Site Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia Courtesy of Matt Gage Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 17 November, 2010 Magnetic Variation 11.8E Time Zone Name Australia/NSW File created on Thursday, 18 November 2010 at 23:35 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [Feet] Control P Turnpoint ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier Bathurst S 33 24 28 24.46667 -33.4077778 E 149 39 3 39.05 149.6508333 2415 AT Airport - 127.35 BTH BTHRS Bthrst Bathurst Bathurst YBTH Ben Chifley S 33 33 37 33.61667 -33.5602778 E 149 38 7 38.11667 149.6352778 2595 T Dam Wall BNC BNCHF BnChfl BenChifley Ben Chifley Bendick Murrell S 34 10 22 10.36667 -34.1727778 E 148 28 36 28.6 148.4766667 1100 AT BND BNDCK BndckM BndckMrrll BendickMrrll Blayney St S 33 34 21 34.35 -33.5725 E 149 13 19 13.31667 149.2219444 2848 AT Strip BLN BLNST BlanSt Blayney St Blayney St Blayney HW S 33 31 41 31.68333 -33.5280556 E 149 15 23 15.38333 149.2563889 2792 T HW Rail X BLA BLNHW BlanHW Blayney HW Blayney HW Canobolas S 33 18 36 18.6 -33.31 E 148 55 10 55.16667 148.9194444 2882 AT Strip CNB CNBLS Canbls Canobolas Canobolas Canowindra S 33 33 58 33.96667 -33.5661111 E 148 39 29 39.48333 148.6580556 1250 T Silo CNW CNWND Cnwndr Canowindra Canowindra Carcoar S 33 37 35 37.58333 -33.6263889 E 149 7 16 7.26667 149.1211111 2322 AT CRC CARCR Carcor Carcoar Carcoar Cargo S 33 25 22 25.36667 -33.4227778 E 148 48 35 48.58333 148.8097222 1608 T Rd Int in Town CRG CARGO Cargo Cargo Cargo Cemetary Lane S 33 38 53 38.88333 -33.6480556 E 149 2 13 2.21667 149.0369444 2288 AT Strip CMT CMTRL CmtrLn CemetaryLn CemetaryLane Cowra S 33 50 46 50.76667 -33.8461111 E 148 38 52 38.86667 148.6477778 971 AT Airport - 126.70 CWR COWRA Cowra Cowra Cowra YCWR Cudal S 33 16 42 16.7 -33.2783333 E 148 46 15 46.25 148.7708333 1611 T Disused Airfield CDL CUDAL Cudal Cudal Cudal YCUA Dubbo AD S 32 13 0 13 -32.2166667 E 148 34 29 34.48333 148.5747222 919 AT Airfield - 134.00 DBB DUBBD DubboD Dubbo AD Dubbo AD YSDU Forbes AF S 33 21 53 21.88333 -33.3647222 E 147 55 49 55.81667 147.9302778 762 AT Airfield - 126.70 FRB FRBSF ForbsF Forbes AF Forbes AF YFBS Georges Plains S 33 30 50 30.83333 -33.5138889 E 149 31 24 31.4 149.5233333 2694 T Road Rail X GRG GRGSP GrgsPl GeorgsPlns GeorgesPlans Grenfell S 33 53 38 53.63333 -33.8938889 E 148 9 41 9.68333 148.1613889 1276 T Town Centre GRN GRNFL Grnfll Grenfell Grenfell Katoomba S 33 43 22 43.36667 -33.7227778 E 150 18 52 18.86667 150.3144444 3232 T 3 Sisters KTM KATMB Katomb Katoomba Katoomba Lithgow S 33 28 56 28.93333 -33.4822222 E 150 9 25 9.41667 150.1569444 3061 T Train Station LTH LTHGW Lithgw Lithgow Lithgow Lucknow S 33 20 59 20.98333 -33.3497222 E 149 9 58 9.96667 149.1661111 2867 T HW Rd Int. LCK LCKNW Lucknw Lucknow Lucknow Lyndhurst S 33 44 26 44.43333 -33.7405556 E 149 3 25 3.41667 149.0569444 2710 T HW Rd Int. LND LNDHR Lndhrs Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Millthorpe S 33 26 41 26.68333 -33.4447222 E 149 11 8 11.13333 149.1855556 2858 T Rd Int in Town MLL MLLTH Mllthr Millthorpe Millthorpe Minore S 32 15 33 15.55 -32.2591667 E 148 28 47 28.78333 148.4797222 879 T Silo MNR MINOR Minore Minore Minore Molong S 33 5 37 5.61667 -33.0936111 E 148 52 19 52.31667 148.8719444 1772 T Silo MLN MOLNG Molong Molong Molong Mt