## Input filename: bebedr20.txt: translated by 'openair_2_tnp' on Friday, 09 February 2024 at 04:19 GMT ## #* # Airspace for Bebedouro, Brazil * # File created Friday, 09 February 2024 at 04:19 GMT * #Latitudes from -24.9 to -12.1 and Longitudes from -56.7 to -45.1 extracted from BR.txt* #* 'airspace_d_dm_2_dms' run to convert decimal degrees and minutes to d:m:s #* #* #* 'airspace_d_dm_2_dms' run to convert decimal degrees and minutes to d:m:s #* # * #* Airspace for Brazil * #* Courtesy of Thomas Milko * #* Dated 04 October 2017 * #* * #* Corrected for typos and converted to integer d:m:s * #******************************************************************* #*** **** #*** CBVL - CONFEDERACAO BRASILEIRA DE VOO LIVRE **** #*** ESPACO AERERO BRASILEIRO **** #*** **** #******************************************************************* # #******************************************************************* # TODA INFORMACAO CONTIDA NESTE E PROVINIENTE DA: * # PUBLICACAO DE INFORMACAO AERONAUTICA - AIP BRASIL * # * # * # NESTE DOCUMENTO ESTAO DESCRITOS OS ESPACOS AEREOS SOBRE * # TERRITORIO TERRESTRE BRASILEIRO (EXCLUI AREAS SOBRE O MAR) E * # COM OCORRENCIA ENTRE O SOLO E O NIVEL 145. * # * # CONTEMPLA: CTRs, ATZs, TMAs, SBRs, SBDs E SBPs. * # * # * # "O USO DESTE E APENAS UMA REFERENCIA! TODO PILOTO DEVE ESTAR * # CIENTE DAS INFORMACOES AERONAUTICAS ATUALIZADAS DIVULGADAS * # NO PORTAL AISWEB (http://www.aisweb.aer.mil.br/)." * # * # VALIDADE E PERIODICIDADE DE ATUALIZACOES AINDA NAO ESTABELECIDOS * #******************************************************************* # #******************* CONTROLE DE REVISOES ********************** #REVISAO 0 2017/04/22 - CONFORME AIP 2017/03/02 * #REVISAO A 2017/05/03 - INCLUSAO DOS CORREDORES VISUAIS DAS TERMI- * # NAIS: ANAPOLIS, BELO HORIZONTE, CAMPO GRAN-* # DE, CURITIBA, LONDRINA,P.ALEGRE, RIO DE JA-* # NEIRO E SAO PAULO. (REA - ROTAS ESPECIAIS * # DE AERONAVES) * #REVISÃO B 2017/05/06 - REMOÇÃO DE CARACTERES NÃO RECONHECIDOS * #REVISÃO C 2017/05/12 - CORREÇÃO DADOS * #REVISÃO D 2017/06/05 - INCL.REA BRASILIA, CORREC COD GLIDING AREA * #DESENVOLVIDO POR: GUILHERME VIANNA VACILOTTO * #******************************************************************* # #******************************************************************* # CTRs e ATZs * # AIP PAGINAS 391-398 * #******************************************************************* # #* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #*********************** APP ACADEMIA ************************** # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ACADEMIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S215908 W0472037 #*********************** APP ALDEIA **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-RIBEIRAO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=14.00 CENTRE=S210834 W0474634 #********************** APP AMAZONICA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ALDEIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=6500ft ALT POINT=S222202 W0420738 POINT=S223902 W0422401 POINT=S230002 W0423002 POINT=S233002 W0423002 POINT=S233002 W0420001 POINT=S224732 W0413231 POINT=S223738 W0415743 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S222044 W0414607 TO=S222202 W0420738 #********************** APP ANAPOLIS *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-AMAZONICA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3500ft ALT POINT=S041418 W0694611 POINT=S041103 W0694623 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S041141 W0695623 TO=S041220 W0700622 POINT=S041536 W0700610 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S041457 W0695610 TO=S041418 W0694611 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ANAPOLIS1 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL065 POINT=S161241 W0491028 POINT=S160217 W0490140 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S160837 W0485337 TO=S160459 W0484359 POINT=S162800 W0490600 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9.8 CENTRE=S161902 W0490225 TO=S161241 W0491028 #*********************** APP ARACAJU *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ANAPOLIS2 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL065 POINT=S162702 W0492302 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.7 CENTRE=S163826 W0491240 TO=S163355 W0485827 POINT=S162702 W0492302 #************************ APP BAURU **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ARACAJU BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S105859 W0370400 #************************ APP BELEM **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-BAURU BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL045 CIRCLE RADIUS=22.00 CENTRE=S222100 W0490300 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-BELEM BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S012259 W0482859 #******************* APP BELO HORIZONTE ************************ ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ATZ-BELEM BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 POINT=S012559 W0482838 POINT=S012331 W0482831 POINT=S012127 W0482625 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=3.0 CENTRE=S012301 W0482901 TO=S012559 W0482838 #********************** APP BOA VISTA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-BELO HORIZONTE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=4100ft ALT POINT=S192517 W0441614 POINT=S191747 W0440712 POINT=S192723 W0435405 POINT=S193138 W0433854 POINT=S193509 W0433552 POINT=S200401 W0434819 POINT=S200112 W0435610 POINT=S195618 W0435733 POINT=S195133 W0441048 POINT=S192517 W0441614 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT #********************** APP BRASILIA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-BOA VISTA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=N025107 W0604113 #******************** APP CAMPO GRANDE ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-BRASILIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL065 POINT=S153829 W0482617 POINT=S153415 W0472616 POINT=S160604 W0472342 POINT=S161025 W0482347 