Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial Brandon, Manitoba Control Points

Contest: 1998 Canadian National Soaring Contest

Courtesy of Jim Oke and Charles Yeates
Via Susan Snell
Dated: 16 June, 1998
Magnetic Variation: 6.2E
Time zone: Canada/Central, Summer offset from GMT is -5:00 and in Winter it is -6:00.

The waypoint data are available directly at

Information about the 1998 Nationals is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes [3 decimal digits]

Please note: This is a preliminary TP list only pending ground checking of several remaining points. GPS Flight Verification users are advised to confirm all TP co-ords prior to contest use.

Thumbnail images of the turnpoints are available in a zip file.
Version 2010 - all filenames end in "0"


Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.

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User assumes all risk of use.

Use is subject to these conditions.


  NumberName          Codes         Links          Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation     ID    ICAO 
                                                   °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '           M               ID   

    Brandon Airfield   HFA   a,g,V,v,N,o,G       49 54 33 N   99 56 42 W  or  49 54.550 N   99 56.700 W     1342    A   CYBR       VOR Antenna                        Airport terminal building                                             
    Chater             SA    a,g,V,o,G           49 54 09 N   99 47 54 W  or  49 54.150 N   99 47.900 W             B              Runway intersection to S           Old Hanger                              11       100                  
    Hwy 1 Bridge       S     a,g,V,o,G           49 52 09 N  100 05 57 W  or  49 52.150 N  100 05.950 W             C              TransCanada Hwy Bridge             Lookout tower to E                      12       254                  
    Power plant        S     a,g,V,o,G           49 50 42 N   99 53 21 W  or  49 50.700 N   99 53.350 W             D              Powerplant chimmney                Rail bridge                            8.2       157                  
 1  Antler             T     a,g,V,o,G           49 34 48 N  101 27 42 W  or  49 34.800 N  101 27.700 W             1              Hwy 3 road intersection to NW      Grain elevator                         115       258                  

 2  Austin             T     a,g,V,o,G           49 57 00 N   98 57 00 W  or  49 57.000 N   98 57.000 W             2              Hwy 34 railway crossing            Grain elevators                         71        92                  
 3  Boissevain         T     a,g,V,o,G           49 13 18 N  100 03 30 W  or  49 13.300 N  100 03.500 W             3              Hwy 10 road intersection           Grain elevators                         77       192                  
 4  Carberry           T     a,g,V,o,G           49 52 54 N   99 21 42 W  or  49 52.900 N   99 21.700 W             4              Road intersection to N             Grain elevators                         42       100                  
 5  Cartwright         T     a,g,V,o,G           49 05 18 N   99 20 42 W  or  49 05.300 N   99 20.700 W             5              Hwy 3 & 5 intersection to SW       Grain elevators                        101       161                  
 6  Crystal City       T     a,g,V,o,G           49 08 42 N   98 57 36 W  or  49 08.700 N   98 57.600 W             6              Round reservoir W of town          Grain elevators                        111       146                  

 7  Deloraine          T     a,g,V,o,G           49 10 36 N  100 31 42 W  or  49 10.600 N  100 31.700 W             7              Hwy 3 & 21 intersection to SW      Grain elevators                         92       214                  
 8  Erickson           T     a,g,V,o,G           50 30 06 N   99 54 42 W  or  50 30.100 N   99 54.700 W             8              Community centre                   Lagoons to S                            66         8                  
 9  Gainsborough       T     a,g,V,o,G           49 10 42 N  101 26 12 W  or  49 10.700 N  101 26.200 W             9              Hwy 3 road intersection to E       Arena                                  135       240                  
10  Gladstone          T     a,g,V,o,G           50 14 00 N   98 57 00 W  or  50 14.000 N   98 57.000 W             10             Hwy 16 & 34 intersection to S      Grain elevators                         80        69                  
11  Glenboro           T     a,g,V,o,G           49 33 48 N   99 16 48 W  or  49 33.800 N   99 16.800 W             11             Hwy 2 & 5 intersection to NE       Grain elevators                         61       135                  

