* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "blmfntn8.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 00:25 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $HOME_SITE Bloemfontein, South Africa [ New Tempe ] $COUNTRY ZA $CONTRIBUTOR Dick Bradley $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL rbradley@telkomsa.net $VIA Carol Clifford $VIA_E-MAIL bobcar@global.co.za $CONTEST The South African National Championhips, 2008 $TIMEZONE 2 $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 26 December 2007 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE South * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * A1 Airway Stub Marker 29 39 58 24 7 53 l 1126 A2 Airway Stub Marker 29 44 0 24 19 4 l 1092 A3 Airway Stub Marker 28 16 13 25 19 12 l 1307 A4 Airway Stub Marker 28 33 25 25 33 27 l 1246 A5 Airway Stub Marker 29 31 8 25 34 37 l 1287 A6 Airway Stub Marker 29 42 52 25 47 23 l 1406 A7 Airway Stub Marker 29 51 15 26 12 42 l 1431 A8 Airway Stub Marker 29 50 59 26 25 45 l 1615 A9 Airway Stub Marker 28 20 35 26 27 37 l 1319 A10 Airway Stub Marker 28 23 44 26 39 7 l 1372 Aliwal North Grass 30 41 0 26 44 0 AT 1344 GRASS 4920 G FAAN Allanridge 27 44 48 26 38 9 T 1313 Amalia Railway Stan 27 15 0 25 3 0 T 1302 Andersfield Grass Runway 28 30 6 25 33 45 AT 1267 GRASS RUNWAY 1640 G Appleby 27 39 13 22 37 46 T 1212 Barkly West Rail/River 28 31 20 24 30 40 T 1128 Belmont Rail Junction 29 24 42 24 22 0 T 1201 Bethel Road Cross 26 3 48 25 40 30 T 1366 Bethlehem Airfield 28 15 0 28 20 0 TA 1695 124.81 4330 A FABM Blackrock Farm Strip 27 7 42 22 51 13 AT 1047 Farm Strip 4490 A Blikfontein Road Cross 27 49 50 23 55 0 T 1456 Bloemfontein 29 6 2 26 18 2 AT 1346 120.81 8330 A FABL Bloemhof Station 27 38 50 25 35 40 T 1231 Bodenstein Road/Rail 26 19 57 26 29 20 T 1425 Boshoff Town Centre 28 32 15 25 11 40 T 1253 Bothaville Tar 27 22 0 26 38 0 AT 1292 TAR 4030 A FABO Brandfort Station 28 41 39 26 28 30 T 1409 Britstown Station 30 34 58 23 30 20 T 1117 Broedersput Town Centre 26 49 0 25 6 20 T 1302 Brulfontein Cross Roads 29 7 0 25 6 0 T 1192 Bultfontein Grass Runways 28 16 0 26 8 0 AT 1341 GRASS RUNWAYS 3540 G FABP Campbell Town Centre 28 48 20 23 42 40 T 1240 Carnarvon Airfield 30 59 20 22 8 0 AT 1273 AIRFIELD 4230 C FACN Cassell Road Cross 26 58 0 23 59 30 T 1314 Christiana Station 27 54 0 25 9 10 T 1196 Coligny Rail Junction 26 20 0 26 18 40 T 1463 Crossroads 28 23 0 25 44 0 T 1281 De Aar Airfield 30 41 31 24 1 30 AT 1269 AIRFIELD 5110 G FADA Dealesville Town Centre 28 40 40 25 46 10 T 1253 Delareyville Grass 26 40 36 25 28 36 AT 1369 GRASS 3930 V FADL Delpoortshoop Town Centre 28 25 0 24 18 30 T 1025 Douglas 29 2 58 23 46 10 AT 971 5440 V Dudfield Tar Runway/Factory 26 12 0 25 59 30 AT 1456 TAR RUNWAY/FACTORY 5570 A Eastpoint NE Corner