POINT=S153829 W0482617 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT #*** APP CORUMBA (NAO CONSIDERA RECORTE DE FRONTEIRA) ********** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-CAMPO_GRANDE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL045 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S202800 W0544000 #*********************** APP CUIABA **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-CORUMBA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=5000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=S190058 W0573952 #********************** APP CURITIBA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-CUIABA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=5000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S153920 W0560644 #******************** APP FLORIANOPOLIS ************************ ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-CURITIBA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT POINT=S251519 W0490822 POINT=S251847 W0490157 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S253150 W0491014 TO=S252826 W0492623 POINT=S252150 W0492449 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S252355 W0491401 TO=S251519 W0490822 #********************** APP FORTALEZA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-FLORIANOPOLIS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL065 POINT=S272138 W0484126 POINT=S273626 W0480954 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=18.2 CENTRE=S274132 W0482955 TO=S275838 W0482337 POINT=S274220 W0485507 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=16.0 CENTRE=S273720 W0483756 TO=S272138 W0484126 #************ APP FOZ (FRONTEIRA SIMPLIFICADA) ***************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-FORTALEZA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S034659 W0383159 #************************ APP GUARA **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-FOZ BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3500ft ALT POINT=S253405 W0541821 POINT=S253443 W0541948 POINT=S253601 W0542025 POINT=S253642 W0542104 POINT=S253645 W0542124 POINT=S253622 W0542219 POINT=S253618 W0542256 POINT=S253637 W0542322 POINT=S253713 W0542324 POINT=S253817 W0542335 POINT=S253910 W0542406 POINT=S253935 W0542459 POINT=S254031 W0542538 POINT=S254059 W0542541 POINT=S254202 W0542533 POINT=S254221 W0542602 POINT=S254145 W0542645 POINT=S254036 W0542650 POINT=S253958 W0542710 POINT=S253747 W0542926 POINT=S253739 W0543023 POINT=S253813 W0543120 POINT=S253757 W0543203 POINT=S253639 W0543229 POINT=S253539 W0543332 POINT=S253542 W0543547 POINT=S253320 W0543554 POINT=S253035 W0543610 POINT=S252758 W0543657 POINT=S252726 W0543658 POINT=S252630 W0543613 POINT=S252530 W0543537 POINT=S252332 W0543444 POINT=S252205 W0543328 POINT=S252114 W0543242 POINT=S252045 W0543219 POINT=S252259 W0543052 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=11.9 CENTRE=S253459 W0543013 TO=S253345 W0541719 POINT=S253405 W0541821 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT #*********************** APP ILHEUS **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-GUARA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL085 POINT=S223752 W0450914 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S224717 W0451255 TO=S224804 W0452342 POINT=S223752 W0450914 #******************* TWR JACAREPAGUA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-ILHEUS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S144800 W0390159 #********************* TWR JUNDIAI **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ATZ-JACAREPAGUA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S225558 W0432239 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=3.3 CENTRE=S225916 W0432214 TO=S230227 W0432306 POINT=S225558 W0432239 #******************** APP LONDRINA **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ATZ-JUNDIAI BASE=GND ALT TOPS=4000ft ALT POINT=S230632 W0465915 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.0 CENTRE=S231050 W0465638 TO=S231532 W0465431 POINT=S230632 W0465915 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-LONDRINA1 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=4500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S231959 W0510759 #********************** APP MACAE ****************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-LONDRINA2 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=4500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S232833 W0520022 #********************* APP MACAPA ****************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-MACAE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S222041 W0414608 #********************** APP MACEIO ***************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-MACAPA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S000308 W0510423 #********************** APP MANAUS ***************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-MACEIO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S093117 W0354716 #********************** APP MARABA ***************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-MANAUS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 POINT=S025026 W0595807 POINT=S025636 W0595027 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S030827 W0595943 TO=S032017 W0600859 POINT=S031358 W0601652 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S030212 W0600729 TO=S025026 W0595807 #*********************** TWR MARTE ***************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-MARABA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S052205 W0490807 #************************ APP NATAL **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ATZ-MARTE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3600ft ALT POINT=S233036 W0463441 POINT=S232924 W0464141 POINT=S233029 W0464155 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.6 CENTRE=S232635 W0463731 TO=S233141 W0463455 POINT=S233036 W0463441 #********************* APP NAVEGANTES ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-NATAL BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S055400 W0351500 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-NAVEGANTES1 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2500ft ALT POINT=S264504 W0485321 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S265227 W0483844 TO=S270723 W0484012 POINT=S265509 W0481634 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S265227 W0483844 TO=S263353 W0483011 POINT=S264504 W0485321 #********************* APP PORTO ALEGRE ************************ ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-NAVEGANTES2 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=S261320 W0484753 #*********************** APP PALMAS **************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=PALEGRE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 POINT=S300738 W0505610 POINT=S300720 W0511435 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=8.0 CENTRE=S295935 W0511654 TO=S295725 W0512546 POINT=S295725 W0512546 POINT=S295548 W0513225 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.0 CENTRE=S295935 W0511654 TO=S294559 W0512055 POINT=S294958 W0505647 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S295953 W0505831 TO=S300407 W0504804 POINT=S300317 W0505010 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=8.0 CENTRE=S295953 W0505831 TO=S300738 W0505610 #***************** TWR PASO DE LOS LIBRES ********************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-PALMAS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S101728 W0482151 #************************ TWR PESSOA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=PASSO_DE_LOS_LIBRES BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL35 POINT=S293428 W0570055 POINT=S293956 W0565413 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S294710 W0570211 TO=S295429 W0571002 POINT=S294853 W0571652 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S294141 W0570853 TO=S293428 W0570055 #******************** APP PORTO SEGURO ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-PESSOA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S070826 W0345710 #********************* APP PORTO VELHO ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-PORTO_SEGURO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S162629 W0390456 #*********************** APP PRUDENTE ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-PORTO_VELHO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S084300 W0635400 #************************ APP RECIFE *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-PRUDENTE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=18.00 CENTRE=S221032 W0512522 #************************* APP RIO ***************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-RECIFE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S080759 W0345559 #* changed from DP 22:52:04 S 43:27:54 W # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-AFFONSOS1 BASE=700ft ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT POINT=S225204 W0432754 POINT=S225431 W0432603 POINT=S225246 W0432044 POINT=S225151 W0432019 POINT=S225004 W0432205 POINT=S225204 W0432754 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-AFFONSOS1 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=700ft ALT POINT=S225204 W0432754 POINT=S225431 W0432603 POINT=S225246 W0432044 POINT=S225151 W0432019 POINT=S225102 W0431855 POINT=S224950 W0432031 POINT=S225144 W0432516 POINT=S225138 W0432642 POINT=S225204 W0432754 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-GALEAO1 BASE=700ft ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S225133 W0431717 POINT=S225214 W0431444 POINT=S225304 W0431352 POINT=S224824 W0430508 POINT=S224311 W0430636 POINT=S224520 W0431511 POINT=S224240 W0432037 POINT=S224504 W0432222 POINT=S224856 W0432314 POINT=S225225 W0431946 POINT=S225133 W0431717 #* changed from DP 22:43:11 S 43:06:36 W # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-GALEAO2 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=700ft ALT POINT=S225304 W0431352 POINT=S224824 W0430508 POINT=S224311 W0430636 POINT=S224520 W0431511 POINT=S224313 W0431931 POINT=S224551 W0432137 POINT=S224733 W0432102 POINT=S224950 W0432031 POINT=S225109 W0431847 POINT=S225214 W0431444 POINT=S225304 W0431352 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-RIO1 BASE=700ft ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S225225 W0431946 POINT=S225346 W0431838 POINT=S230125 W0430646 POINT=S230056 W0430336 POINT=S225434 W0425946 POINT=S225033 W0430138 POINT=S224824 W0430508 POINT=S225304 W0431352 POINT=S225214 W0431444 POINT=S225133 W0431717 POINT=S225225 W0431946 #********************* APP RIO BRANCO ************************ ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-RIO2 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=700ft ALT POINT=S225348 W0431307 POINT=S225438 W0431253 POINT=S225623 W0431435 POINT=S230125 W0430646 POINT=S230056 W0430336 POINT=S225418 W0430347 POINT=S225046 W0430610 POINT=S224824 W0430508 POINT=S225304 W0431352 POINT=S225348 W0431307 #********************** APP SALVADOR ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-RIO_BRANCO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S095205 W0675332 #********************** APP SANTA CRUZ ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SALVADOR BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S125400 W0381900 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SANTA_CRUZ1 BASE=6500ft ALT TOPS=FL115 POINT=S224125 W0435120 POINT=S223347 W0441007 POINT=S225143 W0442932 POINT=S230119 W0440104 POINT=S225127 W0435805 POINT=S224125 W0435120 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SANTA_CRUZ2 BASE=2500ft ALT TOPS=6500ft ALT POINT=S231439 W0432728 POINT=S223351 W0433929 POINT=S224125 W0435120 POINT=S225127 W0435805 POINT=S232349 W0440752 POINT=S231439 W0432728 #* changed from DP 22:48:02 S 43:38:57 W #********************* APP SANTA MARIA ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SANTA_CRUZ3 BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2500ft ALT POINT=S225552 