Saint Affrique-Belmont, France Contributed courtesy of Patrice Meunier Last updated Wednesday, 30 November 2005 at 03:09 GMT UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Baraigne 43 19.415 N 1 50.000 E BRG BARGN BARAGN Baraigne Baraigne Baraigne Baraigne 2 Biguesw 44 44.650 N 1 37.115 E BGS BIGSW BIGUSW Biguesw Biguesw Biguesw Biguesw 3 Bozouls 44 28.680 N 2 44.830 E BZL BOZLS BOZOLS Bozouls Bozouls Bozouls Bozouls 4 Lisle/Tarn 43 51.415 N 1 49.230 E LSL LSLTR LSLTRN LisleTrn LisleTarn Lisle/Tarn Lisle/Tarn 5 Legu 43 57.865 N 1 33.280 E LEG LEGU LEGU Legu Legu Legu Legu 6 Levignac 44 37.215 N 0 13.880 E LVG LVGNC LEVGNC Levignac Levignac Levignac Levignac 7 Lombiers 43 49.800 N 2 7.250 E LMB LMBRS LOMBRS Lombiers Lombiers Lombiers Lombiers 8 Saint Medard de Presque 44 50.600 N 1 49.850 E SNT SNTMD SNTMDR SntMdrdd SntMdrddP SntMdrddPr SntMdrddPrsq 9 Negrepelisse 44 3.365 N 1 33.050 E NGR NGRPL NGRPLS Negrplss Negreplss Negrepelss Negrepelisse 10 Saumont Gentieu 44 6.700 N 0 28.000 E SMN SMNTG SMNTGN SamntGnt SaumntGnt SaumontGnt SaumontGenti 11 Terrasson Lavilledieu 45 8.115 N 1 20.165 E TRR TRRSS TRRSSN TrrssnLv TrrssnLvl TrrssnLvll TerrssnLvlld 12 Vers 44 29.180 N 1 31.965 E VRS VERS VERS Vers Vers Vers Vers 13 Alban 43 53.265 N 2 27.715 E ALB ALBAN ALBAN Alban Alban Alban Alban 14 Albi Pont 43 56.380 N 2 9.100 E ALI ALBPN ALBPNT AlbiPont Albi Pont Albi Pont Albi Pont 15 Albi Ville 43 55.230 N 2 8.915 E ALV ALBVL ALBVLL AlbiVill AlbiVille Albi Ville Albi Ville 16 Argentat 45 5.550 N 1 56.280 E ARG ARGNT ARGNTT Argentat Argentat Argentat Argentat 17 Aulus les Bains 42 47.630 N 1 20.000 E ALS ALSLS ALSLSB AlslsBns AulslsBns AuluslsBns AuluslesBans 18 Bagnols les Bains 44 30.530 N 3 39.700 E BGN BGNLS BGNLSL BgnlslsB BgnlslsBn BgnlslsBns BagnolslsBns 19 Barlonguere 42 47.265 N 1 0.000 E BRL BRLNG BRLNGR Barlongr Barlongur Barlonguer Barlonguere 20 Beaumont de Lomagne 43 53.065 N 0 59.280 E BMN BMNTD BMNTDL BmntdLmg BmntdLmgn BemntdLmgn BeaumntdLmgn 21 Bedarieux 43 36.465 N 3 8.815 E BDR BEDRX BEDARX Bedariex Bedarieux Bedarieux Bedarieux 22 Bergerac 44 51.200 N 0 29.000 E BER BRGRC BERGRC Bergerac Bergerac Bergerac Bergerac 23 Boulogne 43 17.515 N 0 38.815 E BLG BOLGN BOULGN Boulogne Boulogne Boulogne Boulogne 24 Cahor N20 44 52.980 N 1 29.100 E CHR CHRN2 CHRN20 CahorN20 Cahor N20 Cahor N20 Cahor N20 25 Cahors Gare 44 26.915 N 1 25.980 E CAH CHRSG CHRSGR CahorsGr CahorsGar CahorsGare Cahors Gare 26 Cahors Ville 44 26.630 N 1 26.680 E CAO CHRSV CHRSVL CahrsVll CahorsVll CahorsVill Cahors Ville 27 Cajarc 44 29.280 N 1 50.480 E CJR CAJRC CAJARC Cajarc Cajarc Cajarc Cajarc 28 Campsegret 44 56.130 N 0 33.600 E CMP CMPSG CMPSGR Campsgrt Campsegrt Campsegret Campsegret 29 Cancon 44 32.215 N 0 37.430 E CNC CANCN CANCON Cancon Cancon Cancon Cancon 30 Carmaux 44 2.765 