;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Blois, France + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Bernard Fay + ; + ; Generated on Friday, 7 July, 2000 at 21:48 MST + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ablis" "ABLIS" "Bridge N 10/A11" "N4831,450" "E00149,967" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "Airfield" "N4720,483" "E00056,550" "Amboise chateau" "AMBSCH" "_" "N4724,817" "E00059,267" "Ancenis Airfield" "ANCENS" "_" "N4724,050" "W00111,200" "Ancenis Bridge" "ANCNSB" "_" "N4721,700" "W00110,550" "Angers" "ANGERS" "Avrille Airfield" "N4724,050" "W00030,317" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "Station" "N4818,650" "E00200,117" "Argent" "ARGENT" "s/ Sauldre" "N4733,717" "E00226,450" "Artenay" "ARTENY" "toll gate A10" "N4805,033" "E00151,483" "Aubigny s/ Nere" "ABGNYS" "Airfield" "N4728,833" "W00223,650" "Autreche" "AUTRCH" "ULM" "N4732,233" "E00100,983" "Azay le Rideau" "AZYLRD" "Castle" "N4715,500" "E00028,017" "Bailleau" "BAILLE" "Airfield" "N4830,950" "E00138,400" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "Station" "N4731,850" "W00006,317" "Beaugency" "BEGNCY" "Bridge" "N4746,333" "E00138,000" "Beaune la Rolande" "BNLRLN" "Silo" "N4804,383" "E00225,483" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "Castle" "N4759,200" "E00226,500" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "Airfield" "N4740,733" "E00112,633" "Bonneval" "BONNVL" "Station" "N4811,183" "E00123,150" "Bourges" "BOURGS" "Airfield" "N4703,800" "E00222,217" "Briare" "BRIARE" "Airfield" "N4736,667" "E00246,983" "Brou" "BROU" "_" "N4813,017" "E00109,717" "Buno Bonneveaux" "BNBNNV" "Airfield" "N4821,067" "E00225,533" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Bridge" "N4653,250" "E00125,200" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Castle" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Chanteloup" "CHNTLP" "Pagoda" "N4723,450" "E00058,267" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Airfield" "N4827,533" "E00131,433" "Chateau du Loir" "CHTDLR" "_" "N4741,017" "E00025,050" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHTLVL" "_" "N4733,083" "E00019,300" "Chateaudun Airfield" "CHATDN" "120.25 (Approche)" "N4803,533" "E00122,817" "Chateauneuf s/ Cher" "CHTNFS" "_" "N4652,267" "E00222,617" "Chateauroux Deols" "CHTRXD" "Airfield" "N4651,700" "E00143,350" "Chateauroux Villers" "CHTRXV" "Airport" "N4650,500" "E00137,267" "Chatellerault" "CHTLLR" "Airfield" "N4646,883" "E00033,117" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "Castle" "N4728,750" "E00111,033" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Castle" "N4719,467" "E00104,267" "Cheverny" "CHVRNY" "Castle" "N4730,050" "E00127,517" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Bridge D 749" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Cormery" "CORMRY" "Station" "N4715,783" "E00050,050" "Cosnes" "COSNES" "Airfield" "N4721,617" "E00255,350" "Courtenay" "CORTNY" "Station" "N4802,233" "E00303,450" "Culan" "CULAN" "Railway Bridge" "N4633,000" "E00216,000" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "Station" "N4658,467" "E00041,750" "Dhuizon" "DHUIZN" "Church" "N4735,350" "E00139,517" "Dreux" "DREUX" "Airfield" "N4842,400" "E00121,767" "Epuisay" "EPUISY" "_" "N4754,000" "E00056,000" "Fougeres" "FOUGRS" "Airfield" "N4727,467" "E00122,683" "Freteval" "FRETVL" "Station" "N4753,500" "E00112,783" "Grand Pressigny" "GRNDPR" "Castle" "N4655,367" "E00048,183" "Gien" "GIEN" "Bridge" "N4741,000" "E00238,000" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "Station" "N4818,250" "E00114,800" "Issoudun