W0435413 POINT=S230519 W0435319 POINT=S230402 W0433504 POINT=S224802 W0433857 POINT=S225552 W0435413 #*********************** APP SANTAREM ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=SANTA_MARIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL045 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S294200 W0534200 #*********************** APP SAO LUIZ ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SANTAREM BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S022500 W0544900 #********************** APP SAO PAULO ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SAO_LUIZ BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL025 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S023459 W0441359 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-CAMPINAS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3700ft ALT POINT=S230923 W0470329 POINT=S230150 W0465711 POINT=S224939 W0471413 POINT=S225905 W0472205 POINT=S230835 W0470852 POINT=S230923 W0470329 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-GUARULHOS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3600ft ALT POINT=S232541 W0463721 POINT=S232107 W0462025 POINT=S232608 W0461849 POINT=S232950 W0463232 POINT=S232912 W0463615 POINT=S232541 W0463721 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SAO_JOSE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL055 POINT=S230938 W0460820 POINT=S232056 W0455740 POINT=S232311 W0454155 POINT=S231517 W0453336 POINT=S230447 W0454509 POINT=S230326 W0453712 POINT=S225850 W0453834 POINT=S225659 W0455346 POINT=S230938 W0460820 #*********************** APP TAUBATE *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-SAO_PAULO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3600ft ALT POINT=S233309 W0464538 POINT=S233132 W0464253 POINT=S233140 W0464013 POINT=S234206 W0463301 POINT=S234447 W0463736 POINT=S233309 W0464538 #********************** APP TERESINA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-TAUBATE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL075 POINT=S225718 W0451258 POINT=S230928 W0453413 POINT=S230530 W0453511 POINT=S230327 W0453711 POINT=S225832 W0453840 POINT=S224806 W0452342 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S224717 W0451255 TO=S225718 W0451258 #*********************** APP UBERABA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-TERESINA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL035 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S050400 W0424900 #********************** APP UBERLANDIA ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-UBERABA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL055 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S194600 W0475800 #********************** TWR URUGUAIANA ************************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-UBERLANDIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL055 CIRCLE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=S185238 W0481318 #*********************** APP VITORIA *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=ATZ-URUGUAIANA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=S294710 W0570211 # #******************************************************************* # TMAs * # AIP PAGINAS 265-345 * #******************************************************************* #********************** FIR AMAZONICA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=CTR TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=CTR-VITORIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL045 CIRCLE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=S201500 W0401659 # # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-AMAZONICA BASE=3500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S034600 W0695024 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=26.0 CENTRE=S041141 W0695623 TO=S040811 W0702149 POINT=S040947 W0704609 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=50.1 CENTRE=S041141 W0695623 TO=S032207 W0694628 POINT=S034600 W0695024 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BELEM BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S012303 W0482843 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BOA_VISTA BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=N025107 W0604113 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-CUIABA BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S153922 W0560643 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MACAPA BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=35.00 CENTRE=N000308 W0510423 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MANAUS BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S030212 W0600730 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MARABA BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S040058 W0490127 POINT=S040407 W0484448 POINT=S052837 W0483337 POINT=S064327 W0490617 POINT=S064203 W0492314 POINT=S051532 W0494235 POINT=S040058 W0490127 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PORTO_VELHO BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S084301 W0635402 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-RIO_BRANCO BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=42.00 CENTRE=S095205 W0675332 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SANTAREM BASE=FL25 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S022535 W0544903 #*********************** FIR BRASILIA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SAO_LUIS BASE=FL025 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S023521 W0441424 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-ACADEMIA BASE=5500ft ALT TOPS=FL195 POINT=S224202 W0473428 POINT=S223808 W0472428 POINT=S222753 W0465906 POINT=S222841 W0465700 POINT=S220552 W0464525 POINT=S220022 W0464517 POINT=S212217 W0465444 POINT=S210918 W0465831 POINT=S203501 W0472257 POINT=S203237 W0475122 POINT=S203313 W0480141 POINT=S203455 W0483548 POINT=S205436 W0485607 POINT=S210341 W0490538 POINT=S211608 W0491856 POINT=S213949 W0494401 POINT=S215231 W0491141 POINT=S215606 W0490226 