;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Aspres-sur-Buech, France + ; + ; Championnat de Vol en Planeur Region Sud -- Categorie Juniors, 2024 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Regis Kuntz + ; + ; Generated Monday, 22 April 2024 at 11:24 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "AspressurBuechAeroGEd3" "ASPRSS" "129.975 Bleu (Page 22) LFNJ {Aerodrome}" "N4431,067" "E00544,167" "Sion Aero GEd3" "SNRGD3" "112825 Orange LSGS Sol 121700{Aerodrome}" "N4613,233" "E00719,683" "Aiton Champ GEd3" "ATNCHM" "Orange 723 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4533,417" "E00613,667" "Aix en Diois Aero GEd3" "AXNDSR" "Violet512TerrainPrive+Champs{Znttrrssbl}" "N4441,350" "E00524,533" "Albertville Aero GEd3" "ALBRTV" "Orange LFKA (Page 66) {Aerodrome}" "N4537,583" "E00619,733" "Ampus Champ GEd3" "AMPSCH" "Vert 231 (Page 128) {Facile}" "N4337,017" "E00620,933" "Annecy Aero GEd3" "ANNCRG" "121200 Rouge LFLP {Aerodrome}" "N4556,083" "E00606,317" "Annemasse Aero GEd3" "ANNMSS" "Rouge LFLI (Page 52) {Aerodrome}" "N4611,517" "E00616,100" "Artignosc Aero GEd3" "ARTGNS" "Vert 211 Aero Prive 20m Maxi {Facile}" "N4341,083" "E00608,100" "Vinon Aero GEd3" "VNNRGD" "130125 Vert LFNF {Aerodrome}" "N4344,167" "E00546,983" "Aubenasson Aero GEd3" "ABNSSN" "122500 Violet LFJF {Aerodrome}" "N4441,717" "E00509,233" "Aups Champ GEd3" "APSCHM" "Vert 213 (Page 111) {Facile}" "N4337,517" "E00610,983" "Avignon PujautAeroGEd3" "AVGNNP" "122.650 Gris LFNT (Page 6) {Aerodrome}" "N4359,767" "E00445,267" "Banon Champ GEd3" "BNNCHM" "Gris 127 (Page 99) {Moyen}" "N4404,000" "E00540,000" "Barcelonnette AeroGEd3" "BRCLNN" "130.125 Jaune LFMR (Page 40) {Aerodrome}" "N4423,233" "E00636,550" "Barreme Champ GEd3" "BRRMCH" "Bleu 332 (Page 158) {Difficile}" "N4359,550" "E00623,200" "Bauduen Champ GEd3" "BDNCHM" "Vert 212 (Page 110) {Facile}" "N4341,250" "E00612,500" "Bayon Champ GEd3" "BNCHMP" "Bleu 320 (Page 146) {Tres Difficile}" "N4420,150" "E00609,800" "Bernex Champ GEd3" "BRNXCH" "Rouge 610 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4621,533" "E00638,850" "Bonneville Champ GEd3" "BNNVLL" "Rouge 615 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4604,283" "E00621,900" "Bonnieux Champ GEd3" "BNNXCH" "Gris 122 (Page 94) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4350,950" "E00516,633" "Bourg dOisansChampGEd3" "BRGDSN" "Violet 527 (Page 193) {Moyen}" "N4503,850" "E00601,917" "Caille Champ GEd3" "CLLCHM" "Vert 226 (Page 122) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4346,883" "E00644,183" "Carpentras Aero GEd3" "CRPNTR" "123050 Gris LFNH {Aerodrome}" "N4401,350" "E00505,400" "Cereste Aero GEd3" "CRSTRG" "Gris (Page 12) Terrain Prive {Aerodrome}" "N4351,167" "E00532,967" "Chabottes Champ GEd3" "CHBTTS" "Bleu 315 (Page 140) {Moyen}" "N4439,000" "E00611,333" "ChalleslesEauxAeroGEd3" "CHLLSL" "122.650 Rouge LFLE (Page 58) {Aerodrome}" "N4533,633" "E00558,550" "Chambery Aix Aero GEd3" "CHMBRX" "Rouge LFLB ATIS 12710 {Aerodrome}" "N4538,350" "E00552,800" "Chateauroux Champ GEd3" "CHTRXC" "Jaune 421 (Page 160) {Difficile}" "N4436,050" "E00631,900" "Coustellet Champ GEd3" "CSTLLT" "Gris 121 ULM +Champ {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4351,700" "E00510,800" "Die Champ GEd3" "DCHMPG" "Violet 511 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4446,100" "E00521,200" "DomainedeMalcorChmpGd3" "DMNDML" "Bleu 316 (Page 141) {Moyen}" "N4428,500" "E00606,233" "Doussard Champ GEd3" "DSSRDC" "Rouge 620 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4546,600" "E00613,350" "EcoleenBaugesChampGEd3" "ECLNBG" "Rouge 623 (Page 206) {Facile}" "N4538,500" "E00610,000" "Espinasse Champ GEd3" "ESPNSS" "Bleu 317 {Difficile}" "N4427,633" "E00613,100" "Eygalieres Champ GEd3" "EGLRSC" "Gris 112 (Page 88) {Moyen}" "N4347,000" "E00459,533" "Fayence Aero GEd3" "FNCRGD" "129.975 Vert (Page 20) LFMF {Aerodrome}" "N4336,483" "E00642,100" "Flayosc ULM GEd3" "FLSCLM" "Vert 232 Largeur <20m {Facile}" "N4332,283" "E00619,067" "Gap Tallard Aero GEd3" "GPTLLR" "123050 Bleu LFNA Atis 12932 {Aerodrome}" "N4427,233" "E00602,200" "Gordes Champ GEd3" "GRDSCH" "Gris 120 (Page 92) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4354,750" "E00515,100" "GrenobleleVersoudArGd3" "GRNBLL" "123.050 Rouge LFLG (Page 60) {Aerodrome}" "N4513,083" "E00550,917" "Grisail Champ GEd3" "GRSLCH" "Violet 522 (Page 186) {Moyen}" "N4457,000" "E00537,500" "Habere Poche Aero GEd3" "HBRPCH" "Rouge (Page 53) Treuil Only {Aerodrome}" "N4616,183" "E00627,800" "IslesurSorgueChampGEd3" "ISLSRS" "Gris 113 (Page90) {Difficile}" "N4355,017" "E00504,983" "La Bathie Champ GEd3" "LBTHCH" "Orange 722 (Page 221) {Facile}" "N4537,533" "E00626,617" "La Chapelle Champ GEd3" "LCHPLL" "Vert 227 (Page 124) {Moyen}" "N4346,183" "E00641,500" "La Faurie Champ GEd3" "LFRCHM" "Bleu 310 (Page134) {Tres Difficile}" "N4433,817" "E00545,533" "LaMotteChalenconAerGd3" "LMTTCH" "Gris LFJE Altisurface {Aerodrome}" "N4429,800" "E00524,200" "LaMotteduCaireAeroGEd3" "LMTTDC" "129975 Bleu VelisurfaceTreuil{Aerodrome}" "N4419,517" "E00601,850" "LaMotteenBaugesChmpGd3" "LMTTNB" "Rouge 622 (Page 204) {Moyen}" "N4542,500" "E00607,300" "La Mure Champ GEd3" "LMRCHM" "Vert 222 (Page 116) {Moyen}" "N4358,917" "E00631,867" "LaPaludsurVerdnChmpGd3" "LPLDSR" "Vert 229 (Page 126) {Difficile}" "N4346,783" "E00621,183" "LaRochedeRameChampGEd3" "LRCHDR" "Jaune 420 (Page 169) {Tres Difficile}" "N4444,600" "E00634,500" "LandryIllettesChampGd3" "LNDRLL" "Orange 721 (Page 219) {Tres Difficile}" "N4535,300" "E00645,033" "Laragne ULM GEd3" "LRGNLM" "Bleu 313 (Page 138) Terrain ULM {Facile}" "N4419,233" "E00547,517" "Le Casset Champ GEd3" "LCSSTC" "Jaune 411 (Page 164) {Facile}" "N4458,967" "E00629,633" "Le LogisduPinChampGEd3" "LLGSDP" "Vert 225 (Page 120) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4346,650" "E00638,467" "Le MousteiretChampGEd3" "LMSTRT" "Vert 224 (Page 119) {Moyen}" "N4347,917" "E00638,100" "Le Rosier Champ GEd3" "LRSRCH" "Jaune 413 (Page 168) {Moyen}" "N4456,133" "E00640,850" "Les Crots ULM GEd3" "LSCRTS" "Jaune 422 ULM Largeur 40m {Facile}" "N4432,150" "E00626,017" "Les Echelles ChampGEd3" "LSCHLL" "Rouge 630 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4526,817" "E00545,867" "Lourmarin Champ GEd3" "LRMRNC" "Gris 126 (Page 98) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4345,217" "E00524,183" "Luc en Diois ChampGEd3" "LCNDSC" "Violet 513 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4435,550" "E00528,433" "Mallemoisson ChampGEd3" "MLLMSS" "Bleu 