;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Blairstown, New Jersey [ACA Little Guys Meet] + ; + ; Little Guys Meet, 2022 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Datum: 100 + ; Contributed by Daniel Sazhin + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 31 August 2022 at 03:48 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "A G A Farms" "N4025.533" "W07513.950" "Adams 1" "N4146.067" "W07543.400" "Aerequus" "N4023.450" "W07500.850" "Airhaven" "N4149.950" "W07352.550" "Alexandria" "N4035.250" "W07501.167" "Allentown Airport" "N4039.083" "W07526.533" "Ashlawn" "N4137.317" "W07535.783" "B Flat Farm" "N4208.333" "W07336.633" "Bally Spring Farm" "N4025.917" "W07537.567" "Beers Farm" "N4013.800" "W07755.183" "Bellefonte" "N4053.167" "W07748.900" "Bendigo Airport" "N4033.533" "W07633.600" "Benton Airport" "N4111.983" "W07623.250" "Berts" "N4017.133" "W07545.900" "Bierly" "N4055.850" "W07744.383" "Black Landing" "N4022.350" "W07644.633" "Bloomsburg Airport" "N4059.867" "W07626.150" "Boden" "N4150.800" "W07526.783" "Boehms" "N4126.583" "W07500.483" "Botsford Airport" "N4006.817" "W07727.250" "Boyer Airport" "N4019.317" "W07606.033" "Brandywine" "N3959.417" "W07534.883" "Broadt" "N4059.883" "W07623.050" "Brookside Farms" "N4018.917" "W07641.150" "Bullfly" "N4042.517" "W07541.183" "Butter Valley AP" "N4023.833" "W07533.783" "Capital City Airport" "N4013.050" "W07651.117" "Carlisle Airport" "N4011.283" "W07710.433" "Carsonville" "N4029.250" "W07645.950" "Catskill Valley" "N4216.833" "W07357.167" "Cavage Use" "N4135.650" "W07521.333" "Centre Apk" "N4048.700" "W07739.433" "Cherry Ridge" "N4130.917" "W07515.083" "Chester Co Airport" "N3958.750" "W07551.950" "Chim Commercial" "N4042.283" "W07614.167" "Cider" "N4036.400" "W07616.950" "Cold Spring" "N4142.333" "W07517.283" "Columbia" "N4217.467" "W07342.617" "Cosklo Elkview" "N4137.150" "W07531.717" "Crosswind" "N4102.083" "W07601.317" "Crust" "N4059.067" "W07733.783" "Dansville Airport" "N4056.900" "W07638.650" "Deck" "N4021.117" "W07619.783" "Deer Meadows AS" "N4059.800" "W07544.367" "Dimascio" "N4017.450" "W07539.550" "Donegal Spring AP" "N4005.533" "W07634.500" "Downsville" "N4203.233" "W07500.783" "Doylestown" "N4019.983" "W07507.333" "Drillmore" "N4007.950" "W07737.700" "Dutchess County" "N4137.583" "W07353.033" "Eagles Lair" "N4028.067" "W07503.033" "Easton" "N4044.483" "W07514.583" "Edmonds" "N4019.750" "W07516.900" "Egolf" "N4020.067" "W07718.000" "Elephant Path" "N4024.467" "W07513.950" "Evans" "N4028.833" "W07457.717" "Fairview Farm" "N4032.250" "W07627.983" "Farmers Pride" "N4026.567" "W07626.583" "Finkhaven" "N4122.100" "W07704.267" "Flying D Farm" "N4028.100" "W07500.150" "Flying Dollar" "N4112.883" "W07514.833" "Fox Field" "N4029.150" "W07713.183" "Fox Hollow" "N4059.567" "W07654.117" "Freehold" "N4221.850" "W07403.950" "Gap View" "N4051.550" "W07508.033" "Gardiner Skydive" "N4140.500" "W07408.917" "Gehris" "N4019.033" "W07517.433" "Gilfert" "N4047.067" "W07712.600" "Green Acres" "N4208.917" "W07345.050" "Greenwood Lake" "N4107.700" "W07420.800" "Grimes" "N4029.117" "W07615.800" "Gusler" "N4027.917" "W07650.400" "Hackenburg" "N4109.533" "W07653.850" "Hallets" "N4054.633" "W07509.917" "Haney" "N4029.717" "W07507.483" "Hansen" "N4020.383" "W07534.800" "Harman" "N4031.350" "W07650.767" "Harris" "N3949.150" "W07555.533" "Harrisburg Int." "N4011.567" "W07645.700" "Haunstein" "N4019.100" "W07707.500" "Hazleton Airport" "N4059.200" "W07559.633" "Herberling" "N4009.867" "W07722.183" "Herr Brothers" "N4033.383" "W07504.350" "Hiawatha" "N4154.900" "W07521.867" "Hill