Canobolas S 33 20 34 20.56667 -33.3427778 E 148 59 0 59 148.9833333 5062 T MTC MTCNB MtCnbl MtCanobols Mt Canobolas Narromine AD S 32 13 17 13.28333 -32.2213889 E 148 14 10 14.16667 148.2361111 786 AT Airfield - 122.70 NRR NRRMN NrrmnD NarromineD Narromine AD Newbridge S 33 34 57 34.95 -33.5825 E 149 22 7 22.11667 149.3686111 2749 T Road Rail X NWB NWBRD Nwbrdg Newbridge Newbridge Oberon TC S 33 42 15 42.25 -33.7041667 E 149 51 27 51.45 149.8575 3612 T Town Centre OBR OBRNT ObrnTC Oberon TC Oberon TC Oberon St S 33 42 58 42.96667 -33.7161111 E 149 50 38 50.63333 149.8438889 3582 AT Strip OBE OBRNS ObrnSt Oberon St Oberon St O'Connell Pb S 33 31 30 31.5 -33.525 E 149 44 24 44.4 149.74 2428 TB Pub OCN OCNNL OCnnll OConnellPb OConnell Pb O'Connell St S 33 29 48 29.8 -33.4966667 E 149 42 1 42.01667 149.7002778 2334 AT Strip OCO OCONN OConne OConnellSt OConnell St Orange S 33 22 56 22.93333 -33.3822222 E 149 7 54 7.9 149.1316667 3120 AT Airport - 119.00 ORN ORANG Orange Orange Orange YORG Parkes S 33 7 51 7.85 -33.1308333 E 148 14 27 14.45 148.2408333 1070 AT Airfield - 126.70 PRK PARKS Parkes Parkes Parkes YPKS Peak Hill S 32 43 20 43.33333 -32.7222222 E 148 12 1 12.01667 148.2002778 1065 T Mine PkH PkHLL PkHill Peak Hill Peak Hill Peel S 33 19 54 19.9 -33.3316667 E 149 37 36 37.6 149.6266667 2297 T River Bridge on the Sofala PEL PEEL Peel Peel Peel Pipers S 33 22 36 22.6 -33.3766667 E 149 31 11 31.18333 149.5197222 2200 HFDT Clubhouse - 122.70 PPR PIPRS Pipers Pipers Pipers Portland S 33 21 39 21.65 -33.3608333 E 150 2 12 2.2 150.0366667 3123 T Power Station PRT PRTLN Prtlnd Portland Portland Pretty Plains S 33 24 31 24.51667 -33.4086111 E 149 14 15 14.25 149.2375 3068 AT Strip PRE PRTTP PrttPl PrettyPlns PrettyPlains Rockley S 33 41 25 41.41667 -33.6902778 E 149 33 54 33.9 149.565 2841 T Rd int in town RCK ROCKL Rockle Rockley Rockley Start A S 33 24 1 24.01667 -33.4002778 E 149 30 27 30.45 149.5075 2372 S Mt Stewart STR START Strt A Start A Start A Start B S 33 22 19 22.31667 -33.3719444 E 149 32 22 32.36667 149.5394444 2162 S Eglington Antenna STA STRTB Strt B Start B Start B Temora AD S 34 25 18 25.3 -34.4216667 E 147 31 18 31.3 147.5216667 907 AT Airfield - 126.15 TMR TEMRD TemorD Temora AD Temora AD The Rocks S 33 25 14 25.23333 -33.4205556 E 149 25 9 25.15 149.4191667 2697 T Hwy on Escarpment THR THRCK ThRcks The Rocks The Rocks Warkworth S 32 33 0 33 -32.55 E 151 1 30 1.5 151.025 249 AT A/D WRK WRKWR Wrkwrt Warkworth Warkworth YWKW Warren AF S 31 44 15 44.25 -31.7375 E 147 47 53 47.88333 147.7980556 644 AT Airstrip WRR WRRNF WarrnF Warren AF Warren AF YWRN Wattle Flat S 33 8 28 8.46667 -33.1411111 E 149 41 36 41.6 149.6933333 2379 T Main Rd Int. WTT WTTLF WttlFl WattleFlat Wattle Flat Winburndale S 33 23 22 23.36667 -33.3894444 E 149 46 34 46.56667 149.7761111 2438 T Dam Wall WNB WNBRN Wnbrnd Winburndal Winburndale Woodstock Sl S 33 44 36 44.6 -33.7433333 E 148 50 49 50.81667 148.8469444 1732 T Silo WDS WDSTC Wdstck WoodstckSl Woodstock Sl Woodstock N S 33 42 50 42.83333 -33.7138889 E 148 54 17 54.28333 148.9047222 2010 AT Strip WOO WOODS Woodst WoodstockN Woodstock N Yass S 34 49 30 49.5 -34.825 E 149 2 30 2.5 149.0416667 2300 AT A/D YSS YASS Yass Yass Yass Yeovil S 32 44 30 44.5 -32.7416667 E 148 38 58 38.96667 148.6494444 1444 T Silo YVL YEOVL Yeovil Yeovil Yeovil