;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Eighty Four, Pennsylvania, USA [Bandel] + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Dan Cole + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 06 May 2012 at 08:09 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alberter Farms" "N4011.700" "W07849.967" "Als" "N3917.433" "W07821.050" "Ayers" "N3854.300" "W07839.283" "Baker Sell" "N4014.900" "W07821.650" "Bald Eagle" "N3933.383" "W08146.850" "Barnhart" "N4043.617" "W07832.367" "Black Rock" "N4044.033" "W08016.550" "Blomster Farm" "N3952.367" "W07957.317" "Blue Bird" "N3918.867" "W08136.983" "Brothers" "N4001.933" "W08127.900" "Bulick" "N4046.083" "W08103.483" "Buzzards Gap" "N3928.167" "W07814.133" "Carr" "N3926.950" "W08000.683" "Cataney" "N4022.500" "W08017.983" "Cedar Run" "N4035.283" "W07954.350" "Checkpoint Charlie" "N3933.400" "W08134.167" "Cross" "N4046.633" "W08127.517" "Culmerville" "N4039.750" "W07950.733" "Davies Air" "N4044.333" "W08152.300" "Davis" "N4044.083" "W07909.600" "Derry Landing" "N3959.633" "W08151.817" "Downes" "N4037.700" "W07857.617" "Dunbar" "N4046.317" "W07925.733" "Eastview" "N3923.683" "W07840.767" "Elizabeth James" "N4033.900" "W07821.350" "Fairview" "N3857.367" "W07947.317" "Fillmans Farms" "N4020.167" "W08129.400" "Fino" "N4036.300" "W08027.483" "Fox" "N4041.183" "W08118.150" "Frame" "N4023.800" "W08018.317" "Furey" "N4041.833" "W08110.750" "Gardner" "N4032.200" "W08030.767" "Gerstell Farms" "N3929.000" "W07855.583" "Glendale Fokker" "N3956.917" "W08045.567" "Gnadenhutten" "N4021.650" "W08125.400" "Graham Farm" "N4009.200" "W08158.400" "Greater Gortner" "N3920.000" "W07926.483" "Gregg" "N4010.833" "W08007.650" "Hales Landing" "N3907.033" "W08123.500" "Hamilton Hill" "N4025.667" "W07844.483" "Hanny Beaver" "N4032.500" "W08027.150" "Hartman" "N3951.617" "W07859.317" "Hawkins" "N4042.250" "W07957.117" "Heaven Landing" "N3910.200" "W07903.700" "Hepner" "N3856.083" "W07832.400" "Herrington" "N3928.100" "W07925.517" "Hibbetts" "N4038.233" "W08106.750" "Hilltop" "N4005.183" "W08135.283" "Horne" "N4006.000" "W08001.983" "Ickes" "N4011.517" "W07833.883" "Jucapa Farms" "N3922.333" "W07818.267" "Juergensen+MartmFclt" "N3943.883" "W07922.500" "Karmys" "N3850.250" "W07831.167" "Kindelberger Landing" "N4041.500" "W08010.667" "Kiski" "N4034.750" "W07936.317" "Krumenacker" "N4035.700" "W07846.700" "Larew" "N3922.317" "W07953.567" "Lazy J" "N3849.733" "W07951.967" "Lenzner Farm" "N4032.317" "W08007.033" "Leukhardts Landing" "N4011.050" "W07931.667" "Lindsay" "N4044.133" "W07941.317" "Longs" "N3848.250" "W07834.317" "Lost Mountain" "N3917.100" "W07844.300" "Louis Bennett" "N3905.483" "W08028.167" "Lynn" "N3924.600" "W07951.400" "McCoy" "N4032.350" "W08024.783" "Mckee Sky Ranch" "N3927.783" "W07932.550" "Miller OH" "N3907.900" "W08155.900" "Miller