# OpenAir Format airspace for Namibia and Botswana. # Original filename AirSpace_Namibia_Botswana_for_GLD10-11--10-11-29.txt # The Kiripotib special sector - to be used by Kiripotib gliders only - # is included, but commented, at the very end. # ================================================================== # Diese Datei wird zur Verfügung gestellt wie sie ist, ohne Garantie # hinsichtlich ihrer Vollständigkeit, Korrektheit oder Eignung für # irgendeine Aufgabe. # Die Benutzung der Daten erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. # Überprüfen Sie im Zuge der Flugvorbereitung NOTAMS, Luftraum # Daten etc. # Die private Nutzung der Daten ist erlaubt. # Alle Lufträume sind im Uhrzeigersinn zu definieren, damit sie auf # Zander Rechnern angezeigt werden können. # ================================================================== # This file is provided AS IS, with no guarantees or warranties # implied or expressed as to their completeness, correctness or # suitability for any task. # Use them at your own risk. # Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct # information. # The private use of the data is permitted.* ALL airspaces need to # be defined clockwise along their border in order to work with # Zander gliding computers # ================================================================== # # Revision: # 2010/11/03 Wolfgang Joschko gemäß Notam A0382/10 # 2010/11/13 Wolfgang Joschko nach DCA Meeting in Namibia # 2010/11/25 Peter Hochstrasser gemäss NOTAM A0291/10 (Botswana) # 2010/11/29 Wolfgang Joschko - Kiripotib Sector und obere Begrenzung FL 195 in BOT. # 2010/11/29 Peter Hochstrasser - Kiripotib Sector auskommentiert da nicht frei. # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # * # * # * ****** Namibia Upper Airspace Clas A (IFR only) # * # # # * SWA Knee # * Gobabis # * along TMA between eastern and western intersection with (Gobabis - Louwater)) # * Louwater # * Rehoboth Station # * North Western Point # * South Western Point # * along the Namibian border # * SWA Knee INCLUDE=YES TYPE= TITLE=NAM UPPER AIRSPACE (IFR ONLY) BASE=FL145 TOPS=FL195 # SWA Knee POINT=S220000 E0200000 # Gobabis AP POINT=S223017 E0185929 # Part of TMA that protrudes from line Gobabis AP - Louwater POINT=S224903 E0182912 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=59.98 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S230259 E0163444 # north western point POINT=S230000 E0160000 # south western point POINT=S270000 E0160000 # south eastern point POINT=S270000 E0200000 # along the Namibian border POINT=S282645 E0200030 POINT=S283705 E0193031 POINT=S285550 E0190925 POINT=S285647 E0180816 POINT=S284339 E0172812 POINT=S281241 E0171429 POINT=S280800 E0165324 POINT=S283954 E0162559 POINT=S263000 E0150000 POINT=S210000 E0130000 POINT=S171743 E0113652 POINT=S172734 E0210000 POINT=S220000 E0210000 # SWA Knee POINT=S220000 E0200000 # # # # * # * # * ****** Namibia Lower Airspace Class G 124.7 # * # # * SWA Knee # * Gobabis # * along TMA between eastern and western intersection with (Gobabis - Louwater)) # * Louwater # * Rehoboth Station # * North Western Point # * South Western Point # * along the Namibian border # * SWA Knee INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=NAM LOWER AIRSPACE 124.7 BASE=GND TOPS=FL145 # SWA Knee POINT=S220000 E0200000 # Gobabis AP POINT=S223017 E0185929 # Part of TMA that protrudes from line Gobabis AP - Louwater POINT=S230250 E0180715 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=49.64 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S230410 E0165036 # north western point POINT=S230000 E0160000 # south western point POINT=S270000 E0160000 # south eastern point POINT=S270000 E0200000 # along the Namibian border POINT=S282645 E0200030 POINT=S283705 E0193031 POINT=S285550 E0190925 POINT=S285647 E0180816 POINT=S284339 E0172812 POINT=S281241 E0171429 POINT=S280800 E0165324 POINT=S283954 E0162559 POINT=S263000 E0150000 POINT=S210000 E0130000 POINT=S171743 E0113652 POINT=S172734 E0210000 POINT=S220000 E0210000 # SWA Knee POINT=S220000 E0200000 # # # # * # * * ********** WINDHOEK WHK # * # * # # * Starting Point # * north/south (about) capped 15NM circle around WDH # * does NOT coincide with WDH runway directions. # * # * * CTR WINDHOEK # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WINDHOEK CTR 118.1 BASE=GND TOPS=9000MSL POINT=S221612 E0173706 POINT=S221612 E0173706 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.88 