*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Boulder, Colorado + * + * Contributed by Richard Hall 'RH' + * Contribution date was 26 March, 2000 + * Updated 28 March, 2000 + * Via John Seaborn 'A8' + * File created Friday, 10 May 2002 at 03:31 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://acro.harvard.edu/SOARING/JL/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/JL/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + * + * Always consult the relevant publications + * for current and correct information. This + * service is provided free of charge with + * no warrantees, expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARC A-A Ranch U# 4109.498N 10633.452W ARD Aardvark U# 3902.150N 10450.630W ARF Air Force Academy U# 3858.160N 10448.800W AKR Akron U# 4010.500N 10313.750W ALX Alexander AP U# 3832.300N 10602.830W ALL Alliance NE U# 4203.190N 10248.220W ASP Aspen U# 3913.390N 10652.130W ATH Athansiou Valley U# 3951.600N 10527.600W ALT Ault U# 4038.500N 10437.000W AVN Avion Club U# 3851.116N 10655.969W BCG Baca Grande U# 3757.850N 10546.670W BRJ Bar J Lazy V U# 4109.366N 10323.913W BAS Base U# 3823.090N 10546.210W BLL Bellmore U# 4042.249N 10447.865W BLK Blake U# 3846.920N 10804.220W BLD Boulder AP U# 4002.370N 10513.550W BWN Bowen Farms U# 3933.000N 10501.750W BRN Braun U# 3827.317N 10505.032W BRC Breckenridge U# 3930.290N 10602.980W BRS Brush AP U# 4015.830N 10334.860W BUL Bullseye U# 3845.250N 10418.500W BUR Burnham U# 4046.916N 10455.032W BTL Butler U# 4106.349N 10412.447W BTT Butts AFB U 3841.400N 10446.000W CLH Calhan U# 3902.870N 10417.530W CMR Cameron Pass U 4032.000N 10553.500W CMP Camp Guernsey U# 4215.577N 10443.697W CNY Canyon View U# 4149.850N 10431.000W CRR Carrera U# 4012.999N 10457.032W CRT Cartwheel U# 4012.499N 10500.782W CSS Cass U# 4037.332N 10420.664W CNT Central Colorado U# 3848.100N 10607.270W CHP Chaparral U# 3927.860N 10415.450W CHN Chenowith U# 3949.267N 10336.047W CHR Cherokee Trail U# 3906.460N 10435.310W CHY Cheyenne U# 4109.343N 10448.710W CHE Cheyenne Wells U# 3849.000N 10218.361W CHI Christman U# 4035.832N 10508.616W CRC Circle 8 U# 3920.000N 10432.000W +CL City & Co Las Ani U# 3803.000N 10314.500W CLF Clifford U# 3834.499N 10757.537W CMS CMRS U# 3832.500N 10606.201W CLN Colo Antique U# 4007.200N 10510.350W CLS Colo Springs U# 3848.500N 10442.600W CLW Colo Wyo Line U# 4058.889N 10517.226W CLR Colorado Springs U# 3852.470N 10424.600W COR Corr U# 4143.448N 10330.680W CTT Cottonwood U# 3803.334N 10339.197W CRG Craig U# 4029.710N 10732.050W CRW Crawford U# 3842.230N 10738.760W CRP Crop Air U# 4030.559N 10439.073W DVS Daves U# 4001.999N 10507.432W DCK Decker U# 3942.500N 10321.400W DTR Dietrichs U# 3919.949N 10433.982W DXN Dixon U# 4102.298N 10729.837W DDS Dodson U# 4044.000N 10203.028W EDS