WV" "N3924.500" "W07900.817" "Minerva" "N4044.750" "W08108.650" "Misty Hill Farm" "N4047.367" "W07959.850" "Moore" "N3926.683" "W07941.350" "Mulberry Run" "N3902.150" "W07823.533" "Nardo" "N4035.000" "W07953.983" "Nicholson" "N3909.950" "W08039.050" "Pabst Blue Ribbon" "N4045.500" "W08000.817" "Phil Cain Memorial" "N4026.500" "W07933.000" "Plane Country" "N4033.667" "W08132.733" "QuemaheningFlightprk" "N4004.917" "W07856.733" "Ragged Mountain" "N3949.033" "W07828.783" "Rayne" "N4044.000" "W07904.033" "Risker" "N4022.700" "W08020.967" "River Bend" "N3854.367" "W07826.667" "River Hill" "N4033.867" "W07932.750" "Rivers Edge Farm" "N3919.517" "W07825.533" "Riverside" "N3959.167" "W08159.017" "Riverview" "N4008.183" "W08159.617" "Rocky Hollow" "N4034.150" "W07852.950" "Roxford" "N4025.333" "W08119.083" "Ruth" "N3919.467" "W08023.800" "Sainovich" "N4042.000" "W08025.983" "Sky Bryce" "N3848.950" "W07846.217" "Slate Run" "N3846.650" "W08118.617" "Sleepy Hollow" "N4047.017" "W08105.933" "Stine" "N4044.000" "W08153.583" "Stoltzfus" "N4045.667" "W08146.733" "Strittmatter" "N4032.817" "W07841.683" "Strohmier" "N4033.083" "W07837.400" "Taildragger" "N4007.017" "W08134.267" "Timber Ridge" "N3917.767" "W07821.733" "Tower" "N4030.617" "W07934.783" "Valley Point" "N3934.783" "W07938.983" "Vicars Private" "N4032.850" "W07823.500" "Wards MD" "N3925.783" "W07927.233" "Windwood FlyInResort" "N3903.300" "W07925.883" "Woodstock" "N3852.917" "W07833.467" "Wrights" "N4011.417" "W08158.433" "Allegheny County" "N4021.267" "W07955.817" "Beach City" "N4038.800" "W08133.367" "Beaver County" "N4046.350" "W08023.483" "Blue Knob Valley" "N4023.750" "W07827.233" "Boggs" "N3849.433" "W08120.933" "ButlerCountyKWSchltr" "N4046.600" "W07957.067" "Columbiana County" "N4040.400" "W08038.483" "Cove Valley" "N4027.267" "W07814.283" "Eddie Dew Memorial" "N4028.550" "W08037.683" "Finleyville" "N4014.750" "W08000.733" "FrontRoyalWarrenCont" "N3855.050" "W07815.200" "Greensburg Jeannette" "N4022.583" "W07936.533" "Herron" "N4032.000" "W08032.400" "Holmes County" "N4032.233" "W08157.267" "Inter County" "N4020.000" "W07946.750" "Jackson County" "N3855.783" "W08149.167" "Jefferson County" "N4021.617" "W08042.050" "JohnMrthJhnstwnCmbrC" "N4018.933" "W07850.083" "Lakehill" "N4042.417" "W08001.817" "Leon" "N3842.217" "W08157.133" "Mexico Farms" "N3936.317" "W07845.650" "Mid Ohio Valley" "N3920.700" "W08126.367" "Morgan County" "N3939.250" "W08148.183" "North Central WV" "N3917.800" "W08013.683" "Parsons" "N4038.883" "W08104.117" "PittsburghMonroevill" "N4027.167" "W07946.500" "Pittsburgh" "N4029.483" "W08013.967" "Richard Downing" "N4018.617" "W08151.150" "Rock" "N4036.217" "W07949.567" "Simpson" "N3905.600" "W08001.550" "Titus" "N3929.933" "W07951.183" "Tri City" "N4014.867" "W08144.150" "Upshur County" "N3900.033" "W08016.500" "Wade F Maley" "N3924.367" "W08016.617"