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S222659 E0174412 POINT=S223927 E0171709 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.86 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S222740 E0171213 POINT=S221612 E0173706 # # * # * * TMA WINDHOEK # * # * TMA-A starting point # * counterclockwise along 50NM circle centered in WDH # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WDH TMA-A 120.5 BASE=9000MSL TOPS=FL145 POINT=S215216 E0165150 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=49.64 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S231258 E0170352 POINT=S225515 E0171339 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=29.79 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S220650 E0170621 POINT=S215216 E0165150 # # # * TMA-B starting point # * counterclockwise along 50NM circle centered in WDH # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WDH TMA-B 120.5 BASE=10000MSL TOPS=FL145 POINT=S215216 E0165150 POINT=S220650 E0170621 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=29.79 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S225515 E0171339 POINT=S231258 E0170352 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=49.64 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S215216 E0165150 # # # * # * * TMA WINDHOEK # * # * TMA-Bufferzone # * counterclockwise along 60NM circle centered in WDH # * In the south area is a special regulation for Kiripotip Gliders only # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WDH TMA-BUFFERZONE UPPER PART 120.5 BASE=FL125 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=60.00 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WDH TMA-BUFFERZONE LOWER PART 120.5 BASE=9000MSL TOPS=FL125 POINT=S230250 E0180715 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=49.64 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S230410 E0165036 POINT=S230259 E0163444 POINT=S230259 E0163444 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.03 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S224858 E0182921 # # # * # * * Windhoek Eros # * # POINT=S230250 E0180715 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=EROS ATZ 118.7 BASE=GND TOPS=7500MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=S223630 E0170448 # # * # * * FYD130 WINDHOEK GENERAL FLYING AREA # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=DANGER TITLE=FYD130 WINDHOEK GENERAL FLYIN BASE=GND TOPS=9000MSL POINT=S220200 E0165600 POINT=S222200 E0170600 POINT=S223100 E0170200 POINT=S222830 E0165700 POINT=S222000 E0165800 POINT=S220730 E0164800 POINT=S220200 E0165600 # # # * * # * * ********** WALVISBAY # * * # # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WALVIS BAY CTR 122.5 BASE=GND TOPS=3500MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=S225856 E0143840 # # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WALVIS BAY TMA-A 122.5 BASE=3500MSL TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S225856 E0143840 # # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WALVIS BAY TMA-B 122.5 BASE=FL55 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=30.00 CENTRE=S225856 E0143840 # # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=WALVIS BAY TMA-C 122.5 BASE=FL95 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=50.00 CENTRE=S225856 E0143840 # # # # * # * ********** AIRWAYS # * # * * AWY WINDHOEK-WALVIS BAY A404 # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=AIRWAY A404 BASE=FL95 TOPS=FL460 POINT=S225400 E0143800 POINT=S223500 E0160100 POINT=S222400 E0172700 POINT=S223400 E0172900 POINT=S225500 E0160500 POINT=S230400 E0144000 # # # * # * ********** KEETMANSHOOP # * # * * ATZ KEETMANSHOOP # * # POINT=S225400 E0143800 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=KEETMANSHOOP ATZ 118.3 BASE=GND TOPS=3000 GND CIRCLE RADIUS=7.00 CENTRE=S263215 E0180649 # # * # * * KEETMANSHOOP GENERAL FLYING AREA # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=DANGER TITLE=KEETMANSHOOP FYD135 BASE=GND TOPS=FL95 POINT=S260226 E0180918 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=29.82 CENTRE=S263215 E0180649 TO=S263321 E0184003 POINT=S263233 E0181541 POINT=S263233 E0181541 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=7.96 CENTRE=S263216 E0180649 TO=S262454 E0181015 POINT=S260226 E0180918 # # # * # * ********** GROOTFONTEIN # * # * * ATZ GROOTFONTEIN # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=GROOTFONTEIN ATZ 123.3 BASE=GND