++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Saint Affrique-Belmont, France + + + + Contributed by Patrice Meunier + + Contributed on 25 September, 2005 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 30 November 2005 at 03:09 GMT + + + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Baraigne, 43, 19.41, 1, 50.0, 853 2, Biguesw, 44, 44.65, 1, 37.12, 1037 3, Bozouls, 44, 28.68, 2, 44.83, 1558 4, Lisle Tarn, 43, 51.41, 1, 49.23, 456 5, Legu, 43, 57.87, 1, 33.28, 554 6, Levignac, 44, 37.22, 0, 13.88, 190 7, Lombiers, 43, 49.8, 2, 7.25, 597 8, SntMdrddPrs, 44, 50.6, 1, 49.85, 1227 9, Negrepeliss, 44, 3.37, 1, 33.05, 597 10, SaumontGnt, 44, 6.7, 0, 28.0, 259 11, TrrssnLvll, 45, 8.12, 1, 20.16, 518 12, Vers, 44, 29.18, 1, 31.96, 515 13, Alban, 43, 53.27, 2, 27.71, 1509 14, Albi Pont, 43, 56.38, 2, 9.1, 531 15, Albi Ville, 43, 55.23, 2, 8.91, 580 16, Argentat, 45, 5.55, 1, 56.28, 557 17, AuluslsBns, 42, 47.63, 1, 20.0, 1728 18, BgnlslsBns, 44, 30.53, 3, 39.7, 3359 19, Barlonguer, 42, 47.27, 1, 0.0, 4071 20, BemntdLmgn, 43, 53.06, 0, 59.28, 311 21, Bedarieux, 43, 36.47, 3, 8.81, 626 22, Bergerac, 44, 51.2, 0, 29.0, 170 23, Boulogne, 43, 17.52, 0, 38.81, 938 24, Cahor N20, 44, 52.98, 1, 29.1, 757 25, CahorsGare, 44, 26.91, 1, 25.98, 393 26, CahorsVill, 44, 26.63, 1, 26.68, 465 27, Cajarc, 44, 29.28, 1, 50.48, 718 28, Campsegret, 44, 56.13, 0, 33.6, 278 29, Cancon, 44, 32.22, 0, 37.43, 393 30, Carmaux, 44, 2.77, 2, 8.96, 836 31, CstlntMntr, 44, 15.95, 1, 21.25, 836 32, Castillons, 44, 39.25, 0, 35.5, 229 33, Catus, 44, 33.43, 1, 20.18, 547 34, CaunsMnrvs, 43, 18.95, 2, 30.23, 652 35, Caussade, 44, 9.87, 1, 32.27, 685 36, Cazals, 44, 38.72, 1, 13.37, 643 37, Colayrac, 44, 14.16, 0, 33.88, 219 38, Concots, 44, 24.1, 1, 38.7, 603 39, Condat, 45, 7.17, 1, 13.3, 311 40, Condon, 43, 57.0, 0, 22.48, 390 41, CordesCiel, 44, 3.55, 1, 57.72, 718 42, Cressensac, 45, 1.38, 1, 31.2, 1013 43, Decazevill, 44, 33.47, 2, 14.78, 912 44, Dondas, 44, 15.2, 0, 50.4, 252 45, Entraygues, 44, 38.38, 2, 34.12, 925 46, Espalion, 44, 31.41, 2, 45.83, 1213 47, Exideuil, 45, 20.28, 1, 3.0, 744 48, Eymet, 44, 40.1, 0, 23.9, 219 49, Fleurance, 43, 51.12, 0, 39.4, 298 50, Foix, 42, 57.5, 1, 36.5, 1847 51, Francescas, 44, 3.9, 0, 25.7, 288 52, Frayssinet, 44, 39.7, 1, 29.1, 787 53, Garabit, 44, 58.7, 3, 10.75, 2742 54, Gimont, 43, 37.55, 0, 52.6, 462 55, Gourdon, 44, 44.7, 1, 23.1, 764 56, Gramat, 44, 46.77, 