++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Azul, Argentina + + + + Contributed by Daniel Sotile + + Contributed on 24 December 2019 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Saturday, 04 January 2020 at 15:12 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, AC Azul, -36, -50.22, -59, -52.85, 146 2, AC Chaves, -38, -1.78, -60, -8.12, 195 3, ACCoronlSrz, -37, -26.75, -61, -53.47, 236 4, AC Daireaux, -36, -35.48, -61, -46.5, 147 5, AC Juarez, -37, -42.25, -59, -47.55, 213 6, AC Lamadrid, -37, -13.58, -61, -16.75, 172 7, AC Laprida, -37, -31.22, -60, -46.7, 118 8, ACOlavarria, -36, -57.9, -60, -16.53, 185 9, AC Piguee, -37, -36.35, -62, -22.82, 350 10, ACPringles, -38, -0.4, -61, -19.92, 254 11, AC Rauch, -36, -46.22, -59, -3.6, 94 12, AC Tandil, -37, -15.93, -59, -5.58, 168 13, Acelain, -37, -15.67, -59, -37.2, 249 14, ADR Este, -36, -49.83, -59, -40.1, 140 15, ADR Norte, -36, -39.5, -59, -56.1, 122 16, ADR Oeste, -36, -51.57, -60, -6.5, 166 17, ADR Sur, -37, -0.7, -59, -51.05, 198 18, AeroDAlfrd, -36, -57.37, -60, -14.63, 185 19, AeroLsFlrs, -36, -3.97, -59, -6.2, 33 20, AeroOlavrr, -36, -53.43, -60, -13.35, 161 21, Almacen, -37, -19.23, -60, -17.6, 230 22, Alvear, -36, -1.6, -60, -1.02, 56 23, Alzaga, -37, -51.6, -59, -58.33, 193 24, Arboleda, -36, -44.18, -59, -32.65, 101 25, Ariel, -36, -31.92, -59, -55.37, 106 26, Arrycamino, -37, -9.75, -60, -4.28, 239 27, Ayacucho, -37, -9.63, -58, -28.65, 78 28, Azucena, -37, -29.48, -59, -17.67, 225 29, BaseArTndl, -37, -14.1, -59, -15.0, 173 30, Balcarce, -37, -50.33, -58, -15.75, 109 31, Barker, -37, -38.22, -59, -23.05, 240 32, Barrancosa, -37, -20.02, -60, -6.68, 250 33, BaseAzoprd, -37, -0.22, -59, -45.1, 195 34, BlancaGrnd, -36, -32.48, -60, -53.53, 106 35, Bunge, -37, -34.63, -60, -8.5, 225 36, C Colorado, -37, -10.97, -59, -57.77, 310 37, Cachari, -36, -22.37, -59, -30.42, 73 38, Cam 16yarr, -37, -17.05, -60, -14.95, 244 39, Caminito, -36, -37.65, -59, -24.45, 118 40, Campodonic, -36, -20.82, -59, -47.67, 82 41, Cangallo, -37, -13.22, -58, -41.12, 104 42, Casalins, -36, -18.63, -58, -32.9, 28 43, Chapaleofu, -36, -38.4, -59, -8.9, 83 44, Chapay, -37, -1.33, -59, -16.72, 131 45, Chillar, -37, -18.53, -59, -58.72, 262 46, Co LaNegra, -37, -37.65, -59, -18.98, 182 47, CP Bolivar, -36, -11.15, -61, -4.55, 88 48, CP Pehuajo, -35, -50.63, -61, -51.45, 82 49, CP Tandil, -37, -21.03, -58, -58.47, 192 50, Crotto, -36, -34.6, -60, -10.22, 118 51, Cruce 1, -36, -39.87, -60, -4.72, 123 52, CruceBunge, -37, -27.25, -60, -11.12, 238 53, De laCanal, -37, -6.88, -59, -5.87, 133 54, Deferrari, -38, -17.98, -59, -23.48, 103 55, Duranona, -37, -14.88, -60, -30.2, 219 56, Eaquill, -37, -29.27, -60, -29.48, 232 57, Egana, -36, -57.72, -59, -5.8, 109 58, ElCuadrado, -36, -25.75, -60, -18.97, 150 59, El Pajoso, -36, -51.32, -60, -52.33, 143 60, El Remanzo, -36, -58.33, -59, -23.5, 137 61, Elchifle, -37, -24.32, -59, -47.62, 236 62, Eltero, -37, -30.77, -59, -46.43, 225 63, Escuela 51, -36, -54.53, -59, -20.73, 128 64, Espigas, -36, -24.92, -60, -40.42, 98 65, Est H Vega, -36, -5.25, -61, -24.73, 66 66, EstJuanBrr, -37, -50.0, -60, -28.7, 202 67, Est Krabbe, -37, -46.33, -61, -8.0, 188 68, Est16deJul, -37, -11.77, -60, -10.4, 225 69, FabrcSrrBs, -36, -56.32, -60, -9.78, 304 70, Fulton, -37, -25.33, -58, -48.45, 147 