Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Unofficial Coordinates for the Boulder, Colorado [  within 250 sm  ] Control Points

Courtesy of John Seaborn ( planned(at) )
Dated: 17 March, 2004

Updated: 29 March, 2005

Magnetic Variation: 12E
Time zone: US/Mountain, summer offset from GMT is -6:00 and in winter it is -7:00.

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes

Derived from Version 0540 of the Colorado Regional Collection

Please send updates and suggestions directly to John Seaborn

Contributions made by Christine Jaszlics, Ivan Jaszlics, Bill Hoadley, Rod Smythe, Colin Barry, Richard Hall, Tom Serkowski, Dave Leonard, Pedga Bogdanovich, Rob Patterson, Stewart Kissel, and Mark Terry.

See also the local Boulder collection with waypoints out to 100 sm,
the local Owl Canyon collection with waypoints out to 100 sm,
the extended Owl Canyon collection with waypoints out to 250 sm,
the local Kelly Airpark collection with waypoints out to 100 sm,
the extended Kelly Airpark collection with waypoints out to 250 sm,
as well as the collection to the south to Moriarty, NM, and
the collection to the east to Albert Lea, MN, and
the entire Colorado Regional collection.


Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.

Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct
information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees,
expressed or implied.
User assumes all risk of use.

"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
Airspace System are for the use of the owner only or with the
permission of the owner only. Other users are not authorized
and should not be attempting to land at private use airports."

Use is subject to these conditions.


  ID  NumberName            Codes               Links                Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation   ICAO    Frequency  R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                                     °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet       ID                                  Feet                             

   2  8U Rch          LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 47 29 N  105 17 38 W  or  40 47.477 N  105 17.638 W     5900             E-W 24G               52         8                                                                             
   3  AA Rch          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 30 N  106 33 27 W  or  41 09.498 N  106 33.452 W     7780     WY11    Nw/Se 22.8           104       330       122.8                   NW/SE               5700         50  A        
   4  Aardvark        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 02 08 N  104 50 38 W  or  39 02.138 N  104 50.629 W     6696             Usaf Aux              72       176                                                                             
   9  Adelaide        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 33 44 N  105 04 15 W  or  38 33.727 N  105 04.242 W     8000             Turnpoint            102       187                                                                             
  12  Ag Air          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 35 45 N  102 49 02 W  or  41 35.749 N  102 49.029 W     3651     NE19    10/28 20T            166        61       122.7                   10/28               2000         75  T        

  13  Agate           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 27 42 N  103 56 31 W  or  39 27.700 N  103 56.520 W     5499             Town                  79       132                                                                             
  16  AirSpryrs       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 06 00 N  102 13 02 W  or  38 06.001 N  102 13.028 W     3610     CO73    18/36 35T            210       141                               18/36               3500        100  T        
  17  Airstrip?       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 24 00 N  109 30 00 W  or  39 24.000 N  109 30.000 W     7600             Unknown ??           231       272                                                                             
  21  Akron Wsh       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 10 32 N  103 13 19 W  or  40 10.538 N  103 13.322 W     4689      AKO    11/29 22.8           106        96       122.8                   11/29               7000        100  A        
  24  AlbanyTwn       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 11 10 N  106 08 04 W  or  41 11.170 N  106 08.070 W     8600             Town                  92       341                                                                             

  32  Allen           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 04 18 N  101 39 48 W  or  41 04.300 N  101 39.794 W     3405     4NE5    N/S 26T              200        80       121.275                 N/S                 2600         50  T        
  33  Allenspark      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 11 34 N  105 31 48 W  or  40 11.561 N  105 31.796 W     8700             Town                  19       315                                                                             
  34  Alliance        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 03 12 N  102 48 13 W  or  42 03.195 N  102 48.223 W     3931      AIA    08/26 62a            188        53       123.0                   12/30               9202        150  A        
  37  Ambrosich       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 13 04 N  104 40 49 W  or  39 13.066 N  104 40.816 W     7000     4CO7    17/35 25T             64       165                               17/35               2500         60  T        
  41  Angel Fire      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 25 19 N  105 17 24 W  or  36 25.320 N  105 17.393 W     8380      AXX    35/17 080            250       193       122.8                   17/35               8900        100  A        

  42  Animas          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 12 11 N  107 52 09 W  or  37 12.191 N  107 52.152 W     6684      00C    01/19 22.8           242       229       122.8                   1/19                5010         50  A        
  46  Antero Jct      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 55 12 N  105 57 38 W  or  38 55.199 N  105 57.625 W     9236             Intersection          87       219                                                                             
  47  Antero Mt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 40 26 N  106 14 48 W  or  38 40.433 N  106 14.801 W    14269             MT Peak              109       222                                                                             
  48  Antonito        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 04 44 N  106 00 32 W  or  37 04.740 N  106 00.540 W     7799             Town                 209       204                                                                             
  49  Arambel Rc?     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 55 19 N  108 04 34 W  or  40 55.310 N  108 04.570 W     6050             Hay??                162       305                                                                             

  51  Arboles?        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 00 05 N  107 25 22 W  or  37 00.080 N  107 25.370 W     6110             22.9 18/36?          241       222       122.9                                                                 
  52  Arlington?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 32 58 N  106 07 15 W  or  41 32.960 N  106 07.245 W     7747             Ranch?               114       348                                                                             
  53  Arriba          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 17 04 N  103 16 31 W  or  39 17.060 N  103 16.510 W     5200             Town                 116       128                                                                             
  54  Arrow B Rc      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 42 15 N  101 25 17 W  or  38 42.251 N  101 25.276 W     3430     SN86    17/35 26T            223       125                               17/35               2600         60  T        
  55  Arthur          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 33 42 N  101 42 41 W  or  41 33.700 N  101 42.683 W     3646      38V    06/24 22.9           212        71       122.9                   6/24                2700        200  T        

  57  Aspen           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 13 23 N  106 52 08 W  or  39 13.390 N  106 52.130 W     7820      ASE    118.85 120.4         104       250       118.85                  15/33               7006        100  A        
  58  Aspen Gldr      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 15 36 N  106 54 44 W  or  39 15.599 N  106 54.735 W     8440     CO03    2/20 D               105       252                               2/20                2500         50  D        
  59  Athanasiou?     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 51 15 N  105 28 17 W  or  39 51.249 N  105 28.283 W     8900                                   18       238                                                               200  T        
  61  AtwdRwlns       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 50 24 N  101 02 31 W  or  39 50.408 N  101 02.522 W     2991      ADT    03/21 24T            222       104       122.7                   16/34               5001         75  A        
  63  Augilar         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 24 15 N  104 39 18 W  or  37 24.258 N  104 39.305 W     6250             Town                 185       182                                                                             

  64  Ault?           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 38 30 N  104 37 00 W  or  40 38.500 N  104 37.000 W     4990             Unknown ??            53        49                                                                             
  66  AWOS 18.07      WT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 28 18 N  106 09 05 W  or  39 28.300 N  106 09.090 W    13200             118.075 Copm          63       244       118.075                                                               
  67  AWOS 18.82      WTA    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 01 51 N  105 13 33 W  or  40 01.853 N  105 13.554 W     5288      1V5    118.825 BLDR         0.6       192       118.825                 8/26                4100         75  A        
  68  AWOS 19.92      WT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 30 26 N  105 10 08 W  or  37 30.430 N  105 10.140 W    10216             119.925 Lvta         175       191       119.925                                                               
  69  AWOS 20.02      WTA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 25 02 N  105 06 20 W  or  38 25.038 N  105 06.341 W     5278      1V6    120.025 WLFC         112       189       120.025                 11/29               5399         75  A        

  70  AWOS 21.12      WT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 27 31 N  106 48 10 W  or  37 27.520 N  106 48.160 W    11760             121.125 Monp         198       218       121.125                                                               
  71  AWOS 24.17      WT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 56 28 N  105 35 29 W  or  39 56.463 N  105 35.489 W     9696             124.175 Niwtr         21       263       124.175                                                               
  72  AWOS 34.17      WT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 00 00 N  105 35 28 W  or  40 00.000 N  105 35.469 W     9682             134.175 Eldos         20       274       134.175                                                               
  73  AWOS 34.37      WTPA   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 12 36 N  104 38 14 W  or  39 12.606 N  104 38.229 W     7050     CO15    134.375 Kelly         65       163       134.375                 17/35               3800         24  A        
  78  Baca Grande     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 57 51 N  105 46 40 W  or  37 57.850 N  105 46.670 W     7700             X-Unfrndly           146       204                                                                             

  79  Badger Flat?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 03 23 N  105 27 44 W  or  39 03.384 N  105 27.734 W     8809             Unknown ??            69       203                                                                             
  80  Bailey?         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 24 22 N  105 28 27 W  or  39 24.360 N  105 28.450 W     7750             No Land!              46       209                                                                             
  82  Bakers Acres    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 15 00 N  101 06 02 W  or  40 15.000 N  101 06.026 W     2950     5NE6                         218        97                               NW/SE               2000         80  T        
  85  Bar J Lazy V    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 22 N  103 23 55 W  or  41 09.366 N  103 23.913 W     4580     5NE0    14/32 27T            123        63       118.075                 14/32               2700        120  T        
  86  Barber          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 46 22 N  108 02 39 W  or  38 46.366 N  108 02.654 W     5050     CO89    17/35 26T            174       253                               17/35               2600         50  T        

  87  BarkerRes       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 57 55 N  105 28 45 W  or  39 57.912 N  105 28.746 W     8276             Barker Res            14       261                                                                             
  88  Bartmess        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 45 40 N  101 10 51 W  or  40 45.667 N  101 10.843 W     3150     29NE                         219        88                               NW/SE               2400         60  T        
  89  Base            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 23 05 N  105 46 13 W  or  38 23.090 N  105 46.210 W     7001             Grass                118       206                                                                             
  94  BearPk          T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 57 17 N  105 17 45 W  or  39 57.289 N  105 17.748 W     7704             Bear Peak            6.9       224                                                                             
  95  BearsEarsPk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 46 38 N  107 14 57 W  or  40 46.641 N  107 14.957 W    10446             MT Peak              118       308                                                                             

  98  Beaugh          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 20 26 N  104 34 24 W  or  40 20.433 N  104 34.400 W     4770     9CO7    17/35 26G             40        71       135.175                 17/35               2600         33  G        
 100  Beebe           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 26 51 N  100 47 34 W  or  40 26.850 N  100 47.559 W     2860     62NE    N/S 36T              235        94                               N/S                 3630         90  T        
 102  Bellamy Frm     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 07 44 N  101 43 00 W  or  39 07.734 N  101 42.994 W     3650     27KS    13/31 30T            197       119                               13/31               3000        150  T        
 107  BellmoreFms     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 42 15 N  104 47 52 W  or  40 42.249 N  104 47.865 W     5197     1CO3    14/32 30G             51        38       135.175                 18/36               5000         50  G        
 112  Bergen Pk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 41 38 N  105 20 07 W  or  39 41.636 N  105 20.120 W     8000             Turnpoint             25       206                                                                             

 114  Berthound       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 18 22 N  105 04 57 W  or  40 18.364 N  105 04.946 W     5025             Town                  20        34                                                                             
 116  Beulah          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 04 37 N  104 58 36 W  or  38 04.620 N  104 58.600 W     6800             Intersection         136       186                                                                             
 117  Bierstadt Mt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 34 58 N  105 40 07 W  or  39 34.966 N  105 40.117 W    14060             MT Peak               39       229                                                                             
 120  Bijou Basin     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 54 30 N  104 07 34 W  or  39 54.499 N  104 07.564 W     4885     CD17    08/26 22D             59       110                               8/26                2200         30  D        
 122  Black           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 49 33 N  101 21 46 W  or  39 49.550 N  101 21.760 W     3345     5KS9    17/35 26T            205       105                               17/35               2625         40  T        

 124  Blackhall Mt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 01 58 N  106 41 04 W  or  41 01.961 N  106 41.065 W    10935             MT Peak              103       324                                                                             
 125  BlackHawk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 48 18 N  105 29 24 W  or  39 48.300 N  105 29.400 W     9000             Casinos               21       233                                                                             
 127  Blake           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 47 06 N  108 03 48 W  or  38 47.100 N  108 03.800 W     5150      1V9    03/21 22.8           174       253       122.8                   3/21                5600         75  A        
 128  Blanca          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 24 40 N  105 33 06 W  or  37 24.667 N  105 33.101 W     7720      05V    03/21 22.9           182       198       122.9                   3/21                6150         52  D        
 129  Blanca Peak     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 34 38 N  105 29 07 W  or  37 34.640 N  105 29.120 W    14345             MT Peak              171       197                                                                             

 133  BldrHosp        T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 01 20 N  105 17 37 W  or  40 01.335 N  105 17.610 W     5500             BLDR Hosp            3.8       264                                                                             
 134  BldrRes         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 03 59 N  105 13 45 W  or  40 03.982 N  105 13.751 W     5170             BLDR Res             1.9         7                                                                             
 144  Bogner          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 07 00 N  103 22 02 W  or  43 06.998 N  103 22.029 W     3660     SD71    E/W 12T              233        36                               NW/SE               2500        100  T        
 145  Bogner No2      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 06 37 N  103 13 49 W  or  43 06.615 N  103 13.812 W     3500     1SD6    17/35 18T            236        37                               17/35               1800        200  T        
 148  Bonny           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 38 13 N  102 10 46 W  or  39 38.216 N  102 10.761 W     3755     CO25    15/33 35T            164       111                               15/33               3500        300  T        

 153  Boulder         HSFTA  Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 02 22 N  105 13 33 W  or  40 02.366 N  105 13.549 W     5288      1V5    08/26 22.7                               122.7                   8/26                4100         75  A        
 155  Bowen Fms       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 33 00 N  105 02 02 W  or  39 32.999 N  105 02.032 W     5449     CO98    Grass                 35       175                               E/W                 1800         50  T        
 156  Breckenridg?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 30 36 N  106 03 02 W  or  39 30.607 N  106 03.032 W     9383             16/34 61D?            57       242                                                                             
 158  Bressler        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 44 33 N  101 33 21 W  or  39 44.550 N  101 33.343 W     3489      5K0    08/26 22.9           196       107       122.9                   8/26                3460         70  T        
 161  Bridger Peak    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 11 11 N  107 01 55 W  or  41 11.183 N  107 01.919 W    10949             MT Peak              124       322                                                                             

 163  Briggsdale      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 37 56 N  104 19 45 W  or  40 37.926 N  104 19.751 W     4870             Twn/Fields            63        61                                                                             
 164  Bristol Head    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 47 35 N  107 03 19 W  or  37 47.590 N  107 03.310 W    12707             Sheer Cliff          184       225                                                                             
 168  Bross Mt        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 20 07 N  106 06 27 W  or  39 20.116 N  106 06.451 W    14172             MT Peak               68       236                                                                             
 171  Brush           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 15 50 N  103 34 52 W  or  40 15.832 N  103 34.863 W     4280      7V5    7/25 22.8             88        91       122.8                   7/25                4300         60  A        
 172  Brush Hollow    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 26 44 N  105 03 15 W  or  38 26.740 N  105 03.250 W     5600             Road Bend            110       187                                                                             

 173  BuckHrnRch      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 51 07 N  106 55 58 W  or  38 51.116 N  106 55.969 W     8887     0CO2    11/29 22.8           123       241       122.8                   11/29               4000         40  A        
 174  Buckingham      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 36 39 N  103 57 50 W  or  40 36.650 N  103 57.833 W     4860             Hwy14                 77        71                                                                             
 175  Buckley AFB     YT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 42 36 N  104 45 29 W  or  39 42.599 N  104 45.482 W     5662      BKF    14/32 110a            34       144       119.025                 14/32              11000        150  A        
 177  Buena Vista     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 48 49 N  106 07 13 W  or  38 48.818 N  106 07.225 W     7936      7V1    15/33 122.8           97       222       122.8                   15/33               8300         75  A        
 178  Buffalo Ck      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 23 13 N  105 16 32 W  or  39 23.224 N  105 16.539 W     6728             Town                  45       195                                                                             

