Brandon, Manitoba 1998 Canadian National Soaring Contest Contributed courtesy of Jim Oke and Charles Yeates Via Susan Snell Last updated on Friday, 7 July, 2000 at 21:54 MST >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO A Brandon Airfield 49 54.550 N 99 56.700 W BRN BRNDN BRNDNF BrandonF BrandonAF Brandon AF Brandon AF CYBR B Chater 49 54.150 N 99 47.900 W CHT CHATR CHATER Chater Chater Chater Chater C Hwy 1 Bridge 49 52.150 N 100 5.950 W HWY HWY1B HWY1BR Hwy1Brdg Hwy1Bridg Hwy1Bridge Hwy 1 Bridge D Power plant 49 50.700 N 99 53.350 W PWR PWR.P PWR.PL Pwr.plnt Pwr.plant Pwr. plant Power plant 1 Antler 49 34.800 N 101 27.700 W ANT ANTLR ANTLER Antler Antler Antler Antler 2 Austin 49 57.000 N 98 57.000 W AST AUSTN AUSTIN Austin Austin Austin Austin 3 Boissevain 49 13.300 N 100 3.500 W BSS BSSVN BOSSVN Boissevn Boissevan Boissevain Boissevain 4 Carberry 49 52.900 N 99 21.700 W CRB CRBRR CRBRRY Carberry Carberry Carberry Carberry 5 Cartwright 49 5.300 N 99 20.700 W CRT CRTWR CRTWRG Crtwrght Cartwrght Cartwright Cartwright 6 Crystal City 49 8.700 N 98 57.600 W CRY CRYST CRYSTL Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal City 7 Deloraine 49 10.600 N 100 31.700 W DLR DELRN DELORN Delorain Deloraine Deloraine Deloraine 8 Erickson 50 30.100 N 99 54.700 W ERC ERCKS ERCKSN Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson 9 Gainsborough 49 10.700 N 101 26.200 W GNS GNSBR GNSBRG Gansbrgh Gainsbrgh Gainsborgh Gainsborough 10 Gladstone 50 14.000 N 98 57.000 W GLD GLDST GLDSTN Gladston Gladstone Gladstone Gladstone 11 Glenboro 49 33.800 N 99 16.800 W GLN GLNBR GLENBR Glenboro Glenboro Glenboro Glenboro 12 Griswold 49 47.000 N 100 27.700 W GRS GRSWL GRSWLD Griswold Griswold Griswold Griswold 13 Hamiota 50 10.800 N 100 35.600 W HMT HAMIT HAMIOT Hamiota Hamiota Hamiota Hamiota 14 Hartney 49 28.500 N 100 31.800 W HRT HRTNY HARTNY Hartney Hartney Hartney Hartney 15 Holland 49 35.800 N 98 53.500 W HLL HLLND HOLLND Holland Holland Holland Holland 16 Killarney 49 10.600 N 99 40.200 W KLL KLLRN KLLRNY Killarny Killarney Killarney Killarney 17 Kirkella 50 2.000 N 101 21.300 W KRK KRKLL KIRKLL Kirkella Kirkella Kirkella Kirkella 18 Manitou 49 14.100 N 98 32.700 W MNT MANIT MANITO Manitou Manitou Manitou Manitou 19 Mariapolis 49 21.900 N 99 0.000 W MRP MRPLS MARPLS Mariapls Mariapols Mariapolis Mariapolis 20 Melita 49 16.000 N 100 59.100 W MLT MELIT MELITA Melita Melita Melita Melita 21 Miniota 50 9.100 N 101 2.000 W MIN MINIT MINIOT Miniota Miniota Miniota Miniota 22 Minnedosa 50 14.900 N 99 50.500 W MNN MNNDS MINNDS Minnedos Minnedosa Minnedosa Minnedosa 23 Neepawa 50 14.200 N 99 28.600 W NPW NEEPW NEEPAW Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa Neepawa 24 Ninette 49 24.100 N 99 37.800 W NNT NINTT NINETT Ninette Ninette Ninette Ninette 25 Notre Dame 49 32.000 N 98 34.000 W NTR NTRDM NOTRDM NotreDam NotreDame Notre Dame Notre Dame 26 Oakburn 50 34.200 N 100 34.800 W OKB OKBRN OAKBRN Oakburn Oakburn Oakburn Oakburn 27 Pipestone 49 33.800 N 100 56.800 W PPS PPSTN PIPSTN Pipeston Pipestone Pipestone Pipestone 28 Rapid City 50 7.400 N 100 2.300 W RPD RAPID RAPID Rapid Rapid Rapid City Rapid City 29 Russell 50 46.500 N 101 17.400 W RSS RSSLL RUSSLL Russell Russell Russell Russell 30 Souris Airfield 49 37.300 N 100 11.400 W SRS SORSF SOURSF SourisAF Souris AF Souris AF Souris AF JX5 31 St. Lazare 50 26.900 N 101 16.700 W STL STLZR STLAZR StLazare St Lazare St Lazare St Lazare 32 Virden 49 51.400 N 100 55.000 W VRD VIRDN VIRDEN Virden Virden Virden Virden 33 Wawanesa 49 35.600 N 99 41.400 W WWN WAWNS WAWANS Wawanesa Wawanesa Wawanesa Wawanesa