POINT=S215922 W0485401 POINT=S220203 W0484710 POINT=S220459 W0483931 POINT=S221241 W0483255 POINT=S222848 W0483831 POINT=S223302 W0484059 POINT=S225836 W0475308 POINT=S230303 W0473425 POINT=S225116 W0473426 POINT=S224202 W0473428 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-ANAPOLIS BASE=FL065 TOPS=FL195 POINT=S155635 W0484216 POINT=S155043 W0485716 POINT=S155140 W0491341 POINT=S161012 W0492738 POINT=S162033 W0493521 POINT=S162807 W0495331 POINT=S163252 W0495419 POINT=S163928 W0495229 POINT=S170218 W0494608 POINT=S171729 W0492046 POINT=S171822 W0491311 POINT=S171753 W0490503 POINT=S171423 W0484833 POINT=S171313 W0484308 POINT=S163301 W0483847 POINT=S161431 W0483556 POINT=S155635 W0484216 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BELO_HORIZONTE BASE=5500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S193408 W0444638 POINT=S190740 W0443652 POINT=S185815 W0441917 POINT=S185722 W0440321 POINT=S185605 W0434131 POINT=S192238 W0431858 POINT=S193629 W0430651 POINT=S193923 W0430701 POINT=S200030 W0430814 POINT=S202947 W0432727 POINT=S203355 W0435417 POINT=S203033 W0440350 POINT=S202111 W0442950 POINT=S195126 W0444028 POINT=S193408 W0444638 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BELO_HORIZONTE2 BASE=4100ft ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT POINT=S191740 W0442245 POINT=S191329 W0441422 POINT=S190958 W0435635 POINT=S193006 W0432912 POINT=S195407 W0433122 POINT=S200613 W0434737 POINT=S200255 W0435647 POINT=S195545 W0435850 POINT=S195838 W0441813 POINT=S193125 W0442539 POINT=S191740 W0442245 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BRASILIA BASE=FL065 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S163301 W0483847 POINT=S161431 W0483556 POINT=S155635 W0484216 POINT=S155043 W0485716 POINT=S154017 W0485648 POINT=S152000 W0484639 POINT=S151435 W0484029 POINT=S150259 W0482405 POINT=S145754 W0480438 POINT=S150055 W0474553 POINT=S150946 W0472646 POINT=S152611 W0470825 POINT=S160156 W0470338 POINT=S162317 W0471434 POINT=S162912 W0471930 POINT=S163934 W0473232 POINT=S164651 W0475553 POINT=S164432 W0481756 POINT=S164123 W0482654 POINT=S163301 W0483847 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PALMAS BASE=3500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S101105 W0490152 POINT=S100238 W0485932 POINT=S095111 W0485231 POINT=S094108 W0483910 POINT=S093717 W0482204 POINT=S093906 W0480949 POINT=S094326 W0480019 POINT=S095410 W0474849 POINT=S100938 W0474204 POINT=S101725 W0474116 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=39.9 CENTRE=S101728 W0482151 TO=S101105 W0490152 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-UBERABA BASE=FL055 TOPS=FL195 POINT=S203456 W0483548 POINT=S203313 W0480141 POINT=S203237 W0475122 POINT=S203501 W0472257 POINT=S201235 W0465908 POINT=S194028 W0465637 POINT=S193340 W0465753 POINT=S190920 W0470856 POINT=S191846 W0480534 POINT=S192234 W0483127 POINT=S192530 W0485422 POINT=S195849 W0485331 POINT=S203456 W0483548 #*********************** FIR CURITIBA ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-UBERLANDIA BASE=FL055 TOPS=FL195 POINT=S192234 W0483127 POINT=S191846 W0480534 POINT=S190920 W0470856 POINT=S182553 W0474150 POINT=S181711 W0475325 POINT=S181248 W0480740 POINT=S181238 W0480910 POINT=S181228 W0481453 POINT=S181311 W0482031 POINT=S181452 W0482741 POINT=S183436 W0485056 POINT=S185715 W0485511 POINT=S192530 W0485422 POINT=S192234 W0483127 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-BAURU BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S225746 W0490709 POINT=S225435 W0491640 POINT=S225044 W0492809 POINT=S224235 W0495218 POINT=S223458 W0501455 POINT=S221519 W0500933 POINT=S220028 W0500452 POINT=S214535 W0500022 POINT=S214106 W0494726 POINT=S213949 W0494401 POINT=S215606 W0490226 POINT=S215922 W0485401 POINT=S220459 W0483931 POINT=S221241 W0483255 POINT=S222848 W0483831 POINT=S223302 W0484059 POINT=S223515 W0484238 POINT=S225746 W0490709 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-CAMPO_GRANDE BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S202807 W0544016 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-CORUMBA BASE=5000ft ALT TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S190058 W0573952 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-CURITIBA BASE=5500ft ALT TOPS=FL195 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S253155 W0491005 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-FLORIANOPOLIS BASE=FL065 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=35.00 CENTRE=S274130 W0482953 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-FOZ BASE=3500ft ALT TOPS=FL195 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S253459 W0543013 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-LONDRINA BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S240335 W0515731 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.1 CENTRE=S232833 W0520022 TO=S225417 W0520841 POINT=S224720 W0514037 POINT=S224226 W0512055 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.2 CENTRE=S232022 W0510645 TO=S240028 W0510446 POINT=S240335 W0515731 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MACAE2 BASE=1500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S225225 W0415606 POINT=S224015 W0415934 POINT=S222352 W0421402 POINT=S213049 W0413627 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S214146 W0411828 TO=S212459 W0410646 POINT=S212644 W0400852 POINT=S212702 W0395744 POINT=S212719 W0394636 POINT=S212737 W0393427 POINT=S212747 W0392731 POINT=S222740 W0392241 POINT=S225849 W0393338 POINT=S233024 W0401430 POINT=S230916 W0411133 POINT=S230635 W0411840 POINT=S230014 W0413532 POINT=S225225 W0415606 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MACAE1 BASE=1000ft ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S224825 W0410915 POINT=S221142 W0410514 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S220143 W0410409 TO=S215142 W0410453 POINT=S214825 W0410507 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.0 CENTRE=S214150 W0411824 TO=S213341 W0410609 POINT=S212459 W0410646 POINT=S215547 