Y Ranch" "N3119.667" "W09534.383" "Macho Grande" "N3032.350" "W09725.133" "Marios Flying Pizza" "N2944.867" "W09617.567" "Marmack" "N3020.533" "W09539.683" "MassimilianoMemorial" "N2921.333" "W09539.833" "McCreless Farm" "N2922.267" "W09813.900" "Mcfarlin Ranch" "N3041.683" "W09801.967" "Meyer" "N2921.483" "W09538.117" "Midlake" "N2916.100" "W09820.217" "Mikeska" "N2952.433" "W09600.267" "Miles" "N3118.783" "W09613.233" "Minard Pegasus" "N2919.917" "W09516.567" "Mockingbird Hill" "N3127.917" "W09728.517" "Moltz" "N2941.267" "W09759.767" "Moore HX Ranch" "N3147.667" "W09612.483" "Morris Lazy K Ranch" "N3115.683" "W09612.983" "Moursund Ranch" "N3022.683" "W09822.567" "Norris Raun Ranch" "N2911.767" "W09629.517" "North Cedar" "N3116.633" "W09458.433" "Ohho" "N3016.200" "W09806.500" "Old Forker" "N2919.133" "W09505.150" "Old Kingsbury" "N2938.050" "W09748.700" "PT EnterpriseDandWRc" "N3139.483" "W09624.683" "Pearson Rc Private" "N2921.517" "W09708.683" "Pegasus Place" "N3034.017" "W09749.767" "Peterson" "N2906.483" "W09546.650" "Pfeffer + Son Farms" "N2955.783" "W09557.850" "Phillips Corporation" "N2909.050" "W09529.717" "Piano Ranch" "N2941.700" "W09709.800" "Pierce" "N2827.517" "W09617.517" "Pippen York Ranch" "N3005.483" "W09821.883" "Pocock" "N3143.933" "W09722.133" "Polly Ranch" "N2930.283" "W09510.533" "Port OConnor Private" "N2825.783" "W09626.667" "Porter Ranch" "N2841.400" "W09745.617" "Propwash" "N3024.267" "W09521.583" "PurdyNielsenMemorial" "N2928.267" "W09553.183" "Pyramid Ranch" "N3151.767" "W09611.850" "RMR Ranch" "N3116.317" "W09626.350" "Rab Ranch" "N3047.617" "W09754.067" "Rabb and Nobra" "N3000.200" "W09634.867" "Rabbit Run" "N3127.283" "W09715.017" "Rainbow" "N3154.017" "W09636.017" "Rainbow2" "N3137.433" "W09659.550" "Rancho Verde" "N3017.000" "W09626.850" "Rebel" "N2923.933" "W09504.717" "Reimers" "N2942.967" "W09635.483" "Renz Ranch" "N2943.167" "W09618.567" "Restoration Ranch" "N2959.600" "W09802.600" "Rick" "N3151.817" "W09722.850" "Rocking A" "N3201.233" "W09719.867" "Rocky Top Ranch" "N3007.817" "W09824.550" "Rodgers Roost" "N2917.267" "W09620.983" "Rutherford Ranch" "N3004.667" "W09757.933" "Saints" "N2933.150" "W09806.183" "Salaika" "N2914.433" "W09520.683" "Scott" "N3135.817" "W09719.800" "Seidel Ranch" "N3008.867" "W09739.767" "Shanks Ag" "N2919.467" "W09601.250" "Shirley Williams" "N3041.017" "W09825.017" "Shoreline Ranch" "N3025.717" "W09758.233" "Simaron Ranch" "N3008.900" "W09558.017" "Sky Lane Ranch" "N3015.417" "W09619.717" "Skyhaven" "N2950.017" "W09508.917" "Slaughter Ranch" "N3036.767" "W09817.850" "Smith" "N2903.183" "W09615.733" "Smith2" "N3125.100" "W09707.550" "Someday Ranch" "N2948.217" "W09741.467" "Songbird Ranch" "N2922.050" "W09520.433" "Sport Flyers" "N2950.283" "W09556.967" "Square K" "N3146.350" "W09707.933" "Stampede Valley" "N3111.183" "W09723.433" "Stapleton" "N3152.517" "W09704.017" "Stovall Ranch Nr 1" "N2912.017" "W09633.267" "Sybert Farm" "N3047.350" "W09739.300" "Tanners" "N2834.183" "W09637.783" "Tatum Ranch" "N3006.850" "W09827.683" "TexasA+MFlightTstSt." "N3038.017" "W09629.017" "ThunderbirdSouthwest" "N2954.100" "W09647.950" "Tick Hill" "N3118.583" "W09729.083" "Tigerbird" "N3140.767" "W09714.433" "Toy" "N2919.967" "W09520.050" "Tradewind Ag" "N2909.767" "W09613.517" "Traylor Tick Farm" "N2958.350" "W09618.433" "Tri Modal" "N3035.517" "W09743.350" "Trull" "N2844.350" "W09613.150" "Ullrich" "N3005.517" "W09647.700" "Varisco" "N3039.367" "W09632.300" "W C Ranch" "N3128.600" "W09538.100" "W D Cornilius Ranch" "N2857.017" "W09603.600" "W J E" "N3147.017" "W09553.850" "Wales" "N3135.667" "W09722.250" "West" "N3145.150" "W09705.900" "WhatleyFlyingService" "N2828.683" "W09645.717" "White" "N3059.933" "W09745.350" "White Wing Ranch" "N2938.250" "W09558.133" "White Wings" "N3000.683" "W09802.433" "Whites" "N2851.100" "W09629.850" "Winn