* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "bordeaux.stx" created Friday, 30 March 2012 at 05:04 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * Léognan - Saucats $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1W $HEADER Association Aéronautique d'Acquitaine $HEADER Bordeaux-Montesquieu $CONTEST Inter-Régional Midi-Pyrenees, 2012 $HOME_SITE Bordeaux-Léognan, France $CAI_TITLE Bordeaux, France * IDL_LABEL_SCALE: .3 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $URL_INFORMATION planeursbordeaux.free.fr/index.php/inter-regional-2012 the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE planeursbordeaux.free.fr/telechargement/PVconcoursBdx2012V2.cup $CONTRIBUTOR Maxime Bonnissent $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME MaximeBonnissent $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL maxime.bonnissent@orange.fr $COUNTRY FR $NO_SUA Y $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "bordeaux.stx" created Friday, 30 March 2012 at 05:04 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1W $CONTEST Inter-Régional Midi-Pyrenees, 2012 $HOME_SITE Bordeaux-Léognan, France $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Maxime Bonnissent $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL maxime.bonnissent@orange.fr $COUNTRY FR $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 29 March 2012 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Agen la Garenne Aéro 44 10 29 0 35 26 E AT 61 121.3 11/29 2167 A LFBA Aiguillon PV 44 18 3 0 20 21 E T 35 Aire sur l'Adour Aéro 43 42 34 0 14 46 W AT 79 118.975 12/30 978 A LFDA Angoulême Aéro 45 43 46 0 13 9 E AT 140 118.2 10/28 1868 A LFBU Auch Lamothe Aéro 43 41 13 0 36 0 E AT 125 123.0 18/36 1500 A LFDH Baignes CV 45 23 7 0 14 9 W T Bazas Aéro 44 28 0 0 13 0 W AT 77 Beaumont Aéro 44 46 0 0 43 20 E AT 107 123.5 03/21 360 G Bellac CV 46 7 21 1 3 0 E T 244 Belves St Pardou Aéro 44 46 57 0 57 30 E AT 241 123.5 11/29 799 G LFIB Bergerac Aéro 44 49 28 0 31 14 E AT 52 119.8 10/28 2210 A LFBE Beynac CV 44 50 36 1 8 47 E T 178 Biscarrosse Aéro 44 22 10 1 7 53 W AT 31 118.95 09/27 799 A LFBS Bordeaux-Mérignac Aéro 44 49 43 0 42 55 W AT 52 118.3 05/23 3088 A LFBD Bordeaux-Saucats Aéro 44 42 1 0 35 47 W HSFAT 58 119.0 03/21 799 A LFCS Bordeaux-Yvrac Aéro 44 52 38 0 28 48 W AT 73 119.95 11/29 680 G LFDY Brantôme CV 45 22 7 0 39 2 E T 104 Brive la Roche Aéro 45 8 59 1 28 28 E AT 116 120.4 14/32 1378 A LFBV Brouquet Aéro 44 38 0 0 23 0 W LT 60 Cabanac Aéro 44 37 0 0 34 50 W LT 58 09/27 887 G Cadillac Aéro 44 38 54 0 20 25 W LT 56 Cahors Gare SNCF 44 26 55 1 25 59 E T 120 Cahors Lalbenque Aéro 44 21 2 1 28 43 E AT 277 119.225 13/31 1500 A LFCC Cancon CV 44 32 13 0 37 26 E T 120 Capbreton CV 43 38 51 1 25 51 W T 6 Captieux CV 44 17 34 0 15 29 W T 95 Casteljaloux CV 44 19 0 0 5 15 E T 83 Castelsarrasin Aéro 44 5 9 1 7 38 E AT 73 121.05 10/28 887 A LFCX Castillonnes CV 44 39 15 0 35 30 E T 70 Chalais Aéro 45 16 5 0 1 1 E AT 88 123.5 07/25 829 G LFIH Châtellerault-Targé Aéro 46 46 53 0 33 7 E AT 60 120.05 18/36 799 A LFCA Chauvigny 46 35 1 0 38 33 E AT 120 123.5 05/23 750 G LFDW Chevanceaux Inter N10/D42 45 18 47 0 14 48 E T 110 Colayrac CV 44 14 10 0 33 53 E T 44 Commensacq CV 44 12 45 0 49 30 W T 73 