1, 43.58, 921 57, Hautefort, 45, 15.77, 1, 8.62, 918 58, LaCanourgu, 44, 25.05, 3, 16.78, 2900 59, LabastdMrt, 44, 38.88, 1, 34.05, 836 60, LabastidN1, 43, 28.35, 2, 39.38, 1574 61, LacStFerrl, 43, 26.0, 2, 1.97, 1289 62, Lafrancais, 44, 7.8, 1, 14.53, 410 63, Laguiole, 44, 40.93, 2, 50.7, 3287 64, Lalinde, 44, 50.22, 0, 44.33, 387 65, Lannemezan, 43, 7.46, 0, 23.02, 1407 66, Laroque, 44, 17.07, 0, 45.77, 252 67, Lauzerte, 44, 15.53, 1, 8.25, 590 68, Lavardac, 44, 10.85, 0, 17.83, 242 69, Lavaur, 43, 41.8, 1, 49.16, 452 70, Lavelanet, 42, 55.5, 1, 50.0, 1768 71, Lavit, 43, 57.62, 0, 55.25, 288 72, LBssndCssc, 44, 50.93, 0, 54.56, 643 73, Le Caylar, 43, 51.02, 3, 18.5, 2460 74, Lectoure, 43, 55.85, 0, 36.88, 278 75, Lemas, 44, 24.6, 0, 12.8, 177 76, LesEyzsdTc, 44, 56.23, 1, 0.86, 629 77, Luzech, 44, 28.78, 1, 17.16, 485 78, Marguero, 44, 45.83, 0, 14.93, 226 79, Martel, 44, 56.23, 1, 36.38, 757 80, MarvejlsCv, 44, 33.48, 3, 17.58, 3359 81, Marvejlsch, 44, 35.1, 3, 14.93, 3097 82, Masseube, 43, 25.5, 0, 34.66, 675 83, Maurs, 44, 42.68, 2, 11.85, 1364 84, Mende, 44, 31.08, 3, 29.9, 3359 85, Meyssac, 45, 3.42, 1, 40.62, 731 86, Mezin, 44, 3.53, 0, 15.13, 318 87, Millau, 44, 6.17, 3, 4.42, 2135 88, Miradoux, 44, 0.01, 0, 45.33, 278 89, MirmntdGnn, 44, 36.12, 0, 21.71, 203 90, Monclar, 44, 26.7, 0, 31.5, 232 91, Monpazier, 44, 40.83, 0, 53.66, 656 92, MontAigoul, 44, 7.46, 3, 34.41, 5052 93, MontagdQrc, 44, 20.53, 1, 0.92, 603 94, Montflanqn, 44, 32.13, 0, 45.9, 754 95, Murat, 45, 6.51, 2, 52.4, 2693 96, Mussidan, 45, 2.5, 0, 21.8, 209 97, Najac, 44, 13.18, 1, 58.3, 853 98, Nasbinals, 44, 39.77, 3, 2.87, 3359 99, Nerac, 44, 8.45, 0, 20.63, 232 100, Neuvic, 45, 6.08, 0, 28.16, 282 101, Olargues, 43, 33.31, 2, 54.93, 393 102, PicdeNore, 43, 25.75, 2, 28.15, 3802 103, PlmbdCntl, 45, 3.58, 2, 45.58, 6217 104, PntdMnvrt, 44, 21.86, 3, 44.43, 3149 105, PontdeVrn, 44, 12.62, 2, 46.43, 2647 106, PortdAula, 42, 46.15, 1, 6.58, 3415 107, Prayssac, 44, 17.41, 0, 30.58, 216 108, Puicelci, 43, 59.3, 1, 43.6, -3 109, PuylEvequ, 44, 30.36, 1, 8.3, 262 110, Puylaurns, 43, 33.06, 2, 0.8, 777 111, Quillan, 42, 52.5, 2, 11.0, 2165 112, Realmont, 43, 46.27, 2, 11.2, 679 113, Requista, 44, 1.76, 2, 31.98, 1804 114, Rocamador, 44, 48.25, 1, 37.56, 839 115, Rodez, 44, 21.07, 2, 34.43, 1922 116, Salignac, 44, 58.48, 1, 19.36, 695 117, Samatan, 43, 29.38, 0, 55.52, 590 118, Sarlat, 44, 53.08, 1, 13.31, 577 119, Sarrans, 