Eads U# 3829.170N 10246.600W EGL Eagle Cnty U# 3938.550N 10655.060W EST Easton Vly U# 4019.832N 10436.531W ECH Echo Valley U# 4024.500N 10654.000W EDN Edenway U# 3820.833N 10437.932W ELV Eleven Mile U# 3854.250N 10528.530W ESE Estes Park U 4022.600N 10531.000W EVN Evans U# 4115.532N 10535.349W FRP Fairplay U# 3910.800N 10558.500W FHR Fehringer U# 4102.333N 10257.162W FNS Finish U# 4002.370N 10513.550W FLG Flagler U# 3916.500N 10304.500W FLY Flying J Ranch U# 3932.590N 10519.110W FLI Flying Lzy D U# 3910.500N 10431.900W FLN Flying M & M U# 3813.166N 10812.788W FRC Four Corners U# 4051.600N 10553.850W FWL Fowler U# 3804.350N 10402.748W FXV Fox Valley R U# 3838.700N 10414.000W FRS Frasier U# 3938.750N 10338.750W FRM Fremont Cnty U# 3825.768N 10506.425W FTC Ft Collins Downto U# 4035.320N 10502.690W FTO Ft Collins Lovela U# 4027.490N 10500.710W FTM Ft Morgan AP U# 4020.050N 10348.240W GRD Garden Count U# 4124.059N 10221.301W GRF Garfield County U# 3931.580N 10743.620W GRY Geary U# 3803.000N 10528.300W GBR Gebauer U# 4014.666N 10305.613W GLN Glenwoodsprg U# 3931.000N 10718.950W GLD Goldn Yellow Hat U# 3750.380N 10512.430W GOD Good U# 3805.834N 10454.616W GRN Granby U# 4005.380N 10555.030W GRL Greeley Weld U# 4025.680N 10437.950W GRE Greenhorn Valley U# 3757.500N 10447.250W GNN Gunnison U# 3832.207N 10656.000W HPP Happy Canyon U# 3824.999N 10754.037W HXT Haxtun U# 4037.500N 10236.700W HCK Heckendorf P U# 3924.750N 10550.600W HLL Hill U# 3937.249N 10244.613W HOL Holly U# 3802.750N 10207.780W HLY Holyoke U# 4034.610N 10216.700W HRS Horse Creek U 4124.650N 10510.783W HRF Huerfano Ag U# 3806.000N 10425.532W IDE Idler U# 3936.700N 10232.700W IDL Idler Bros U# 3940.766N 10235.446W JCK Jackrabbit U# 4022.499N 10452.365W JAC Jackson U# 4011.666N 10241.896W JFF Jeffco U# 3954.610N 10507.250W JLS Julesberg U# 4059.000N 10219.180W JNK Junk Yard U 4123.980N 10340.500W KLG Kelgun U# 3918.416N 10448.949W KLL Kelly U# 3913.370N 10438.510W KNT Kent U# 4015.165N 10400.197W KMB Kimball U# 4111.500N 10340.500W KTC Kit Carson U# 3914.680N 10217.080W KOL Kossler FN U 3958.770N 10519.959W KSS Kossler Lake U 3958.770N 10519.959W KOS Kossler ST U 3958.770N 10519.959W KST Kostroski U# 3921.999N 10440.698W KGL Kugel Strong U# 4012.999N 10445.031W LJN La Junta U# 3803.580N 10331.390W LKC Lake County U# 3913.220N 10619.000W LKR Lake Creek U# 3817.800N 10536.500W LMR Lamar U# 3804.220N 10242.130W LRM Laramie U# 4118.750N 10540.460W LCH Leach U# 3747.290N 10603.040W LMN Lemons U# 3959.750N 10513.200W LIM Limon U# 3916.370N 10339.980W LVR Livermore U# 4050.000N 10509.900W LOW Lowe U# 3823.100N 10537.000W MRS Marshdale U# 3935.200N 10518.750W MCL McElroy AP U# 4003.220N 10622.140W MDW Meadow Lake U# 3856.100N 10434.410W MDC Medicine Bow U# 4152.998N 10610.851W MKR Meeker U# 4002.930N 