Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial Blairstown, New Jersey [ ACA Little Guys Meet ] Control Points

Contest: Little Guys Meet, 2022

Courtesy of Daniel Sazhin
Dated: 31 August 2020
Magnetic Variation: 12.6W, Datum: 100
Time zone: US/Eastern, Summer offset from GMT is -4:00 and in Winter it is -5:00.

Information about soaring at Blairstown is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds

Information about the Little Guys Meet is available at
Information about the Jersey Ridge Soaring is available at


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"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
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Use is subject to these conditions.


  NumberName                  Codes              Links               Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation        ID       ICAO   Frequency  R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                                     °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet                    ID                                  Feet                             

 1  Blairstown Airport        HSFDT  a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 58 16 N   74 59 51 W  or  40 58.267 N   74 59.850 W      378    01BLRSTW  1N7        3112 x 70 ft 123.0                                                                                     123.0                   07/25               3100         70  S        
 2  Start S                   S      a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 57 30 N   74 59 16 W  or  40 57.500 N   74 59.267 W      632    02STRT S  1N7                                                                                           1.0       163       123.0                   07/25               3112         70  A        
 3  Start NW                  S      a,g,V,o,G                     41 02 08 N   75 02 42 W  or  41 02.133 N   75 02.700 W      525    03STRTNW                                                                                                5.1       344                                                                             
 4  Belvidere                 T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 47 57 N   75 06 23 W  or  40 47.950 N   75 06.383 W      281    04BELVDR                                                                                                 13       218                                                                             
 5  Catfish Pond              T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 02 25 N   74 59 46 W  or  41 02.417 N   74 59.767 W     1221    05CTFSHP                                                                                                4.8        13                                                                             

 6  Franklin RC               T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 07 02 N   74 37 21 W  or  41 07.033 N   74 37.350 W      578    06FRNKLN                                                                                                 22        75                                                                             
 7  Trinca                    T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 58 00 N   74 46 48 W  or  40 58.000 N   74 46.800 W      600    07TRINCA                                                                                                 11       104                                                                             
 8  Hangglider Launch         T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 56 17 N   75 11 00 W  or  40 56.283 N   75 11.000 W     1263    08HNGGLD                                                                                               10.0       269                                                                             
 9  Milford RC                T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 18 03 N   74 49 14 W  or  41 18.050 N   74 49.233 W      563    09MLFRDR                                                                                                 25        35                                                                             
10  Portland Bridge           T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 55 18 N   75 05 31 W  or  40 55.300 N   75 05.517 W      323    10PRTLND                                                                                                6.0       248                                                                             

11  Swatara NE                T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 29 21 N   76 29 56 W  or  40 29.350 N   76 29.933 W     1028    11SWATRN                                                                                                 85       260                                                                             
12  Tunnels_SW                T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 08 37 N   77 38 52 W  or  40 08.617 N   77 38.867 W     1243    12TNNLS_                                                                                                150       261                                                                             
13  Washington RC             T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 45 53 N   74 56 10 W  or  40 45.883 N   74 56.167 W      529    13WSHNGT                                                                                                 15       180                                                                             
14  Wawayanda RC              T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 22 14 N   74 25 26 W  or  41 22.233 N   74 25.433 W      392    14WWNDRC                                                                                                 41        60                                                                             
15  Wurtsboro                 AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 35 53 N   74 27 35 W  or  41 35.883 N   74 27.583 W      582    15WRTSBR  N82        5/23 3591 x 60 ft. 122.8                                                            52        45       122.8                   09/27               3600         60  S        