W0403301 POINT=S221838 W0403434 POINT=S223220 W0403956 POINT=S224856 W0410350 POINT=S224825 W0410915 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-NAVEGANTES BASE=2500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S260423 W0484406 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.1 CENTRE=S263909 W0484931 TO=S270639 W0482512 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.1 CENTRE=S274130 W0482953 TO=S271359 W0485418 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.1 CENTRE=S263909 W0484931 TO=S261153 W0491403 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.1 CENTRE=S253155 W0491005 TO=S260423 W0484406 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PASO_DE_LOS_LIBRES BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL095 CIRCLE RADIUS=25.00 CENTRE=S294144 W0570844 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PORTO_ALEGRE1 BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S295945 W0510954 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PORTO_ALEGRE2 BASE=FL055 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S292646 W0513600 POINT=S285011 W0513919 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=74.2 CENTRE=S295945 W0510954 TO=S285040 W0503905 POINT=S292852 W0503312 POINT=S293734 W0503137 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.0 CENTRE=S295945 W0510954 TO=S292646 W0513600 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-PRESIDENTE_PRUDENTE BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S224720 W0514037 POINT=S224556 W0514203 POINT=S220859 W0521923 POINT=S215249 W0521619 POINT=S214502 W0521450 POINT=S212658 W0515720 POINT=S212438 W0515505 POINT=S212008 W0513017 POINT=S213110 W0510402 POINT=S215611 W0500333 POINT=S220028 W0500452 POINT=S221519 W0500933 POINT=S223458 W0501455 POINT=S225051 W0503720 POINT=S224855 W0503946 POINT=S224717 W0504210 POINT=S224610 W0504402 POINT=S224508 W0504558 POINT=S224411 W0504756 POINT=S224320 W0504959 POINT=S224231 W0505217 POINT=S224138 W0505521 POINT=S224105 W0505746 POINT=S224045 W0505942 POINT=S224030 W0510140 POINT=S224019 W0510353 POINT=S224013 W0510636 POINT=S224017 W0510904 POINT=S224028 W0511132 POINT=S224037 W0511246 POINT=S224049 W0511414 POINT=S224105 W0511541 POINT=S224125 W0511710 POINT=S224720 W0514037 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-RIO_DE_JANEIRO1 BASE=6500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S234831 W0440213 POINT=S233222 W0441533 POINT=S231054 W0443312 POINT=S230151 W0444035 POINT=S222734 W0440326 POINT=S220549 W0440653 POINT=S215707 W0434155 POINT=S221140 W0432047 POINT=S220343 W0424136 POINT=S220201 W0423322 POINT=S224015 W0415934 POINT=S225644 W0415453 POINT=S231039 W0424646 POINT=S233407 W0430809 POINT=S234831 W0440213 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-RIO_DE_JANEIRO2 BASE=3500ft ALT TOPS=6500ft ALT POINT=S223351 W0433929 POINT=S232756 W0432331 POINT=S231914 W0425435 POINT=S231039 W0424647 POINT=S230610 W0422955 POINT=S230010 W0422953 POINT=S223904 W0422407 POINT=S223055 W0424546 POINT=S223351 W0433929 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-RIO_DE_JANEIRO3 BASE=1000ft ALT TOPS=3500ft ALT POINT=S223858 W0433759 POINT=S231439 W0432728 POINT=S230342 W0423830 POINT=S223631 W0430156 POINT=S223858 W0433759 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SANTA_MARIA BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S293709 W0542729 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=39.9 CENTRE=S294231 W0534244 TO=S295820 W0542545 POINT=S300702 W0544902 POINT=S293709 W0544902 POINT=S293709 W0542729 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SAO_PAULO1 BASE=5500ft ALT TOPS=FL145 POINT=S225855 W0453741 POINT=S224516 W0461350 POINT=S223607 W0463743 POINT=S222753 W0465906 POINT=S223808 W0472428 POINT=S224202 W0473428 POINT=S225116 W0473426 POINT=S230303 W0473425 POINT=S230902 W0473424 POINT=S233223 W0473418 POINT=S242706 W0465546 POINT=S241820 W0460954 POINT=S240347 W0460347 POINT=S235425 W0452242 POINT=S225855 W0453741 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SAO_PAULO2 BASE=3600ft ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT POINT=S224547 W0471038 POINT=S225935 W0465133 POINT=S225906 W0464455 POINT=S230910 W0463317 POINT=S231524 W0461243 POINT=S232256 W0460812 POINT=S234931 W0462635 POINT=S235108 W0463916 POINT=S233401 W0470420 POINT=S231425 W0470617 POINT=S230145 W0472356 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.8 CENTRE=S230026 W0470803 TO=S224547 W0471038 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SAO_PAULO3 BASE=FL105 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S233746 W0441105 POINT=S230151 W0444035 POINT=S224101 W0441758 POINT=S225855 W0453741 POINT=S235425 W0452242 POINT=S233746 W0441105 #************************ FIR RECIFE *************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-VITORIA BASE=FL045 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S193725 W0400157 POINT=S194134 W0395326 POINT=S194645 W0394647 POINT=S194956 W0394346 POINT=S195530 W0393949 POINT=S200218 W0393641 POINT=S201634 W0393428 POINT=S203552 W0394040 POINT=S204442 W0394844 POINT=S205158 W0400025 POINT=S205650 W0401507 POINT=S205600 W0402056 POINT=S205406 W0403403 POINT=S204828 W0404029 POINT=S204141 W0404914 POINT=S202422 W0405832 POINT=S201051 W0405952 POINT=S195529 W0405437 POINT=S194344 W0404405 POINT=S193839 W0403623 POINT=S193528 W0401953 POINT=S193725 W0400157 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-TERESINA BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL195 CIRCLE RADIUS=40.00 CENTRE=S050358 W0424929 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-ARACAJU BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S113823 W0371150 POINT=S120500 W0372800 POINT=S114800 W0375500 POINT=S112148 W0373743 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.1 CENTRE=S105902 W0370417 TO=S102037 W0365158 POINT=S100426 W0363810 POINT=S102523 W0361333 POINT=S104118 W0362744 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.1 CENTRE=S105902 W0370417 TO=S113823 W0371150 