Condat/Vezère Aéro 45 7 17 1 13 30 E AT 153 Condom Valence Aéro 43 54 37 0 23 41 E AT 134 129.3 11/29 829 G LFID Confolens CV 46 0 45 0 40 33 E T 151 Couhé-Vérac Aéro 46 16 22 0 11 26 E AT 160 Dax Seyresse Aéro 43 41 21 1 4 8 W AT 34 118.325 08/26 799 A LFBY Duras CV 44 40 38 0 11 7 E T 104 Exideuil CV 45 20 17 1 3 0 E T 227 Figac Aéro 44 40 24 1 47 21 E AT 340 123.5 11/29 887 A LFCF Fumel Montay Aéro 44 27 49 1 1 26 E AT 210 123.5 17/35 707 A LFDX Gonteaud-de-Nogaret CV 44 27 23 0 17 42 E T Grignols CV 44 23 10 0 2 37 W T 145 Hautefort Château 45 15 34 1 8 43 E T 280 Houièlles CV 44 11 29 0 2 1 E T 150 La Couronne SNCF 45 36 30 0 6 9 E T 79 La-Réole Aéro 44 34 5 0 3 22 W AT 45 123.5 08/26 948 G LFDR La Roche-Chalais Eglise 45 9 8 0 0 31 E T 100 Labrit Eglise 44 6 26 0 32 41 W T 85 Lalinde CV 44 50 13 0 44 20 E T Langon Ancien Pont 44 33 29 0 14 55 W T 30 Le Poteau Eglise 44 11 18 0 16 12 W T 136 Les Maisons Blanches Carrefour N10/D148 46 8 16 0 10 46 E T 123 Lerm-et-Musset Eglise 44 19 43 0 9 38 W T 117 Libourne Aéro 44 59 6 0 8 13 W AT 49 120.65 04/22 1109 A LFDI Lipostey CV 44 20 8 0 52 1 W T Lusignan CV 46 26 1 0 7 20 E T 125 Mansle CV 45 52 38 0 10 39 E T 75 Mareuil CV 45 27 2 0 27 12 E T 120 Marmande Gare 44 30 11 0 10 4 E T Marmande Virazel Aéro 44 30 4 0 11 51 E AT 34 120.05 11/29 1198 A LFDM Meilhan Garonne 44 31 11 0 2 14 E T Mézin CV 44 3 24 0 15 32 E T 114 Mimizan SNCF 44 11 53 1 13 25 W T 22 Miramont-de-Guyenne CV 44 36 7 0 21 43 E T 54 Montpon CV 45 3 8 0 21 43 E T 54 Morcenx SNCF 44 2 0 0 54 30 W T 74 Mussidan CV 45 2 12 0 21 46 E T 54 Nontron CV 45 31 55 0 39 48 E T 250 Parentis CV 44 21 6 1 4 22 W T 29 Périgueux Bassillac Aéro 45 11 51 0 48 55 E AT 101 118.775 12/30 1750 A LFBX Pissos CV 44 18 37 0 46 43 W T 56 Poitiers Biard Aéro 46 35 15 0 18 24 E AT 128 118.5 03/21 2359 A LFBI Pons CV 45 34 34 0 32 55 W T 37 Préchac Gare 44 24 0 0 21 6 W T 85 Puy l'Evêque Pont/Lot 44 30 22 1 8 18 E T 116 Ribérac St Aulaye Aéro 45 14 25 0 16 1 E AT 107 123.5 05/23 860 G LFIK Rion-des-Landes Aéro 43 54 57 0 56 57 W AT 79 05/23 1079 G LFIL Riscle Eglise 43 39 29 0 5 7 W T 110 Rochechouart Gare 45 49 49 0 49 50 E T 280 Rodez Marcillac Aéro 44 24 27 2 29 0 E AT 582 118.125 13/31 2018 A LFCR Ruffec Pont N10/Vf 46 1 33 0 10 57 E T 112 Sabres CV 44 8 59 0 44 21 W T 80 Sainte Foy-la-Grande Aéro 44 51 13 0 10 36 E AT 85 121.125 10/28 1198 G LFDF Sarlat Domme Aéro 44 47 36 1 14 39 E AT 299 118.15 11/29 738 A LFDS Saucats CV 44 39 12 0 35 45 W T Sauveterre de Guyenne Eglise 44 41 34 0 5 9 W T 75 Sigoules CV 44 45 31 0 24 33 E T 64 Solferino CV 44 8 45 0 55 0 W T Sore CV 44 19 18 0 35 0 W T 73 St Astier SNCF 45 8 46 0 31 41 E T 69 St Bazeille CV 44 31 54 0 5 51 E T Ste Livrade Pont 44 24 8 0 35 12 E T 54 St Pierre de Bat 44 40 9 0 13 3 W LT 56 13/31 469 G St Symphorien CV 44 26 0 0 29 30 W T 56 Tombeboeuf CV 44 30 12 0 27 30 E T 137 Tonneins Gare 44 23 39 0 18 54 E T 42 Tourn d'Agenais CV 44 24 0 0 59 57 E T Tourteau Chollet Vache 44 39 50 0 24 48 W LT Trensacq CV 44 12 54 0 45 0 W T 75 Villandrault CV 44 27 18 0 22 14 W T Villefranche de Rouergue Aéro 44 22 12 2 1 38 E AT 335 123.5 13/31 1009 G LFCV Villeneuve/Lot Aéro 44 24 1 0 45 40 E AT 58 123.6 10/28 1049 A LFCW Villeneuve/Lot Pont 44 24 23 0 42 1 E T 62