le Fay" "ISSDNL" "Airfield" "N4653,000" "E00202,000" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "Bridge Loire" "N4752,133" "E00207,533" "La Ferte St Aubin" "LFRTST" "Station" "N4743,217" "E00155,950" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "Airfield" "N4741,450" "W00000,467" "Le Blanc" "LEBLNC" "Bridge" "N4637,783" "E00103,833" "Le Louroux" "LELORX" "Airfield" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "Station" "N4738,467" "E00009,367" "Le Mans Arnage" "LMNSRN" "Airfield" "N4756,967" "E00012,183" "Le Rabot" "LERABT" "Airfield" "N4739,400" "E00159,350" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNYLR" "Airfield" "N4742,250" "E00146,500" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "Church" "N4702,650" "E00049,183" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Castle" "N4708,000" "E00141,833" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "Airfield" "N4702,117" "E00005,967" "Loury" "LOURY" "_" "N4807,283" "E00205,300" "Lussac les Chateaux" "LSSCLS" "_" "N4624,217" "E00042,167" "Marchenoir" "MRCHNR" "Church" "N4749,367" "E00123,817" "Mer" "MER" "Station" "N4742,400" "E00130,500" "Meung s/ Loire" "MNGSLR" "Bridge" "N4749,367" "E00142,100" "Moisy" "MOISY" "road crossing" "N4754,200" "E00118,600" "Montargis" "MNTRGS" "Airfield" "N4757,633" "E00241,150" "Montmorillon" "MNTMRL" "Station" "N4625,250" "E00052,533" "Montoire" "MONTOR" "Station" "N4745,400" "E00052,217" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "Airfield" "N4720,000" "E00112,000" "Muides" "MUIDES" "Bridge" "N4740,450" "E00131,650" "Neung s/ Beuvron" "NNGSBV" "difficult" "N4732,167" "E00145,500" "Neuville" "NEUVLL" "Bois Station" "N4804,067" "E00203,600" "Neuvy" "NEUVY" "s/ Barangeon" "N4718,867" "E00215,333" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "_" "N4732,050" "E00202,200" "Nouans les Fontaine" "NNSLSF" "_" "N4708,133" "E00117,950" "Orbigny" "ORBGNY" "Airfield" "N4712,000" "E00116,000" "Orleans Toll Gate" "ORLNST" "_" "N4750,500" "E00152,000" "Orleans St Denis" "ORLNSS" "Airfield" "N4753,917" "E00209,917" "Orleans la Source" "ORLNSL" "_" "N4750,000" "E00155,000" "Parthenay" "PRTHNY" "Station" "N4638,850" "W00014,217" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "Airfield" "N4809,433" "E00211,550" "Poitiers" "POITRS" "Biard Airfield" "N4635,300" "E00018,483" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Bridge" "N4700,367" "E00036,000" "Romorantin" "RMRNTN" "Airfield" "N4719,250" "E00141,333" "Saint Calais" "SNTCLS" "_" "N4755,283" "E00044,800" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "station" "N4725,417" "E00202,900" "Saumur" "SAUMUR" "Airfield" "N4715,550" "W00006,767" "Sens" "SENS" "station" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "difficult" "N4727,500" "E00210,783" "Ste Maure Touraine" "STMRTR" "_" "N4706,217" "E00033,400" "Sully" "SULLY" "Bidge" "N4746,200" "E00222,400" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "A11 highway outlet" "N4821,767" "E00126,800" "Thouars" "THOURS" "Airfield" "N4657,700" "W00009,433" "Tours" "TOURS" "Sorigny Airfield" "N4716,050" "E00042,067" "Toury" "TOURY" "N20 / D927" "N4811,300" "E00155,667" "Valencay" "VALNCY" "chateau" "N4709,483" "E00133,800" "Vatan" "VATAN" "church" "N4704,483" "E00148,617" "Vernou en Sologne" "VRNNSL" "difficult" "N4736,167" "E00145,167" "Vierzon" "VIERZN" "Airfield" "N4711,683" "E00204,000" "Villefranche s/ Cher" "VLLFRN" "_" "N4717,767" "E00146,200" "Voves" "VOVES" "Station" "N4816,450" "E00137,333"