16  Aeroflex-Andover          AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 00 30 N   74 44 16 W  or  41 00.500 N   74 44.267 W      583    16ARFLXN  12N        12N, 03/21 122.8, RW width: 50                                                      14        92       122.8                   03/21               1981         50  S        
17  Dingman's Ferry           T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 13 12 N   74 51 33 W  or  41 13.200 N   74 51.550 W      375    17DNGMNS                                                                                                 19        35                                                                             
18  Hawk Mountain             T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 38 39 N   75 59 35 W  or  40 38.650 N   75 59.583 W     1068    18HWKMTN                                                                                                 57       259                                                                             
19  Tunnel                    T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 46 43 N   75 39 09 W  or  40 46.717 N   75 39.150 W     1510    19TUNNEL                                                                                                 37       262                                                                             
20  Bangor Offset             T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 54 08 N   75 13 37 W  or  40 54.133 N   75 13.617 W     1468    20BNGRFF                                                                                                 13       261                                                                             

21  Harmony Reservoir         T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 43 48 N   75 06 16 W  or  40 43.800 N   75 06.267 W      750    21HRMNRS                                                                                                 18       211                                                                             
22  Honey Grove               T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 24 30 N   77 31 51 W  or  40 24.500 N   77 31.850 W      984    22HONGRV                                                                                                138       267                                                                             
23  Upper Reservoir           T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 00 16 N   75 03 00 W  or  41 00.267 N   75 03.000 W     1535    23UPPRRS                                                                                                3.6       323                                                                             
24  Berwick                   T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 05 31 N   76 08 47 W  or  41 05.517 N   76 08.783 W      698    24BERWCK                                                                                                 60       291                                                                             
25  Wind Gap                  T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 51 37 N   75 18 16 W  or  40 51.617 N   75 18.267 W     1262    25WINDGP                                                                                                 18       257                                                                             

26  Burnt Cabins              T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 05 05 N   77 51 51 W  or  40 05.083 N   77 51.850 W      960    26BRNTCB                                                                                                163       261                                                                             
27  Ellenville                AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 43 40 N   74 22 38 W  or  41 43.667 N   74 22.633 W      292    27ELLNVL  N89        N89, 04/22 122.8, RW width: 75                                                      61        44       122.8                   04/22               3838         75  S        
28  Horse Farm                LT     a,g,V,o,G                     41 24 30 N   74 38 16 W  or  41 24.500 N   74 38.267 W      466    28HRSFRM             Good Landing Field                                                                  36        44                                                   1600                      
29  Thompsontown              T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 33 52 N   77 14 14 W  or  40 33.867 N   77 14.233 W      444    29THMPSN                                                                                                121       270                                                                             
30  Dickey's Mtn              T      a,g,V,o,G                     39 45 42 N   78 03 39 W  or  39 45.700 N   78 03.650 W     1900    30DCKSMT                                                                                                182       256                                                                             

31  Cherry Valley             LT     a,g,V,o,G                     40 53 47 N   75 17 47 W  or  40 53.783 N   75 17.783 W      669    31CHRRVL                                                                                                 16       264                                                                             
32  Mahantango_E              T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 41 45 N   76 28 31 W  or  40 41.750 N   76 28.517 W     1469    32MHNTNG                                                                                                 80       269                                                                             
33  Doubling Gap              T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 15 57 N   77 18 41 W  or  40 15.950 N   77 18.683 W     1292    33DBLNGG                                                                                                131       261                                                                             
34  Lewis Landing             ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 24 24 N   74 32 01 W  or  41 24.400 N   74 32.017 W      880    34LWSLND  NK79       NK79, 08/26, RW width: 50                                                           39        51                               08/26               2200         50  G        
35  Millbrook Powerline       T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 03 53 N   74 57 43 W  or  41 03.883 N   74 57.717 W     1129    35MLLBRK                                                                                                6.7        29                                                                             

