;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Black Forest, Colorado and the Rockies + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Dave Leonard + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 28 April 2001 at 03:19 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Air Dusters" "N4005.599" "W10422.514" "Allen" "N4104.300" "W10139.794" "Ambrosich" "N3913.066" "W10440.815" "AvionClubAtBuckhrnRc" "N3851.116" "W10655.969" "Bar J Lazy V" "N4109.366" "W10323.913" "Bellamy Farm" "N3907.734" "W10142.994" "Bellmore Farms" "N4042.249" "W10447.865" "Braun" "N3827.317" "W10505.032" "Burnham" "N4046.916" "W10455.032" "Bursch" "N3935.466" "W10135.560" "Bussen" "N3854.317" "W10147.027" "Cartwheel" "N4012.499" "W10500.782" "Cass" "N4037.332" "W10420.664" "Chenoweth" "N3949.999" "W10335.380" "Clifford" "N3834.499" "W10757.537" "Cmrs Airdrome" "N3832.500" "W10606.201" "Comanche Livestock" "N3949.999" "W10419.031" "Cornelius" "N4101.666" "W10137.610" "Corr" "N4143.448" "W10330.680" "Cottonwood" "N3803.334" "W10339.197" "Cridler" "N3850.899" "W10750.004" "Daves" "N4001.999" "W10507.432" "Dietrichs" "N3919.949" "W10433.982" "Dirt S Elbert" "N3906.460" "W10435.310" "Dodson Brothers" "N4044.000" "W10203.028" "Dodsworth" "N3833.083" "W10559.534" "Doolittle Ranch" "N3549.002" "W10457.033" "Edenway" "N3820.833" "W10437.932" "Everitt" "N3931.749" "W10439.482" "Flying Jranch" "N3932.590" "W10519.110" "Flying M and M Ranch" "N3813.166" "W10812.788" "Fortmeyer" "N3920.500" "W10139.944" "Fowler" "N3804.350" "W10402.748" "Good Pasture" "N3805.834" "W10454.616" "Greggs Nr 1" "N3953.366" "W10432.698" "Hall Farms" "N3913.800" "W10158.977" "Happy Canyon Aero Rc" "N3824.999" "W10754.037" "Harford Ranch" "N4011.300" "W10158.128" "Hat Field" "N4030.617" "W10500.083" "Henderson" "N3954.999" "W10452.032" "Holzfasters" "N4059.950" "W10126.793" "Hoppys" "N4005.216" "W10134.127" "Hubbard" "N3840.999" "W10859.040" "Huerfano Ag" "N3806.000" "W10425.532" "Idler Bros" "N3940.766" "W10235.446" "Jackrabbit" "N4022.499" "W10452.365" "Jantzen" "N4053.783" "W10130.327" "Kelgun" "N3918.416" "W10448.949" "Kostroski" "N3921.999" "W10440.698" "Kugel Strong" "N4012.999" "W10445.031" "Kumor" "N4051.083" "W10156.561" "Leyners Hayfield" "N4002.782" "W10506.732" "Mc Cullough" "N3738.600" "W10602.818" "Mertens" "N4037.049" "W10319.996" "Mesa View Ranch" "N4046.498" "W10732.037" "Mesawood" "N3857.667" "W10757.467" "Meyer Ranch" "N3933.000" "W10517.060" "Mile Hi" "N4053.999" "W10450.031" "Miller" "N4120.449" "W10246.662" "Newman" "N4101.000" "W10201.028" "Packard Ranch" "N4125.999" "W10141.027" "Pawlet Ranch" "N4149.749" "W10220.562" "Phelps" "N4102.466" "W10304.095" "Pine View" "N3920.666" "W10434.865" "Pleasant Valley" "N4020.482" "W10650.970" "Rancho De Aereo" "N4012.899" "W10459.065" "Rawhide" "N4054.499" "W10505.032" "Redlands" "N3850.199" "W10747.570" "Regier Brothers" "N4054.966" "W10133.577" "Reisig Brothers" "N4154.398" "W10341.980" "Rons" "N3733.184" "W10223.528" "Sand Arroya" "N3827.167" "W10331.780" "Shelburnes" "N4103.000" "W10148.277" "Shipman Ranch" "N3849.999" "W10751.537" "Sidney Peak Ranch" "N4023.332" "W10651.203" "Silkman Farms" "N3927.283" "W10212.778" "Simons" "N3942.983" "W10443.948" "Singleton Ranch" "N3952.332" "W10409.197" "Sky Island Ranch" "N3844.249" "W10800.354" "Spickard Farm" "N3941.999" "W10415.031" "Stansfield" "N4010.916" "W10255.330" "Stevens" "N3957.999" "W10439.031" "Svitak" "N4202.698" "W10357.947" "Van Treese" "N3739.500" "W10602.035" "Walker" "N3850.734" "W10144.877" "Williams Ranch" "N3809.749" "W10820.422" "Wirth" "N4029.999" "W10352.280" "Aurora" "N3943.983" "W10439.298" "Bowen Farms" "N3933.000" "W10501.750" "Bressler" "N3944.550" "W10133.343" "Center Leach" "N3747.290" "W10603.040" "Coaldle Strip" "N3823.090" "W10546.210" "Colo Springs" "N3848.500" "W10442.600" "Coronado" "N3511.753" "W10634.401" "DIA" "N3949.000" "W10439.450" "Gebauer" "N4014.666" "W10305.613" "Jeffco" "N3954.610" "W10507.250" "Moriarty" "N3459.136" "W10600.568" "Nash" "N3845.600" "W10524.200" "Navajo" "N3700.084" "W10725.370" "Navajo Park" "N3648.500" "W10739.087" "Platte Valley" "N4005.999" "W10442.065" "SyracuseHamiltonCnty" "N3759.501" "W10144.777" "Tri County" "N4000.650" "W10502.700"