12  Griswold           T     a,g,V,o,G           49 47 00 N  100 27 42 W  or  49 47.000 N  100 27.700 W             12             Hwy 1 & 21 intersection to NE      Village                                 40       256                  
13  Hamiota            T     a,g,V,o,G           50 10 48 N  100 35 36 W  or  50 10.800 N  100 35.600 W             13             Arena                              Settling ponds to S                     55       309                  
14  Hartney            T     a,g,V,o,G           49 28 30 N  100 31 48 W  or  49 28.500 N  100 31.800 W             14             Hwy 21 railroad crossing           Grain elevators                         64       227                  
15  Holland            T     a,g,V,o,G           49 35 48 N   98 53 30 W  or  49 35.800 N   98 53.500 W             15             Railroad crossing to W             Grain elevators                         83       120                  
16  Killarney          T     a,g,V,o,G           49 10 36 N   99 40 12 W  or  49 10.600 N   99 40.200 W             16             Bridge in tip of lake              Grain elevators                         84       172                  

17  Kirkella           T     a,g,V,o,G           50 02 00 N  101 21 18 W  or  50 02.000 N  101 21.300 W             17             Hwy 1 & Hwy intersection to W      Grain elevators                        102       285                  
18  Manitou            T     a,g,V,o,G           49 14 06 N   98 32 42 W  or  49 14.100 N   98 32.700 W             18             Hwy 3 road intersection to SW      Grain elevators                        126       132                  
19  Mariapolis         T     a,g,V,o,G           49 21 54 N   99 00 00 W  or  49 21.900 N   99 00.000 W             19             Hwy 23 turnoff to W                Church                                  91       137                  
20  Melita             T     a,g,V,o,G           49 16 00 N  100 59 06 W  or  49 16.000 N  100 59.100 W             20             Hwy 3 & 83 intersection to SE      Grain elevators                        104       233                  
21  Miniota            T     a,g,V,o,G           50 09 06 N  101 02 00 W  or  50 09.100 N  101 02.000 W             21             Hwy 83 road intersection to N      Village                                 82       296                  

22  Minnedosa          T     a,g,V,o,G           50 14 54 N   99 50 30 W  or  50 14.900 N   99 50.500 W             22             Large school                       Sports track to N                       38        17                  
23  Neepawa            T     a,g,V,o,G           50 14 12 N   99 28 36 W  or  50 14.200 N   99 28.600 W             23             Hwy 5 railway crossing to NW       Sports track to S                       49        49                  
24  Ninette            T     a,g,V,o,G           49 24 06 N   99 37 48 W  or  49 24.100 N   99 37.800 W             24             Railway crossing                   Bridges to E                            61       164                  
25  Notre Dame         T     a,g,V,o,G           49 32 00 N   98 34 00 W  or  49 32.000 N   98 34.000 W             25             PR 245 & 244 intersection to E     Hospital at W of town                  108       119                  
26  Oakburn            T     a,g,V,o,G           50 34 12 N  100 34 48 W  or  50 34.200 N  100 34.800 W             26             Hwy 45 & PR 586 intersection to N  Settling ponds to S                     86       335                  

27  Pipestone          T     a,g,V,o,G           49 33 48 N  100 56 48 W  or  49 33.800 N  100 56.800 W             27             Hwy 2 turnoff to N                 Grain elevators                         82       248                  
28  Rapid City         T     a,g,V,o,G           50 07 24 N  100 02 18 W  or  50 07.400 N  100 02.300 W             28             Bridge in town                     Former racetrack                        25       351                  
29  Russell            T     a,g,V,o,G           50 46 30 N  101 17 24 W  or  50 46.500 N  101 17.400 W             29             Hwy 16 & 83 intersection           Grain elevators                        136       322                  
30  Souris Airfield    TA    a,g,V,v,N,o,G       49 37 18 N  100 11 24 W  or  49 37.300 N  100 11.400 W             30  JX5        Hwy 2 road intersection to SE      Clubhouse and hangers                   36       215                  
31  St. Lazare         T     a,g,V,o,G           50 26 54 N  101 16 42 W  or  50 26.900 N  101 16.700 W             31             Railway crossing                   Rail bridges to W                      112       309                  

32  Virden             TA    a,g,V,o,G           49 51 24 N  100 55 00 W  or  49 51.400 N  100 55.000 W             32             Bend in airport road               Old hanger                              70       272                  
33  Wawanesa           T     a,g,V,o,G           49 35 36 N   99 41 24 W  or  49 35.600 N   99 41.400 W             33             Abandoned railroad bridge          Road bridge to NE                       40       159                  

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