 179  Buffalo Crk S   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 19 57 N  105 16 25 W  or  39 19.953 N  105 16.422 W     9000             Turnpoint             49       195                                                                             
 180  Buffalo Prk?    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 23 03 N  106 36 59 W  or  40 23.050 N  106 36.980 W     9500             Meadow??              77       300                                                                             
 181  Bullseye        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 45 28 N  104 18 30 W  or  38 45.466 N  104 18.498 W     6037     CO90    17/35 21.95a         101       163       121.95                  17/35               3500         75  A        
 186  Burnham         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 46 53 N  104 55 03 W  or  40 46.882 N  104 55.048 W     5615     6CO1    08/26 40T             54        29                               8/26                4000        100  T        
 188  Bursch          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 35 28 N  101 35 34 W  or  39 35.466 N  101 35.560 W     3650     4KS8    12/30 30T            195       110                               12/30               3000        100  T        

 189  Bushnell        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 13 46 N  103 53 33 W  or  41 13.767 N  103 53.550 W     4950             Turnpoint            108        52                                                                             
 190  Bussen          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 54 19 N  101 47 02 W  or  38 54.317 N  101 47.027 W     3475     6KS4    14/32 30T            200       124                               14/32               3003         88  T        
 192  Butler          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 06 21 N  104 12 27 W  or  41 06.349 N  104 12.447 W     5295     WY19    E/W 41T               91        48                               E/W                 4100        200  T        
 193  ButtonRkRes     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 13 00 N  105 21 54 W  or  40 13.000 N  105 21.900 W     7000             Dam                   14       341                                                                             
 194  Butts AFB E     YT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 40 42 N  104 45 23 W  or  38 40.700 N  104 45.390 W     5820      FCS    04/22 125.5           97       177       125.5                   13/31               4574         75  A        

 197  CablesCnrs      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 08 N  104 08 06 W  or  38 50.139 N  104 08.108 W     6150     22CO    17/35 25T            102       157                               17/35               2500         30  T        
 198  Calhan          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 02 52 N  104 17 32 W  or  39 02.866 N  104 17.531 W     6450      5V4    17/35 22.725          85       156       122.725                 17/35               4565         50  T        
 202  Cameron Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 20 49 N  106 07 07 W  or  39 20.816 N  106 07.118 W    14238             MT Peak               67       237                                                                             
 203  Camp Gue        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 15 35 N  104 43 42 W  or  42 15.577 N  104 43.697 W     4400      7V6    14/32 22.7           156        21       122.7                   14/32               5500         75  A        
 204  Camron Pass     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 31 14 N  105 53 32 W  or  40 31.238 N  105 53.531 W    10274             MT Pass               48       326                                                                             

 206  Canyon View     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 49 30 N  104 31 02 W  or  41 49.498 N  104 31.031 W     4564     WY28    09/27 27T            129        28                               9/27                2700         90  T        
 208  Capitol Pk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 09 01 N  107 04 59 W  or  39 09.016 N  107 04.986 W    14130             MT Peak              116       251                                                                             
 209  Carbondale      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 23 20 N  107 09 36 W  or  39 23.332 N  107 09.603 W     6871     4CO0    04/22 32T            112       259                               4/22                3165        100  T        
 210  Carr            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 53 07 N  104 52 38 W  or  40 53.117 N  104 52.633 W     5750             Sendmainstrt          61        29                                                                             
 211  Carrera         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 13 00 N  104 57 02 W  or  40 12.999 N  104 57.032 W     4965     93CO    08/26 29G             19        62       135.075                 8/26                2900         60  G        

 213  Carter Lk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 19 43 N  105 13 21 W  or  40 19.713 N  105 13.345 W     5698             Carter Lake           20        13                                                                             
 214  Carter Lk Hill  T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 20 01 N  105 16 55 W  or  40 20.024 N  105 16.916 W     7662             Hill NR Carter        21         4                                                                             
 215  Cartwheel       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 12 30 N  105 00 47 W  or  40 12.499 N  105 00.782 W     5010     0CO8    17/35 20D             16        56       118.825                 17/35               2000         30  D        
 216  Cass            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 37 20 N  104 20 40 W  or  40 37.332 N  104 20.664 W     4830     00CO    16/34 39T             61        61       135.175                 16/34               3900         20  T        
 217  Castle Lake?    LTPA   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 54 51 N  107 21 12 W  or  37 54.850 N  107 21.200 W     9292     CD32    Unknown ??           186       231                               4/22                3200         50  G        

 218  Castle Pk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 00 35 N  106 51 41 W  or  39 00.583 N  106 51.686 W    14265             MT Peak              113       243                                                                             
 219  Castle Rock     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 22 48 N  104 51 40 W  or  39 22.800 N  104 51.667 W     6201             I-25 Int N            50       169                                                                             
 225  Cedar Ck Rc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 24 33 N  106 35 33 W  or  41 24.550 N  106 35.550 W     7760     96WY    04/22 15T            119       335       118.175                 4/22                1500         50  T        
 227  Centenial       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 17 54 N  106 08 24 W  or  41 17.900 N  106 08.400 W     9000             Town                  99       343                                                                             
 228  Centennial      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 34 12 N  104 50 57 W  or  39 34.208 N  104 50.958 W     5883      APA    10/28 20.3a           38       160       120.3                   17L/35R            10002        100  A        

 229  Central City    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 47 59 N  105 30 46 W  or  39 47.982 N  105 30.770 W     8611             Town                  22       235                                                                             
 231  Centro          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 17 02 N  106 08 51 W  or  37 17.030 N  106 08.850 W     7799             TWN Hwy Int          197       207                                                                             
 232  Chadron         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 50 15 N  103 05 43 W  or  42 50.253 N  103 05.725 W     3297      CDR    02/20 60a            223        41       122.8                   2/20                6001        100  C        
 233  Challangr Pk    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 58 59 N  105 36 30 W  or  37 58.981 N  105 36.501 W    14080             MT Peak              144       200                                                                             
 234  Chama?          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 52 00 N  106 34 02 W  or  36 52.001 N  106 34.035 W     8025     NM16    Ne/Sw 58T?           231       211                               NE/SW               5800        100  T        

 235  ChamaTwn        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 54 00 N  106 35 00 W  or  36 54.000 N  106 35.000 W     8050             Town                 229       211                                                                             
 238  Chaparral       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 27 52 N  104 15 27 W  or  39 27.860 N  104 15.450 W     5928     CO18    10K Tca Dirt          65       139                               17/35               4400         80  T        
 239  Chapman         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 40 36 N  106 33 24 W  or  37 40.600 N  106 33.400 W     8100     CD10    122.8                178       216       122.8                   6/24                3000         80  T        
 241  ChatPk          T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 59 55 N  105 16 49 W  or  39 59.916 N  105 16.821 W     5500             Chataquapk           4.0       238                                                                             
 242  Chenoweth       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 50 00 N  103 35 23 W  or  39 49.999 N  103 35.380 W     4697     0CO5    16/34 28T             88       111                               16/34               2800         20  T        

 243  Cheroke Trl     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 06 38 N  104 35 02 W  or  39 06.633 N  104 35.032 W     7380     2CO1    18/36 31T             73       164                               18/36               3100         30  T        
 245  Cheyen Co       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 45 40 N  101 47 45 W  or  39 45.663 N  101 47.750 W     3411      SYF    09/27 22.8           183       107       122.8                   13R/31L             3138         50  A        
 246  Cheyen Wells    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 49 00 N  102 18 22 W  or  38 49.000 N  102 18.361 W     4183     5CO0    04/22 22.9a          177       130       122.9                   4/22                2860         40  A        
 247  Cheyenne        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 21 N  104 48 43 W  or  41 09.343 N  104 48.710 W     6156      CYS    8/26 12/30 2          80        28       118.7                   8/26                9200        150  C        
 252  ChmbrlnBrthr    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 45 08 N  105 37 11 W  or  42 45.131 N  105 37.177 W     5237     WY66    08/26 36T            189         6                               8/26                3600         75  T        

 253  Christman       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 35 50 N  105 08 37 W  or  40 35.832 N  105 08.616 W     5160     CO55    16/34 40a             39        18       135.075                 16/34               4000         60  A        
 255  Chugwater       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 45 04 N  104 49 51 W  or  41 45.067 N  104 49.850 W     5500             Interstate/Rr        120        22                                                                             
 258  Cimarron        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 30 38 N  104 55 10 W  or  36 30.640 N  104 55.170 W     6499             Town                 244       188                                                                             
 259  Circle 8 Rc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 20 05 N  104 32 47 W  or  39 20.083 N  104 32.781 W     6650     CO42    08/26 23T             61       155                               8/26                2300         80  T        
 271  Clifford        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 34 30 N  107 57 32 W  or  38 34.499 N  107 57.537 W     5560     1CO4    17/35 33D            178       248                               17/35               3300        100  D        

 272  Climax Mine     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 22 16 N  106 11 04 W  or  39 22.270 N  106 11.060 W    11280             Mine                  69       240                                                                             
 275  Coalmont        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 33 43 N  106 26 45 W  or  40 33.722 N  106 26.744 W     8200             Old TWN               74       312                                                                             
 280  Colo Antique    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 07 21 N  105 10 21 W  or  40 07.350 N  105 10.350 W     5300     8CO7    Hard To See          6.4        38       118.825                 7/25                3400        150  T        
 281  ColoMinesPk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 47 40 N  105 45 50 W  or  39 47.674 N  105 45.839 W    12468             MT Peak               33       251                                                                             
 282  Colorado        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 52 28 N  104 24 36 W  or  38 52.466 N  104 24.598 W     6145      A50    8/26 17L/35R          92       163       122.9                   17R/35L             4500         42  A        

 283  ColoSpgsM       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 48 21 N  104 42 01 W  or  38 48.348 N  104 42.015 W     6184      COS    12/30 17L/35          90       174       122.95                  17L/35R            13500        150  C        
 284  ColoWyoLn?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 58 53 N  105 17 14 W  or  40 58.889 N  105 17.226 W     7500             Unknown ??            65         9                                                                             
 285  Columbia Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 54 14 N  106 17 51 W  or  38 54.233 N  106 17.851 W    14073             MT Peak               97       228                                                                             
 287  Combs?          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 10 N  104 27 52 W  or  39 07.166 N  104 27.865 W     6540             03/21 22.8?           75       159       122.8                                                                 
 290  Conifer         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 31 40 N  105 18 12 W  or  39 31.665 N  105 18.204 W     8320             Town                  36       199                                                                             

 292  Cont ResDam     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 53 00 N  107 12 18 W  or  37 53.000 N  107 12.300 W    10400                                  183       228                                                                             
 293  ConverseCnty    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 47 50 N  105 23 09 W  or  42 47.835 N  105 23.144 W     4929      DGW    05/23 48a            191        10       122.8                   11/29               6532        100  A        
 296  Coppersmith     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 55 15 N  101 17 51 W  or  40 55.250 N  101 17.843 W     3240     2NE6    18/36 26T            215        84                               18/36               2640         60  T        
 297  Cornelius       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 01 40 N  101 37 37 W  or  41 01.666 N  101 37.610 W     3379     4NE4    121.275              201        81       121.275                 NW/SE               2600         75  T        
 301  Corr            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 43 27 N  103 30 41 W  or  41 43.448 N  103 30.680 W     4000     25NE                         147        49                               8/26                2640        100  T        

 305  Costilla Dam    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 52 31 N  105 16 47 W  or  36 52.520 N  105 16.790 W     8999             Dam                  219       193                                                                             
 306  Costilla?       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 58 44 N  105 31 56 W  or  36 58.740 N  105 31.940 W     7799             Town 26T?            212       197                                                                             
 307  Cotters         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 24 07 N  105 13 48 W  or  38 24.110 N  105 13.800 W     6000             Buildings            113       192                                                                             
 308  Cottnwd Pass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 49 44 N  106 24 44 W  or  39 49.730 N  106 24.730 W    12126             MT Pass               65       269                                                                             
 309  Cottonwood      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 03 20 N  103 39 12 W  or  38 03.334 N  103 39.197 W     4180     09CO    09/27 33T            161       160                               9/27                3250         65  T        

 313  CR 159?         LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 56 28 N  107 58 24 W  or  40 56.461 N  107 58.399 W     6466             Ranch?               157       306                                                                             
 314  Craig           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 29 43 N  107 31 17 W  or  40 29.710 N  107 31.290 W     6193      CAG    7X25 122.8           125       297       122.8                   7/25                5600        100  A        
 316  Crawford        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 42 15 N  107 38 37 W  or  38 42.249 N  107 38.620 W     6470      99V    7/25 E/W 22.         159       247       122.8                   7/25                5000         25  G        
 318  Cress Field?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 11 37 N  105 33 38 W  or  38 11.619 N  105 33.633 W     7999             Unknown ??           129       200                                                                             
 320  Crestone        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 59 30 N  105 42 16 W  or  37 59.498 N  105 42.259 W     7782             Town                 144       202                                                                             

 321  CrestoneJunc    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 43 42 N  107 43 42 W  or  41 43.696 N  107 43.705 W     7074             I-80 Exit            175       325                                                                             
 322  CrestonePk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 58 00 N  105 35 05 W  or  37 58.000 N  105 35.080 W    14294             MT Peak              145       200                                                                             
 324  Cridler         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 54 N  107 50 00 W  or  38 50.899 N  107 50.004 W     6460     3CO1    05/23 26D            162       252                               5/23                2600         80  D        
 325  CrippleCreek    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 44 48 N  105 10 40 W  or  38 44.800 N  105 10.667 W     9500             Town                  89       190                                                                             
 327  Crop Air        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 30 45 N  104 39 07 W  or  40 30.749 N  104 39.114 W     4800     CO48    17/35 26D             45        55       135.175                 17/35               2640         50  D        

 329  Cross Mtn?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 27 16 N  108 23 44 W  or  40 27.260 N  108 23.740 W     5802             Hay??                170       293                                                                             
 330  Cross RcCtr?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 28 22 N  108 25 25 W  or  40 28.370 N  108 25.420 W     5657             Hay??                171       293                                                                             
 332  Crystal Lks?    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 51 06 N  105 37 59 W  or  40 51.099 N  105 37.983 W     8317     25CO    7/25 Rough            60       351                               7/25                4225         40  D        
 333  CU              T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 00 22 N  105 15 31 W  or  40 00.365 N  105 15.509 W     5300             3 NM Sua             2.9       229                                                                             
 336  Cuchara Pass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 19 36 N  105 04 15 W  or  37 19.600 N  105 04.250 W     9941             MT Pass              188       189                                                                             

 337  Cuchara Twn     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 22 45 N  105 06 06 W  or  37 22.743 N  105 06.099 W     8470             Town                 184       190                                                                             
 338  Cuchara Vly     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 31 26 N  105 00 33 W  or  37 31.429 N  105 00.556 W     7153      07V    06/24 22.9           174       188       122.9                   6/24                5798         60  A        
 339  Culebra Pk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 07 20 N  105 11 08 W  or  37 07.334 N  105 11.133 W    14047             MT Peak              202       191                                                                             
 340  Cullan          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 12 30 N  103 01 46 W  or  42 12.498 N  103 01.762 W     4210     8NE1    08/26 33T            188        49                               8/26                3300         92  T        
 348  D17 Hawkins     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 45 27 N  108 08 52 W  or  38 45.449 N  108 08.871 W     5000      D17    4/22 22.8            179       253       122.8                   4/22                4100         40  A        

 349  Dad             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 19 34 N  107 45 32 W  or  41 19.561 N  107 45.535 W     6550             Hwy And TWN          160       317                                                                             
 353  Dave NashRc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 45 35 N  105 23 02 W  or  38 45.583 N  105 23.033 W     8400     7CO1    10/28 39G             89       198                               10/28               3900         35  G        
 355  Daves           AT     Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 02 00 N  105 07 26 W  or  40 01.999 N  105 07.432 W     5170     0CO1    N/S 25T              5.4       106       118.825                 N/S                 2500         60  T        
 358  Davis Ranch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 11 15 N  101 47 22 W  or  42 11.249 N  101 47.360 W     3768     9NE3    02/20 29a            232        61                               2/20                2900         30  A        
 362  Decker Fms      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 42 25 N  103 21 06 W  or  39 42.416 N  103 21.096 W     5050     CO94    15/33 26D            102       114                               15/33               2600         50  D        