10753.150W MLN Melon U# 3800.920N 10341.950W MRT Mertens U# 4037.049N 10319.996W MSV Mesa View Ranch U# 4046.498N 10732.037W MSW Mesawood U# 3857.667N 10757.467W MYR Meyer U# 3933.000N 10517.060W MLH Mile Hi U# 4053.999N 10450.031W MLL Miller U# 4120.449N 10246.662W MNR Mineral Co Memori U# 3749.250N 10655.870W MNT Monte Vista U# 3732.043N 10602.760W MON Montrose U# 3830.010N 10753.690W MRR Morris U# 3950.100N 10344.500W MTV Mount Evans U 3935.250N 10538.000W NSH Nash U# 3845.600N 10524.200W NWM Newman U# 4101.000N 10201.028W NFR North Fork Valley U# 3849.900N 10738.750W ORD Ordway U# 3814.580N 10345.620W OWL Owl Canyon U# 4048.000N 10459.000W PWL Pawlet Ranch U# 4149.749N 10220.562W PKV Peakview U# 3855.750N 10409.000W PRR Perry Park U# 3914.699N 10453.349W PHL Phelps U# 4102.466N 10304.095W PHF Phifer U# 4203.322N 10456.416W PNB Pine Bluffs U# 4109.500N 10407.500W PNV Pine View U# 3920.666N 10434.865W PBL Pueblo Memrl U# 3817.500N 10430.000W RNC Rancho de Aereo U# 4012.899N 10459.065W RWH Rawhide U# 4054.499N 10505.032W RWL Rawlins U# 4148.340N 10711.000W RYC Ray CNP U# 4105.200N 10227.900W RYS Rays U# 4114.732N 10543.866W RDL Redlands U# 3850.199N 10747.570W RSG Reisig U# 4154.398N 10341.980W SGC Saguache U# 3805.830N 10610.120W SND Sand Arroya U# 3827.167N 10331.780W SCH Schawo U# 4040.249N 10412.497W SCE Scherler U# 3834.601N 10226.228W SHP Shipman Ranch U# 3849.999N 10751.537W SHV Shively U# 4128.000N 10650.000W SDN Sidney NE U# 4106.000N 10259.000W SLK Silkman U# 3927.283N 10212.778W SLV Silver Cliff U# 3807.780N 10526.040W SIL Silver Heels U# 3917.370N 10551.790W SIV Silver West U# 3800.520N 10522.200W SKI Sky Island U# 3844.249N 10800.354W SKY Skyote U# 4045.482N 10658.320W SKV Skyview U# 4113.032N 10435.031W SLN Sloan U# 4109.416N 10442.498W STN Stansfield U# 4010.916N 10255.330W STR Start U# 4002.370N 10513.550W STM Steamboat Springs U# 4031.617N 10652.293W STE Sterling U# 4037.000N 10316.000W SVT Svitak U# 4202.698N 10357.947W TLL Telluride U# 3757.220N 10754.500W TZK Tezak U# 3825.000N 10536.000W THL Thiel U# 4115.165N 10504.115W TMS Tomsick Ranch U# 3809.760N 10517.160W TRR Torrington U# 4203.873N 10409.162W TWR Tower U 4131.750N 10338.990W TRC Tri-County U# 4000.650N 10502.700W TWB Two Bar U# 4155.982N 10505.099W UHR Uhrich U# 4027.632N 10438.731W VNC Vance Brand U# 4009.750N 10509.830W VWR Vowers U# 4137.332N 10447.115W WLD Walden U# 4044.100N 10616.280W WPB West Pueblo U# 3821.800N 10444.282W 8/26 13D WST Western Nebraska U# 4153.750N 10335.900W WLL Williams U# 4036.249N 10356.364W WRT Wirth U# 4029.999N 10352.280W WRY Wray U# 4005.920N 10214.280W YMP Yampa Valley U# 4028.870N 10713.560W YNK Yankee U# 4038.000N 10459.850W YCM Yocam Ranch U# 4017.999N 10413.780W YTS Youtsey U# 3816.500N 10417.100W YUM Yuma U# 4006.250N 10242.780W