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA FORTALEZA BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL195 CIRCLE RADIUS=60.00 CENTRE=S034620 W0383252 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-ILHEUS BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S140807 W0390427 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.8 CENTRE=S144844 W0390212 TO=S152503 W0392126 POINT=S153636 W0392229 POINT=S153859 W0384925 POINT=S152729 W0384824 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.9 CENTRE=S144844 W0390212 TO=S141858 W0383328 POINT=S135628 W0382458 POINT=S134528 W0385552 POINT=S140807 W0390427 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-MACEIO BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S094837 W0362422 POINT=S100426 W0363810 POINT=S102523 W0361332 POINT=S100944 W0355957 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.7 CENTRE=S093035 W0354713 TO=S090732 W0351349 POINT=S085829 W0350759 POINT=S084953 W0352147 POINT=S084122 W0353523 POINT=S085038 W0354120 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.6 CENTRE=S093035 W0354713 TO=S094837 W0362422 # ## 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-------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=C TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=TMA-SALVADOR BASE=FL035 TOPS=FL145 POINT=S134317 W0385502 POINT=S134528 W0385552 POINT=S135628 W0382458 POINT=S135435 W0382416 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.3 CENTRE=S125423 W0381917 TO=S121407 W0373334 POINT=S120507 W0372745 POINT=S114751 W0375517 POINT=S115645 W0380105 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.2 CENTRE=S125423 W0381917 TO=S134317 W0385502 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP100-ELETRONORTE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=0.43 CENTRE=S013419 W0484355 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR101-SALINAS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL200 POINT=S011522 W0482217 POINT=S003716 W0474949 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.1 CENTRE=S012304 W0482843 TO=S010254 W0473215 POINT=S011943 W0481920 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S012304 W0482843 TO=S011522 W0482217 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR102-GUAMA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL200 POINT=S005756 W0482832 POINT=S002250 W0482807 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.2 CENTRE=S012304 W0482843 TO=S003716 W0474949 POINT=S010356 W0481232 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.1 CENTRE=S012304 W0482843 TO=S005756 W0482832 # ## 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REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=GSEC TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR206-MARANGUAPE(ASAS VOADORAS) BASE=MSL ALT TOPS=3000ft ALT POINT=S035119 W0384231 POINT=S035131 W0384101 POINT=S035631 W0384031 POINT=S035501 W0384501 POINT=S035119 W0384231 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP208-PORTO_DE_CABEDELO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S065830 W0345010 POINT=S065830 W0345035 POINT=S065745 W0345035 POINT=S065745 W0345010 POINT=S065830 W0345010 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP209-PORTO_DE_SUAPE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1500ft ALT POINT=S082444 W0345603 POINT=S082221 W0345603 POINT=S082220 W0345951 POINT=S082443 W0345952 POINT=S082444 W0345603 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR210-NORTE_UNO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL290 POINT=S053430 W0351829 POINT=S052100 W0352512 POINT=S052805 W0353754 POINT=S053924 W0352800 POINT=S053430 W0351829 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR212-NORTE_TRES BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL290 POINT=S052100 W0352512 POINT=S051300 W0353235 POINT=S050830 W0355635 POINT=S052805 W0353754 POINT=S052100 W0352512 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR215-BARREIRA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=UNL ALT POINT=S055402 W0351101 POINT=S055601 W0351101 POINT=S060356 W0345713 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S054701 W0345619 POINT=S055402 W0351101 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR216- WHISKY_UNO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL290 POINT=S061020 W0352716 POINT=S062211 W0353632 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S055201 W0354956 POINT=S055306 W0353456 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S061020 W0352716 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR219-LUZIA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=0.27 CENTRE=S093519 W0355043 # ## 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REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP230-SALGEMA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=0.60 CENTRE=S094132 W0354549 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR231-BURITI BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2000ft ALT POINT=S050001 W0430001 POINT=S044501 W0431001 POINT=S051001 W0431001 POINT=S050001 W0430001 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP232-BAMAC BASE=GND ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=0.30 CENTRE=S094014 W0354401 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR244-FEIJO BASE=500ft ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT POINT=S035646 W0384341 POINT=S040016 W0384719 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.1 CENTRE=S034620 W0383252 TO=S040314 W0384343 POINT=S035901 W0384058 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S034620 W0383252 TO=S035646 W0384341 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR245-CORREDOR_ESCOLA BASE=500ft ALT TOPS=1000ft ALT POINT=S035822 W0384152 POINT=S035846 W0384057 POINT=S034852 W0383633 POINT=S034828 W0383728 POINT=S035822 W0384152 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR248-LITORAL_NORTE BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3000ft ALT POINT=S053430 W0351829 POINT=S052100 W0352512 POINT=S051300 