N 2 8.965 E CRM CARMX CARMAX Carmaux Carmaux Carmaux Carmaux 31 Castelnaut-Montratier 44 15.950 N 1 21.250 E CST CSTLN CSTLNT CstlntMn CstlntMnt CstlntMntr CstlntMntrtr 32 Castillones 44 39.250 N 0 35.500 E CAS CSTLL CSTLLN Castllns Castillns Castillons Castillones 33 Catus 44 33.430 N 1 20.180 E CTS CATUS CATUS Catus Catus Catus Catus 34 Caunes Minervois 43 18.950 N 2 30.230 E CNS CNSMN CNSMNR CnsMnrvs CansMnrvs CaunsMnrvs CaunesMinrvs 35 Caussade 44 9.865 N 1 32.265 E CSS CASSD CAUSSD Caussade Caussade Caussade Caussade 36 Cazals 44 38.715 N 1 13.365 E CZL CAZLS CAZALS Cazals Cazals Cazals Cazals 37 Colayrac 44 14.165 N 0 33.880 E CLR COLRC COLARC Colayrac Colayrac Colayrac Colayrac 38 Concots 44 24.100 N 1 38.700 E CON CNCTS CONCTS Concots Concots Concots Concots 39 Condat 45 7.165 N 1 13.300 E CND CONDT CONDAT Condat Condat Condat Condat 40 Condon 43 57.000 N 0 22.480 E COD CONDN CONDON Condon Condon Condon Condon 41 Cordes/Ciel 44 3.550 N 1 57.715 E CRD CRDSC CRDSCL CordesCl CordesCil CordesCiel Cordes/Ciel 42 Cressensac 45 1.380 N 1 31.200 E CRS CRSSN CRSSNS Cressnsc Cressensc Cressensac Cressensac 43 Decazeville 44 33.465 N 2 14.780 E DCZ DCZVL DCZVLL Decazvll Decazevll Decazevill Decazeville 44 Dondas 44 15.200 N 0 50.400 E DND DONDS DONDAS Dondas Dondas Dondas Dondas 45 Entraygues 44 38.380 N 2 34.115 E ENT ENTRG ENTRGS Entraygs Entraygus Entraygues Entraygues 46 Espalion 44 31.415 N 2 45.830 E ESP ESPLN ESPALN Espalion Espalion Espalion Espalion 47 Exideuil 45 20.280 N 1 3.000 E EXD EXIDL EXIDEL Exideuil Exideuil Exideuil Exideuil 48 Eymet 44 40.100 N 0 23.900 E EMT EYMET EYMET Eymet Eymet Eymet Eymet 49 Fleurance 43 51.115 N 0 39.400 E FLR FLRNC FLERNC Fleuranc Fleurance Fleurance Fleurance 50 Foix 42 57.500 N 1 36.500 E FOX FOIX FOIX Foix Foix Foix Foix 51 Francescas 44 3.900 N 0 25.700 E FRN FRNCS FRNCSC Francscs Francescs Francescas Francescas 52 Frayssinet 44 39.700 N 1 29.100 E FRS FRSSN FRSSNT Frayssnt Frayssint Frayssinet Frayssinet 53 Garabit 44 58.700 N 3 10.750 E GRB GARBT GARABT Garabit Garabit Garabit Garabit 54 Gimont 43 37.550 N 0 52.600 E GMN GIMNT GIMONT Gimont Gimont Gimont Gimont 55 Gourdon 44 44.700 N 1 23.100 E GRD GORDN GOURDN Gourdon Gourdon Gourdon Gourdon 56 Gramat 44 46.765 N 1 43.580 E GRM GRAMT GRAMAT Gramat Gramat Gramat Gramat 57 Hautefort 45 15.765 N 1 8.615 E HTF HTFRT HATFRT Hautefrt Hautefort Hautefort Hautefort 58 La Canourgue 44 25.050 N 3 16.780 E LCN LCNRG LACNRG LaCanorg LaCanourg LaCanourgu La Canourgue 59 Labastide Murat 44 38.880 N 1 34.050 E LBS LBSTD LBSTDM LbstdMrt LabstdMrt LabastdMrt LabastideMrt 60 Labastide N1 43 28.350 N 2 39.380 E LAB LABAS LBSTDN LabstdN1 LabastdN1 LabastidN1 Labastide N1 61 Lac St Ferreol 43 26.000 N 2 1.965 E LCS LCSTF LCSTFR LcStFrrl LacStFrrl LacStFerrl LacStFerreol 62 Lafrancaise 44 