* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "bhss12a.stx" created Sunday, 07 April 2013 at 04:22 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * Elevations for matches replaced with FAA values $HOME Jefferson, South Carolina [ Bermuda High Soaring School ] $COUNTRY US $CD Yes $CONTRIBUTOR Jayne Reid $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL bhss@mindspring.com $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 5W $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $JUNK_URL_INFORMATION * URL_Information: www.glider.org/Contests/Region5Contest.html the Region 5 World Class Competition, 2004 $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $URL_INFORMATION www.glider.org Bermuda High $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $FILENAME_3 b2a $FILENAME_4 bh2a $FILENAME_5 bh12a $FILENAME_8 bhss12a $ALTITUDE_UNIT feet $MODIFICATIONS 02 May 99: Original contribution by Glenn Holden via Rich Chesser. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Jun 99: Sav2ga removed [ in the ocean ], and many names cleaned up $MODIFICATIONS 15 Jun 99: Contributor e-mail added $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 01: Special Use Airspace added. $MODIFICATIONS 15 Jul 02: All new data. $MODIFICATIONS 07 Aug 02: Bill Bradshaw and Thomas Robinson added. Non-control point landing sites removed. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Aug 02: Bermuda High coordinates changed. $MODIFICATIONS 08 May 03: Bill Bradshaw changed to Bradshaw, Lee County changed to Bishopville, Marlboro/Bennettsville changed to Bennettsville, Montgomery County changed to Star, Moore County changed to Pinehurst, and Woodward/Camden changed to Camden. Control points alphabetized and renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Apr 04: Church and BP station added. $MODIFICATIONS 11 Dec 12: Adams NC, Aiken, Andrews, Asheboro, Bahnson, Burlingtn, Causey, Chapel Hill, Columbia, Conway, DavidsonCnty, Elkin, Harnett, Hemingway, Hickory, Lexington, Loris, McEntire, Morganton-Le, Mt Airy, North AFB, Orangeburg, Raleigh-Durh, Rowan County, Rutherford, Saluda, Santee C, Shelby, Statesville, Sumter, Triple W 30, Twin Lakes, White plains, Williamsburg, and Wilsons added.   Arant, Bladenboro, Brown 1, Buie, Byrd, Carolina Cow Country, Cockfield, Connelly, Creech Aviation, Crooked Fence Farm, Curry, Dean Wings Past, Eagles Nest-Fairview, Edwards, El Porvenir, Elkins, Farm, Finish, Flying O, Gilbert, Gilliam-McConnell, Goose Creek, Graham, Green Sea, Hightower Areo Plantation, House Movers, Kershaw, Lake City Muni CJ Evans, Lamar, Lathan, Lonesome, McBee, McGee, McKay SC, Mckee, Moretz Riverside Landing, Mynatt, Over The Hill, P K, Paul's Plantation, Pearson's Farm, Price, Ridgewood Air, Rocking A Farm, Rooster, Ross, Sexton, Shealy, Southern Aero Sports, Start NE, Start NW, Start SE, Start SW, Strickland, Thomason, Tucker, Turbeville, Unity, Viking, Weaver, Wild Irish Rose, Wilgrove, Willow Creek, X-Ray, and Yankee removed.   