71, Gardey, -37, -16.9, -59, -21.35, 173 72, Gavina, -37, -26.78, -60, -2.28, 234 73, Hermanas, -37, -36.97, -60, -52.65, 261 74, Iraola, -37, -15.38, -58, -54.85, 138 75, Iturregui, -36, -49.52, -61, -7.5, 138 76, JNFernandz, -38, -1.1, -59, -15.63, 134 77, La Laguna, -36, -40.25, -60, -33.88, 161 78, LaNegraEst, -37, -47.75, -59, -18.88, 180 79, LaNumancia, -37, -43.5, -59, -5.92, 210 80, La Pastora, -37, -8.37, -59, -23.17, 155 81, La Sierra, -37, -3.35, -59, -39.9, 228 82, La Sortija, -38, -7.9, -60, -42.7, 164 83, LgnBlncChc, -36, -49.75, -60, -27.98, 185 84, Lastra, -37, -24.45, -61, -16.85, 196 85, Lazzarino, -36, -55.23, -59, -43.22, 161 86, Libano, -37, -31.9, -61, -17.35, 201 87, Lopez, -37, -33.18, -59, -37.55, 227 88, Los Huesos, -37, -1.2, -59, -33.83, 201 89, MartinFirr, -37, -13.93, -59, -49.35, 218 90, MarianRldn, -37, -43.02, -60, -19.43, 219 91, Minana, -36, -48.9, -60, -11.7, 144 92, Miramonte, -36, -18.5, -59, -26.08, 64 93, Miranda, -36, -32.5, -59, -7.95, 71 94, Munoz, -37, -4.58, -60, -45.87, 183 95, Napaleofu, -37, -37.47, -58, -45.23, 163 96, Nieves, -36, -49.73, -59, -59.42, 156 97, Olavarria, -36, -53.85, -60, -19.02, 164 98, PabloAcost, -37, -9.65, -59, -39.2, 179 99, Paraguil, -37, -41.67, -60, -58.93, 240 100, Parish, -36, -31.07, -59, -38.1, 88 101, Partidast, -36, -50.23, -59, -50.82, 146 102, PartidNrt, -36, -48.6, -59, -52.83, 146 103, PartidaSr, -36, -51.85, -59, -52.87, 146 104, PartidaOe, -36, -50.22, -59, -54.87, 146 105, PjeLaAlia, -37, -42.9, -58, -43.28, 182 106, Pourtale, -37, -1.15, -60, -35.43, 185 107, PringlsPs, -37, -57.82, -61, -22.75, 261 108, PtQuernds, -37, -0.52, -60, -23.5, 185 109, Puente108, -37, -52.62, -59, -34.3, 167 110, PlazaMntr, -36, -8.85, -59, -8.78, 39 111, Quilco, -37, -5.47, -61, -12.02, 159 112, Quinihual, -37, -47.27, -61, -35.45, 284 113, R226AChpl, -37, -12.42, -59, -21.5, 149 114, R226ACrtd, -37, -0.4, -59, -39.57, 170 115, R226rrdls, -37, -4.9, -59, -32.28, 146 116, R3AoVidel, -37, -2.87, -59, -56.62, 149 117, R3Y16Juli, -36, -56.43, -59, -56.4, 164 118, R50 R30, -36, -50.8, -58, -59.13, 91 119, R60AoCrtd, -36, -50.33, -59, -30.72, 125 120, R60AoLsHs, -36, -49.32, -59, -20.92, 109 121, R76 R86, -37, -22.83, -60, -59.23, 140 122, Rauch, -36, -46.82, -59, -5.65, 94 123, Recalde, -36, -39.48, -61, -4.63, 114 124, Rocha, -37, -8.8, -60, -58.62, 175 125, RotJuarez, -37, -38.87, -59, -51.55, 214 126, RotSanElo, -37, -46.47, -61, -42.73, 297 127, Saavedra, -37, -45.02, -62, -20.05, 348 128, Saldungar, -38, -12.32, -61, -45.68, 318 129, SanCayetn, -38, -20.65, -59, -37.2, 97 130, San Jorge, -37, -13.95, -60, -57.58, 190 131, SanJoseSr, -37, -27.77, -59, -4.8, 231 132, SanManuel, -37, -47.4, -58, -51.02, 186 133, SantaElen, -37, -20.65, -60, -36.32, 216 134, SantaLuis, -37, -7.57, -60, -24.92, 201 135, Shaw, -36, -37.37, -59, -43.53, 106 136, Solanet, -36, -50.68, -58, -30.47, 57 137, TedinUrbr, -37, -22.05, -59, -45.85, 249 138, Tapalque, -36, -21.28, -60, -1.5, 88 139, Torquinst, -38, -6.37, -62, -13.15, 292 140, Udaquiola, -36, -33.92, -58, -32.08, 50 141, VincntPrd, -36, -42.87, -59, -47.67, 124 142, VillalCcq, -37, -40.27, -59, -23.88, 234 143, Vallimanc, -36, -27.65, -60, -50.82, 101 144, Vazquez, -38, -10.68, -60, -10.25, 155 145, Vela, -37, -23.8, -59, -30.72, 219 146, Voluntad, -37, -27.45, -60, -40.88, 211