++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Bordertown, South Australia + + + + Contributed by Peter Robinson + + Contributed on 19 September 2014 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Friday, 19 September 2014 at 21:24 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Antwerp, -36, -17.93, 142, 1.43, 400 2, Ararat A D, -37, -18.5, 142, 59.32, 400 3, Balmoral, -37, -14.93, 141, 50.45, 600 4, Birchip, -35, -58.73, 142, 55.27, 400 5, Blanchetown, -34, -20.72, 139, 36.98, 65 6, BordertownF, -36, -16.08, 140, 43.32, 279 7, Bridgewater, -36, -36.13, 143, 56.92, 400 8, Callendale, -37, -14.6, 140, 26.7, 138 9, Coleraine, -37, -36.3, 141, 42.52, 476 10, Coomandook, -35, -28.2, 139, 41.72, 42 11, Coombe, -35, -58.72, 140, 15.27, 121 12, Coonawarra, -37, -16.9, 140, 48.65, 187 13, Cope Cope, -36, -28.67, 143, 3.6, 400 14, Cowangie, -35, -14.05, 141, 22.88, 156 15, Diapur, -36, -19.25, 141, 27.45, 400 16, Dimboola, -36, -27.3, 142, 1.7, 367 17, Edenhope, -37, -2.08, 141, 17.47, 518 18, Frances, -36, -42.85, 140, 57.17, 400 19, Goroke, -36, -43.35, 141, 28.53, 400 20, Green Lake, -36, -47.2, 142, 17.87, 469 21, Harrow, -37, -8.88, 141, 35.68, 548 22, Hattah, -34, -45.87, 142, 16.77, 400 23, Hopetoun, -35, -42.98, 142, 21.43, 400 24, Horsham, -36, -40.27, 142, 10.28, 400 25, Jeparit, -36, -8.33, 141, 59.27, 400 26, Kaniva AF, -36, -23.45, 141, 14.93, 430 27, Karoonda, -35, -5.65, 139, 53.92, 224 28, Keith AF, -36, -6.3, 140, 14.78, 89 29, Kingston, -36, -49.35, 139, 52.17, 10 30, Kyalite, -34, -56.6, 143, 28.63, 207 31, LkCullllrn, -34, -16.68, 141, 35.87, 141 32, Lameroo, -35, -19.82, 140, 31.05, 329 33, Loxton AF, -34, -28.57, 140, 39.9, 108 34, Maryborogh, -37, -2.05, 143, 42.52, 764 35, Meringur, -34, -23.43, 141, 20.05, 293 36, Millicent, -37, -35.12, 140, 22.1, 59 37, Minyip, -36, -27.4, 142, 34.95, 400 38, Mundulla, -36, -22.37, 140, 41.53, 256 39, Natimuk, -36, -44.68, 141, 56.45, 400 40, Netherby, -36, -6.68, 141, 38.85, 400 41, Nhill A/D, -36, -18.57, 141, 38.88, 400 42, Ouyen, -35, -4.37, 142, 19.37, 190 43, PadthawSt., -36, -36.37, 140, 30.03, 131 44, Patchwllck, -35, -23.27, 142, 11.2, 400 45, Peebinga, -34, -55.8, 140, 54.85, 235 46, Pinnaroo, -35, -15.67, 140, 54.03, 348 47, Pirlta, -34, -21.95, 141, 53.98, 200 48, Renmark AP, -34, -11.88, 140, 40.5, 114 49, Robe AP, -37, -10.58, 139, 48.15, 20 50, Robinvale, -34, -35.23, 142, 46.23, 213 51, Sea Lake, -35, -30.47, 142, 50.83, 400 52, ServictnSl, -36, -22.52, 140, 59.2, 394 53, Shaugh, -35, -52.03, 140, 46.73, 384 54, St Arnaud, -36, -38.8, 143, 10.8, 400 55, SwanHillAF, -35, -22.68, 143, 32.17, 230 56, Taplan E, -34, -32.4, 140, 54.13, 177 57, Taratap, -36, -36.33, 139, 57.23, 95 58, TelopeDwns, -36, -7.87, 141, 6.83, 456 59, TilleySwmp, -36, -21.33, 139, 57.03, 66 60, Tintinara, -35, -52.25, 140, 4.22, 75 61, Underbool, -35, -10.22, 141, 48.75, 400 62, Waikerie, -34, -11.1, 140, 1.62, 148 63, Warracknbl, -36, -14.43, 142, 23.85, 400 64, Willalooka, -36, -23.73, 140, 18.65, 105 65, Willaura, -37, -33.05, 142, 44.4, 400 66, WolseleySl, -36, -22.17, 140, 54.93, 361 67, Woolumbool, -36, -50.13, 140, 18.9, 79 68, Yaapeet, -35, -46.22, 142, 3.05, 400