of Exit Area 28 38 10 26 4 4 T 1313 Eds Folly 1000K O/R Turnpoint 25 18 0 23 14 30 T 1019 Emmaus Rail Station 29 2 14 25 14 49 T 1219 F1 Southern Extreme of FAD29 For Nationals 29 11 27 25 44 29 T 1286 F2 FAD29 Extremity For Nats 29 2 33 26 2 3 T 1321 Fauresmith Road Rail Cross 29 45 20 25 18 58 T 1426 Fiveroads Junction of 5 Roads 29 30 54 24 34 47 T 1130 Frankfort Road T Junction North Side of Town 27 16 30 28 30 17 T 1542 Ganyesa Road Cross 26 35 30 24 10 10 T 1272 Gariep Dam Tar 30 34 0 25 32 0 AT 1274 TAR 4230 A FAHV Gerdau Road Junction 26 28 4 26 6 6 T 1478 GP Finish Line Grand Prix Finish Line 29 1 49 26 9 56 AF 1372 Grand Prix finish line GP Start Line Grand Prix Start Line 29 1 15 26 9 45 S 1368 Griquastad Town Centre 28 50 40 23 15 20 T 1305 Gromefont Road/Rail 27 2 12 26 20 51 T 1358 Harmony Tar 28 5 0 26 52 0 AT 1338 TAR 3830 A FAHA Harrismith Road Rail Cross 28 16 21 29 7 53 T 1581 Hartebeestfontein Town Centre 26 45 41 26 25 21 T 1459 Heilbron Tar Runway 27 17 0 27 59 0 AT 1585 Tar Runway 4130 A FAHO Hennenman Road T Junction East of Hennenman 27 58 30 27 1 59 T 1374 Hertzogville Town Centre 28 7 40 25 30 10 T 1274 Hill 5305 29 13 0 25 36 0 LT 1371 Hoopstad Gravel 27 49 30 25 54 48 AT 1253 GRAVEL 3770 V FAHP Hotazel Station 27 12 30 22 57 40 T 1061 Houtkraal 30 23 46 24 5 45 T 1301 Itsoseng SILO 26 5 27 25 49 29 T 1435 SILO Jagersfonten Station 29 47 20 25 25 30 T 1378 Jan Kempdorp Cross Runway 27 56 35 24 49 22 AT 1189 CROSS RUNWAY 7540 A Junction 75 Road Junction 27 31 56 25 31 30 T 1259 Kalkfontein Dam Centre 29 30 0 25 13 0 T 1262 Kalkgate 29 35 23 22 27 56 T 1026 Kingswood Silos 27 27 15 25 46 40 T 1257 Klerksdorp Tar 26 52 0 26 43 0 AT 1356 TAR 4920 A FAKD Koffiefontein Station 29 24 39 25 0 40 T 1189 Koopmans 28 14 15 24 1 40 T 1369 Kopela Road Junction 26 25 54 25 32 36 T 1367 Koppies Town Centre 27 14 19 27 34 32 T 1402 Koster Station 25 51 40 26 53 30 T 1614 Kraankui 29 52 58 24 10 49 T 1116 Kroonstad Bridge Over River At Centre of Town 27 39 59 27 14 1 T 1356 Krugersdrift Dam Wall 28 52 55 25 57 21 T 1245 Kuruman Tar 27 28 0 23 25 0 AT 1328 TAR 5540 A FAKU Leeuwdoornss Town Centre 27 13 58 26 14 31 T 1318 Leighland Village 25 53 0 25 11 0 T 1216 Lichtenburg Tar 26 10 0 26 11 0 AT 1487 TAR 4130 A FALI Lime Acres Tar 28 21 30 23 26 30 AT 1475 TAR 5210 A FALC Lindley 5 Roads Junction to South of Lindley 27 53 14 27 55 43 T 1531 Logageng Road/River B 25 55 3 24 40 12 T 1115 Luckhoff Cross Roads 29 44 53 24 45 25 T 1228 Lykso X Roads 27 13 0 24 6 0 T 1432 Mafikeng Tower 25 48 17 25 32 24 AT 1280 TOWER Magaliesburg Station 26 0 9 27 32 30 T 1455 Magobistad 25 45 27 25 6 48 T 1154 Makgori 25 50 19 24 47 24 T 1120 Mansfield Road Junction 26 14 12 24 45 6 T 1215 Mantsa Snake Pit 26 4 30 25 31 22 T 1286 Mareet/Strip Mareetsane 26 9 5 25 