44, 49.9, 2, 44.53, 2122 120, Severac, 44, 19.45, 3, 3.48, 2211 121, Siorac, 44, 49.6, 0, 59.0, 685 122, StAffriqu, 43, 57.37, 2, 53.41, 1899 123, St Astier, 45, 8.77, 0, 31.68, 314 124, StChldpch, 44, 49.27, 3, 16.36, 3477 125, StChinian, 43, 25.48, 2, 56.72, 393 126, StCirqLpp, 44, 27.86, 1, 40.1, 459 127, St Clar, 43, 53.68, 0, 46.12, 295 128, St Juery, 43, 57.16, 2, 12.7, 475 129, StPaulCap, 43, 38.56, 1, 58.77, 544 130, St Pons, 43, 29.35, 2, 45.08, 1049 131, SteLivrad, 44, 24.2, 0, 35.0, 269 132, SdLcdsCmm, 43, 22.85, 2, 6.51, -3 133, Tarascnrg, 42, 50.7, 1, 36.15, 1893 134, Thenon, 45, 8.28, 1, 4.26, 501 135, Tonneins, 44, 23.9, 0, 18.4, 187 136, Tulle, 45, 15.85, 1, 46.12, 823 137, Valencdgn, 44, 6.63, 0, 53.33, 285 138, Vergt, 45, 1.65, 0, 42.85, 314 139, VicFeznzc, 43, 45.58, 0, 18.15, 492 140, Vicdessos, 42, 46.31, 1, 29.93, 2073 141, Villmblrd, 45, 1.38, 0, 32.45, 229 142, Vllfrnchd, 44, 37.88, 1, 4.71, 633 143, Villefran, 43, 53.6, 2, 21.78, 1489 144, Villefrac, 44, 20.9, 2, 2.2, 1099 145, VillenvLt, 44, 23.86, 0, 42.72, 203 146, Villereal, 44, 38.28, 0, 44.6, 295 147, AgenlGrnn, 44, 10.48, 0, 35.43, 200 148, AlblSqstr, 43, 54.8, 2, 7.0, 561 149, Aurillac, 44, 53.85, 2, 25.0, 2099 150, Bedariex2, 43, 38.45, 3, 8.7, 1240 151, BlvsStPrd, 44, 46.95, 0, 57.5, 790 152, Bergerac2, 44, 49.47, 0, 31.23, 170 153, BeziersVs, 43, 19.4, 3, 21.2, 59 154, CalvicPVT, 44, 56.08, 2, 4.0, 1968 155, Carcassnn, 43, 12.95, 2, 18.52, 429 156, CssgnsBgn, 44, 10.77, 2, 31.08, 2020 157, Castelndr, 43, 18.73, 1, 55.22, 551 158, CstrsMzmt, 43, 33.3, 2, 17.43, 790 159, Caudecost, 44, 6.26, 0, 43.63, 275 160, Caylus, 44, 13.45, 1, 43.88, 1082 161, CazrsPlmn, 43, 12.13, 1, 3.02, 810 162, CondatVzr, 45, 6.4, 1, 12.9, 501 163, CondmVlnc, 43, 54.62, 0, 23.18, 439 164, FigcLvrnn, 44, 40.4, 1, 47.31, 1089 165, FumlMntrl, 44, 27.82, 1, 0.43, 688 166, GllcLslTr, 43, 53.03, 1, 52.5, 449 167, Gondrin, 43, 53.2, 0, 14.2, 406 168, IsleenDdn, 43, 23.5, 0, 50.77, 741 169, LaCanouru, 44, 27.16, 3, 15.0, 3359 170, La Romieu, 43, 59.05, 0, 29.83, 337 171, LzgnnCrbr, 43, 10.55, 2, 43.98, 209 172, MrmndVrzl, 44, 30.07, 0, 11.8, 111 173, MillaLrzc, 43, 59.35, 3, 11.0, 2611 174, Montauban, 44, 1.65, 1, 22.65, 351 175, Montpellr, 43, 35.0, 3, 57.68, 19 176, Moussolns, 43, 17.02, 2, 12.96, 580 177, PmrsLsPjl, 43, 5.43, 1, 41.75, 1118 178, Peyresord, 42, 47.81, 0, 26.08, 5190 179, RevelMntg, 43, 28.88, 1, 58.75, 639 