7.800 N 1 14.530 E LFR LFRNC LFRNCS Lafrancs Lafrancas Lafrancais Lafrancaise 63 Laguiole 44 40.930 N 2 50.700 E LGL LAGUL LAGUIL Laguiole Laguiole Laguiole Laguiole 64 Lalinde 44 50.215 N 0 44.330 E LLN LALND LALIND Lalinde Lalinde Lalinde Lalinde 65 Lannemezan 43 7.465 N 0 23.015 E LNN LNNMZ LNNMZN Lannemzn Lannemezn Lannemezan Lannemezan 66 Laroque 44 17.065 N 0 45.765 E LRQ LAROQ LAROQU Laroque Laroque Laroque Laroque 67 Lauzerte 44 15.530 N 1 8.250 E LZR LAZRT LAUZRT Lauzerte Lauzerte Lauzerte Lauzerte 68 Lavardac 44 10.850 N 0 17.830 E LVR LVRDC LAVRDC Lavardac Lavardac Lavardac Lavardac 69 Lavaur 43 41.800 N 1 49.165 E LAV LAVAR LAVAUR Lavaur Lavaur Lavaur Lavaur 70 Lavelanet 42 55.500 N 1 50.000 E LVL LVLNT LAVLNT Lavelant Lavelanet Lavelanet Lavelanet 71 Lavit 43 57.615 N 0 55.250 E LVT LAVIT LAVIT Lavit Lavit Lavit Lavit 72 Le Buisson de Cussac 44 50.930 N 0 54.565 E LEB LBSSN LBSSND LBssndCs LBssndCss LBssndCssc LeBussndCssc 73 Le Caylar 43 51.015 N 3 18.500 E LCL LECLR LECALR LeCaylar Le Caylar Le Caylar Le Caylar 74 Lectoure 43 55.850 N 0 36.880 E LCT LECTR LECTOR Lectoure Lectoure Lectoure Lectoure 75 Lemas 44 24.600 N 0 12.800 E LMS LEMAS LEMAS Lemas Lemas Lemas Lemas 76 Les Eyzies de Tayac 44 56.230 N 1 0.865 E LSZ LSZSD LSZSDT LeszsdTc LesEzsdTc LesEyzsdTc LesEyziesdTc 77 Luzech 44 28.780 N 1 17.165 E LZC LUZCH LUZECH Luzech Luzech Luzech Luzech 78 Marguero 44 45.830 N 0 14.930 E MRG MARGR MARGUR Marguero Marguero Marguero Marguero 79 Martel 44 56.230 N 1 36.380 E MRT MARTL MARTEL Martel Martel Martel Martel 80 Marvejols Cv 44 33.480 N 3 17.580 E MRV MRVJL MRVJLS MrvjlsCv MarvjlsCv MarvejlsCv Marvejols Cv 81 Marvejols Ech 44 35.100 N 3 14.930 E MAR MARVE MARVEJ Mrvjlsch Marvjlsch Marvejlsch MarvejolsEch 82 Masseube 43 25.500 N 0 34.665 E MSS MASSB MASSEB Masseube Masseube Masseube Masseube 83 Maurs 44 42.680 N 2 11.850 E MRS MAURS MAURS Maurs Maurs Maurs Maurs 84 Mende 44 31.080 N 3 29.900 E MND MENDE MENDE Mende Mende Mende Mende 85 Meyssac 45 3.415 N 1 40.615 E MEY MESSC MEYSSC Meyssac Meyssac Meyssac Meyssac 86 Mezin 44 3.530 N 0 15.130 E MZN MEZIN MEZIN Mezin Mezin Mezin Mezin 87 Millau 44 6.165 N 3 4.415 E MLL MILLA MILLAU Millau Millau Millau Millau 88 Miradoux 44 0.015 N 0 45.330 E MRD MIRDX MIRADX Miradoux Miradoux Miradoux Miradoux 89 Miramont de Guyenne 44 36.115 N 0 21.715 E MRM MRMNT MRMNTD MrmntdGn MrmntdGnn MirmntdGnn MiramontdGnn 90 Monclar 44 26.700 N 0 31.500 E MNC MNCLR MONCLR Monclar Monclar Monclar Monclar 91 Monpazier 44 40.830 N 0 53.665 E MNP MNPZR MONPZR Monpazir Monpazier Monpazier Monpazier 92 Mont Aigoual 44 7.465 N 3 34.415 E MNT MNTGL MONTGL MontAigl MontAigol MontAigoul Mont Aigoual 93 Montaigu de Quercy 44 20.530 N 1 0.915 E MON MNTGD MNTGDQ MntgdQrc MontgdQrc MontagdQrc MontaigudQrc 94 Montflanquin 44 32.130 N 0 45.900 