;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Avenal, California + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Walter Rogers 'WX' + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 17 April 2012 at 20:54 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "7R Ranch" "N3456.133" "W11927.100" "Apple Valley" "N3434.750" "W11711.133" "Bakersfield" "N3519.483" "W11859.750" "Bogdan" "N3524.283" "W12031.500" "Boron" "N3500.217" "W11736.417" "Cal City" "N3509.083" "W11801.000" "Cashen" "N3541.500" "W11929.317" "China Lake" "N3541.267" "W11741.433" "Chowchilla" "N3706.750" "W12014.817" "Conover Air Lodge" "N3445.667" "W11903.533" "Corcoran" "N3606.150" "W11935.683" "Crystal" "N3429.100" "W11750.050" "Dos Palos" "N3657.750" "W12037.817" "Eckert" "N3609.750" "W11903.000" "El Mirage" "N3437.417" "W11736.533" "El Peco Ranch" "N3654.333" "W12010.650" "Flying M Ranch" "N3713.917" "W12028.733" "Freds" "N3437.367" "W12003.683" "FresnoChandlerDwntwn" "N3643.950" "W11949.200" "Fresno Yosemite" "N3646.567" "W11943.083" "General Fox" "N3444.333" "W11813.567" "Hollister" "N3653.500" "W12124.500" "Hunt Farms" "N3720.567" "W12024.217" "Inyokern" "N3538.900" "W11749.933" "Jones Farms" "N3612.250" "W11950.450" "Kern Valley" "N3543.700" "W11825.183" "Kindsvater Ranch" "N3651.000" "W11930.567" "King City" "N3613.700" "W12107.300" "Krey" "N3434.167" "W11733.333" "Lemoore NSRVS" "N3619.983" "W11957.133" "Little Butte" "N3447.650" "W11816.650" "Lloyds Landing" "N3454.433" "W11818.483" "Lompoc" "N3439.933" "W12027.983" "Los Banos" "N3703.767" "W12052.150" "Majors" "N3531.567" "W11906.100" "Mariposa Yosemite" "N3730.650" "W12002.517" "Mcmillan" "N3543.150" "W12046.083" "Meadows" "N3526.017" "W11903.400" "Mendota" "N3645.483" "W12022.283" "Merced" "N3717.083" "W12030.833" "Mojave" "N3503.517" "W11809.033" "Mountain Valley" "N3506.017" "W11825.183" "Newton" "N3609.417" "W11950.967" "Nichols Farm" "N3435.600" "W11749.317" "Oak Country Ranch" "N3534.100" "W12047.850" "Osborne" "N3435.033" "W11716.000" "Palisades Ranch" "N3442.733" "W11721.050" "Palmdale AFB" "N3437.767" "W11805.067" "Paso Robles" "N3540.367" "W12037.617" "Poso Kern County" "N3535.800" "W11907.650" "PSK Ranch" "N3506.833" "W11835.883" "Quail Lake Sky Park" "N3446.067" "W11843.900" "Reedley" "N3639.983" "W11926.983" "Rosamond" "N3452.250" "W11812.550" "San Luis Obispo" "N3514.233" "W12038.550" "San Simeon" "N3536.467" "W12106.617" "Santa Maria" "N3453.933" "W12027.450" "Santa Paula" "N3420.833" "W11903.667" "Santa Ynez" "N3436.383" "W12004.100" "Selma" "N3634.900" "W11939.500" "Sequoia Ranch" "N3609.000" "W11848.133" "Sierra Sky Park" "N3650.417" "W11952.233" "Skyotee" "N3449.917" "W11824.050" "Stratford Grain+Seed" "N3609.617" "W11948.800" "Sun Hill Ranch" "N3445.483" "W11729.800" "Tehachapi" "N3508.117" "W11826.383" "Tejon Ag" "N3459.350" "W11854.867" "Yosemite Hidden LkRc" "N3707.083" "W11954.800"