 363  Deckers         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 15 27 N  105 14 10 W  or  39 15.446 N  105 14.162 W     6720             Town                  54       193                                                                             
 364  Del Norte       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 42 49 N  106 21 18 W  or  37 42.817 N  106 21.292 W     7947      8V1    8/26 22.9            172       213       122.9                   8/26                3775         49  A        
 365  Delta?          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 46 00 N  108 03 57 W  or  38 46.000 N  108 03.950 W     5166             4340X75??            175       253                                                                             
 366  Democrat Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 20 23 N  106 08 24 W  or  39 20.383 N  106 08.401 W    14148             MT Peak               69       237                                                                             
 369  Denver Intl     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 51 30 N  104 40 01 W  or  39 51.504 N  104 40.020 W     5431      DEN    07/25 22.95           32       125       122.95                  16R/34L            16000        200  C        

 371  DespRd?         LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 31 06 N  105 36 26 W  or  37 31.100 N  105 36.429 W     7474             Ew Road??            175       199                                                                             
 372  Detour          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 50 37 N  100 39 10 W  or  40 50.617 N  100 39.159 W     3000     01NE    10/28 28T            247        88       122.8                   10/28               2750         50  T        
 373  Devils Head     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 15 36 N  105 06 03 W  or  39 15.600 N  105 06.050 W     9747             Fire Tower            54       185                                                                             
 374  DeWeseRsrvr     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 12 34 N  105 26 57 W  or  38 12.570 N  105 26.950 W     7678             Dam Spillway         127       197                                                                             
 375  Diamond Pks     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 31 17 N  105 54 40 W  or  40 31.290 N  105 54.670 W    11809             MT Peak               49       325                                                                             

 377  Dietrichs       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 19 57 N  104 33 59 W  or  39 19.949 N  104 33.982 W     6780     3CO7    17/35 25T             60       156                               17/35               2500         60  T        
 379  Dillon Res      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 37 43 N  106 04 01 W  or  39 37.720 N  106 04.010 W     8799             I70 Int               53       250                                                                             
 380  Dilts Ranch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 23 45 N  105 33 17 W  or  43 23.748 N  105 33.283 W     4800     WY01    06/24 26T            233         8                               6/24                2600         60  T        
 381  Dinosoar?       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 14 28 N  108 59 33 W  or  40 14.473 N  108 59.556 W     5894             Unknown ??           199       287                                                                             
 382  Divide          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 56 29 N  105 09 28 W  or  38 56.490 N  105 09.470 W     8999             Town                  76       189                                                                             

 383  Dixon           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 02 18 N  107 29 50 W  or  41 02.298 N  107 29.837 W     6520      9U4    6/24 22.9            138       313       122.9                   6/24                5500         75  A        
 385  Doctors Mesa    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 51 10 N  108 01 02 W  or  38 51.166 N  108 01.037 W     5680     6CO0    08/26 22.8           170       254       122.8                   8/26                6750        110  D        
 386  Dodson          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 44 00 N  102 03 02 W  or  40 44.000 N  102 03.028 W     3580     5NE9    N/S 26T              174        85       119.275                 N/S                 2600         60  T        
 395  DrakeTwn        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 25 42 N  105 20 19 W  or  40 25.706 N  105 20.314 W     6804             Town                  28       360                                                                             
 399  Dulce?          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 55 30 N  106 59 25 W  or  36 55.500 N  106 59.418 W     6819             15/33 22.9?          235       216       122.9                                                                 

 402  DurangoLaPl     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 09 05 N  107 45 14 W  or  37 09.091 N  107 45.226 W     6685      DRO    02/20 22.8           242       227       122.8                   2/20                9201        150  A        
 403  Dutch John      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 55 04 N  109 23 26 W  or  40 55.064 N  109 23.441 W     6561      33U    03/21 22.9           227       299       122.9                   11/29               6600         60  A        
 405  Eads            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 28 30 N  102 48 32 W  or  38 28.500 N  102 48.528 W     4245      9V7    17/35 22.9           169       141       122.9                   17/35               3860         60  A        
 406  Eagle Cnty      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 38 33 N  106 55 04 W  or  39 38.554 N  106 55.062 W     6535      EGE    07/25 22.9            94       266       122.9                   7/25                8000        150  A        
 409  Eagle Nest?     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 33 48 N  105 15 48 W  or  36 33.800 N  105 15.800 W     8400             Unknown ??           240       192                                                                             

 411  East Moore      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 40 14 N  104 08 10 W  or  39 40.232 N  104 08.164 W     5250     8CO4    18/36 26D             63       125                               18/36               2600         40  D        
 412  EastnVllyVw     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 19 50 N  104 36 32 W  or  40 19.832 N  104 36.531 W     4820      11V    08/26 40T             38        70       122.9                   8/26                4000         25  T        
 414  Eastside        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 55 18 N  106 33 37 W  or  36 55.301 N  106 33.619 W     8030     NM24    1/19 30P             227       211                               1/19                3000         45  A        
 415  EchoVly?        TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 24 43 N  106 53 52 W  or  40 24.710 N  106 53.860 W     7372             Old Rwy?              92       299                                                                             
 416  Eckley          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 07 10 N  102 29 30 W  or  40 07.168 N  102 29.505 W     3892             Town                 145        99                                                                             

 417  Eden Rch        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 11 N  107 51 57 W  or  38 50.182 N  107 51.954 W     6150     CO76    18/36 30D            164       252                               18/36               3000        100  D        
 418  Edgemont        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 17 43 N  103 50 37 W  or  43 17.715 N  103 50.612 W     3605      6V0    12/30 39a            236        29       122.9                   12/30               3900         60  A        
 419  Edinger Brg     TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 54 52 N  108 05 13 W  or  40 54.862 N  108 05.211 W     5990             Se Of Bridge         162       305                                                                             
 421  El Co           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 08 40 N  101 55 36 W  or  41 08.666 N  101 55.594 W     3650     9NE1    11/29 26T            189        77       121.275                 11/29               2600         50  T        
 423  El Vado?        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 37 24 N  106 43 00 W  or  36 37.400 N  106 43.000 W     7300             Unknown ??           249       211                                                                             

 424  Elbert Mt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 04 N  106 26 43 W  or  39 07.066 N  106 26.718 W    14433             MT Peak               91       238                                                                             
 425  Eld Ski         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 56 11 N  105 35 26 W  or  39 56.180 N  105 35.440 W     8999             Ski Area              21       262                                                                             
 427  EldoTwrs        T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 54 55 N  105 17 32 W  or  39 54.910 N  105 17.538 W     7769             Edrdo TWRS           9.3       214                                                                             
 428  Eleven MiRes    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 54 25 N  105 28 46 W  or  38 54.420 N  105 28.765 W     8799             Dam                   79       202                                                                             
 430  Elizabeth       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 21 31 N  104 35 40 W  or  39 21.520 N  104 35.667 W     6499             School                58       156                                                                             

 431  Elk Mtn         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 37 59 N  106 31 35 W  or  41 37.987 N  106 31.585 W    11078             MT Peak              129       341                                                                             
 433  Ellis           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 01 19 N  106 25 28 W  or  42 01.314 N  106 25.468 W     6576     WY17    08/26 31T            151       348                               8/26                3100         75  T        
 438  Ensenada        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 43 50 N  106 29 42 W  or  36 43.834 N  106 29.702 W     7640     NM48    07/25 50T            239       209                               7/25                5000        200  T        
 440  Eolus Mt        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 37 29 N  107 36 56 W  or  37 37.490 N  107 36.939 W    14083             Mt Peak              211       230                                                                             
 442  Escheman?       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 22 02 N  105 26 30 W  or  37 22.034 N  105 26.500 W     7874             Unknown ??           185       196                                                                             

 445  Estes Prk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 23 05 N  105 31 18 W  or  40 23.088 N  105 31.295 W     7200             Town                  29       339                                                                             
 447  EstPtl          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 54 05 N  105 38 46 W  or  39 54.084 N  105 38.760 W     9765             Moffat TNL            24       259                                                                             
 449  Evans           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 15 32 N  105 35 21 W  or  41 15.532 N  105 35.349 W     7225             06/24 27T             86       359                                                                             
 450  Evans Mt        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 35 19 N  105 38 36 W  or  39 35.317 N  105 38.600 W    14264             MT Peak               38       228                                                                             
 451  Evans Rch       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 13 26 N  100 56 05 W  or  41 13.433 N  100 56.076 W     2895     34NE    N/S 26T              239        81                               N/S                 2640         40  T        

 454  EverGreen       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 37 54 N  105 18 37 W  or  39 37.892 N  105 18.617 W     7120             Town/Lake             29       201                                                                             
 455  Everitt         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 31 45 N  104 39 29 W  or  39 31.749 N  104 39.482 W     6295     1CO8    04/22 22T             46       151       119.025                 4/22                2200         60  T        
 462  Fairplay Twn    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 13 28 N  105 59 54 W  or  39 13.467 N  105 59.898 W     9832             Town                  70       228                                                                             
 463  Fairplay?       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 10 48 N  105 58 30 W  or  39 10.800 N  105 58.500 W     9800             S Of Pit ??           72       226                                                                             
 468  Fat Chance      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 06 22 N  104 32 38 W  or  39 06.367 N  104 32.633 W     7100     36CO    17/35 30G             74       162                               17/35               3000         60  G        

 469  Federal         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 16 15 N  105 07 00 W  or  41 16.250 N  105 07.000 W     6499             Town                  85        16                                                                             
 470  Fehringer       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 02 20 N  102 57 10 W  or  41 02.333 N  102 57.162 W     4300     NE34    17/35 23T            138        71                               17/35               2300         65  T        
 471  Fields Drt      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 28 02 N  105 01 50 W  or  39 28.040 N  105 01.833 W     5900             Fields?               41       177                                                                             
 472  Fields Lnd      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 35 53 N  107 49 15 W  or  37 35.883 N  107 49.253 W     9000             W Of Hwy550          219       232                                                                             
 474  Finley?         LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 46 12 N  106 07 18 W  or  37 46.199 N  106 07.293 W     7646             Unknown ??           164       209                                                                             

 476  Flagler Spry    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 16 48 N  103 04 00 W  or  39 16.799 N  103 03.996 W     4944     CO00    122.8                126       126       122.8                   17/35               2620         20  A        
 477  Flat Top Mtn    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 00 49 N  107 05 03 W  or  40 00.820 N  107 05.056 W    12346             MT Peak               98       282                                                                             
 478  FldsNrGunsn?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 25 42 N  106 31 48 W  or  38 25.706 N  106 31.800 W     8500             Fields ??            131       225                                                                             
 480  Florsnt?        TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 53 06 N  105 16 42 W  or  38 53.100 N  105 16.700 W     8700             NS/EW D??             80       194                                                                             
 481  Flying Lazy D   ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 09 48 N  104 31 58 W  or  39 09.796 N  104 31.967 W     6910     CO49    17/35 30T             71       160                               17/35               3000         75  T        

 482  Flying M + M    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 13 10 N  108 12 47 W  or  38 13.166 N  108 12.788 W     8000     0CO6                         204       245                               2/20                4500        150  T        
 483  Flying MRch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 29 17 N  107 40 27 W  or  38 29.282 N  107 40.453 W     7200     39CO    09/27 25a            169       243                               9/27                2500         25  A        
 485  Flying SRch     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 30 25 N  106 39 27 W  or  41 30.417 N  106 39.450 W     7560             08/26 22.8           126       336       122.8                                                                 
 486  Flying T        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 23 05 N  103 25 52 W  or  43 23.082 N  103 25.862 W     3675     SD68    22.8                 249        33       122.8                   NW/SE               3300         80  T        
 489  Flying W II     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 53 08 N  107 48 16 W  or  38 53.133 N  107 48.270 W     7105     51CO    01/19 T              159       253                               1/19                2600        100  T        

 490  Flying W Rc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 51 45 N  107 49 17 W  or  38 51.749 N  107 49.287 W     6885     CO20    17/35 24T            161       252                               17/35               2400         50  T        
 493  ForkValley      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 49 54 N  107 38 45 W  or  38 49.899 N  107 38.753 W     5798      7V2    05/23 22.7           154       250       122.7                   5/23                4500         60  A        
 495  Fort Carson     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 43 03 N  104 48 40 W  or  38 43.050 N  104 48.667 W     5899             Barracks              94       178                                                                             
 497  Fortmeyer       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 20 30 N  101 39 57 W  or  39 20.500 N  101 39.944 W     3650     5KS2    E/W 40D              195       115                               E/W                 4000        100  D        
 499  FourCnrs        LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 53 30 N  105 56 57 W  or  40 53.496 N  105 56.952 W     8097             Strip 20T             70       339                                                                             

 500  FowlerAP        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 04 21 N  104 02 45 W  or  38 04.350 N  104 02.748 W     4428     CO80    04/22 32G            150       167                               4/22                3240         40  A        
 501  FowlerTwn       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 07 42 N  104 01 12 W  or  38 07.700 N  104 01.200 W     4429             Town                 147       166                                                                             
 502  Fox Vly?        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 38 42 N  104 14 00 W  or  38 38.700 N  104 14.000 W     5801             Unknown ??           110       163                                                                             
 504  Franktown       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 23 27 N  104 45 10 W  or  39 23.450 N  104 45.170 W     6499             Town                  51       163                                                                             
 505  Fraser?         LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 56 07 N  105 47 53 W  or  39 56.113 N  105 47.891 W     8669             Grass??               31       269                                                                             

 506  Frasier Rnc?    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 38 30 N  103 38 42 W  or  39 38.499 N  103 38.697 W     5068     CO92    Unknown ??            88       120                               NW/SE               3450         50  T        
 511  FremontCnty     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 25 42 N  105 06 20 W  or  38 25.703 N  105 06.330 W     5440      1V6    11/29 22.8           111       189       122.8                   11/29               5399         75  A        
 512  FrenchCrkRc?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 13 43 N  106 35 34 W  or  41 13.711 N  106 35.561 W     7454             Ranch??              109       331                                                                             
 516  Ft ColnsDwnT    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 35 18 N  105 02 30 W  or  40 35.300 N  105 02.500 W     4939      3V5    11/29 E/W23.0         39        26       123.0                   11/29               5300         44  A        
 517  Ft ColnsLvlnd   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 27 07 N  105 00 41 W  or  40 27.110 N  105 00.680 W     5016      FNL    15/33 22.7a           31        34       122.7                   15/33               8500        100  A        

 518  Ft Garland      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 25 34 N  105 25 36 W  or  37 25.560 N  105 25.608 W     7941             TWN Hwy Int          181       195                                                                             
 519  Ft Morgan       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 20 03 N  103 48 14 W  or  40 20.054 N  103 48.237 W     4567      3V4    7/25 14/32 1          78        86       123.05                  14/32               5219         60  C        
 524  Garden          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 24 03 N  102 21 18 W  or  41 24.058 N  102 21.302 W     3388      OKS    12/30 22.8           177        69       122.8                   12/30               4701         60  C        
 527  Gardner         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 46 53 N  105 10 26 W  or  37 46.890 N  105 10.430 W     7009             Town                 156       191                                                                             
 528  Garfield??      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 31 35 N  107 43 37 W  or  39 31.579 N  107 43.616 W     5544      RIL    8/26 22.8??          137       268       122.8                   8/26                7000        100  A        

 529  GarfieldTwn     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 33 03 N  106 17 54 W  or  38 33.057 N  106 17.896 W    10000             Town                 118       221                                                                             
 531  Gas Hills       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 52 05 N  107 29 22 W  or  42 52.083 N  107 29.367 W     6990     WY61    46G 75W              228       342                               NE/SW               4600         75  G        
 532  Geary Rch       TAP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 02 45 N  105 28 17 W  or  38 02.750 N  105 28.283 W     8800     CO65    07/25 42G            138       198                               7/25                4200         30  G        
 533  Gebauer         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 14 34 N  103 05 40 W  or  40 14.566 N  103 05.662 W     4505      5V6    08/26 22.5           113        94       122.5                   8/26                3000         70  T        
 535  Geo Camp        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 28 47 N  105 05 35 W  or  38 28.780 N  105 05.590 W     5800             Buildings            108       188                                                                             