Curtis L Brown Jr renamed Elizabethtown and Knapp renamed McDonald. $MODIFICATIONS 06 Apr 13: Elevations corrected, and airspace updated. * ============================================================================== * * Filename "bhss12a.stx" created Sunday, 07 April 2013 at 04:22 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Jefferson, South Carolina [ Bermuda High Soaring School ] $COUNTRY US $CONTRIBUTOR Jayne Reid $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL bhss@mindspring.com $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 5W $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $ALTITUDE_UNIT feet $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 06 April 2013 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * Adams NC Private 34 34 34 79 14 56 TAP 143 01/19 10 3600 G 80 8NC5 Adams NC Private Aiken 33 38 58 81 41 4 TA 529 122.8 07/25 60 5500 A 100 PART AIK Aiken Andrews 33 27 6 79 31 34 TA 26 122.9 18/36 172 3001 A 60 PHH Andrews Anson County 35 1 26 80 4 53 TA 300 122.8 16/34 155 5498 A 100 PART AFP Anson Asheboro 35 38 54 79 53 33 TA 671 122.8 03/21 22 5501 A 100 PART HBI Asheboro Bahnson 01/19 30T 36 1 15 80 30 59 TAP 810 01/19 10 3000 G 100 43NC Bahnson 01/19 30T Bear Creek 35 24 26 80 21 27 TAP 795 03/21 30 2025 G 85 NC79 Bear Creek Bennetsville 34 37 18 79 44 4 TA 147 122.8 07/25 58 5003 A 74 PART BBP Bennetsville Bermuda High 03/21 40T Home 34 36 42 80 27 0 HSFTAP 550 03/21 30 4000 G 200 SC79 Bermuda High 03/21 40T Home Bishopville 34 14 41 80 14 14 TA 211 122.9 06/24 60 3200 A 60 52J Bishopville Branhams 34 16 56 79 55 43 TA 166 122.8 16/34 158 3200 G 100 -EST 6J7 Branhams Burlington 122.975 36 2 55 79 28 30 TA 616 122.975 06/24 52 4999 A 99 PART BUY Burlingtn 122.975 Camden 34 17 1 80 33 54 TA 302 123.0 06/24 52 5000 A 100 PART CDN Camden Causey 122.8 35 54 42 79 37 4 TA 723 122.8 02/20 16 3800 A 40 2A5 Causey 122.8 Chapel Hill 35 56 6 79 3 57 TA 512 123.0 09/27 82 4005 A 75 IGX Chapel Hill Cheraw 34 42 45 79 57 29 TA 239 122.8 08/26 70 5000 A 75 PART CQW Cheraw Chester 34 47 22 81 11 45 TA 657 122.7 17/35 168 5000 A 100 PART DCM Chester Clio 34 33 41 79 32 17 TA 192 122.9 05/23 50 2598 G 125 9W9 Clio Columbia 33 56 20 81 7 10 TA 236 119.5 11/29 105 8601 C 150 PART CAE Columbia Columbus County 34 16 22 78 42 54 TA 99 122.8 06/24 48 5500 A 75 PART CPC Columbus Conway 33 49 43 79 7 20 TA 35 122.7 04/22 32 4401 A 75 PART HYW Conway Darlington 34 26 57 79 53 25 TA 192 123.0 10/28 98 4947 A 150 PART UDG Darlington Davidson County 06/24 22.8 35 46 52 80 18 14 TA 733 122.8 06/24 51 5004 A 100 PART EXX DavidsonCnty 06/24 22.8 Dillon 34 26 57 79 22 7 TA 133 122.8 07/25 64 3000 A 60 DLC Dillon Elizabethtown 34 36 6 78 34 45 TA 132 122.8 15/33 144 4998 A 75 PART EYF Elizabethtow Elkin 07/25 23.05 36 16 48 80 47 10 TA 1067 123.05 07/25 67 4001 A 75 PART ZEF Elkin 07/25 23.05 Florence 34 11 7 79 43 26 TA 147 118.6 09/27 84 6502 A 150 PART FLO Florence Gold Hill 35 30 33 80 18 40 TAP 720 122.975 09/27 90 3000 A 30 NC25 Gold Hill Greenwood County 34 14 55 82 9 33 TA 631 122.8 09/27 85 5003 A 100 GRD Greenwod Harnett 35 22 49 78 43 56 TA 202 122.7 05/23 40 5000 A 75 PART HRJ Harnett Hartsville 34 24 11 80 7 9 TA 364 122.8 03/21 22 5000 A 75 PART HVS Hartsville Hemingway 33 43 43 79 30 58 TA 54 122.9 11/29 106 3386 A 50 38J Hemingway Hickory 35 44 28 81 23 22 TA 1190 121.7 06/24 55 6400 A 150 PART HKY Hickory Huggins 34 8 16 79 55 14 TA 143 122.9 14/32 142 3090 G 150 -EST 58J Huggins Jordan 35 14 16 79 59 44 TAP 600 04/22 40 4900 G 70 NR02 Jordan Kirk Airbase 34 40 28 80 40 56 TA 578 122.9 15/33 150 2600 A 40 T73 Kirk Air Bas Lake City 33 51 13 