Top" "N4104.983" "W07420.300" "Hillview" "N4035.917" "W07608.250" "Hinamin" "N4107.950" "W07712.200" "Hoge Farm" "N4028.167" "W07504.933" "Hostetler" "N4037.867" "W07750.983" "Hunter Mountain" "N4214.067" "W07414.267" "Hurst" "N4020.600" "W07612.500" "Husky Haven" "N4147.283" "W07553.383" "In The Woods" "N4200.983" "W07402.933" "J F T" "N4056.683" "W07702.683" "Jansen" "N4039.150" "W07703.267" "Jersey Shore" "N4112.383" "W07713.583" "Kellachows" "N4131.333" "W07523.767" "Keller Bros" "N4017.467" "W07619.733" "Kingston" "N4159.117" "W07357.833" "Kobelt" "N4137.467" "W07408.500" "Kolb" "N4009.600" "W07532.783" "Krill Pvt" "N4026.850" "W07620.467" "Lancaster Airport" "N4007.283" "W07617.967" "Lazy J Ranch" "N4117.750" "W07535.867" "Lehighton Airport" "N4048.567" "W07545.700" "Maben" "N4216.333" "W07423.633" "Malone" "N4032.483" "W07501.450" "Masser" "N4038.017" "W07636.033" "Matthews" "N4047.600" "W07504.333" "McCardle" "N4038.683" "W07733.383" "McDonalds" "N4053.133" "W07609.267" "Memmi" "N4010.183" "W07759.500" "Mifflintown Airport" "N4035.950" "W07724.317" "Millers" "N4103.583" "W07729.417" "Mills" "N4008.600" "W07751.767" "Mountain Bay" "N4122.800" "W07513.950" "Moyer" "N4017.800" "W07514.883" "Navarro" "N4022.317" "W07520.250" "Neon" "N4041.417" "W07603.950" "NorthumberlandCounty" "N4050.217" "W07633.150" "Old Orchard" "N4139.433" "W07404.617" "Old Rhinebeck" "N4158.283" "W07351.767" "Orange County" "N4130.600" "W07415.833" "Parker" "N4040.617" "W07501.483" "Penn Valley" "N4049.233" "W07651.833" "Pennfield" "N4051.067" "W07736.783" "Pennridge" "N4023.350" "W07517.433" "Penns Cave" "N4053.400" "W07736.183" "Perkiomen Valley" "N4012.250" "W07525.817" "Potomac" "N3941.567" "W07810.017" "Pottstown Limerick" "N4014.367" "W07533.383" "Quakertown" "N4026.117" "W07522.917" "Queen City Airport" "N4034.183" "W07529.283" "Reading Airport" "N4022.683" "W07557.967" "Reed" "N4129.850" "W07524.567" "Reedsville Airport" "N4040.633" "W07737.617" "Ridgeview" "N4027.117" "W07512.283" "Riegle" "N4017.200" "W07634.617" "Roadcap" "N4047.317" "W07706.333" "Rosenzweig" "N4108.200" "W07551.633" "Rover" "N4017.100" "W07631.800" "Roxbury Runway" "N4217.850" "W07432.917" "Russo Airstrip" "N4025.967" "W07508.950" "Scheck" "N4107.067" "W07630.717" "Schyulkill Zerby" "N4042.350" "W07622.217" "Seamens Field" "N4135.367" "W07545.367" "Seesholtz" "N4102.667" "W07621.317" "Shulls" "N4019.083" "W07717.033" "Sky Acres" "N4142.433" "W07344.283" "Sky Manor" "N4033.983" "W07458.717" "Sky Park" "N4159.083" "W07350.150" "Skyhaven" "N4131.750" "W07556.817" "Skyline Airstrip" "N4030.400" "W07556.567" "Skytop" "N4152.433" "W07458.700" "Slatington Airport" "N4045.817" "W07536.300" "Smoketown Airport" "N4002.500" "W07612.117" "Snook" "N4043.900" "W07716.150" "Solberg" "N4034.850" "W07444.133" "Solt Field" "N4046.833" "W07543.050" "Somerset" "N4037.550" "W07440.217" "Spring Hill" "N4120.833" "W07524.950" "Stahls Mtn" "N4144.867" "W07529.850" "Stewart Int." "N4130.233" "W07406.283" "Strzk Ultralight" "N4141.683" "W07535.717" "Sunbury" "N4053.550" "W07646.683" "Tall Pines" "N4112.050" "W07726.567" "Tyler" "N4149.200" "W07541.933" "Ultralight Strip" "N4053.533" "W07508.450" "Univ Park" "N4050.933" "W07750.950" "Wagner" "N4033.133" "W07736.683" "Walnut Grove" "N4005.583" "W07629.550" "West Penn Township" "N4044.783" "W07555.950" "White Birch" "N4203.050" "W07518.983" "Wicker and Wings" "N4024.133" "W07522.200" "Wilkes Barre Intl AP" "N4120.217" "W07543.483" "Williamsport" "N4114.517" "W07655.300" "Windward Farms" "N4026.900" "W07501.050" "Wings" "N4008.183" "W07516.017" "Wyoming Valley" "N4117.833" "W07551.067" "Yingst" "N4023.750" "W07644.800" "Yost" "N4019.850" "W07710.600"