 536  GeorgeTwn       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 42 11 N  105 42 01 W  or  39 42.178 N  105 42.025 W     9207             Town                  34       239                                                                             
 541  GlenwdSprg      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 30 30 N  107 18 41 W  or  39 30.500 N  107 18.690 W     5916      GWS    14/32 22.8           117       264       122.8                   14/32               3305         50  A        
 544  Golden          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 45 38 N  105 13 33 W  or  39 45.625 N  105 13.554 W     6000             Intersection          19       192                                                                             
 545  GoldenYel II    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 50 32 N  105 12 50 W  or  37 50.534 N  105 12.833 W     7710     CO61    08/26 28D            152       192                               11/29               5480         50  D        
 546  GoldHil         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 03 50 N  105 24 29 W  or  40 03.830 N  105 24.480 W     8501             Gold Hill            9.8       292                                                                             

 547  GoldLk          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 05 06 N  105 26 51 W  or  40 05.100 N  105 26.850 W     9200             Gold Lake             12       297                                                                             
 548  Good Pasture    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 05 50 N  104 54 37 W  or  38 05.834 N  104 54.616 W     6000     14CO    05/23 25T            135       185                               5/23                2500         30  T        
 549  Goodland        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 22 14 N  101 41 56 W  or  39 22.237 N  101 41.940 W     3655      GLD    122.95               193       115       122.95                  12/30               5499        100  C        
 550  Gordon          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 48 21 N  102 10 31 W  or  42 48.358 N  102 10.515 W     3562      GRN    04/22 52a            248        51       122.8                   4/22                5196         75  A        
 554  Granby          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 05 23 N  105 55 02 W  or  40 05.380 N  105 55.030 W     8202      GNB    123                   37       288       123.0                   9/27                5095         70  A        

 555  Grand Junc      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 07 20 N  108 31 36 W  or  39 07.340 N  108 31.600 W     4858      GJT    04/22 18.55          187       263       118.55                  11/29              10501        150  A        
 556  Granite Dam     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 01 19 N  106 14 44 W  or  39 01.310 N  106 14.740 W     8799             Dam                   89       230                                                                             
 557  GraniteCanon    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 06 02 N  105 03 41 W  or  41 06.040 N  105 03.690 W     7001             Fwy Int               74        19                                                                             
 558  Grant           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 00 34 N  101 46 10 W  or  42 00.566 N  101 46.161 W     3710      1V2    17/35 22.9           226        64       122.9                   17/35               3975         50  A        
 560  Grays Peak      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 38 02 N  105 49 01 W  or  39 38.040 N  105 49.020 W    14300             MT Peak               42       240                                                                             

 561  Great Divide    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 47 03 N  107 50 17 W  or  40 47.050 N  107 50.291 W     6904             RD JCN               147       303                                                                             
 563  GreeleyWld      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 26 08 N  104 37 56 W  or  40 26.137 N  104 37.927 W     4697      GXY    9/27 16/34 22.8       42        61       122.8                   16/34              10000        100  A        
 564  Green Mnt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 53 23 N  106 19 39 W  or  39 53.384 N  106 19.654 W     9359             MT Peak               59       272                                                                             
 566  Green RoofUL    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 53 N  104 46 17 W  or  39 07.884 N  104 46.285 W     7200             N/S Dirt STP          67       171                                                                             
 568  Greenhorn ?     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 57 35 N  104 47 02 W  or  37 57.584 N  104 47.032 W     5800     CO22    08/26 22.8           146       182       122.8                   8/26                3900         35  A        

 569  Greenhrn Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 52 54 N  105 00 50 W  or  37 52.900 N  105 00.840 W    12346             MT Peak              150       188                                                                             
 571  Griffin         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 23 30 N  102 16 47 W  or  37 23.501 N  102 16.778 W     3964     4CO3    09/27 22D            242       150                               17/35               3200        100  T        
 574  GrnMt           T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 58 56 N  105 18 08 W  or  39 58.928 N  105 18.131 W     7833             Green MT             5.7       238                                                                             
 575  GrntAirp        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 52 10 N  101 43 58 W  or  40 52.171 N  101 43.972 W     3422      GGF    15/33 22.8           192        84       122.8                   15/33               4800         60  C        
 577  GrosRes         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 57 00 N  105 21 00 W  or  39 57.000 N  105 21.000 W     7500             Gross Res            9.0       239                                                                             

 578  Grover          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 51 48 N  104 13 44 W  or  40 51.800 N  104 13.733 W     5200             Town                  77        54                                                                             
 581  GTRGrnRvrntr    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 27 29 N  109 29 26 W  or  41 27.481 N  109 29.425 W     7182      48U    04/22 22.9           244       307       122.9                   4/22                5800        150  D        
 583  Guffey          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 44 48 N  105 31 22 W  or  38 44.807 N  105 31.363 W     8784             Town                  91       202                                                                             
 584  Gunnison        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 32 02 N  106 55 59 W  or  38 32.037 N  106 55.982 W     7678      GUC    06/24 22.7a          138       234       122.7                   6/24                9400        150  A        
 587  GWFlandrsRc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 59 00 N  104 38 02 W  or  38 59.000 N  104 38.032 W     7260     CO54    14/32 40D             79       168                               14/32               4000         60  D        

 588  Gypsum2         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 36 00 N  106 58 27 W  or  39 35.999 N  106 58.453 W     6720     CO47    03/21 25T             98       264                               3/21                2500         50  T        
 591  HagermnPass     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 16 00 N  106 29 00 W  or  39 16.000 N  106 29.000 W    12000             MT Pass               86       244                                                                             
 592  Hall Farm       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 13 48 N  101 58 59 W  or  39 13.800 N  101 58.977 W     3908     5KS4    08/26 15D            181       119                               17/35               2640         25  D        
 594  Halligan Res    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 52 46 N  105 20 13 W  or  40 52.760 N  105 20.210 W     6200             Se Outlet             58         6                                                                             
 597  Handies Pk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 54 47 N  107 30 16 W  or  37 54.783 N  107 30.270 W    14048             MT Peak              191       233                                                                             

 600  Happy Cnyn      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 25 00 N  107 54 02 W  or  38 24.999 N  107 54.037 W     6188     64CO    18/36 32D            182       245                               18/36               3200         50  D        
 602  Harden          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 03 55 N  100 43 42 W  or  41 03.917 N  100 43.692 W     3006     49NE    N/S 23T              246        84                               NW/SE               3500        100  T        
 603  Hardy Ranch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 19 31 N  105 40 32 W  or  43 19.515 N  105 40.533 W     5077     WY07    03/21 37T            228         6                               17/35               4000         60  T        
 604  HarfdRnch       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 11 18 N  101 58 08 W  or  40 11.300 N  101 58.128 W     3502     2NE9    2ne9                 172        98                               NW/SE               2350         80  T        
 605  Harford         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 55 28 N  106 18 34 W  or  42 55.467 N  106 18.567 W     5370      HAD    38D 30W 22.9         207       357       122.9                   7/25                3810         30  D        

 610  Hartsel         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 01 16 N  105 47 46 W  or  39 01.270 N  105 47.760 W     7999             Town                  77       216                                                                             
 612  Harvard Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 55 28 N  106 19 14 W  or  38 55.466 N  106 19.235 W    14420             MT Peak               97       230                                                                             
 614  Haswell         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 27 08 N  103 09 47 W  or  38 27.140 N  103 09.790 W     4541             Town                 156       146                                                                             
 615  Hat Field       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 30 37 N  105 00 05 W  or  40 30.617 N  105 00.083 W     4885     6CO4    09/27 6a              35        32       135.075                 9/27                 610         12  A        
 618  Hawkins R       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 34 30 N  101 49 06 W  or  41 34.499 N  101 49.094 W     3680     NE99    N/S 26T              207        70                               N/S                 2600        100  T        

 619  Hawkins Rc      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 30 N  107 52 32 W  or  38 50.499 N  107 52.537 W     6200     7CO2    N/S 26D              164       253                               N/S                 2600         50  D        
 620  Haxtun          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 37 30 N  102 36 12 W  or  40 37.499 N  102 36.195 W     4035      17V    08/26 22.9           144        85       122.9                   8/26                3860         40  A        
 621  Hay Springs     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 40 45 N  102 42 17 W  or  42 40.748 N  102 42.277 W     3831      4V6    11/29 28T            224        47       122.9                   11/29               2750        300  T        
 622  Hayden VOR      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 31 07 N  107 18 17 W  or  40 31.122 N  107 18.280 W     7500                                  114       299                                                                             
 623  HayFeverFrm     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 32 45 N  104 33 52 W  or  40 32.750 N  104 33.867 W     4840     CO59    17/35 15T             49        57       135.175                 17/35               1500         50  T        

 624  HayStk          T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 07 42 N  105 13 48 W  or  40 07.700 N  105 13.800 W     5588             Turnpoint            6.1        10                                                                             
 627  Heckendorf ?    LTP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 24 30 N  105 50 12 W  or  39 24.499 N  105 50.201 W     9869     77CO    14/32 31T             54       229                               14/32               3100         50  T        
 630  Helig           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 53 45 N  103 35 54 W  or  41 53.750 N  103 35.900 W     3965             123                  154        45                                                                             
 631  Hendricks       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 42 20 N  108 56 14 W  or  38 42.332 N  108 56.240 W     4820     63CO    04/22 25T            219       258                               4/22                2500         60  T        
 633  Hereford        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 58 45 N  104 18 30 W  or  40 58.750 N  104 18.500 W     5299             Town                  81        48                                                                             

 640  High Mesa       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 38 N  103 59 24 W  or  38 50.632 N  103 59.397 W     6000     23CO                         106       153                               15/33               4000         40  G        
 642  Highline Frm    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 28 17 N  104 48 48 W  or  40 28.283 N  104 48.800 W     4744     67CO    135.175               37        48       135.175                 17/35               1400         75  T        
 644  Hill?           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 37 15 N  102 44 37 W  or  39 37.249 N  102 44.613 W     4345     CO81    17/35 36G?           135       114                               17/35               3600         50  G        
 645  Hillsdale       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 12 11 N  104 28 59 W  or  41 12.183 N  104 28.983 W     5650             Rdint.1miles          89        38                                                                             
 646  Hillside        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 15 45 N  105 36 45 W  or  38 15.750 N  105 36.750 W     7201             Town                 125       202                                                                             

 648  Hock            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 19 00 N  100 48 32 W  or  40 19.000 N  100 48.526 W     2777     13NE    N/S 26T              234        96                               N/S                 2600        200  T        
 651  Holly           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 02 06 N  102 07 00 W  or  38 02.098 N  102 07.003 W     3383      K08    17/35 22.8           217       141       122.8                   17/35               4140         40  G        
 653  Holy Crss Mt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 28 05 N  106 28 47 W  or  39 28.083 N  106 28.785 W    14005             MT Peak               77       252                                                                             
 654  Holyoke         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 34 10 N  102 16 22 W  or  40 34.166 N  102 16.361 W     3727      HEQ    14/32 22.7           160        88       122.7                   14/32               5000         75  A        
 655  Holzfaste NE    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 59 57 N  101 26 48 W  or  40 59.950 N  101 26.793 W     3305     4NE9    N/S 44T              209        82       121.275                 N/S                 4400         80  T        

 658  Hopkins         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 14 20 N  108 33 48 W  or  38 14.333 N  108 33.806 W     5936      6V6    05/23 22.8           218       248       122.8                   5/23                4600         75  A        
 659  Hoppys          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 05 13 N  101 34 08 W  or  40 05.216 N  101 34.127 W     3227     6NE8    15/33 26T            193       100                               15/33               2600        100  T        
 661  Horse Creek     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 24 39 N  105 10 47 W  or  41 24.650 N  105 10.783 W     6500             Town                  95        13                                                                             
 662  HorseTthLk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 31 15 N  105 09 17 W  or  40 31.253 N  105 09.290 W     5511             Horsetoothlk          33        18                                                                             
 664  Hot Springs     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 22 06 N  103 23 17 W  or  43 22.095 N  103 23.288 W     3148      HSR    01/19 45a            249        34       122.8                   1/19                4505        100  A        

 665  Houghton        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 35 13 N  104 02 25 W  or  37 35.210 N  104 02.420 W     5299             Intersection         181       171                                                                             
 668  Hoyt            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 06 30 N  100 48 32 W  or  40 06.500 N  100 48.526 W     2707     19NE    N/S 40T              234        99                               N/S                 4000        500  T        
 669  HrrsnSkyrnch    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 41 45 N  103 52 32 W  or  42 41.748 N  103 52.529 W     4863      9V3    12/30 35T            196        32       122.9                   12/30               2800         50  T        
 671  Hubbard         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 41 00 N  108 59 02 W  or  38 40.999 N  108 59.040 W     4670     9CO3    18/36 26T            222       258                               18/36               2600         75  T        
 672  Huerfano Ag     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 06 00 N  104 25 32 W  or  38 06.000 N  104 25.532 W     4790     46CO    17/35 25D            141       174                               17/35               2500         50  D        

 674  Hugo            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 08 03 N  103 28 16 W  or  39 08.050 N  103 28.270 W     5200             TWN Hwy Int          112       135                                                                             
 675  Hugo VOR        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 49 02 N  103 37 10 W  or  38 49.027 N  103 37.170 W     5200             112.1                120       146       112.1                                                                 
 679  Humboldt Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 58 30 N  105 33 29 W  or  37 58.495 N  105 33.482 W    14064             MT Peak              144       199                                                                             
 681  Huron Pk        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 56 43 N  106 26 17 W  or  38 56.716 N  106 26.285 W    14003             MT Peak               99       233                                                                             
 684  Hwy 115/50      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 24 58 N  105 02 25 W  or  38 24.970 N  105 02.410 W     5400             Intersection         113       187                                                                             

 693  I 72/RR         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 52 42 N  105 17 12 W  or  39 52.700 N  105 17.200 W     5400             Intersection          12       208                                                                             
 695  Iberlin Rc      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 11 30 N  104 56 17 W  or  43 11.498 N  104 56.281 W     4400     WY02    13/31 26T            218        16                               13/31               2600        100  T        
 698  Idaho Sprgs     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 45 05 N  105 30 53 W  or  39 45.083 N  105 30.880 W     8182             Town                  25       230                                                                             
 699  Idler           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 36 28 N  102 32 28 W  or  39 36.464 N  102 32.462 W     4159     CO84    17/35 43D            146       113                               17/35               4250         65  D        
 700  Idler Bros      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 40 46 N  102 35 27 W  or  39 40.766 N  102 35.446 W     4159     72CO    14/32 30T            142       111                               14/32               3000         50  T        

 701  Imperial        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 30 38 N  101 37 12 W  or  40 30.625 N  101 37.206 W     3272      IML    03/21 31T            193        91       122.8                   13/31               5022        100  C        
 703  Indian Md?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 41 54 N  105 32 45 W  or  40 41.905 N  105 32.742 W     7050             Grass LZ ??           49       352                                                                             
 704  Indian Rch?     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 17 06 N  107 36 10 W  or  38 17.107 N  107 36.159 W     9899             N/S D?               176       239                                                                             
 705  IndpdncePass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 00 N  106 34 00 W  or  39 07.000 N  106 34.000 W    12100             MT Pass               96       241                                                                             
 711  Jack Poore      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 49 05 N  101 20 55 W  or  39 49.083 N  101 20.910 W     3330     5KS8    N/S 26T              206       105                               N/S                 2600         75  T        

 712  Jackrabbit      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 22 30 N  104 52 22 W  or  40 22.499 N  104 52.365 W     5000     2CO3    17/35 25T             30        51       135.075                 17/35               2500         60  T        
 715  Jackson Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 29 00 N  106 32 18 W  or  39 29.000 N  106 32.300 W    13672             MT Peak               80       254                                                                             
 718  Jaksn           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 11 40 N  102 41 54 W  or  40 11.666 N  102 41.896 W     4075     CD05    N/S 26T              134        97                               N/S                 2600         40  T        
 719  JamsTwn         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 06 50 N  105 23 09 W  or  40 06.828 N  105 23.154 W     7135             James TWN            9.9       313                                                                             
 720  Jantzen         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 53 47 N  101 30 20 W  or  40 53.783 N  101 30.327 W     3375     46NE    18/36 21T            204        84       121.275                 18/36               2100         60  T        