36  Middletown                AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 25 53 N   74 23 38 W  or  41 25.883 N   74 23.633 W      523    36MDDLTW  06N        06N, 26/08 122.8, RW width: 60                                                      45        57       122.8                   08/26               2811         60  S        
37  Reservoir                 T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 35 34 N   75 56 43 W  or  40 35.567 N   75 56.717 W      989    37RESRVR                                                                                                 56       255                                                                             
38  Morgantown Airport        AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 09 28 N   75 52 06 W  or  40 09.467 N   75 52.100 W      594    38MRGNTW  O03        2500 x 100 ft. 122.9                                                                72       232       122.9                   10/28               2500        100  G        
39  Monument                  T      a,g,V,o,G                     41 19 16 N   74 39 42 W  or  41 19.267 N   74 39.700 W     1805    39MONMNT             High point monument                                                                 30        48                                                                             
40  Blue Mountain Academy     ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 33 08 N   76 01 47 W  or  40 33.133 N   76 01.783 W      511    40BLMTNC  PA92       2730 x 100 feet                                                                     61       255                               08/26               2700        100  G        

41  Piolis                    ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 51 50 N   74 19 49 W  or  41 51.833 N   74 19.817 W     1060    41PIOLIS  6NY7       6NY7, 14/32 26T, RW width: 75                                                       71        42                               14/32               2600         75  G        
42  Cuatros Vientos           ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 39 33 N   75 52 22 W  or  40 39.550 N   75 52.367 W      505    42CTRSVN  PA25       1200 x 100 feet                                                                     51       258                               05/23               1200        100  G        
43  Flying M                  AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 44 15 N   75 42 20 W  or  40 44.250 N   75 42.333 W      742    43FLYNGM  P91        2380 x 100 ft. CTAF: 122.725                                                        40       259       122.725                 08/26               2400        100  G        
44  Beltzville Airport        AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 50 41 N   75 38 06 W  or  40 50.683 N   75 38.100 W      888    44BLTZVL  14N        2000 X 100 122.9                                                                    34       268       122.9                   08/26               2000        100  G        
45  Pottstown Muni            AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 15 38 N   75 40 15 W  or  40 15.633 N   75 40.250 W      237    45PTTSTW  N47        2704 x 75 ft. 122.8                                                                 60       229       122.8                   08/26               2700         75  S        

46  PGC                       DTP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 19 55 N   75 14 49 W  or  40 19.917 N   75 14.817 W      670    46PGC     3PA2       0PA0, 01/19 25T, RW width: 300                                                      46       209       108.85                  08/26               2450        300  G        
47  Van Sant                  AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 29 03 N   75 05 59 W  or  40 29.050 N   75 05.983 W      390    47VANSNT  9N1        9N1, 05/23 22.8, RW width: 120, UNICOM: 122.8                                       34       202       122.8                   05G/23G             3058        120  G        
48  East Stroudsburg Airport  TL     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 02 09 N   75 09 39 W  or  41 02.150 N   75 09.650 W      478    48ESTRDS  N53        Closed! 3087 x 30 ft. 123.0                                                        9.6       310       123.0                   08/26               3087         30  G        
49  Sullivan                  AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 42 06 N   74 47 42 W  or  41 42.100 N   74 47.700 W     1403    49SULLVN  MSV        MSV, 33/15 122.8, RW width: 150                                                     52        24       122.8                   15/33               6298        150  S        
50  Pegasus                   APT    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 56 00 N   75 20 59 W  or  40 56.000 N   75 20.983 W      620    50PEGASS  50PA       50PA, E/W 22.7, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.7                                        19       275       122.7                   E/W                 2700        100  G        

51  Sussex                    AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 12 00 N   74 37 23 W  or  41 12.000 N   74 37.383 W      421    51SUSSEX  FWN        FWN, 21/03 122.7, RW width: 75                                                      25        63       122.7                   03/21               3499         75  S        
52  Mount Pocono Airport      AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 08 10 N   75 22 47 W  or  41 08.167 N   75 22.783 W     1884    52MTPOCN  MPO        3999 x 100 ft CTAF: 122.7 WX ASOS: 120.275                                          23       313       122.7                   05/23               4000        100  S        
53  Warwick                   AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 17 15 N   74 17 14 W  or  41 17.250 N   74 17.233 W      540    53WARWCK  N72        N72, 08/26 123.0, RW width: 80, Fuel: 100LL, Grass open and usuable                 43        72       123.0                   08/26               2250         80  G        
54  Grover                    ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 54 34 N   75 52 13 W  or  40 54.567 N   75 52.217 W     1220    54GROVER  PS12       2360 x 100 ft.                                                                      46       278                               08/26               2400        100  G        
55  Numidia                   ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 51 58 N   76 23 51 W  or  40 51.967 N   76 23.850 W     1032    55NUMIDI  8PA0       2000 x 100 ft.                                                                      73       277                               08/26               2000        100  G        