E MOT MNTFL MNTFLN Mntflnqn Montflnqn Montflanqn Montflanquin 95 Murat 45 6.515 N 2 52.400 E MUR MURAT MURAT Murat Murat Murat Murat 96 Mussidan 45 2.500 N 0 21.800 E MUS MSSDN MUSSDN Mussidan Mussidan Mussidan Mussidan 97 Najac 44 13.180 N 1 58.300 E NJC NAJAC NAJAC Najac Najac Najac Najac 98 Nasbinals 44 39.765 N 3 2.865 E NSB NSBNL NSBNLS Nasbinls Nasbinals Nasbinals Nasbinals 99 Nerac 44 8.450 N 0 20.630 E NRC NERAC NERAC Nerac Nerac Nerac Nerac 100 Neuvic 45 6.080 N 0 28.165 E NVC NEUVC NEUVIC Neuvic Neuvic Neuvic Neuvic 101 Olargues 43 33.315 N 2 54.930 E OLR OLRGS OLARGS Olargues Olargues Olargues Olargues 102 Pic de Nore 43 25.750 N 2 28.150 E PCD PCDNR PICDNR PicdeNor PicdeNore Pic deNore Pic de Nore 103 Plomb du Cantal 45 3.580 N 2 45.580 E PLM PLMBD PLMBDC PlmbdCnt PlmbdCntl PlombdCntl PlombduCantl 104 Pont de Monvert 44 21.865 N 3 44.430 E PNT PNTDM PNTDMN PntdMnvr PntdMnvrt PontdMnvrt PontdeMonvrt 105 Pont de Vern 44 12.615 N 2 46.430 E PON PNTDV PNTDVR PontdVrn PontdeVrn PontdeVern Pont de Vern 106 Port d'Aula 42 46.150 N 1 6.580 E PRT PRTDL PORTDL PortdAul PortdAula Port dAula Port dAula 107 Prayssac 44 17.415 N 0 30.580 E PRS PRSSC PRASSC Prayssac Prayssac Prayssac Prayssac 108 Puicelci 43 59.300 N 1 43.600 E PCL PUCLC PUICLC Puicelci Puicelci Puicelci Puicelci 109 Puy l'Eveque 44 30.365 N 1 8.300 E PLV PULVQ PUYLVQ PuylEveq PuylEvequ PuylEveque Puy lEveque 110 Puylaurens 43 33.065 N 2 0.800 E PLR PLRNS PULRNS Puylarns Puylaurns Puylaurens Puylaurens 111 Quillan 42 52.500 N 2 11.000 E QLL QULLN QUILLN Quillan Quillan Quillan Quillan 112 Realmont 43 46.265 N 2 11.200 E RLM RLMNT RELMNT Realmont Realmont Realmont Realmont 113 Requista 44 1.765 N 2 31.980 E RQS REQST REQUST Requista Requista Requista Requista 114 Rocamadour 44 48.250 N 1 37.565 E RCM RCMDR ROCMDR Rocamadr Rocamador Rocamadour Rocamadour 115 Rodez 44 21.065 N 2 34.430 E RDZ RODEZ RODEZ Rodez Rodez Rodez Rodez 116 Salignac 44 58.480 N 1 19.365 E SLG SLGNC SALGNC Salignac Salignac Salignac Salignac 117 Samatan 43 29.380 N 0 55.515 E SMT SAMTN SAMATN Samatan Samatan Samatan Samatan 118 Sarlat 44 53.080 N 1 13.315 E SRL SARLT SARLAT Sarlat Sarlat Sarlat Sarlat 119 Sarrans 44 49.900 N 2 44.530 E SRR SRRNS SARRNS Sarrans Sarrans Sarrans Sarrans 120 Severac 44 19.450 N 3 3.480 E SVR SEVRC SEVERC Severac Severac Severac Severac 121 Siorac 44 49.600 N 0 59.000 E SRC SIORC SIORAC Siorac Siorac Siorac Siorac 122 St Affrique 43 57.365 N 2 53.415 E STF STFFR STFFRQ StAffriq StAffriqu StAffrique St Affrique 123 St Astier 45 8.765 N 0 31.680 E STS STSTR STASTR StAstier St Astier St Astier St Astier 124 St Chely d'Apcher 44 49.265 N 3 16.365 E STC STCHL STCHLD StChldpc StChldpch StChldpchr StChelydpchr 125 St Chinian 43 25.480 N 2 56.715 E STH STCHN STCHNN StChinin StChinian St Chinian St Chinian 126 St