 722  Jeffco          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 54 32 N  105 07 02 W  or  39 54.527 N  105 07.033 W     5670      BJC    02/20 18.6            11       159       118.6                   11L/29R             9000        100  A        
 726  Jicarilla       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 49 43 N  106 53 03 W  or  36 49.712 N  106 53.051 W     7618      24N    17/35 22.9           239       215       122.9                   17/35               7500         75  A        
 735  Jones           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 03 29 N  101 32 49 W  or  40 03.483 N  101 32.810 W     3126      42V    15/33 22.9           195       100       122.9                   15/33               3500         25  C        
 738  JulesNE         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 05 39 N  102 10 18 W  or  41 05.658 N  102 10.307 W     3633             TurnPt               176        77                                                                             
 739  Julesberg       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 58 15 N  102 18 57 W  or  40 58.250 N  102 18.942 W     3511      7V8    13/31 22.9           166        78       122.9                   13/31               3700         60  A        

 740  Junk Yard       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 23 59 N  103 40 30 W  or  41 23.980 N  103 40.500 W     4900             Turnpoint            124        52                                                                             
 741  JZ Ranch?       TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 15 35 N  105 56 08 W  or  38 15.580 N  105 56.140 W     7978             Unknown ??           129       209                                                                             
 743  Kaan            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 26 33 N  103 54 59 W  or  42 26.548 N  103 54.980 W     4650     11NE    12/30 25T            179        34                               12/30               2500        100  T        
 745  Kann??          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                42 26 20 N  101 43 33 W  or  42 26.330 N  101 43.545 W     4650             Unknown ??           246        59                                                                             
 749  Kebler Pass     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 18 00 N  107 25 00 W  or  38 18.000 N  107 25.000 W    10007             MT Pass              168       237                                                                             

 751  Kelly Apk       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 13 21 N  104 38 31 W  or  39 13.358 N  104 38.510 W     7050     CO15    17/35 23.05           64       163       123.05                  17/35               3800         24  A        
 753  Kent            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 15 10 N  104 00 12 W  or  40 15.165 N  104 00.197 W     4480     8CO0    07/25 26D             66        89                               7/25                2550         50  D        
 758  Kimball         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 11 17 N  103 40 39 W  or  41 11.283 N  103 40.643 W     4926      IBM    10/28 22.8           114        57       122.8                   10/28               6199         75  C        
 761  Kings Canyon    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 55 37 N  106 13 37 W  or  40 55.619 N  106 13.616 W     8397             RD & Old RR           81       332                                                                             
 763  Kiowa           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 20 58 N  104 27 55 W  or  39 20.970 N  104 27.920 W     6499             Fairgrounds           63       151                                                                             

 764  Kirkwood        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 13 31 N  104 58 32 W  or  41 13.515 N  104 58.532 W     6630     WY48    08/26 23T             83        21                               8/26                2300         50  T        
 765  Kit Carson      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 14 33 N  102 17 25 W  or  39 14.550 N  102 17.423 W     4216      ITR    122.8                166       120       122.8                   15/33               5201         75  C        
 766  KitCrsInter     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 45 51 N  102 47 44 W  or  38 45.850 N  102 47.730 W     4199             Intersection         157       135                                                                             
 772  Koenig          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 06 30 N  102 43 42 W  or  40 06.499 N  102 43.696 W     4150     8CO8    12/30 27T            132        99                               12/30               2700         40  T        
 778  KoslrLk         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  39 58 46 N  105 19 58 W  or  39 58.770 N  105 19.959 W     7810             Kossler LK           7.0       246                                                                             

 779  Kostroski       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 22 00 N  104 40 42 W  or  39 21.999 N  104 40.698 W     6700     43CO    10/28 26T             55       160                               10/28               2600         75  T        
 780  Kremmling       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 03 13 N  106 22 08 W  or  40 03.220 N  106 22.140 W     7411      20V    122.8                 60       283       122.8                   9/27                5540         75  A        
 782  KstlrCmprssr    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 59 24 N  109 11 47 W  or  40 59.398 N  109 11.791 W     6783     UT11    E/W 41P              219       301                               E/W                 4130         40  A        
 783  Kugel Strong    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 12 45 N  104 44 40 W  or  40 12.750 N  104 44.667 W     4950     03CO    13/31 40a             28        77       135.175                 13/31               4000         30  A        
 784  Kumor           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 51 05 N  101 56 34 W  or  40 51.083 N  101 56.561 W     3520     2NE7    E/W 26T              182        83       121.275                 E/W                 2600        100  T        

 786  La Grange       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 38 19 N  104 09 11 W  or  41 38.312 N  104 09.176 W     4655             Town                 124        39                                                                             
 787  La Jara Dam     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 14 40 N  106 20 25 W  or  37 14.660 N  106 20.420 W    10000             Dam S End            202       210                                                                             
 788  La Jara?        LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 14 46 N  105 55 43 W  or  37 14.770 N  105 55.717 W     7605             Unknown ??           197       203                                                                             
 789  La Junta        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 03 05 N  103 30 38 W  or  38 03.080 N  103 30.641 W     4238      LHX    08/26 23.0           165       158       123.0                   8/26                6848         75  A        
 793  Lake Cnty       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 13 13 N  106 19 00 W  or  39 13.216 N  106 19.001 W     9927      LXV    16/34 22.8            81       238       122.8                   16/34               6400         75  A        

 794  Lake George     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 59 02 N  105 21 55 W  or  38 59.040 N  105 21.920 W     7799             Lake N End            73       198                                                                             
 797  LakeCity?       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 10 00 N  107 17 00 W  or  38 10.000 N  107 17.000 W     8700             N/S Short D          170       233                                                                             
 798  LakeHattie      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 14 30 N  105 54 00 W  or  41 14.500 N  105 54.000 W     7300             "Dam, East End"       90       349                                                                             
 800  Lamar           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 04 11 N  102 41 19 W  or  38 04.182 N  102 41.310 W     3711      LAA    08/26 22.8           192       146       122.8                   18/36               6304        100  C        
 805  Laramie         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 18 43 N  105 40 30 W  or  41 18.723 N  105 40.500 W     7284      LAR    3/21 12/30 2          91       357       123.05                  3/21                8500        150  A        

 806  Laramie Pk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                42 16 30 N  105 26 34 W  or  42 16.499 N  105 26.571 W    10272             MT Peak              155         8                                                                             
 807  Larrabee        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 32 52 N  101 58 42 W  or  40 32.866 N  101 58.694 W     3500     NE08    17/35 26G            175        89       119.275                 17/35               2600         50  G        
 808  Las Animas      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 03 10 N  103 14 14 W  or  38 03.167 N  103 14.229 W     3915      7V9    122.9                174       154       122.9                   8/26                3870         40  A        
 810  Last Chance     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 44 24 N  103 35 37 W  or  39 44.400 N  103 35.610 W     4800             Town                  89       115                                                                             
 814  Lavita Twn      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 30 12 N  105 00 22 W  or  37 30.194 N  105 00.361 W     7100             Town                 176       188                                                                             

 818  Lazy W          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 18 49 N  105 08 43 W  or  40 18.815 N  105 08.715 W     5200     86CO    08/26 26D             19        25       135.075                 8/26                2600         80  T        
 821  Leach           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 47 05 N  106 02 18 W  or  37 47.083 N  106 02.301 W     7598      1V8    12/30 22.8           162       208       122.8                   12/30               7000         50  A        
 822  LeeHil          T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 04 20 N  105 21 16 W  or  40 04.326 N  105 21.264 W     7654             Lee Hill MT          7.2       300                                                                             
 824  Legacy Rch?     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 26 01 N  106 48 58 W  or  40 26.010 N  106 48.960 W     6800             Hay??                 88       300                                                                             
 825  Lemons          LTP    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        39 59 44 N  105 13 26 W  or  39 59.732 N  105 13.433 W     5302     CO10    N/S 30T              3.0       190       118.825                 N/S                 3000         75  T        

 830  LeynrsHyfld?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M                  40 02 47 N  105 06 44 W  or  40 02.782 N  105 06.732 W     5050             N/S 18T??            6.0        97                                                                             
 833  LierleyFarms    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 04 00 N  101 22 04 W  or  41 04.000 N  101 22.060 W     3220     7NE5    N/S 30T              215        81       121.275                 N/S                 3000         40  T        
 835  Lily Park?      TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 27 34 N  108 26 30 W  or  40 27.566 N  108 26.498 W     5636             Park??               172       293                                                                             
 836  Limon           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 16 22 N  103 39 59 W  or  39 16.370 N  103 39.980 W     5364      LIC    16/34 22.9            98       134       122.9                   16/34               4700         60  C        
 841  Lindsey Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 35 05 N  105 26 27 W  or  37 35.084 N  105 26.450 W    14042             MT Peak              170       196                                                                             

 843  Livermore?      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 50 00 N  105 09 54 W  or  40 50.000 N  105 09.900 W     6200             Unknown ??            55        15                                                                             
 844  Livermr Int     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 47 39 N  105 13 14 W  or  40 47.650 N  105 13.233 W     5900             Y-INT Us287           52        12                                                                             
 847  LockMartPlnt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 29 39 N  105 06 10 W  or  39 29.650 N  105 06.160 W     5801             Turnpoint             38       182                                                                             
 850  Lone Rnch?      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 43 08 N  103 52 57 W  or  38 43.137 N  103 52.949 W     5450             Unknown ??           116       153                                                                             
 851  Lone Tree Rc    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 48 00 N  103 52 00 W  or  38 48.000 N  103 52.000 W     5450     35CO    08/26 49G            112       151                               8/26                4900         40  G        

 852  LoneConePK      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 53 00 N  108 16 00 W  or  37 53.000 N  108 16.000 W    12613             MT Peak              221       241                                                                             
 855  Longs Peak      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 15 18 N  105 36 58 W  or  40 15.300 N  105 36.960 W    14255             MT Peak               25       318                                                                             
 856  Lookout Mtn     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 32 03 N  105 27 33 W  or  40 32.050 N  105 27.550 W    10600             MT Peak               36       352                                                                             
 866  Lusk            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 45 14 N  104 24 16 W  or  42 45.228 N  104 24.273 W     4964      LSK    10/28 51a            192        25       122.8                   10/28               5058         75  A        
 867  Lyons           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 13 30 N  105 16 30 W  or  40 13.500 N  105 16.500 W     6000             Town                  13         1                                                                             

 868  Mack Mesa       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 16 02 N  108 51 49 W  or  39 16.030 N  108 51.820 W     4724      C07    122.9                201       268       122.9                   7/25                2600         60  A        
 872  MaloneMBarRc    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 22 58 N  101 09 06 W  or  40 22.967 N  101 09.093 W     3000     4NE8    13/31 26T            216        94       122.8                   17/35               3000        100  T        
 874  Manila          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 59 10 N  109 40 43 W  or  40 59.164 N  109 40.709 W     6175      40U    07/25 22.8           243       299       122.8                   7/25                5300         60  A        
 878  Marble?         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 04 25 N  107 12 46 W  or  39 04.410 N  107 12.774 W     7800             Nw/Se G?             125       250                                                                             
 880  Maroon Pk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 04 15 N  106 59 21 W  or  39 04.249 N  106 59.353 W    14156             MT Peak              115       247                                                                             

 883  MarshallPass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 23 54 N  106 14 59 W  or  38 23.900 N  106 14.983 W    10845             MT Pass              126       218                                                                             
 884  Marshdale       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 35 00 N  105 18 12 W  or  39 34.999 N  105 18.200 W     7700     CO52    14/32 24G             32       199                               14/32               2400         30  G        
 891  Massive Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 11 14 N  106 28 31 W  or  39 11.233 N  106 28.518 W    14421             MT Peak               89       241                                                                             
 893  Matheson        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 10 15 N  103 58 35 W  or  39 10.250 N  103 58.580 W     5801             Town                  90       144                                                                             
 894  Maybell         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 31 03 N  108 05 16 W  or  40 31.051 N  108 05.259 W     7856             Town                 154       295                                                                             

 896  Maysville       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 33 12 N  106 11 36 W  or  38 33.200 N  106 11.600 W     8225             Near Salida          115       219                                                                             
 898  Mc Connell      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 36 N  101 17 57 W  or  41 09.600 N  101 17.943 W     3035     04NE    N/S 25T              220        80                               N/S                 2500        100  T        
 899  Mc Cook         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 12 24 N  100 35 32 W  or  40 12.397 N  100 35.526 W     2582      MCK    03/21 40C            245        98       122.8                   12/30               6449        100  C        
 900  Mc Cullough     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 38 36 N  106 02 49 W  or  37 38.600 N  106 02.818 W     7615     02CO    17/35 27G            171       207                               17/35               2670         50  G        
 904  McClure Pass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 08 00 N  107 18 00 W  or  39 08.000 N  107 18.000 W     9020             MT Pass              127       253                                                                             

 905  McConaughy      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 14 42 N  101 49 34 W  or  41 14.696 N  101 49.572 W     3500             Lake                 197        76                                                                             
 906  McFaddenDm      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 36 57 N  106 07 08 W  or  41 36.943 N  106 07.139 W     7460             Ranch                118       349                                                                             
 907  McFarlneRes     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 32 58 N  106 18 11 W  or  40 32.963 N  106 18.180 W     8400             Ranch                 67       314                                                                             
 908  Meadow Lake     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 56 59 N  104 34 22 W  or  38 56.982 N  104 34.365 W     6847      00V    15/33 122.7           83       167       122.7                   15/33               6000         60  A        
 910  MedBwPk         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 21 37 N  106 19 04 W  or  41 21.613 N  106 19.061 W    11976             MT Peak              108       340                                                                             

 911  Medicine Bw     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 53 00 N  106 10 51 W  or  41 52.998 N  106 10.851 W     6646      80V    6/24 10/28 2         137       351       122.9                   10/28               3650         60  T        
 912  Medthdist Mt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 27 02 N  106 01 02 W  or  38 27.032 N  106 01.029 W    11352             MT Peak              118       213                                                                             
 913  Meeker          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 02 56 N  107 53 09 W  or  40 02.928 N  107 53.155 W     6378      EEO    03/21 122.8          141       283       122.8                   3/21                6500         60  A        
 915  Melby Rch       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 03 54 N  105 27 49 W  or  37 03.900 N  105 27.817 W     8823     33CO    03/21 74T            206       196                               3/21                7400         40  T        
 917  Melon           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 00 55 N  103 41 57 W  or  38 00.920 N  103 41.950 W     4259      2V8    122.9                162       161       122.9                   8/26                3780         45  A        

 921  Merrihew        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 51 00 N  101 57 02 W  or  41 50.999 N  101 57.028 W     3815     0NE0                         212        65                               NE/SW               2300        100  T        
 922  Merry           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 52 00 N  101 55 02 W  or  41 51.999 N  101 55.028 W     3791     0NE2    N/S 20T              214        65                               NE/SW               2300         50  T        
 923  Mertens         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 37 03 N  103 20 00 W  or  40 37.049 N  103 19.996 W     4192     3CO2    18/36 40G            107        80       118.525                 18/36               4000        100  G        
 924  Mesa Airstr?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 56 49 N  108 26 22 W  or  39 56.815 N  108 26.372 W     6550             Unknown ??           170       281                                                                             
 926  Mesa View       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 46 30 N  107 32 02 W  or  40 46.498 N  107 32.037 W     6978     5CO7                         132       305                               1L/19R              2140         30  D        

 927  Mesawood        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 57 40 N  107 57 28 W  or  38 57.667 N  107 57.467 W     7200     6CO2    16/34 24T            164       256                               16/34               2400         60  T        
 928  Mesita?         LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 06 28 N  105 32 02 W  or  37 06.465 N  105 32.035 W     7720             Unknown ??           203       197                                                                             
 929  Meyer Rch       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 32 58 N  105 16 47 W  or  39 32.965 N  105 16.780 W     7949     5CO6    12/30up 25T           34       197                               12/30               2500         50  T        
 931  MicrowveTwr     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 25 50 N  104 20 52 W  or  41 25.833 N  104 20.867 W     5500             Tower                107        37                                                                             
 934  Mile Hi         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 54 00 N  104 50 02 W  or  40 53.999 N  104 50.031 W     5270                                   63        31                                                                             

 938  MillerTurf      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 20 27 N  102 46 40 W  or  41 20.449 N  102 46.662 W     4100     1NE6    E/W 18T              157        66                               N/S                 1900         75  T        
 939  Mineral Cnty    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 49 15 N  106 55 52 W  or  37 49.250 N  106 55.869 W     8680      Q39    07/25 22.9           179       223       122.9                   7/25                6880         60  A        
 943  Missouri Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 56 50 N  106 22 42 W  or  38 56.833 N  106 22.702 W    14067             MT Peak               97       232                                                                             
 947  Modisett        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 44 15 N  102 26 42 W  or  42 44.249 N  102 26.694 W     3761      9V5    14/32 39a            236        49       122.9                   14/32               3900         60  A        
 948  Mollenkamp      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 46 00 N  101 15 26 W  or  38 46.001 N  101 15.426 W     3295     5KS6    N/S 21T              229       123                               NE/SW               2200         70  T        