56  Flying Eagle              ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 38 46 N   76 48 37 W  or  40 38.767 N   76 48.617 W      646    56FLNGGL  PS21       1850 x 100 feet                                                                     97       270                               08/26               1850        100  G        
57  Susquehanna Airport       T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 33 42 N   76 57 56 W  or  40 33.700 N   76 57.933 W      515    57SSQHNN             2800 X 140                                                                         107       268                                                   2800                      
58  Delaware Water Gap        T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 59 00 N   75 08 25 W  or  40 59.000 N   75 08.417 W      780    58DLWRWT                                                                                                7.5       289                                                                             
59  Hackettstown              AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 49 13 N   74 51 19 W  or  40 49.217 N   74 51.317 W      669    59HCKTTS  N05        N05, 5>23 122.9, RW width: 50, CTAF: 122.9                                          13       157       122.9                   05/23               2200         50  S        
60  Hartung                   APT    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 39 08 N   75 10 57 W  or  40 39.133 N   75 10.950 W      350    60HARTNG  2NJ5       2NJ5, 12/30 20T, RW width: 50                                                       24       216       119.475                 12/30               2000         50  G        

61  High Meadow Farms         APT    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 53 41 N   75 00 08 W  or  40 53.683 N   75 00.133 W      630    61HGHMDW  9NJ8       9NJ8, 13/31 19T, RW width: 100                                                     5.3       195                               13/31               1850        100  G        
62  Kutztown                  LT     a,g,V,o,G                     40 30 12 N   75 47 09 W  or  40 30.200 N   75 47.150 W      479    62KTZTWN             Closed Airport                                                                      52       245                                                                             
63  Mark's Airport            T      a,g,V,o,G                     40 53 22 N   75 10 19 W  or  40 53.367 N   75 10.317 W      577    63MARKS              2000 X 200                                                                          11       251                                                   2000                      
64  Mount Pleasant            ATP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 58 12 N   75 04 01 W  or  40 58.200 N   75 04.017 W      792    64MTPLSN  67NJ       2500 x 50 feet                                                                     3.6       281                               06/24               2500         50  G        
65  New Garden Airport        AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               39 49 51 N   75 46 10 W  or  39 49.850 N   75 46.167 W      424    65NWGRDN  N57        3700 X 65' 123.05                                                                   89       220       123.05                  06/24               3700         60  A        

66  Weiss Farm                APT    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               40 55 05 N   74 51 40 W  or  40 55.083 N   74 51.667 W      532    66WSSFRM  JY24       JY24, 5/23 18T, RW width: 50                                                       8.0       130                               06/24               1800         50  G        
67  Shockeys Knob             T      a,g,V,o,G                     39 23 05 N   78 14 10 W  or  39 23.083 N   78 14.167 W     1174    67SHCKSK                                                                                                203       251                                                                             
68  Lock Haven                AT     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G               41 08 10 N   77 25 20 W  or  41 08.167 N   77 25.333 W      555    68LCKHVN  LHV        LHV, 122.8, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8                                           127       289       122.8                   09R/27L             2179        100  G        
69  New Garden Control        SF     a,g,V,o,G                     39 50 25 N   75 48 11 W  or  39 50.417 N   75 48.183 W      360    69NEWGAR                                                                                                 89       221                                                                             

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