Ranch" "N2958.017" "W09807.017" "Wolfe" "N3054.683" "W09710.283" "Womack Farm" "N3144.850" "W09714.767" "Wood Crest Ranch" "N3102.500" "W09612.100" "Wood Triple D" "N3022.750" "W09711.683" "Woods Nr 2" "N2947.617" "W09555.517" "Woods" "N2946.900" "W09554.883" "Woody McClellan Rc" "N3114.300" "W09730.850" "Worrell" "N3110.683" "W09804.383" "Wyatt" "N2957.600" "W09759.117" "Yates" "N2937.267" "W09827.350" "Zuehl" "N2929.733" "W09809.467" "Camp Bullis Als" "N2944.683" "W09832.233" "Hood AAF" "N3108.317" "W09742.867" "Longhorn Aux Landing" "N3122.267" "W09740.017" "Randolph AFB" "N2931.783" "W09816.733" "Randolph AFB Aux" "N2933.950" "W09754.500" "Robert Gray AAF" "N3104.033" "W09749.733" "Shorthorn AuxLanding" "N3121.517" "W09740.267" "Alvin" "N2924.933" "W09517.350" "Austin Executive" "N3023.800" "W09734.033" "Austin Bergstrom" "N3011.667" "W09740.200" "Bailes" "N2910.000" "W09524.050" "Bay City" "N2858.400" "W09551.800" "Brazoria County" "N2906.517" "W09527.733" "Bulverde" "N2944.350" "W09827.067" "BurnetMunKateCraddck" "N3044.333" "W09814.317" "CDavidCampbellCorscn" "N3201.683" "W09624.033" "Calhoun County" "N2839.200" "W09640.967" "Carter" "N2943.700" "W09739.567" "City County" "N3125.283" "W09747.817" "Clifton MunIsenhower" "N3149.017" "W09734.017" "Coulter" "N3042.950" "W09619.883" "Covey Trails" "N2941.400" "W09550.383" "Cuero" "N2905.017" "W09716.017" "Dan Jones" "N3002.567" "W09540.033" "David Wayne Hooks" "N3003.717" "W09533.167" "DraughonMllrCntrlTxs" "N3109.150" "W09724.467" "Easterwood" "N3035.317" "W09621.833" "Ellington" "N2936.433" "W09509.533" "FehmelDustingService" "N2857.150" "W09558.417" "Flyin Tiger" "N2915.900" "W09524.750" "Flyin B" "N2932.267" "W09525.433" "GrgBshntrcntnntlHstn" "N2959.067" "W09520.483" "Georgetown" "N3040.733" "W09740.767" "Glen Beicker Ranch" "N2931.767" "W09747.300" "GoliadCountyIndustrl" "N2836.500" "W09736.567" "GrovetonTrinityCount" "N3105.100" "W09509.850" "Happy" "N2930.300" "W09554.000" "Hillsboro" "N3205.017" "W09705.833" "Houston County" "N3118.417" "W09524.233" "Houston Executive" "N2948.300" "W09553.867" "Houston Southwest" "N2930.367" "W09528.617" "Huber Civic Club LLC" "N2936.150" "W09759.433" "Huntsville" "N3044.817" "W09535.233" "Jackson County" "N2900.067" "W09634.917" "Karnes County" "N2849.500" "W09751.933" "Kestrel" "N2948.700" "W09825.567" "Kittie Hill" "N3036.133" "W09749.133" "La Porte" "N2940.150" "W09503.850" "Lackey" "N2915.967" "W09600.467" "LagoVistaTXRustyAlln" "N3029.917" "W09758.167" "Lk Whitney StatePark" "N3155.517" "W09721.883" "Lakeway" "N3021.450" "W09759.667" "Lampasas" "N3106.367" "W09811.750" "Lane" "N2931.467" "W09546.517" "Lesikar Ranch" "N2931.017" "W09650.667" "Lone Star Executive" "N3021.150" "W09524.867" "McGregor Executive" "N3129.100" "W09719.000" "Mexia Limestone Co" "N3138.383" "W09630.883" "New Braunfels" "N2942.267" "W09802.533" "New Gulf" "N2916.567" "W09553.317" "Palacios" "N2843.650" "W09615.050" "Palestine" "N3146.783" "W09542.383" "Pearland" "N2931.283" "W09514.533" "Sack OGrandeAcroport" "N2954.767" "W09549.600" "San Antonio" "N2932.017" "W09828.183" "San Marcos" "N2953.567" "W09751.783" "Skydive Houston" "N2959.600" "W09555.817" "Skylark" "N3105.150" "W09741.183" "Skyway Manor" "N2933.350" "W09519.683" "Spicewood" "N3028.683" "W09807.267" "Sugar Land" "N2937.333" "W09539.400" "Sunrise Beach" "N3035.933" "W09824.517" "TSTC Waco" "N3138.267" "W09704.450" "Teague" "N3139.683" "W09618.600" "Twin Oaks" "N2934.217" "W09828.100" "Valley Mills" "N3137.267" "W09725.767" "Victoria" "N2851.150" "W09655.117" "Waco" "N3136.683" "W09713.833" "Weiser" "N2956.117" "W09538.383" "West Houston" "N2949.100" "W09540.350" "Westheimer" "N2941.683" "W09547.683" "Wildcat Canyon" "N3140.733" "W09721.767" "William P Hobby" "N2938.733" "W09516.733" "Williams" "N3009.200" "W09519.317" "WingsFrChrstFlghtcdm" "N3137.433" "W09701.350" "Wolfe2" "N2928.800" "W09519.633"