 949  Monarch Ski     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 31 00 N  106 20 30 W  or  38 31.000 N  106 20.500 W    11001             Ski Area             121       222                                                                             
 950  MonarchPass     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 30 30 N  106 19 05 W  or  38 30.500 N  106 19.090 W    11312             MT Pass              121       221                                                                             
 954  Monte Vsta      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 31 43 N  106 02 46 W  or  37 31.713 N  106 02.763 W     7608      MVI    02/20 22.8           179       207       122.8                   2/20                5900         60  A        
 956  Montrose        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 30 32 N  107 53 38 W  or  38 30.532 N  107 53.630 W     5758      MTJ    13/31 22.8           178       246       122.8                   17/35              10000        150  A        
 963  MorningShdw     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 44 31 N  106 31 33 W  or  37 44.515 N  106 31.553 W     8304     CD69    16/34 44T            173       216                               16/34               4400         80  T        

 966  Morris?         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 50 06 N  103 44 08 W  or  39 50.104 N  103 44.136 W     4750     CD13    08/26 23D             80       112                               8/26                2300         30  D        
 967  Morrison        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 39 33 N  105 11 12 W  or  39 39.557 N  105 11.204 W     6000             Town                  26       187                                                                             
 968  Morton Pass     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 38 59 N  105 32 17 W  or  41 38.983 N  105 32.283 W     7300             MT Pass              112         4                                                                             
 969  Mosca Pass      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 44 00 N  105 28 00 W  or  37 44.000 N  105 28.000 W     9740             MT Pass              160       197                                                                             
 973  Movie Mnr?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 35 00 N  106 12 06 W  or  37 35.000 N  106 12.100 W     7700             Unknown ??           178       210                                                                             

 974  MrkHoardMm      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 27 25 N  101 21 12 W  or  38 27.418 N  101 21.193 W     3303      3K7    08/26 22.7           234       129       122.7                   17/35               4300         38  A        
 978  Mtn View Rc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 06 35 N  104 39 14 W  or  39 06.583 N  104 39.232 W     7500     52CO    17/35 22T             71       166                               17/35               2200        100  T        
 990  Nathrop         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 44 25 N  106 05 02 W  or  38 44.420 N  106 05.040 W     7598             TWN Hwy Int          101       219                                                                             
 991  Natrona         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 54 29 N  106 27 52 W  or  42 54.483 N  106 27.867 W     5347      CPR    102a 150W183         208       354       118.3                   3/21               10165        150  A        
 998  Nedlnd          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 57 45 N  105 30 48 W  or  39 57.750 N  105 30.803 W     8300             Town                  16       263                                                                             

1003  Neva Mt         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 00 26 N  105 41 19 W  or  40 00.429 N  105 41.324 W    12763             MT Peak               25       277                                                                             
1005  Newman?         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 01 16 N  102 01 05 W  or  41 01.267 N  102 01.083 W     3528     0NE5    Unknown ??           182        79       121.275                 NW/SE               2900        140  T        
1010  NippleRimRc?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 49 20 N  108 07 42 W  or  40 49.339 N  108 07.693 W     6000             Ranch??              162       302                                                                             
1011  NiwtMt          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 03 23 N  105 33 54 W  or  40 03.383 N  105 33.900 W    11287             Niwot MT              18       286                                                                             
1015  North LakeCi?   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 13 23 N  107 16 07 W  or  38 13.385 N  107 16.117 W     8300             Unknown ??           167       234                                                                             

1017  North Poudr?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 46 39 N  105 06 24 W  or  40 46.647 N  105 06.396 W     5479             Unknown ??            51        19                                                                             
1020  Norwood?        LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 09 11 N  108 15 26 W  or  38 09.178 N  108 15.429 W     7281             Unknown ??           208       244                                                                             
1023  Oak Creek       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 16 28 N  106 57 31 W  or  40 16.459 N  106 57.510 W     7404             Town                  93       293                                                                             
1024  OakCrkGrade     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 18 49 N  105 16 30 W  or  38 18.817 N  105 16.500 W     8000             Turnpoint            119       193                                                                             
1025  Oakley          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 06 36 N  100 48 59 W  or  39 06.597 N  100 48.987 W     3045      OEL    08/26 23T            243       116       122.8                   16/34               5000         75  A        

1026  Oberlin         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 50 02 N  100 32 22 W  or  39 50.027 N  100 32.365 W     2703      OIN    03/21 22T            249       104       122.8                   17/35               3793         50  A        
1028  Ogallala        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 07 11 N  101 46 08 W  or  41 07.180 N  101 46.140 W     3278      OGA    122.8                196        79       122.8                   8/26                5100         75  C        
1030  Old La Sa?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 32 10 N  109 14 18 W  or  38 32.170 N  109 14.304 W     7500             E/W Dirt?            238       257                                                                             
1031  OldBlackFrst?   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 58 30 N  104 41 30 W  or  38 58.500 N  104 41.500 W     7001             Oid Rnwy??            79       171                                                                             
1035  Omega1STOL      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 08 N  107 48 55 W  or  38 50.128 N  107 48.911 W     6409     12CO    17/35 D              161       252                               17/35               1400         50  D        

1039  Orchard Cor?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 30 24 N  107 43 58 W  or  38 30.403 N  107 43.970 W     7094             FLD Grass??          171       244                                                                             
1041  Ordway?         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 14 35 N  103 45 37 W  or  38 14.580 N  103 45.620 W     4301             PVT G??              147       159                                                                             
1042  Orr             ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 10 55 N  100 51 36 W  or  41 10.916 N  100 51.592 W     2860     NE25    08/26 20T            242        82                               8/26                1970         75  T        
1043  Orr Ranch       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 23 10 N  102 34 32 W  or  42 23.165 N  102 34.529 W     3880     33NE    10/28 36T            213        51                               10/28               3585         30  T        
1050  Owl Canyon      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 48 17 N  104 59 06 W  or  40 48.282 N  104 59.098 W     5499     4CO2    09/27 23.3T           54        25       123.3                   1L/19R              3500         24  A        

1051  Oxford Mt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 57 53 N  106 20 20 W  or  38 57.883 N  106 20.335 W    14153             MT Peak               95       231                                                                             
1053  Packard Rch?    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 26 00 N  101 41 02 W  or  41 25.999 N  101 41.027 W     3524     42NE    39V?                 209        73       121.275                 NW/SE               3000         80  T        
1054  Pagoda Peak     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 08 22 N  107 20 00 W  or  40 08.367 N  107 20.007 W    11031             MT Peak              112       286                                                                             
1055  Palmer Lake     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 18 N  104 54 55 W  or  39 07.300 N  104 54.920 W     7500             Town                  66       177                                                                             
1056  Paradise        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 26 28 N  109 50 49 W  or  40 26.464 N  109 50.817 W     5700     UT67    01/19 38G            245       290       118.975                 1/19                3800         50  D        

1057  Paradox?        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 22 19 N  108 53 25 W  or  38 22.318 N  108 53.419 W     5100             N/S Dirt?            227       253                                                                             
1059  Parkland        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 04 18 N  105 02 01 W  or  40 04.299 N  105 02.016 W     5050     7CO0    08/26 42a             10        90       118.825                 8/26                4200         50  A        
1061  Parkview Mtn    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 19 47 N  106 08 10 W  or  40 19.778 N  106 08.173 W    12269             MT Peak               52       305                                                                             
1065  Pawlet Ranch    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 49 45 N  102 20 34 W  or  41 49.749 N  102 20.562 W     3850     3NE7    N/S 28T              195        62                               N/S                 2800         45  T        
1067  Pelican Lake    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 10 53 N  109 40 21 W  or  40 10.881 N  109 40.342 W     4815     UT69    08/26 39D            235       286       118.975                 8/26                3900         75  D        

1073  Perry Park      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 15 00 N  104 53 27 W  or  39 14.999 N  104 53.449 W     6700     CO93    16/34 57G             57       174                               16/34               5700         75  G        
1074  Perry Stokes    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 15 34 N  104 20 26 W  or  37 15.563 N  104 20.441 W     5762      TAD    03/21 22.8           198       178       122.8                   3/21                5500        100  A        
1075  Persons?        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 53 17 N  105 23 05 W  or  38 53.283 N  105 23.083 W     8650             16/34 23D?            80       198                                                                             
1078  Phelps          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 02 28 N  103 04 06 W  or  41 02.466 N  103 04.095 W     4400     3NE9    N/S 16T              133        70                               N/S                 1620         50  T        
1079  Phifer          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 03 20 N  104 55 58 W  or  42 03.332 N  104 55.965 W     4775      EAN    8/26 22.9            140        18       122.9                   8/26                5900         75  A        

1081  Phillips        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 19 40 N  103 11 37 W  or  42 19.664 N  103 11.612 W     4370     3NE2    E/W 9T               190        45                               N/S                 3200        100  T        
1083  Phylcon Rc      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 07 45 N  108 08 32 W  or  39 07.749 N  108 08.538 W     6585     9CO9    01/19 20T            168       261                               1/19                2000         50  T        
1084  Pikes Pk        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 50 26 N  105 02 40 W  or  38 50.433 N  105 02.666 W    14110             MT Peak               83       185                                                                             
1085  Pine Bluffs     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 12 N  104 07 49 W  or  41 09.199 N  104 07.814 W     5152      82V    8/26 22.8             96        48       122.8                   8/26                5336         75  A        
1086  Pine Ridge      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 01 21 N  102 30 40 W  or  43 01.355 N  102 30.664 W     3331      IEN    06/24 30a            249        45       122.9                   12/30               5000         60  A        

1088  Pine View       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 20 40 N  104 34 52 W  or  39 20.666 N  104 34.865 W     6572     8CO9    16/34 44D             59       156                               16/34               4400         50  D        
1089  PineWdSprg      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 16 24 N  105 21 30 W  or  40 16.400 N  105 21.500 W     6000             Lake                  18       349                                                                             
1090  Pinon Cnyn?     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 23 27 N  103 52 16 W  or  37 23.455 N  103 52.266 W     5140             Unknown ??           197       170                                                                             
1091  Pinyon          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 00 10 N  108 42 37 W  or  39 00.166 N  108 42.623 W     6980     CO43    05/23 34D            199       262                               5/23                3400         90  D        
1094  PlainsView      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 15 30 N  103 31 47 W  or  42 15.498 N  103 31.780 W     4650     7NE2    12/30 25T            177        41                               12/30               2500         60  T        

1096  Plata Pk La     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 01 46 N  106 28 23 W  or  39 01.766 N  106 28.385 W    14361             MT Peak               96       236                                                                             
1097  Platt Ranch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 54 N  106 35 42 W  or  41 09.898 N  106 35.702 W     7545     WY51    11/29 29D            106       330       118.175                 11/29               2900         45  D        
1098  Platt Reg       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 07 34 N  100 41 01 W  or  41 07.573 N  100 41.019 W     2779      LBF    12/30 80C            250        83       123.0                   12/30               8000        150  C        
1103  Pleasant Vly    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 20 29 N  106 50 58 W  or  40 20.482 N  106 50.970 W     7120     5CO8    08/26 23T             88       296       118.325                 8/26                2300         50  T        
1109  Potter          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 12 20 N  103 19 04 W  or  41 12.333 N  103 19.067 W     4450             I80rdnt.Stwn         128        63                                                                             

1110  Poudre          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 41 32 N  105 37 13 W  or  40 41.530 N  105 37.220 W     7597             Chapel                50       347                                                                             
1117  Princeton Mt    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 44 58 N  106 14 33 W  or  38 44.966 N  106 14.551 W    14197             MT Peak              104       224                                                                             
1120  Pueblo          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 17 21 N  104 29 48 W  or  38 17.345 N  104 29.794 W     4726      PUB    8L/26R 22.95         127       174       122.95                  8L/26R             10496        150  A        
1122  PuebloResrvr    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 15 25 N  104 43 34 W  or  38 15.420 N  104 43.560 W     4800             Intersection         126       180                                                                             
1123  PvtStrip1       LTP    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 15 37 N  104 42 13 W  or  39 15.617 N  104 42.217 W     6996             N/S HGRS T            61       165                                                                             

1124  PvtStrip3       LTP    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 18 00 N  104 10 00 W  or  39 18.000 N  104 10.000 W     6088             PVT Strip T           76       144                                                                             
1125  PvtStrip4       LTP    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 26 04 N  103 34 13 W  or  39 26.067 N  103 34.217 W     5458             PVT Strip T           97       127                                                                             
1126  Pyramid Pk      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 04 17 N  106 57 01 W  or  39 04.283 N  106 57.019 W    14018             MT Peak              114       246                                                                             
1127  Quandary Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 23 50 N  106 06 23 W  or  39 23.833 N  106 06.384 W    14265             MT Peak               64       239                                                                             
1130  QuestaAP        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 48 01 N  105 35 51 W  or  36 48.010 N  105 35.850 W     7655      N24    17X35 22.9           225       197       122.9                   17/35               6861         75  A        

1131  QuestaMine      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 42 14 N  105 30 26 W  or  36 42.240 N  105 30.440 W     8501             Mine                 231       196                                                                             
1132  QuestaTwn       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 42 25 N  105 36 08 W  or  36 42.414 N  105 36.125 W     7538             Town                 231       197                                                                             
1136  R Flats ?       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 52 09 N  105 14 42 W  or  39 52.149 N  105 14.703 W     6280             Grass LZ ??           12       197                                                                             
1137  R+DA Spryng     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 49 50 N  100 34 52 W  or  39 49.834 N  100 34.859 W     2700     7KS8    18/36 26T            246       104                               18/36               2600         55  T        
1138  Rabbits Ears    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 23 00 N  106 35 00 W  or  40 23.000 N  106 35.000 W     9000             Intersection          75       301                                                                             

1143  Ramah Res       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 05 41 N  104 12 28 W  or  39 05.680 N  104 12.470 W     6201             Dry Lake Dam          85       152                                                                             
1145  Rampart Res     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 58 22 N  104 57 49 W  or  38 58.370 N  104 57.820 W     8901             SW Dam                75       181                                                                             
1146  Rand            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 27 14 N  106 10 53 W  or  40 27.239 N  106 10.883 W     8654             Town                  58       312                                                                             
1147  Rangely         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 05 41 N  108 45 40 W  or  40 05.680 N  108 45.670 W     5274      4V0    03/21 22.8           187       284       122.8                   6/24                6400         75  A        
1148  RangerStatn     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 29 00 N  107 19 30 W  or  38 29.000 N  107 19.500 W     8500             Nrbluemsares         155       239                                                                             

1150  Raton Muni      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 44 30 N  104 30 08 W  or  36 44.492 N  104 30.131 W     6352      RTN    02/20 22.8           231       182       122.8                   2/20                6328         75  A        
1151  RatonTwn        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 54 06 N  104 26 18 W  or  36 54.098 N  104 26.293 W     6663             Town                 221       181                                                                             
1152  Rawhide?        LTPA   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 54 30 N  105 05 02 W  or  40 54.499 N  105 05.032 W     5860     16CO    07/25 20G?            60        19                               12/30               3500        100  G        
1153  Rawlins         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 48 20 N  107 12 00 W  or  41 48.336 N  107 11.996 W     6813      RWL    04/22 23.0           160       332       123.0                   4/22                7008        100  A        
1154  Ray             AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 04 39 N  102 27 51 W  or  41 04.648 N  102 27.843 W     3682      CNP    12/30 22.9           162        75       122.9                   12/30               4000         55  A        

1156  Rays            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 14 44 N  105 43 52 W  or  41 14.732 N  105 43.866 W     7205     WY63    16/34 22D             87       355                               16/34               2200         50  D        
1158  RdJog750        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 15 14 N  101 45 27 W  or  40 15.232 N  101 45.454 W     3377             Road Jogt            184        96                                                                             
1160  Red CreekRc     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 04 00 N  109 05 22 W  or  41 04.000 N  109 05.367 W     7050     WY41    08/26 40D            215       303                               8/26                4000         40  D        
1161  Red Feather     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 48 07 N  105 34 19 W  or  40 48.120 N  105 34.320 W     7001             Resort                56       353                                                                             
1162  Red Grass ?     TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 47 14 N  105 34 38 W  or  40 47.233 N  105 34.628 W     8196             Grass LZ ??           55       352                                                                             