79 46 5 TA 80 122.9 01/19 06 3700 A 75 51J Lake City Lancaster 34 43 22 80 51 17 TA 486 122.725 06/24 59 6004 C 101 PART LKR Lancaster Laurens County 34 30 25 81 56 50 TA 697 122.8 08/26 72 3898 A 75 PART LUX Laurens Laurinburg 34 47 31 79 21 57 TA 217 122.8 05/23 46 6503 A 100 MEB Laurinburg Lexington 33 47 13 81 5 41 TAP 460 11/29 110 3350 G 90 2SC8 Lexington Loris 34 5 18 78 51 54 TA 99 122.9 08/26 74 3694 A 60 5J9 Loris Lumberton 34 36 36 79 3 34 TA 125 122.8 05/23 45 5502 A 150 PART LBT Lumberton Mackall AAF 35 2 11 79 29 51 TAP 377 121.0 04/22 40 4996 A 150 HFF Mackall Marion County 34 10 52 79 20 6 TA 92 122.8 04/22 35 4504 A 100 PART MAO Marion McDonald 35 3 13 80 24 32 TAP 545 03/21 30 4000 G 100 3NC4 McDonald McEntire 33 55 15 80 48 4 TAP 254 123.825 14/32 134 9010 T 150 MMT McEntire Monroe 35 1 8 80 37 13 TA 683 122.7 05/23 47 5500 A 100 PART EQY Monroe Morganton-Lenoir Turn Point 35 49 29 81 36 56 TA 1270 122.7 03/21 24 5500 A 75 PART MRN Morganton-Le Turn Point Mt Airy Airport 36 27 35 80 33 11 TA 1249 123.0 18/36 173 4301 A 75 PART MWK Mt Airy Airport Newberry 34 18 33 81 38 23 TA 570 122.8 04/22 37 4001 A 75 PART EOE Newberry North AFB 33 36 34 81 4 52 TAP 321 118.15 06/24 60 10003 A 150 XNO North AFB Orangeburg 33 27 30 80 51 31 TA 195 122.7 17/35 167 5399 A 100 PART OGB Orangeburg Pageland 34 44 32 80 20 43 TA 575 122.9 05/23 50 3396 A 60 PART PYG Pageland Pearson's Farm 35 3 26 81 56 41 TAP 850 18/36 180 2700 G 150 SC40 Pearsons Perry 33 37 46 81 19 47 TAP 438 07/25 70 5000 G 100 SC95 Perry Pinehurst 35 14 14 79 23 28 TA 455 123.05 05/23 46 5503 A 150 PART SOP Pinehurst Raleigh-Durham 119.3 35 52 39 78 47 15 TA 435 119.3 05L/23R 45 10000 C 150 RDU Raleigh-Durh 119.3 Rockingham 34 53 28 79 45 33 TA 358 122.8 04/22 41 3009 G 488 PART RCZ Rockingham Rowan County 02/20 22.8 35 38 45 80 31 13 TA 772 122.8 02/20 16 5501 A 100 RUQ Rowan County 02/20 22.8 Rutherford 35 25 42 81 56 6 TA 1077 122.8 01/19 04 5000 A 100 PART FQD Rutherford Saluda 33 55 36 81 47 40 TA 539 122.9 01/19 09 3189 A 60 6J4 Saluda Sanford 35 35 1 79 6 3 TA 246 123.075 03/21 21 6500 A 100 TTA Sanford Santee Cooper 33 35 14 80 12 31 TA 103 122.8 02/20 12 3602 A 75 PART MNI Santee C Shelby 35 15 21 81 36 3 TA 847 122.8 05/23 44 5001 A 100 PART EHO Shelby Spartanburg 34 54 59 81 57 28 TA 801 118.3 05/23 42 5202 A 100 PART SPA Spartanburg Stanly County 35 25 0 80 9 3 TA 609 121.75 04R/22L 37 5500 A 100 PART VUJ Stanly Co Star 35 23 18 79 47 34 TA 632 122.8 03/21 30 4002 A 75 43A Star Statesville 10/28 23.05 35 45 55 80 57 24 TA 968 123.05 10/28 97 7005 A 100 PART SVH Statesville 10/28 23.05 Sumter 33 59 42 80 21 41 TA 182 122.7 14/32 134 3081 G 120 PART SMS Sumter Triple W 30 122.7 35 37 13 78 42 1 TA 244 122.7 16/34 154 3004 A 40 -EST 5W5 Triple W 30 122.7 Triple Tree 34 40 28 82 0 5 TAP 680 03/21 30 7000 G 400 SC00 Tripletree Twin Lakes 09/27 122.7 35 54 48 80 27 12 TA 818 122.7 09/27 88 2943 A 50 8A7 Twin Lakes 09/27 122.7 Union 34 41 12 81 38 29 TA 610 122.7 05/23 47 3508 A 60 35A Union White Plains 33 57 50 81 21 33 TAP 520 09/27 90 3000 A 35 SC99 White plains Williamsburg 33 43 2 79 51 25 TA 67 122.7 14/32 132 5000 A 75 CKI Williamsburg Wilson's 35 39 7 81 21 28 TA 985 122.9 17/35 170 2175 G 70 E40 Wilsons Winnsboro 34 18 55 81 6 32 TA 577 123.05 04/22 38 5003 A 100 PART FDW Winnsboro