TOPS=6500MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=S193610 E0180717 # # # * # * ********** ONDANGWA # * # * * ATZ ONDANGWA # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ONDANGWA CTR 125.6 BASE=GND TOPS=5500MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=S175300 E0155800 # # * # * * TMA ONDANGWA # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ONDANGWA TMA 125.6 BASE=5500MSL TOPS=FL245 CIRCLE RADIUS=29.80 CENTRE=S175300 E0155800 # # # # * # * ********** RESTRICTED AIRSPACE # * # # * # * * FYP93 # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=FYP93 NATURE RESERVE BASE=GND TOPS=1000MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=2.00 CENTRE=S264919 E0150730 # # * # * * FYP94 # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=FYP94 NATURE RESERVE BASE=GND TOPS=1000MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=1.00 CENTRE=S225236 E0143212 # # * # * * FYP95 # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=FYP95 NATURE RESERVE BASE=GND TOPS=1000MSL POINT=S214400 E0140100 POINT=S215200 E0140630 POINT=S215400 E0140300 POINT=S214600 E0135700 # # # * # * * FYR131 OSHIVELO WEAPONS RANGE # * POINT=S214400 E0140100 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=FYR131 OSHIVELO WEAPONS RANGE BASE=GND TOPS=FL220 POINT=S183700 E0170600 POINT=S183005 E0170600 POINT=S182705 E0170800 POINT=S182830 E0171640 POINT=S183715 E0172055 # # * # * * FYR132 OSERIKARI WEAPONS RANGE # * POINT=S183700 E0170600 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=FYR132 OSERIKARI WEAPONS RANGE BASE=GND TOPS=FL220 POINT=S214836 E0165706 POINT=S214836 E0170812 POINT=S220116 E0170812 POINT=S220116 E0165706 POINT=S214836 E0165706 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=PROHIBITED # # * # * * FYR132 GUM GUM WEAPONS RANGE # * TITLE=FYR132 GUM GUM WEAPONS RANGE BASE=GND TOPS=FL220 POINT=S180155 E0194555 POINT=S180930 E0194600 POINT=S181659 E0194335 POINT=S181520 E0193810 # # # * # * * FYR133 # * POINT=S180155 E0194555 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=FYR133 BASE=GND TOPS=FL220 POINT=S214836 E0165706 POINT=S214836 E0170412 POINT=S220116 E0170412 POINT=S220116 E0165706 # # # * # * * FYR134 # * POINT=S214836 E0165706 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=DANGER TITLE=FYR134 BASE=GND TOPS=4500MSL POINT=S225830 E0143000 POINT=S225700 E0143330 POINT=S224530 E0143945 POINT=S225830 E0143945 # # * # * * Botswana permission part (up to FL 195) # * # POINT=S225830 E0143000 ######### REPEATING STARTPOINT INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=BOT GLD 125.5 BASE=GND TOPS=FL195 POINT=S220000 E0200000 POINT=S220000 E0223000 POINT=S260000 E0223000 POINT=S260000 E0200000 POINT=S220000 E0200000 # # * # * * Botswana eastern part (technical) # * INCLUDE=YES TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=GBR-EAST 125.5 BASE=GND TOPS=FL195 # northern border POINT=S180000 E0210000 POINT=S180000 E0230000 POINT=S271500 E0230000 POINT=S271500 E0200000 POINT=S260000 E0200000 POINT=S260000 E0223000 POINT=S220000 E0223000 POINT=S220000 E0210000 POINT=S180000 E0210000 # # # * # * # * ****** Namibian Gliding Area over the Kalahari # * # * # # # # Bitterwasser Report Entry Zone # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=OTHER TITLE=BIWA 123.6 BASE=GND TOPS=5500MSL CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=S235153 E0175948 # # # Lower Gliding area 123.4 124.7 # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=OTHER TITLE=GLD AREA 123.4 124.7 BASE=GND TOPS=FL195 # * Starting Point POINT=S224903 E0182912 # Gobabis Airport POINT=S223017 E0185929 # SWA Knee POINT=S220000 E0200000 # South-eastern corner POINT=S270000 E0200000 # South-western corner POINT=S270000 E0160000 # North-western corner POINT=S230000 E0160000 # Oanob(Airspace) POINT=S230259 E0163444 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=59.98 CENTRE=S222839 E0172814 TO=S224903 E0182912 # # # # Kiripotip Sector # # AC C # AN Kiripotib-E Kirip GLD only # AL 9000MSL # AH FL125 # V D=+ # V X=22:28:39 S 017:28:14 E # DB 23:02:54 S 018:07:06 E,23:12:58 S 017:03:52 E # DP 23:22:21 S 016:58:52 E # V D=- # V X=22:28:39 S 017:28:14 E # DB 23:22:08 S 016:58:52 E,22:48:58 S 018:29:21 E # # AC C # AN Kiripotib-W Kirip GLD only # AL 100000MSL # AH FL125 # V D=- # V X=22:28:39 S 017:28:14 E # DB 23:04:10 S 016:50:36 E, 23:12:58 S 017:03:52 E # V D=+ # V X=22:28:39 S 017:28:14 E # DB 23:22:08 S 016:58:52 E,23:02:59 S 016:34:44 E # # # END