1164  Redlands        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 24 N  107 47 34 W  or  38 50.408 N  107 47.561 W     6357     44CO    16/34 26G            160       252                               16/34               2640         80  G        
1165  Regier          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 54 58 N  101 33 35 W  or  40 54.966 N  101 33.577 W     3363     4NE0    09/27 26T            202        83       121.275                 9/27                2600         75  T        
1166  Reid Rnches     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 07 00 N  104 19 02 W  or  40 06.999 N  104 19.031 W     4820     7CO6    17/35 34G             48        95       122.8                   17/35               3400         50  G        
1167  Reisig          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 54 24 N  103 41 59 W  or  41 54.398 N  103 41.980 W     3985     12NE    17/35 20T            152        43                               17/35               2000         40  T        
1174  Riverside       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 10 31 N  105 26 17 W  or  40 10.522 N  105 26.281 W     9800             Town                  15       322                                                                             

1176  RnchoDeAero     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 12 54 N  104 59 04 W  or  40 12.899 N  104 59.065 W     4978     05CO    18/36 27T             18        58       135.075                 18/36               2650         60  T        
1177  Robbins         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 15 36 N  105 51 32 W  or  42 15.598 N  105 51.534 W     7240     WY16    06/24 34T            157         0                               6/24                3400         50  T        
1182  Rock Creek      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 08 11 N  104 48 53 W  or  38 08.183 N  104 48.883 W     5660     99CO    07/25 15T            133       182                               7/25                1500         50  T        
1185  Rock River      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 44 41 N  105 58 11 W  or  41 44.683 N  105 58.183 W     6900             Highschltrck         124       354                                                                             
1186  Rock Springs    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 35 39 N  109 03 55 W  or  41 35.650 N  109 03.910 W     6760      RKS    03/21 22.8           228       311       122.8                   9/27               10000        150  A        

1187  RockerRnch      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 24 56 N  109 20 37 W  or  40 24.933 N  109 20.617 W     4865     UT79    14/32 18T            219       290                               14/32               1800         50  T        
1189  Rocky Mtn       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 47 00 N  104 44 02 W  or  38 47.000 N  104 44.032 W     6000     5CO5    04/22 30T             91       175                               4/22                3000        150  T        
1193  Rollins Pass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 57 00 N  105 41 00 W  or  39 57.000 N  105 41.000 W    11700             MT Pass               25       268                                                                             
1194  Rons            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 33 11 N  102 23 32 W  or  37 33.184 N  102 23.528 W     4096     53CO    18/36 28T            230       149                               18/36               2800         50  T        
1201  Roxboro Park    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 26 52 N  105 04 51 W  or  39 26.866 N  105 04.850 W     5801             Golf/Park             42       181                                                                             

1202  Royal Gorge     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 27 36 N  105 19 37 W  or  38 27.600 N  105 19.610 W     6500             S End BRG            109       195                                                                             
1206  RunnerLndngr    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 24 26 N  101 55 54 W  or  42 24.433 N  101 55.894 W     3760     0NE1    E/W 25T              237        57                               E/W                 2500         50  T        
1208  Rush Schl       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 49 30 N  104 05 36 W  or  38 49.500 N  104 05.600 W     6001             School               103       156                                                                             
1209  Rustic          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 41 45 N  105 35 00 W  or  40 41.750 N  105 35.000 W     7200             Town                  49       350                                                                             
1211  S Bald Mtn      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 45 06 N  105 41 54 W  or  40 45.100 N  105 41.900 W    11000             MT Peak               55       345                                                                             

1215  Saguache        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 05 50 N  106 10 07 W  or  38 05.830 N  106 10.120 W     7825      04V    10/28 22.9           143       213       122.9                   10/28               7745         55  G        
1216  Salida          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 32 21 N  106 02 45 W  or  38 32.348 N  106 02.750 W     7489      0V2    06/24 22.7           113       215       122.7                   6/24                7350         75  A        
1217  San Luis Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 59 13 N  106 55 53 W  or  37 59.216 N  106 55.886 W    14014             MT Peak              169       225                                                                             
1220  Sand Arroya     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 27 10 N  103 31 47 W  or  38 27.167 N  103 31.780 W     4570     6CO6                         142       152                               12/30               2500         50  T        
1221  Sand Dune?      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 41 15 N  105 33 32 W  or  37 41.250 N  105 33.540 W     7999             Unknown ??           163       198                                                                             

1224  SanLuis         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 26 06 N  105 52 00 W  or  37 26.095 N  105 51.993 W     7539      ALS    02/20 22.8           183       203       122.8                   2/20                8519        100  A        
1225  SanLuisLnd??    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 11 30 N  105 27 47 W  or  37 11.500 N  105 27.780 W     7940             Unknown ??           197       196                                                                             
1226  SanLuisTwn      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 11 56 N  105 25 28 W  or  37 11.930 N  105 25.474 W     8000             Town                 197       195                                                                             
1232  Saratoga        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 26 42 N  106 49 25 W  or  41 26.692 N  106 49.412 W     6987      SAA    05/23 22.8           128       332       122.8                   5/23                8800        100  A        
1237  Schawo          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 40 15 N  104 12 30 W  or  40 40.249 N  104 12.496 W     4950     8CO2    14/32 D               69        63                               14/32               3800         50  D        

1239  Scherler        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 34 36 N  102 26 14 W  or  38 34.601 N  102 26.228 W     4126     9CO5    PVT                  180       135                               17/35               5280         50  G        
1241  School/Track    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 37 21 N  104 09 54 W  or  38 37.355 N  104 09.905 W     6000                                  113       162                                                                             
1243  Scotts Bluff    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 52 26 N  103 35 44 W  or  41 52.440 N  103 35.730 W     3967      BFF    12X30 123.0          153        45       123.0                   12/30               8279        150  A        
1245  Sedalia         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 26 20 N  104 57 41 W  or  39 26.330 N  104 57.690 W     6001             TWN Hwy Int           44       173                                                                             
1246  Seibert         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 18 01 N  102 51 53 W  or  39 18.010 N  102 51.880 W     4760             Town                 136       123                                                                             

1249  Seven Mt        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 50 57 N  105 29 41 W  or  37 50.943 N  105 29.683 W    13336             MT Peak              152       198                                                                             
1252  Shah Strip      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 16 06 N  106 07 36 W  or  40 16.100 N  106 07.600 W     8937             Nw/Senrlk             50       301                                                                             
1253  Shaltz          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 25 39 N  101 02 48 W  or  39 25.652 N  101 02.794 W     3186      CBK    04/22 26T            226       111       122.8                   17/35               5109         75  C        
1254  Sharonspring    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 53 40 N  101 45 06 W  or  38 53.660 N  101 45.100 W     3671             Town                 201       124                                                                             
1255  Shaull Farm     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 43 18 N  104 46 41 W  or  40 43.299 N  104 46.681 W     5235     48CO    16/34 22.75           53        38       122.75                  16/34               2600         50  D        

1256  Shavano Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 37 08 N  106 14 21 W  or  38 37.130 N  106 14.350 W    14200             MT Peak              112       221                                                                             
1257  Shelburne       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 03 00 N  101 48 17 W  or  41 03.000 N  101 48.277 W     3475     35NE    17/35 28T            193        80       121.275                 17/35               2800        125  T        
1263  Sherman Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 13 30 N  106 10 11 W  or  39 13.499 N  106 10.185 W    14036             MT Peak               75       234                                                                             
1264  SherwnFldNr1    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 30 22 N  104 52 42 W  or  43 30.367 N  104 52.700 W     4190     WY09    33T 100W             240        16                               NW/SE               3300        100  T        
1266  Shipman Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 49 43 N  106 04 40 W  or  40 49.713 N  106 04.670 W    10788             MT Peak               71       333                                                                             

1267  Shipman Rc      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 00 N  107 51 32 W  or  38 49.999 N  107 51.537 W     6200     5CO1    02/20 30T            163       252                               2/20                3000        110  T        
1269  Shively         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 26 41 N  106 49 25 W  or  41 26.683 N  106 49.417 W     6987      SAA    88a 100W 228         128       332       122.8                   5/23                8800        100  A        
1272  Short Rc?       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 11 10 N  105 54 21 W  or  41 11.162 N  105 54.344 W     7349             Ranch?                87       348                                                                             
1278  Sidney          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 06 05 N  102 59 07 W  or  41 06.080 N  102 59.117 W     4313      SNY    12X30 122.8          139        69       122.8                   12/30               6600        100  C        
1279  Sidney Peak     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 23 20 N  106 51 12 W  or  40 23.332 N  106 51.203 W     6850     1CO5    07/25 13T             89       298       118.325                 7/25                1300         60  T        

1281  Silkman         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 27 17 N  102 12 47 W  or  39 27.283 N  102 12.778 W     4000     10CO    17/35 30G            165       115                               17/35               3000         65  G        
1282  Silver Cliff?   TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 07 51 N  105 26 04 W  or  38 07.848 N  105 26.067 W     8051             Unknown ??           132       197                                                                             
1283  Silver Heels?   ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 17 30 N  105 52 30 W  or  39 17.500 N  105 52.500 W     9600     2CO9    05/23 45G             62       226                               5/23                4500         50  G        
1284  Silver West     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 00 40 N  105 22 22 W  or  38 00.667 N  105 22.367 W     8290      C08    13/31 22.9           140       195       122.9                   13/31               7000         40  A        
1285  SilvrSprRc?     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 14 55 N  106 49 04 W  or  41 14.913 N  106 49.064 W     7511             Ranch?               118       328                                                                             

1287  Simla           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 08 34 N  104 05 07 W  or  39 08.560 N  104 05.110 W     5899             Town                  87       147                                                                             
1288  SimlaW          LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 08 00 N  104 01 22 W  or  39 08.000 N  104 01.367 W     5979             N/S HGRW T            90       146                                                                             
1291  Singleton Rc    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 52 20 N  104 09 12 W  or  39 52.332 N  104 09.197 W     4940     68CO    08/26 15T             58       113       119.025                 13/31               2600         30  T        
1294  Skinkle Lan?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 23 08 N  105 29 05 W  or  37 23.134 N  105 29.084 W     7774             Unknown ??           184       196                                                                             
1295  Sky Haven       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 42 49 N  104 11 38 W  or  39 42.816 N  104 11.631 W     5215     CO17    08/26 15D             59       124       119.025                 17/35               2500         65  D        

1296  Sky Island      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 44 15 N  108 00 21 W  or  38 44.249 N  108 00.354 W     5253     3CO0    04/22 25G            174       252                               18/36               2700         40  G        
1298  Skyote          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 45 29 N  106 58 19 W  or  40 45.482 N  106 58.320 W     8200     CD02    18/36 16T            104       311       118.325                 18/36               1600         30  T        
1299  Skyview         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 13 02 N  104 35 02 W  or  41 13.032 N  104 35.031 W     5838     WY05    08/26 39T             88        34                               8/26                3900         70  T        
1301  SlaterTwn       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 52 14 N  104 49 30 W  or  41 52.233 N  104 49.497 W     5016             Town                 128        21                                                                             
1304  Sloan ?         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 09 25 N  104 42 30 W  or  41 09.416 N  104 42.498 W     6085     WY45    07/25 20T             82        31                               7/25                1950        650  T        

1307  Smith3?         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 28 55 N  101 48 47 W  or  40 28.916 N  101 48.777 W     3380     8NE3    Unknown              183        91                               NW/SE               3300         60  G        
1309  SmithRnch?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 00 04 N  107 51 46 W  or  41 00.060 N  107 51.770 W     6100             Hay?                 154       308                                                                             
1310  Sneffels Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 00 12 N  107 47 32 W  or  38 00.199 N  107 47.537 W    14150             MT Peak              197       237                                                                             
1311  Snell Nlr       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 18 25 N  104 56 12 W  or  42 18.415 N  104 56.198 W     4490     WY25    12/30 20T            157        17                               12/30               2000         38  T        
1312  Snowmas Mt      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 07 08 N  107 03 59 W  or  39 07.133 N  107 03.986 W    14092             MT Peak              117       250                                                                             

1313  Snyder Rnch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 34 20 N  101 10 21 W  or  41 34.333 N  101 10.343 W     3330     5NE4    17/35 18T            237        74                               17/35               1800        100  T        
1318  South Fork      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 40 11 N  106 38 28 W  or  37 40.180 N  106 38.460 W     8301             TWN Hwy Int          181       217                                                                             
1319  South Park?     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 09 20 N  105 43 45 W  or  39 09.340 N  105 43.744 W     9365             Dirt By FR ??         67       216                                                                             
1320  Spanish Pk      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 41 48 N  104 47 06 W  or  37 41.798 N  104 47.107 W     6050      4V1    3/21 8/26 22         164       184       122.8                   8/26                4900         60  A        
1321  Spanish PkE     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 23 36 N  104 55 12 W  or  37 23.600 N  104 55.201 W    12707             MT Peak              184       187                                                                             

1322  Spanish PkW     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 22 32 N  104 59 36 W  or  37 22.531 N  104 59.606 W    13485             MT Peak              184       188                                                                             
1323  Specie Mesa?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 01 05 N  108 10 17 W  or  38 01.090 N  108 10.276 W     9000             E/W Rough?           211       241                                                                             
1329  Spring Lake     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 27 00 N  102 08 02 W  or  42 26.999 N  102 08.028 W     3815     2NE4    E/W 20T              231        55                               E/W                 2000         60  T        
1331  Springfield     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 27 47 N  102 37 08 W  or  37 27.780 N  102 37.130 W     4386      8V7    122.9                227       153       122.9                   17/35               5000         60  C        
1335  Squaw Mt        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 40 59 N  105 29 59 W  or  39 40.979 N  105 29.990 W    11300             MT Peak               29       223                                                                             

1338  Stansfield?     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 10 55 N  102 55 20 W  or  40 10.916 N  102 55.330 W     4305             08/26 18T?           122        97                                                                             
1346  StemBoatSp      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 30 59 N  106 51 59 W  or  40 30.976 N  106 51.978 W     6877      SBS    122.8                 93       303       122.8                   14/32               4452        100  A        
1347  Sterling        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 36 49 N  103 15 47 W  or  40 36.824 N  103 15.781 W     4027      STK    03/21 122.8          111        80       122.8                   15/33               4730         75  C        
1348  Stevens         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 16 39 N  107 03 21 W  or  37 16.650 N  107 03.358 W     7700      2V1    01/19 22.7           215       220       122.7                   1/19                9000         75  A        
1349  Stevenson       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 26 30 N  100 37 46 W  or  39 26.500 N  100 37.775 W     2940     6KS2    N/S 26T              248       110       118.175                 N/S                 2600        100  T        

1353  StMalo          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 14 50 N  105 32 13 W  or  40 14.841 N  105 32.222 W     8744             Chapel                22       323                                                                             
1354  StnkngWtrCrk    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 43 24 N  101 27 27 W  or  40 43.400 N  101 27.443 W     3165     NE73    17/35 26T            204        87                               17/35               2600         50  T        
1356  Stoneham        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 36 09 N  103 39 47 W  or  40 36.150 N  103 39.783 W     4700             DRTRDTNDLKBD          91        76                                                                             
1362  StrontiasDam    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 25 57 N  105 07 35 W  or  39 25.950 N  105 07.580 W     6001             Dam                   42       185                                                                             
1366  Sullivan Pk?    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 31 42 N  104 54 29 W  or  38 31.693 N  104 54.484 W     5973             Unknown ??           106       183                                                                             

1368  Sundog          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 21 01 N  109 24 03 W  or  40 21.020 N  109 24.050 W     4900     99UT    08/26 24D            221       289                               8/26                2400         50  D        
1370  Sunshine Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 55 22 N  107 25 32 W  or  37 55.367 N  107 25.536 W    14001             MT Peak              188       232                                                                             
1372  Super Max       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 21 10 N  105 06 03 W  or  38 21.160 N  105 06.050 W     5200             Water Tower          117       189                                                                             
1376  Svitak          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 02 42 N  103 57 57 W  or  42 02.698 N  103 57.947 W     4183     52NE    09/27 18T            153        37                               9/27                1800         40  T        
1377  Swanson?        LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 04 34 N  107 17 30 W  or  38 04.574 N  107 17.506 W     8658             Unknown ??           175       232                                                                             