Cirq Lapopie 44 27.865 N 1 40.100 E STI STCRQ STCRQL StCrqLpp StCirqLpp StCirqLapp StCirqLapopi 127 St Clar 43 53.680 N 0 46.115 E STL STCLR STCLAR St Clar St Clar St Clar St Clar 128 St Juery 43 57.165 N 2 12.700 E STJ STJUR STJUER St Juery St Juery St Juery St Juery 129 St Paul Cap 43 38.565 N 1 58.765 E STP STPLC STPLCP StPaulCp StPaulCap St PaulCap St Paul Cap 130 St Pons 43 29.350 N 2 45.080 E STO STPNS STPONS St Pons St Pons St Pons St Pons 131 Ste Livrade 44 24.200 N 0 35.000 E STE STLVR STLVRD SteLivrd SteLivrad SteLivrade Ste Livrade 132 Sud Lac des Cammazes 43 22.850 N 2 6.515 E SDL SDLCD SDLCDS SdLcdsCm SdLcdsCmm SdLcdsCmmz SudLcdsCmmzs 133 Tarascon/Ariege 42 50.700 N 1 36.150 E TRS TRSCN TRSCNR Tarscnrg Tarascnrg Tarasconrg TarasconArig 134 Thenon 45 8.280 N 1 4.265 E THN THENN THENON Thenon Thenon Thenon Thenon 135 Tonneins 44 23.900 N 0 18.400 E TNN TNNNS TONNNS Tonneins Tonneins Tonneins Tonneins 136 Tulle 45 15.850 N 1 46.115 E TLL TULLE TULLE Tulle Tulle Tulle Tulle 137 Valence d'Agen 44 6.630 N 0 53.330 E VLN VLNCD VLNCDG Valncdgn Valencdgn Valencedgn ValencedAgen 138 Vergt 45 1.650 N 0 42.850 E VRG VERGT VERGT Vergt Vergt Vergt Vergt 139 Vic Fezenzac 43 45.580 N 0 18.150 E VCF VCFZN VCFZNZ VicFznzc VicFeznzc VicFezenzc Vic Fezenzac 140 Vicdessos 42 46.315 N 1 29.930 E VCD VCDSS VCDSSS Vicdesss Vicdessos Vicdessos Vicdessos 141 Villamblard 45 1.380 N 0 32.450 E VLL VLLMB VLLMBL Vllmblrd Villmblrd Villamblrd Villamblard 142 Villefranche du Perigord 44 37.880 N 1 4.715 E VIL VLLFR VLLFRN Vllfrnch Vllfrnchd VllfrnchdP VllfrnchdPrg 143 Villefranche-d'Albigeois 43 53.600 N 2 21.780 E VIE VILLE VILLEF Villefra Villefran Vllfrnchdl Vllfrnchdlbg 144 Villefranche de Rouergue 44 20.900 N 2 2.200 E VIF VILLF VILLER Villefrn Villefrac VllfrnchdR VllfrnchdRrg 145 Villeneuve/Lot 44 23.865 N 0 42.715 E VIN VLLNV VLLNVL VillnvLt VillenvLt VillenevLt VilleneuveLt 146 Villereal 44 38.280 N 0 44.600 E VIR VLLRL VILLRL Villerel Villereal Villereal Villereal 147 Agen-la Garenne 44 10.480 N 0 35.430 E AGN AGNLG AGNLGR AgnlGrnn AgenlGrnn AgenlaGrnn AgenlaGarenn LFBA 148 Albi le Sequestre 43 54.800 N 2 7.000 E ALL ALBLS ALBLSQ AlblSqst AlblSqstr AlbilSqstr AlbileSeqstr LFCI 149 Aurillac 44 53.850 N 2 25.000 E ARL ARLLC AURLLC Aurillac Aurillac Aurillac Aurillac LFLW 150 Bedarieux 43 38.450 N 3 8.700 E BED BEDAR BEDARI Bedarieu Bedariex2 Bedarieux2 Bedarieux2 LFNX 151 Belves St Pardou 44 46.950 N 0 57.500 E BLV BLVSS BLVSST BlvsStPr BlvsStPrd BelvsStPrd BelvesStPard LFIB 152 Bergerac 44 49.465 N 0 31.230 E BEG BERGE BERGER Bergerc2 Bergerac2 Bergerac2 Bergerac2 LFBE 153 Beziers Vias 43 19.400 N 3 21.200 E BZR BZRSV BZRSVS BezirsVs BeziersVs BeziersVis Beziers Vias LFMU 154 Calviac PVT 44 56.080 N 2 4.000 E CLV CLVCP CLVCPV CalvcPVT CalvicPVT CalviacPVT Calviac PVT 155 