23 59 LT 1283 1310 G Mareetsane Silos 26 8 45 25 25 25 T 1280 Marquard Road Junction 28 40 0 27 26 14 T 1512 Marydale Airfield 29 24 0 22 6 40 AT 972 AIRFIELD 1640 V Migdol SILO 26 53 45 25 27 6 T 1331 SILO Mine Strip Mine Strip 26 10 54 25 14 0 LT 1230 3700 G Mmabatho Dam *Dam Centre 25 51 24 25 30 31 T 1201 Molopo Dam Dam Centre 25 49 30 25 18 55 T 1173 N1 28 44 6 25 19 28 5T N2 29 16 23 24 34 20 5T N3 29 7 26 24 40 3 5T N4 28 48 43 25 8 22 5T N5 29 13 9 25 56 41 5T N6 28 57 28 25 57 9 5T N7 28 47 32 26 9 13 5T N8 28 31 35 26 10 31 5T N9 29 21 8 25 41 56 5T New Tempe Gliding Site 29 2 20 26 9 30 HAT 1378 Gliding site 4230 A FATP Niekerks 29 19 7 22 49 41 T 1182 Odendaalsrus Cross Roads at Centre of Town 27 52 17 26 41 20 T 1324 Olifantshoek Town Centre 27 57 40 22 44 10 T 1278 Oranjerivier Rail/River 29 36 40 24 12 0 T 1100 Orient Grass 26 2 24 27 35 42 AT 1555 GRASS 4820 C FAOI Orkney Rail Junct 26 58 0 26 39 9 T 1289 Ottosdal Rail Junction 26 49 0 25 59 50 T 1475 Peilkop Control Point 28 51 24 26 2 0 T 1290 Petrus Steyn Cross Roads South of Petrus Steyn 27 39 17 28 8 6 T 1688 Petrusburg 29 6 34 25 25 16 T 1257 Petrusville 30 6 54 24 30 58 TA 1246 1570 G Philippolis 30 16 0 25 16 13 T 1391 Phillipstown 30 27 58 24 28 25 T 1374 Philsfield Airfield With Crossed Runways 27 56 18 25 29 22 TA 1263 Piet Plessis Road Cross 26 8 0 24 24 50 T 1136 PK le Roux Dam Wall 29 59 44 24 43 46 T 1161 Pomfret Airfield 25 51 0 23 31 45 AT 1164 AIRFIELD 2620 G Posmasburg SOIL 28 19 50 23 4 50 AT 1305 SOIL 3540 C FAPT Potchefstroom Tar 26 40 0 27 4 54 AT 1355 TAR Potfontein 30 12 3 24 7 0 T 1211 Prieska Station 29 40 30 22 45 15 T 939 Pudimoe Station 27 23 25 24 42 40 T 1098 Putfontein 26 14 23 26 27 28 T 1465 R1 T Junction 28 36 44 25 35 12 T 1284 R2 T Junction 28 42 36 25 24 31 T 1226 R3 Bend In Road 28 30 38 25 51 35 T 1283 R4 Cross Roads 28 50 50 25 33 2 T 1206 R5 T Junction 29 11 49 25 17 56 T 1300 R6 Y Junction 28 53 25 25 13 25 T 1177 R7 Cross Roads 28 0 32 26 18 15 T 1278 R8 Road/River Crossing 27 35 44 26 22 35 T 1249 R9 Road T Junction 27 57 34 25 42 33 T 1318 R10 Road Y Junction 27 41 41 26 6 21 T 1244 R11 Cross Roads 28 23 20 25 32 42 T 1286 R12 Road Y Junction 27 31 0 26 40 15 T 1273 R13 Cross Roads 27 38 3 25 6 15 T 1299 R14 T Junction 28 0 34 25 21 15 T 1259 R15 Road T Junction 29 29 52 24 55 17 T 1213 R16 Cross Roads 28 53 39 25 21 40 T 1184 R17 Road T Junction 27 46 15 25 36 0 T 1259 R18 Road/River Crossing 28 8 0 26 15 19 T 1288 R19 Y Junction 28 8 56 25 45 39 T 1337 R20 Road T Junction 29 52 40 24 52 42 T 1246 R21 Road T Junction 29 53 18 24 25 45 T 1170 R22 Road T Junction 29 18 39 24 45 38 T 1142 R23 Road Bridge Over River 30 23 41 24 14 9 T 1366 R24 Cross Roads 29 24 44 25 34 58 T 1359 R25 Road T Junction 29 39 18 25 17 21 T 1284 R26 Roadbridge Over