1379  Syrcuse HML     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 59 30 N  101 44 47 W  or  37 59.501 N  101 44.777 W     3322      3K3    03/21 22.8           234       138       122.8                   13/31               3000         40  A        
1380  Tabeguche Pk    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 37 36 N  106 15 38 W  or  38 37.600 N  106 15.635 W    14155             MT Peak              112       222                                                                             
1381  Tabernash?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 59 40 N  105 51 47 W  or  39 59.664 N  105 51.780 W     8521             Unknown??             34       277                                                                             
1386  Taos            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      36 27 29 N  105 40 21 W  or  36 27.491 N  105 40.346 W     7091      SKX    4X22 122.8           249       198       122.8                   4/22                5798         75  A        
1389  TaylorPrk?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 49 26 N  106 33 16 W  or  38 49.430 N  106 33.266 W     9465             Ne/Sw D?             110       233                                                                             

1390  TaylorRnch      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      43 33 30 N  106 00 32 W  or  43 33.500 N  106 00.533 W     5020     WY18    50D 35W              246         3                               NW/SE               5000         35  D        
1393  Telluride       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 57 14 N  107 54 31 W  or  37 57.226 N  107 54.509 W     9059      TEX    09/27 23.0           204       238       123.0                   9/27                6870        100  A        
1394  TenesePass      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 22 09 N  106 18 52 W  or  39 22.150 N  106 18.860 W    10494             MT Pass               74       244                                                                             
1395  Tercio Rch      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 04 09 N  105 01 04 W  or  37 04.150 N  105 01.070 W     7957     3CO4    13/31 30T            206       189                               13/31               3000         75  T        
1397  Texas Creek     TPA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 24 17 N  105 35 15 W  or  38 24.276 N  105 35.256 W     6456     CO19    TWN Hwy Int          115       202                               8/26                3000         40  G        

1398  Thiel           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 15 10 N  105 04 07 W  or  41 15.165 N  105 04.115 W     6870     WY44    07/25 53T             84        18                               7/25                5280        100  T        
1402  Thomas          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 31 08 N  105 01 09 W  or  42 31.131 N  105 01.148 W     4665      76V    16/34 22.9           172        16       122.9                   16/34               4397         70  D        
1405  Thorodin Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 53 33 N  105 25 03 W  or  39 53.544 N  105 25.047 W    10500             MT Peak               14       237                                                                             
1408  Tileston Mt     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 27 02 N  105 36 41 W  or  40 27.030 N  105 36.688 W    11254             MT Peak               35       337                                                                             
1411  Toponas         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 03 25 N  106 47 57 W  or  40 03.423 N  106 47.943 W     8265             RD JCN131134          83       283                                                                             

1413  Torring         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 03 52 N  104 09 10 W  or  42 03.873 N  104 09.162 W     4205      TOR    2/20 10/28 2         151        33       122.8                   10/28               5701         75  A        
1414  Tower           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 31 45 N  103 38 59 W  or  41 31.750 N  103 38.990 W     4840             Turnpoint            132        50                                                                             
1415  Train Sta       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 29 25 N  104 19 26 W  or  38 29.417 N  104 19.430 W     5800             Turnpoint            117       167                                                                             
1416  Tranquila       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 53 10 N  104 14 56 W  or  38 53.166 N  104 14.931 W     6320     88CO    01/19 38T             95       159                               1/19                3800         30  T        
1420  Trego           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 12 24 N  101 08 37 W  or  41 12.400 N  101 08.610 W     2957     5NE5    10/28 34T            229        80                               10/28               3400         50  T        

1423  Trenton         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 11 15 N  101 01 32 W  or  40 11.250 N  101 01.526 W     2796      9V2    01/19 23T            222        98       122.9                   14/32               2360        280  T        
1425  Tri County      AT     Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 00 37 N  105 02 53 W  or  40 00.614 N  105 02.878 W     5130      48V    15/33 23.0           9.6       114       123.0                   15/33               4700         60  C        
1426  Tribune         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 27 15 N  101 44 47 W  or  38 27.251 N  101 44.777 W     3619      5K2    122.8                216       131       122.8                   17/35               5100         45  A        
1427  Trinchera Pk    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 17 12 N  105 10 00 W  or  37 17.200 N  105 10.000 W    13517             MT Peak              190       191                                                                             
1428  TrinidadLake    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 08 16 N  104 32 41 W  or  37 08.260 N  104 32.690 W     6201             Se Dam               204       181                                                                             

1431  TShapedFld?     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 40 43 N  104 27 45 W  or  38 40.723 N  104 27.758 W     6000             Field??              102       168                                                                             
1435  Turky Creek     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 38 56 N  104 52 47 W  or  38 38.940 N  104 52.780 W     6800             W Side RD             98       181                                                                             
1437  TwnLksDam       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 04 35 N  106 18 52 W  or  39 04.580 N  106 18.860 W     9199             Dam E End             88       233                                                                             
1438  TwnSistr SE     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 16 52 N  105 30 41 W  or  40 16.873 N  105 30.676 W    11413             Se Peak               23       330                                                                             
1439  Two Bar         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 55 59 N  105 05 06 W  or  41 55.982 N  105 05.099 W     5110     WY59    17/35 48G            131        15                               17/35               4800         50  G        

1440  Ucompgre Pk     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 04 18 N  107 27 43 W  or  38 04.300 N  107 27.720 W    14309             MT Peak              181       234                                                                             
1441  Uhrich          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 27 38 N  104 38 44 W  or  40 27.632 N  104 38.731 W     4715     CO70    17/35 25T             42        58       135.175                 17/35               2500         90  T        
1444  USAF Acmdy      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 58 11 N  104 49 19 W  or  38 58.183 N  104 49.322 W     6544      AFF    08/26 21.25           77       176       121.25                  16C/34C             4500         75  A        
1446  Ute?            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                36 56 38 N  105 37 49 W  or  36 56.628 N  105 37.821 W     7612             Unknown ??           215       198                                                                             
1447  Val Air         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 20 16 N  107 51 07 W  or  37 20.267 N  107 51.121 W     6548     CD82    17/35 35T            234       230                               17/35               3515        150  T        

1450  Valley Sta?     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 39 13 N  106 04 41 W  or  41 39.212 N  106 04.688 W     7293             Ranch?               120       351                                                                             
1451  Valley View     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 11 34 N  105 48 56 W  or  38 11.560 N  105 48.940 W     8100             Town                 131       206                                                                             
1452  Van Boening     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 47 13 N  101 09 57 W  or  40 47.217 N  101 09.943 W     3102     6NE0    12/30 30T            220        87                               12/30               3020         80  T        
1454  Van Treese      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 39 30 N  106 02 02 W  or  37 39.500 N  106 02.035 W     7613     0CO9    E/W 26G              170       207                               E/W                 2600         50  G        
1455  Vance Brand     AT     Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M        40 09 45 N  105 09 50 W  or  40 09.750 N  105 09.830 W     5056      2V2    11/29 22.975         9.1        33       122.975                 11/29               4800         75  C        

1459  Vernal          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 26 28 N  109 30 36 W  or  40 26.470 N  109 30.600 W     5274      VEL    07/25 22.7           228       290       122.7                   16/34               6201        150  A        
1460  Victor          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 42 10 N  105 08 29 W  or  38 42.170 N  105 08.490 W     9695             Town/Mine             92       189                                                                             
1461  Villa Grove     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 14 56 N  105 56 56 W  or  38 14.930 N  105 56.940 W     7500             Town                 130       210                                                                             
1464  Vowers          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      41 37 20 N  104 47 07 W  or  41 37.332 N  104 47.115 W     5550     WY29    06/24 40G            112        24                               6/24                4000         60  G        
1467  WagonHnd        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      42 35 12 N  105 32 18 W  or  42 35.200 N  105 32.300 W     5470     WY27    41T 60W              177         7                               8/26                4100         60  T        

1470  Walden          AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 44 59 N  106 16 17 W  or  40 44.990 N  106 16.280 W     8149      33V    03/21 22.9            74       324       122.9                   3/21                5900         75  A        
1471  Walker          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 44 N  101 44 53 W  or  38 50.734 N  101 44.877 W     3670     6KS3    N/S 38D              203       125                               N/S                 3800         60  D        
1474  Wallace         AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 49 56 N  101 09 51 W  or  40 49.933 N  101 09.843 W     3101      64V    13/31 22.9           220        86       122.9                   13/31               2800         50  A        
1475  Walsenbrg       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 37 40 N  104 47 00 W  or  37 37.674 N  104 46.998 W     6228             Town                 168       184                                                                             
1476  Walton Peak     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 21 17 N  106 41 58 W  or  40 21.278 N  106 41.961 W    10575             Tower                 81       298                                                                             

1479  Wamsutter       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 40 28 N  107 58 51 W  or  41 40.467 N  107 58.851 W     6795             I-80 Exit            183       321                                                                             
1482  WardTwn         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 04 08 N  105 30 12 W  or  40 04.128 N  105 30.204 W     9228             Ward TWN              15       290                                                                             
1483  Warrick Rc      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 37 58 N  108 46 23 W  or  40 37.964 N  108 46.380 W     6272             Rwy                  191       296                                                                             
1490  Wdland Pk       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 59 38 N  105 03 42 W  or  38 59.641 N  105 03.699 W     9000             MT Peak               73       185                                                                             
1492  Webster         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 27 14 N  105 43 08 W  or  39 27.228 N  105 43.140 W     9386             Town                  48       225                                                                             

1494  Welington       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 42 31 N  105 00 58 W  or  40 42.523 N  105 00.959 W     5219             Town                  48        25                                                                             
1498  Westcliffe      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 08 08 N  105 27 50 W  or  38 08.130 N  105 27.830 W     7999             TWN Hwy Int          132       198                                                                             
1499  Westwater       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 08 48 N  109 08 42 W  or  39 08.800 N  109 08.700 W     4660     UT42    18/36 24G            218       267                               18/36               2400         40  G        
1500  Wetmore         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 14 16 N  105 05 10 W  or  38 14.260 N  105 05.160 W     6085             Buildings            125       189                                                                             
1503  White Pine      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 36 18 N  105 28 16 W  or  40 36.300 N  105 28.267 W    10300                                   41       354                                                                             

1505  Whitely Peak    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 19 04 N  106 29 35 W  or  40 19.061 N  106 29.576 W     9973             MT Peak               70       298                                                                             
1507  Whitewater?     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 00 55 N  108 27 41 W  or  39 00.913 N  108 27.690 W     4987             Unknown ??           186       261                                                                             
1508  WiddowFld?      LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 36 57 N  106 24 12 W  or  41 36.958 N  106 24.194 W     7750             Ranch?               125       343                                                                             
1509  Widner          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 50 02 N  107 53 32 W  or  38 50.032 N  107 53.537 W     6020     8CO5    04/22 22G            165       253                               4/22                2200         50  G        
1511  Wild Horse      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 49 32 N  103 00 42 W  or  38 49.540 N  103 00.700 W     4600             Town                 145       137                                                                             

1512  WilkrsonPass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 02 18 N  105 31 31 W  or  39 02.300 N  105 31.510 W     9507             MT Pass               71       205                                                                             
1515  Williams Pv     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 36 15 N  103 56 22 W  or  40 36.249 N  103 56.364 W     4860     7CO4    07/25 28T             78        72                               7/25                2800         60  T        
1516  Williams RC     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 09 45 N  108 20 25 W  or  38 09.749 N  108 20.422 W     6842     1CO2                         211       245                               NE/SW               2500         60  T        
1517  Wilson Mt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 50 21 N  107 59 29 W  or  37 50.350 N  107 59.487 W    14246             MT Peak              213       237                                                                             
1518  Wilson Rch      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 03 10 N  107 58 46 W  or  38 03.166 N  107 58.770 W     9580     CO95    18/36 40T            202       240       118.325                 18/36               4000         60  T        

1519  Wind Farm       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 36 17 N  106 13 07 W  or  41 36.280 N  106 13.119 W     8191             Wind Farm            120       347                                                                             
1521  WindomPk        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 37 17 N  107 35 31 W  or  37 37.283 N  107 35.520 W    14082             MT Peak              210       230                                                                             
1523  Wine Glass      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      37 38 11 N  103 39 28 W  or  37 38.184 N  103 39.464 W     4708     6CO3    01/19 48D            186       165                               1/19                4800         25  D        
1524  Wings RC?       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 46 48 N  108 50 50 W  or  38 46.803 N  108 50.831 W     6000             E/W D?               212       259                                                                             
1525  Wirth           ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 30 49 N  103 54 43 W  or  40 30.817 N  103 54.717 W     4836     CO06    12/30 35T             77        76                               14/32               4420         40  T        

1527  WKR             ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 31 15 N  104 58 00 W  or  40 31.250 N  104 58.007 W     4840     65CO    11/29 14T             36        34       135.075                 11/29               1400         40  T        
1530  WLPD            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 11 08 N  100 52 05 W  or  39 11.133 N  100 52.083 W     3000             Big P Dog            239       115                                                                             
1532  WntrPkSki       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 53 10 N  105 46 08 W  or  39 53.167 N  105 46.137 W     9524             Ski Area              31       262                                                                             
1534  WolfCrk Pass    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                37 28 59 N  106 48 03 W  or  37 28.978 N  106 48.044 W    10863             MT Pass              196       218                                                                             
1536  Woods           AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 23 20 N  107 49 23 W  or  38 23.333 N  107 49.387 W     6120     73CO    13/31 20T            180       243                               13/31               2000         30  T        

1541  Wray            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 06 01 N  102 14 27 W  or  40 06.019 N  102 14.458 W     3667      2V5    14/32 22.8           158       100       122.8                   17/35               5400         75  A        
1542  Wright          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      39 24 30 N  102 01 17 W  or  39 24.500 N  102 01.278 W     3883     SN02    15/33 20T            176       115                               15/33               2000         70  T        
1543  WstbrgRslng     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 02 50 N  104 12 34 W  or  40 02.832 N  104 12.564 W     4857     74CO    14/32 25G             54       101                               14/32               2500         40  G        
1544  WstClfTwrs      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 01 14 N  105 06 56 W  or  38 01.240 N  105 06.940 W    11001             MW Towers            140       190                                                                             
1545  WtrPlnt         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                39 59 57 N  105 25 31 W  or  39 59.955 N  105 25.524 W     8062             Water Plant           11       267                                                                             

1546  WY Border       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 12 00 N  105 05 07 W  or  41 12.000 N  105 05.120 W     6550             Turnpoint             81        17                                                                             
1547  Wycon           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                41 05 50 N  104 55 00 W  or  41 05.833 N  104 55.000 W     6300             Chem Plant            75        24                                                                             
1551  Yale Mt         T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                38 50 39 N  106 18 50 W  or  38 50.650 N  106 18.835 W    14196             MT Peak              101       227                                                                             
1552  Yampa Vly       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 28 52 N  107 13 04 W  or  40 28.870 N  107 13.060 W     6602      HDN    10/28 23.0           109       299       123.0                   10/28              10000        150  A        
1553  YampaTwn        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 08 56 N  106 55 12 W  or  40 08.940 N  106 55.201 W     8015             Town                  90       287                                                                             

1554  Yankee          ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 38 05 N  104 59 28 W  or  40 38.083 N  104 59.466 W     5049     CO53    18/36 27T             43        29       135.075                 18/36               2700         55  T        
1558  Yocam Ranch     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 18 00 N  104 13 47 W  or  40 17.999 N  104 13.780 W     4461     7CO5    06/24 8D              56        83                               12/30               1000         40  D        
1560  Youtsey         ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      38 16 00 N  104 17 02 W  or  38 16.000 N  104 17.031 W     4660     CO09    11/29 23G            132       169                               11/29               2300         35  G        
1562  Yuma            AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M      40 06 15 N  102 42 47 W  or  40 06.249 N  102 42.779 W     4136      2V6    12/30 22.8           133        99       122.8                   16/34               4200         75  C        
1564  Zirkel Mt       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M                40 50 14 N  106 38 57 W  or  40 50.240 N  106 38.950 W    12110             MT Peak               93       319                                                                             

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