Carcassonne 43 12.950 N 2 18.515 E CRC CRCSS CRCSSN Carcssnn Carcassnn Carcassonn Carcassonne LFMK 156 Cassagnes Begonhees 44 10.765 N 2 31.080 E CAA CSSGN CSSGNS CssgnsBg CssgnsBgn CssgnsBgnh CassgnsBgnhs LFIG 157 Castelnaudary 43 18.730 N 1 55.215 E CAT CASTE CSTLND Castlndr Castelndr Castelnadr Castelnaudar LFMW 158 Castres Mazamet 43 33.300 N 2 17.430 E CAR CSTRS CSTRSM CstrsMzm CstrsMzmt CastrsMzmt CastresMazmt LFCK 159 Caudecoste 44 6.265 N 0 43.630 E CDC CDCST CADCST Caudecst Caudecost Caudecoste Caudecoste 160 Caylus 44 13.450 N 1 43.880 E CLS CAYLS CAYLUS Caylus Caylus Caylus Caylus 161 Cazeres-Palaminy 43 12.130 N 1 3.015 E CZR CZRSP CZRSPL CzrsPlmn CazrsPlmn CazersPlmn CazeresPalmn LFJH 162 Condat/Vezere 45 6.400 N 1 12.900 E COA CNDTV CNDTVZ CondtVzr CondatVzr CondatVezr CondatVezere 163 Condom Valence 43 54.615 N 0 23.180 E COO CNDMV CNDMVL CndmVlnc CondmVlnc CondomVlnc CondomValenc LFID 164 Figeac Livernon 44 40.400 N 1 47.315 E FGC FGCLV FGCLVR FgcLvrnn FigcLvrnn FigecLvrnn FigeacLivrnn LFCF 165 Fumel Montayral 44 27.815 N 1 0.430 E FML FMLMN FMLMNT FmlMntrl FumlMntrl FumelMntrl FumelMontarl LFDX 166 Gaillac-Lisle/Tarne 43 53.030 N 1 52.500 E GLL GLLCL GLLCLS GllcLslT GllcLslTr GllcLslTrn GaillcLslTrn LFDG 167 Gondrin 43 53.200 N 0 14.200 E GND GNDRN GONDRN Gondrin Gondrin Gondrin Gondrin 168 Isle-en-Dodon 43 23.500 N 0 50.765 E ISL ISLND ISLNDD IslenDdn IsleenDdn IsleenDodn Isle enDodon 169 La Canourgue 44 27.165 N 3 15.000 E LAC LACAN LACANO LaCanour LaCanouru LaCanourge LaCanourgue2 170 La Romieu 43 59.050 N 0 29.830 E LRM LAROM LAROMI LaRomieu La Romieu La Romieu La Romieu 171 Lezignan Corbier 43 10.550 N 2 43.980 E LZG LZGNN LZGNNC LzgnnCrb LzgnnCrbr LezgnnCrbr LezignanCrbr LFMZ 172 Marmande Virazel 44 30.065 N 0 11.800 E MAM MRMND MRMNDV MrmndVrz MrmndVrzl MarmndVrzl MarmandeVrzl LFDM 173 Millau Larzac 43 59.350 N 3 11.000 E MIL MLLLR MLLLRZ MillLrzc MillaLrzc MillauLrzc MillauLarzac LFCM 174 Montauban 44 1.650 N 1 22.650 E MOA MNTBN MONTBN Montaubn Montauban Montauban Montauban LFDB 175 Montpellier-Mediterinee 43 35.000 N 3 57.680 E MOP MNTPL MNTPLL Montpllr Montpellr Montpellir Montpellier LFMT 176 Moussoulens 43 17.015 N 2 12.965 E MOU MSSLN MSSLNS Mousslns Moussolns Moussoulns Moussoulens 177 Pamiers-Les Pujols 43 5.430 N 1 41.750 E PMR PMRSL PMRSLS PmrsLsPj PmrsLsPjl PmrsLsPjls PamirsLsPjls LFDJ 178 Peyresourde 42 47.815 N 0 26.080 E PEY PRSRD PERSRD Peyresrd Peyresord Peyresourd Peyresourde LFIP 179 Revel Montgey 43 28.880 N 1 58.750 E RVL RVLMN RVLMNT RevlMntg RevelMntg RevelMontg RevelMontgey LFIR 180 Sarlat Domme 44 47.600 N 1 14.650 E SAR SRLTD SRLTDM SarltDmm SarlatDmm SarlatDomm Sarlat Domme LFDS 181 St Flour Coltine 45 4.500 N 2 59.550 E STU STFLR STFLRC StFlrClt StFlrCltn StFlorCltn StFlourColtn LFHQ 182 St Jean Poutge 43 43.265 N 0 