180, SarlatDmm, 44, 47.6, 1, 14.65, 980 181, StFlrCltn, 45, 4.5, 2, 59.55, 3221 182, StJeanPtg, 43, 43.27, 0, 22.43, 452 183, StLxlsLvr, 43, 45.62, 1, 45.47, 390 184, StMrtndLn, 43, 48.05, 3, 46.91, 600 185, Villefrah, 44, 22.2, 2, 1.63, 1099 186, Villeneuv, 44, 24.02, 0, 45.63, 190 187, AleuJoubc, 42, 53.88, 1, 11.43, 1194 188, Aneres, 43, 4.96, 0, 27.98, 1446 189, BerdsMrnd, 43, 28.16, 0, 23.33, 649 190, Cabreret, 44, 30.86, 1, 35.55, 538 191, EngomrPrr, 42, 56.9, 1, 2.96, 1679 192, FosPraeri, 42, 53.18, 0, 43.53, 4212 193, Fousseret, 43, 16.25, 1, 3.4, 928 194, FronscPrr, 42, 58.38, 0, 39.62, 2631 195, Genos, 42, 48.28, 0, 24.46, 5190 196, Gourgue, 43, 8.27, 0, 15.55, 1220 197, Oust, 42, 53.41, 1, 13.13, 1282 198, PommevcLM, 44, 5.08, 0, 55.08, 275 199, Solomiac, 43, 47.4, 0, 54.52, 314 200, Tarasc, 42, 51.58, 1, 35.77, 2007 201, Torreills, 42, 46.47, 3, 2.2, 150 202, Vaure, 42, 50.16, 0, 20.11, 3943 203, Villematr, 43, 49.68, 1, 29.27, 436 204, AuchLamth, 43, 41.22, 0, 36.0, 410 205, BgnrsdLcn, 42, 48.0, 0, 35.95, 2030 206, Beaumont, 44, 46.0, 0, 43.33, 351 207, Bouloc, 44, 18.73, 1, 5.26, 721 208, BriveLrch, 45, 8.98, 1, 28.46, 380 209, ChrsLlbnq, 44, 21.03, 1, 28.71, 908 210, CstlnMgnc, 43, 16.77, 0, 31.27, 980 211, Cstlsrrsn, 44, 5.21, 1, 7.67, 239 212, Dunes, 44, 6.35, 0, 46.65, 275 213, FlrcSntnm, 44, 17.18, 3, 27.96, 3051 214, Graulhet, 43, 46.2, 2, 0.5, 580 215, Issigeac, 44, 41.85, 0, 37.53, 239 216, LaMntgnNr, 43, 24.45, 1, 59.37, 1469 217, Lalinde2, 44, 52.52, 0, 44.48, 429 218, Lectoure2, 43, 55.5, 0, 38.53, 295 219, Liorac, 44, 55.08, 0, 38.45, 354 220, MendeBren, 44, 30.25, 3, 31.65, 3359 221, MontLouis, 42, 32.62, 2, 7.17, 5610 222, Mntpztdgn, 44, 21.93, 0, 29.53, 232 223, PegxBsslc, 45, 11.85, 0, 48.91, 331 224, PrssgncRb, 44, 54.0, 0, 44.55, 393 225, Puivert, 42, 54.68, 2, 3.33, 1610 226, RdzMrcllc, 44, 24.45, 2, 29.0, 1909 227, Sadournin, 43, 19.52, 0, 25.08, 905 228, Sembas, 44, 20.07, 0, 38.52, 249 229, Septfonds, 44, 10.85, 1, 35.72, 820 230, Seyches, 44, 33.45, 0, 19.18, 170 231, StAffriqe, 43, 49.45, 2, 44.88, 1689 232, StGdnsMnt, 43, 6.51, 0, 37.16, 1328 233, StGrnsntc, 43, 0.53, 1, 6.23, 1371 234, St Julien, 44, 45.48, 0, 26.55, 209 235, TlsBrgSnt, 43, 36.73, 1, 43.52, 531 236, Tremons, 44, 24.3, 0, 53.3, 341 237, Verteuil, 44, 28.0, 0, 24.7, 213 238, Villeton, 44, 21.83, 0, 17.18, 190 239, C Core, 42, 52.08, 1, 6.25, 1758 240, CPortilln, 42, 45.9, 0, 42.8, 4242