W0353230 POINT=S050830 W0355630 POINT=S045800 W0355630 POINT=S050336 W0352559 POINT=S051959 W0351612 POINT=S053454 W0351117 POINT=S053430 W0351829 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR249-LITORAL_SUL BASE=GND ALT TOPS=3000ft ALT POINT=S061000 W0350130 POINT=S062200 W0345500 POINT=S065400 W0344659 POINT=S065500 W0345700 POINT=S061359 W0350900 POINT=S061000 W0350130 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR251-NORTE_UNO100 BASE=FL060 TOPS=FL150 POINT=S053530 W0352128 POINT=S044822 W0353737 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=70.0 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S044537 W0350248 POINT=S053443 W0351125 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.1 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S053530 W0352128 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR253-NORTE_DOIS100 BASE=FL060 TOPS=FL150 POINT=S053425 W0351530 POINT=S044411 W0351659 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=70.3 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S045917 W0343126 POINT=S053844 W0350228 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.1 CENTRE=S055430 W0351455 TO=S053425 W0351530 # ## 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REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR513-ITAIPU BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=2.00 CENTRE=S252426 W0543519 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR514-LAGOAS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=UNL ALT POINT=S291920 W0533219 POINT=S293102 W0531714 POINT=S291737 W0524744 POINT=S285202 W0532037 POINT=S291920 W0533219 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR515-TUPA_ALTA BASE=FL050 TOPS=FL280 POINT=S291813 W0534902 POINT=S291920 W0533219 POINT=S285202 W0532037 POINT=S285019 W0535832 POINT=S291813 W0534902 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR516-QUEVEDOS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL280 POINT=S292914 W0540702 POINT=S291813 W0534902 POINT=S285019 W0535832 POINT=S291450 W0543555 POINT=S292914 W0540702 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR517-SAICA BASE=GND ALT TOPS=FL230 POINT=S295209 W0552330 POINT=S293700 W0551500 POINT=S294309 W0542859 POINT=S295118 W0542709 POINT=S300000 W0542709 POINT=S300701 W0544901 POINT=S300701 W0551001 POINT=S295827 W0551001 POINT=S300009 W0552200 POINT=S295209 W0552330 ## 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REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR595-CAPIVARI BASE=500ft ALT TOPS=5500ft ALT POINT=S251435 W0490642 POINT=S250718 W0490213 POINT=S250524 W0490026 POINT=S250656 W0485113 POINT=S251820 W0485644 POINT=S251844 W0490113 POINT=S251435 W0490642 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR596-BOACAIUVA BASE=500ft ALT TOPS=6000ft ALT POINT=S251410 W0491101 POINT=S251140 W0490913 POINT=S251031 W0490758 POINT=S251117 W0490705 POINT=S251455 W0490705 POINT=S251410 W0491101 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP597-CHARQUEADAS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2000ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=3.73 CENTRE=S295709 W0513544 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=R TYPE=RESTRICTED TITLE=SBR598-AEROCIRCUS BASE=GND ALT TOPS=500ft ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=1.62 CENTRE=S261831 W0485624 #******************* JURISDICAO DO VI COMAR ********************* ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=P TYPE=PROHIBITED TITLE=SBP599-OSORIO BASE=GND ALT TOPS=2000ft ALT POINT=S295559 W0501330 POINT=S295559 W0501529 POINT=S295800 W0501529 POINT=S295800 W0501330 POINT=S295559 W0501330 ## 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REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR716-CROCODILO_2B BASE=MSL ALT TOPS=2500ft ALT POINT=S085444 W0640331 POINT=S090104 W0640829 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=23.0 CENTRE=S084250 W0635412 TO=S085131 W0641544 POINT=S084830 W0640814 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S084250 W0635412 TO=S085444 W0640331 # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR717-CROCODILO_2C BASE=MSL ALT TOPS=4000ft ALT POINT=S090104 W0640829 POINT=S091432 W0641903 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.1 CENTRE=S084250 W0635412 TO=S085755 W0643139 POINT=S085131 W0641544 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=23.0 CENTRE=S084250 W0635412 TO=S090104 W0640829 # #******************************************************************* # REA - ROTAS ESPECIAIS DE AERONAVES * #******************************************************************* # #*********************** TMA ANAPOLIS ************************** ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=F TYPE=OTHER TITLE=SBR718-BALBINA_ECHO_ALTA BASE=FL080 TOPS=FL350 POINT=S024408 W0585810 POINT=S004856 W0601321 POINT=S000947 W0595642 POINT=S000454 W0592014 POINT=S023749 W0580326 POINT=S024408 W0585810 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=REA-TEREZOPOLIS BASE=FL039 TOPS=FL050 POINT=S162755 W0490502 POINT=S163039 W0490620 POINT=S162750 W0491238 POINT=S162506 W0491120 POINT=S162755 W0490502 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=REA-TEREZOPOLIS BASE=FL040 TOPS=FL050 POINT=S162500 W0491136 POINT=S162756 W0491222 POINT=S162328 W0493023 POINT=S162033 W0492937 POINT=S162500 W0491136 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=REA-TRINDADE BASE=FL041 TOPS=FL045 POINT=S160415 W0492121 POINT=S160545 W0491839 POINT=S162245 W0492839 POINT=S162115 W0493121 POINT=S160415 W0492121 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=REA-TRINDADE BASE=FL038 TOPS=FL045 POINT=S163749 W0492627 POINT=S163811 W0492933 POINT=S162209 W0493134 POINT=S162147 W0492828 POINT=S163749 W0492627 ## REPEATING STARTPOINT # ## -------------------- INCLUDE=YES CLASS=D TYPE=CTA/CTR TITLE=REA-TRINDADE BASE=FL042 TOPS=FL050 POINT=S165709 W0491242 POINT=S165851 W0491518 POINT=S163850 W0492918 POINT=S163709 W0492643 POINT=S165709 W0491242 ## 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