22.430 E STA STJNP STJNPT StJenPtg StJeanPtg StJeanPotg StJeanPoutge 183 St Lieux-les-Lavaur 43 45.615 N 1 45.465 E STX STLXL STLXLS StLxlsLv StLxlsLvr StLixlsLvr StLieuxlsLvr 184 St Martin de Londres 43 48.050 N 3 46.915 E STM STMRT STMRTN StMrtndL StMrtndLn StMrtndLnd StMrtndLndrs LFNL 185 Villefranche de Rouergue 44 22.200 N 2 1.630 E VIA VILLR VILLEA Villefrc Villefrah Villefranc Villefranche LFCV 186 Villeneuve/Lot 44 24.015 N 0 45.630 E VIU VILLN VILLEN Villeneu Villeneuv Villeneuve VilleneuveLo LFCW 187 Aleu Joubac 42 53.880 N 1 11.430 E ALJ ALJBC ALEJBC AleuJobc AleuJoubc AleuJoubac Aleu Joubac 188 Aneres 43 4.965 N 0 27.980 E ANR ANERS ANERES Aneres Aneres Aneres Aneres 189 Berdoues Mirande 43 28.165 N 0 23.330 E BRD BRDSM BRDSMR BrdsMrnd BerdsMrnd BerdosMrnd BerdouesMrnd 190 Cabreret 44 30.865 N 1 35.550 E CBR CBRRT CABRRT Cabreret Cabreret Cabreret Cabreret 191 Engomer Praerie 42 56.900 N 1 2.965 E ENG ENGMR ENGMRP EngmrPrr EngomrPrr EngomerPrr EngomerPraer 192 Fos Praerie 42 53.180 N 0 43.530 E FSP FSPRR FOSPRR FosPraer FosPraeri FosPraerie Fos Praerie 193 Fousseret 43 16.250 N 1 3.400 E FSS FSSRT FOSSRT Foussert Fousseret Fousseret Fousseret 194 Fronsac Praerie 42 58.380 N 0 39.615 E FRO FRNSC FRNSCP FrnscPrr FronscPrr FronsacPrr FronsacPraer 195 Genos 42 48.280 N 0 24.465 E GNS GENOS GENOS Genos Genos Genos Genos 196 Gourgue 43 8.265 N 0 15.550 E GRG GOURG GOURGU Gourgue Gourgue Gourgue Gourgue 197 Oust 42 53.415 N 1 13.130 E OST OUST OUST Oust Oust Oust Oust 198 Pommevic ULM 44 5.080 N 0 55.080 E PMM PMMVC PMMVCL PommvcLM PommevcLM PommevicLM Pommevic ULM 199 Solomiac 43 47.400 N 0 54.515 E SLM SOLMC SOLOMC Solomiac Solomiac Solomiac Solomiac 200 Tarasc 42 51.580 N 1 35.765 E TAR TARSC TARASC Tarasc Tarasc Tarasc Tarasc 201 Torreilles 42 46.465 N 3 2.200 E TOR TRRLL TRRLLS Torrells Torreills Torreilles Torreilles 202 Vaure 42 50.165 N 0 20.115 E VAR VAURE VAURE Vaure Vaure Vaure Vaure 203 Villematier 43 49.680 N 1 29.265 E VIM VLLMT VLLMTR Villemtr Villematr Villematir Villematier 204 Auch Lamothe 43 41.215 N 0 36.000 E ACH ACHLM ACHLMT AuchLmth AuchLamth AuchLamoth Auch Lamothe LFDH 205 Bagneres-de-Lucon 42 48.000 N 0 35.950 E BAG BGNRS BGNRSD BgnrsdLc BgnrsdLcn BagnrsdLcn BagneresdLcn LFCB 206 Beaumont 44 46.000 N 0 43.330 E BEA BEMNT BEAMNT Beaumont Beaumont Beaumont Beaumont 207 Bouloc 44 18.730 N 1 5.265 E BLC BOULC BOULOC Bouloc Bouloc Bouloc Bouloc 208 Brive-Laroche 45 8.980 N 1 28.465 E BRV BRVLR BRVLRC BrivLrch BriveLrch BriveLarch BriveLaroche LFBV 209 Cahors-Lalbenque 44 21.030 N 1 28.715 E CAL CHRSL CHRSLL ChrsLlbn ChrsLlbnq CahrsLlbnq CahorsLalbnq LFCC 210 Castelnau-Magneac 43 16.765 N 0 31.265 E CAE CASTL CSTLNM CstlnMgn CstlnMgnc CastlnMgnc CastelnaMgnc LFDQ 211 Castelsarrasin 44 5.215 N 1 7.665 E CAI CSTLS CSTLSR Cstlsrrs Cstlsrrsn