******************************************************************************** * * * Waypoints for Balaklava, South Australia * * * * South Australian Gliding Association Championship, 2001 * * * * Contributed by Bernard Eckey * * Dated: 19 December, 2000 * * Updated: 24 March, 2001 * * Airport and elevation information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier * * File created Saturday, 04 August 2001 at 18:40 GMT * * * * Volkslogger DOS-Systemsoftware Version 1.5 * * * * >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< * * * * Always consult the relevant publications * * for current and correct information. This * * service is provided free of charge with * * no warrantees, expressed or implied. * * User assumes all risk of use. * * * * * ******************************************************************************** 001,BLNCHT,-3420750,13936867,U 001,BLYTH ,-3350600,13829183,U 001,BLRCNT,-3252867,13820800,U 001,BOWER ,-3407350,13921417,U 001,BURRA ,-3340350,13855267,U 001,CALTOW,-3311033,13829000,U 001,CARRTN,-3225467,13831750,U 001,CRADCK,-3204450,13829767,U 001,CRYSTL,-3321117,13812050,U 001,EUDUND,-3410550,13905167,U 001,GRGTWN,-3321667,13823200,U 001,HALBRY,-3405150,13830883,U 001,HALLTT,-3325133,13853467,U 001,KNGSTN,-3413783,14021967,U 001,LOXTON,-3427850,14031983,U 001,MORGAN,-3402317,13940383,U 001,NNTWRR,-3400450,13813600,U 001,ORRORO,-3243833,13837067,U 001,OWEN ,-3416233,13832883,U 001,PTRBRG,-3258200,13850267,U 001,QUORN ,-3229717,13802383,U 001,RBRTST,-3359683,13904967,U 001,SDDLWR,-3405167,13847050,U 001,SNWTWN,-3347050,13812700,U 001,SPLDNG,-3329967,13836333,U 001,WLMNGT,-3239133,13806517,U 001,AF ,-3405417,13820467,A3 001,BOWILL,-3357467,13823533,U 001,HOYLTN,-3401517,13833650,U 001,MCRWVT,-3358683,13817133,U