River 30 33 3 23 56 59 T 1192 R27 River Junction 27 24 48 26 16 22 T 1224 R28 Roadbridge Over River 27 1 59 25 37 50 T 1365 R29 Road Y Junction 27 19 13 25 37 7 T 1306 R30 Crossroads 27 23 3 25 13 12 T 1339 R31 Road Bridge Over River 27 21 11 27 17 31 T 1366 R32 Cross Roads 27 33 28 27 41 8 T 1530 R33 River Junction 28 5 5 26 25 33 T 1256 Ramatlabana Border Post 25 38 18 25 34 18 T 1280 Reddersburg Town Centre 29 39 9 26 10 20 T 1412 Reivilo Gravel 27 33 18 24 10 0 AT 1430 GRAVEL 4920 G FARI Reyneke Farm Strip 27 0 36 22 19 20 AT 1007 Farm Strip 2290 G Rouxville 30 25 49 26 49 39 T 1525 Rustenburg Station 25 40 0 27 14 30 AT 1153 STATION Sannieshof Station 26 32 0 25 48 0 T 1372 Schweizer Reneke Airfield 27 10 0 25 18 0 AT 1304 AIRFIELD 3110 C FASG Senekal X Roads NE of Town Centre 28 19 12 27 37 46 T 1454 Setlagole Road Junction 26 15 48 25 7 15 T 1211 Severn 26 35 20 22 51 35 T 993 Silver Streams Station 28 20 35 23 34 39 T 1430 Sishen Station 27 47 20 22 59 20 T 1201 Slurry Grass Runway 25 49 0 25 53 0 AT 1427 GRASS RUNWAY 3640 G FASW Smartt 30 32 26 23 18 32 T 1068 Sonstraal 27 5 59 22 24 19 T 1072 Soutpan X Roads 28 43 0 26 3 30 T 1268 Springfontan Railway Sta 30 16 0 25 43 0 T 1518 Start Bloem 28 58 14 26 3 19 T 1311 Stella Town Centre 26 33 20 24 51 40 AT 1298 TOWN CENTRE Steynsrus X Roads to SE of Town Centre 27 57 8 27 33 56 T 1529 Strydenburg Town Centre 29 56 30 23 40 40 T 1070 Thaba N'Chu Tar 29 18 54 26 49 18 AT 1503 TAR 4260 A FATN Theunissen Centre of Town 28 24 5 26 43 6 T 1401 Threeroads Junction of 3 Roads 29 51 15 24 40 41 T 1176 Tommys Field Tar 28 16 0 23 7 0 AT 1362 TAR Trompsburg Station 30 1 36 25 46 0 T 1438 Tshidilamolo 25 49 56 24 41 0 T 1107 Tswalu Tar Runway/Game Park 27 13 30 22 28 40 AT 1184 Tar runway/game park 4880 A FATW Vanzylsrusanding Landing STRP 26 53 19 22 3 9 LT 904 3670 S Ventersburg Road Junction North of Town 28 5 9 27 8 47 T 1416 Ventersdorp 26 18 58 26 49 25 T 1470 Vierfontein Town Centre 27 4 37 26 44 58 T 1315 Viljoenskroon Cross Roads East Of Viljoenscroon 27 12 41 26 57 27 T 1335 Voorspoed Crossroads 26 16 0 24 0 0 T 1149 Vosburg 30 34 39 22 52 36 T 1149 Vredefort Town Centre 26 59 48 27 22 14 T 1398 Vryburg Airfield 26 58 24 24 43 40 AT 1195 AIRFIELD 3930 A FAVB Vryhof SILO 26 2 28 25 30 59 T 1294 SILO Warrenton Station 28 6 0 24 52 0 T 1171 Watersend Airfield 25 37 20 22 52 0 AT 991 AIRFIELD Welberdiend Rail Junctin 26 22 40 27 16 35 T 1455 Welkom Centre 27 58 36 26 44 2 T 1362 Wesselbron Railway Station 27 50 16 26 22 0 T 1307 Westpoint 28 55 48 25 45 27 T 1230 Winburg Centre of Town 28 31 10 27 1 9 T 1428 Witburg Farm Strip 27 10 30 22 26 7 AT 1119 Farm Strip 1310 S Wolmaransstad Station 27 11 50 25 58 0 T 1359 Zeerust Tar 25 36 0 26 2 0 AT 1299 TAR 6430 A FAZR Zoltpan Saltpan 28 4 57 25 52 42 T 1293