Castlsrrsn Castelsarrsn LFCX 212 Dunes 44 6.350 N 0 46.650 E DNS DUNES DUNES Dunes Dunes Dunes Dunes 213 Florac-Sainte Enimie 44 17.180 N 3 27.965 E FLO FLRCS FLRCSN FlrcSntn FlrcSntnm FlorcSntnm FloracSantnm LFNO 214 Graulhet 43 46.200 N 2 0.500 E GRL GRLHT GRALHT Graulhet Graulhet Graulhet Graulhet LFCQ 215 Issigeac 44 41.850 N 0 37.530 E ISS ISSGC ISSIGC Issigeac Issigeac Issigeac Issigeac 216 La Montagne Noire 43 24.450 N 1 59.365 E LMN LMNTG LMNTGN LMntgnNr LaMntgnNr LaMontgnNr LaMontagneNr LFMG 217 Lalinde 44 52.515 N 0 44.480 E LAL LALIN LALINE Lalinde2 Lalinde2 Lalinde2 Lalinde2 218 Lectoure 43 55.500 N 0 38.530 E LEC LECTO LECTOU Lectour2 Lectoure2 Lectoure2 Lectoure2 219 Liorac 44 55.080 N 0 38.450 E LRC LIORC LIORAC Liorac Liorac Liorac Liorac 220 Mende Brenou 44 30.250 N 3 31.650 E MEN MNDBR MNDBRN MendeBrn MendeBren MendeBreno Mende Brenou LFNB 221 Mont Louis 42 32.615 N 2 7.165 E MOL MNTLS MONTLS MontLous MontLouis Mont Louis Mont Louis LFNQ 222 Montpezat d'Agen 44 21.930 N 0 29.530 E MOE MNTPZ MNTPZT Mntpztdg Mntpztdgn Montpztdgn Montpezatdgn 223 Peigeux Bassilac 45 11.850 N 0 48.915 E PGX PGXBS PGXBSS PgxBsslc PegxBsslc PeigxBsslc PeigeuxBsslc LFBX 224 Pressignac Rebey 44 54.000 N 0 44.550 E PRE PRSSG PRSSGN PrssgncR PrssgncRb PressgncRb PressignacRb 225 Puivert 42 54.680 N 2 3.330 E PVR PUVRT PUIVRT Puivert Puivert Puivert Puivert LFNW 226 Rodez Marcillac 44 24.450 N 2 29.000 E ROD RDZMR RDZMRC RdzMrcll RdzMrcllc RodzMrcllc RodezMarcllc LFCR 227 Sadournin 43 19.515 N 0 25.080 E SDR SDRNN SADRNN Sadournn Sadournin Sadournin Sadournin 228 Sembas 44 20.065 N 0 38.515 E SMB SEMBS SEMBAS Sembas Sembas Sembas Sembas 229 Septfonds 44 10.850 N 1 35.715 E SPT SPTFN SPTFND Septfnds Septfonds Septfonds Septfonds 230 Seyches 44 33.450 N 0 19.180 E SCH SECHS SEYCHS Seyches Seyches Seyches Seyches 231 St Affrique 43 49.450 N 2 44.880 E STR STAFF STAFFR StAffriu StAffriqe StAffriqu2 St Affrique2 LFIF 232 St Gaudens Montrejeau 43 6.515 N 0 37.165 E STG STGDN STGDNS StGdnsMn StGdnsMnt StGdnsMntr StGadnsMntrj LFIM 233 St Girons Antichan 43 0.530 N 1 6.230 E STN STGRN STGRNS StGrnsnt StGrnsntc StGrnsntch StGirnsntchn LFCG 234 St Julien 44 45.480 N 0 26.550 E SJU STJLN STJULN StJulien St Julien St Julien St Julien 235 Toulouse Bourg Saint Bernard 43 36.730 N 1 43.515 E TLS TLSBR TLSBRG TlsBrgSn TlsBrgSnt TlsBrgSntB TlsBrgSntBrn LFIT 236 Tremons 44 24.300 N 0 53.300 E TRM TRMNS TREMNS Tremons Tremons Tremons Tremons 237 Verteuil 44 28.000 N 0 24.700 E VRT VERTL VERTEL Verteuil Verteuil Verteuil Verteuil 238 Villeton 44 21.830 N 0 17.180 E VIT VLLTN VILLTN Villeton Villeton Villeton Villeton 239 Col de la Core 42 52.080 N 1 6.250 E CLD CLDLC C CORE C Core C Core C Core C Core 240 Col du Portillon 42 45.900 N 0 42.800 E COL CLDPR CPRTLL CPortlln CPortilln CPortillon C Portillon