325 (Page 153) {Facile}" "N4401,800" "E00605,000" "Mallemort Champ GEd3" "MLLMRT" "Gris 124 (Page 96) {Moyen}" "N4344,417" "E00510,900" "Marcoux2 Champ GEd3" "MRCX2C" "Bleu 331 (Page 156) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4408,833" "E00616,867" "Marthod Champ GEd3" "MRTHDC" "Orange 720 (Page 216) {Moyen}" "N4543,400" "E00624,567" "Megevette Champ GEd3" "MGVTTC" "Rouge 611 (Page 197) {Difficile}" "N4612,567" "E00630,100" "Montgardin Champ GEd3" "MNTGRD" "Bleu 318 (Page 144) {Moyen}" "N4432,983" "E00612,817" "Montmaur Champ GEd3" "MNTMRC" "Bleu 311 (Page 136) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4433,633" "E00551,433" "Montmeilleur Aero GEd3" "MNTMLL" "Violet 525 Altisurface <20m {}" "N4447,600" "E00545,800" "MontmelianFrncnChmpGd3" "MNTMLN" "(Rouge 624) (Page 207) {Facile}" "N4529,400" "E00602,300" "Nossage Aero GEd3" "NSSGRG" "Bleu 314 Altisurface {Aerodrome}" "N4418,950" "E00544,650" "NoyersurJabronChampGd3" "NRSRJB" "Bleu 321 (Page 148) {Difficile}" "N4410,200" "E00550,500" "OrgonChevalBlncChmpGd3" "ORGNCH" "Gris 114 (Page 91) {Moyen}" "N4347,333" "E00503,917" "Passy Champ GEd3" "PSSCHM" "Orange 710 (Page 214) {Facile}" "N4555,467" "E00643,200" "Pellafol Champ GEd3" "PLLFLC" "Violet 524 (Page 189) {Moyen}" "N4448,183" "E00554,283" "Pierrelatte Aero GEd3" "PRRLTT" "123.050 Gris LFHD (Page 2/3) {Aerodrome}" "N4423,867" "E00443,017" "Prebois Champ GEd3" "PRBSCH" "Violet 526 (Page 192) {Moyen}" "N4447,450" "E00541,317" "Prunieres Champ GEd3" "PRNRSC" "Jaune 423 (Page 174) {Facile}" "N4432,050" "E00621,800" "PugetsurDuranceChmpGd3" "PGTSRD" "Gris 125 (Page 97) {Facile}" "N4344,917" "E00516,567" "Puimoisson Aero GEd3" "PMSSNR" "122.650 Vert (Page 18) LFTP {Aerodrome}" "N4352,133" "E00609,767" "Quinson Champ GEd3" "QNSNCH" "Vert 210 (Page 108) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4341,000" "E00604,283" "Remoulins ULM GEd3" "RMLNSL" "Gris 110 ULM (Page 86) <25m {Facile}" "N4356,600" "E00434,917" "Romans Aero GEd3" "RMNSRG" "122650 Violet LFHE {Aerodrome}" "N4503,883" "E00506,083" "Rosans Champ GEd3" "RSNSCH" "Gris 130 (Page 101) {Facile}" "N4422,883" "E00528,300" "Rustrel Champ GEd3" "RSTRLC" "Gris 123 (Page 95) {Facile}" "N4355,100" "E00528,000" "St Blaise Champ GEd3" "STBLSC" "Jaune 412 (Page 166) {Tres Difficile}" "N4452,367" "E00636,600" "St Crepin Aero GEd3" "STCRPN" "123.050 Jaune LFNC (Page 38) {Aerodrome}" "N4442,033" "E00635,950" "StJeandHeransChampGEd3" "STJNDH" "Violet 523 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4451,167" "E00546,350" "StJeanenRoyansAeroGEd3" "STJNNR" "Violet LFKE (Page 46) {Aerodrome}" "N4501,583" "E00518,550" "St Jeoire Champ GEd3" "STJRCH" "Rouge 612 (Page 198) {Difficile}" "N4608,600" "E00628,200" "StLaurentduPontChmpGd3" "STLRNT" "Rouge 631 (Page 209) {Moyen}" "N4524,017" "E00543,850" "StRemydeMaurienneArGd3" "STRMDM" "Orange LFKR (Page) 70 {Aerodrome}" "N4522,500" "E00616,667" "StRemydeProvenceAerGd3" "STRMDP" "123050 Gris LFNZ {Aerodrome}" "N4346,250" "E00453,667" "StVincentMercusChmpGd3" "STVNCN" "Rouge 632 (Page 210) {Facile}" "N4522,283" "E00558,217" "SteCroixdeVerdonAerGd3" "STCRXD" "Vert (Page 16) Terrain Prive {Facile}" "N4346,683" "E00609,583" "Ste Jalle Champ GEd3" "STJLLC" "Gris 132 (Page 104) {Difficile}" "N4420,067" "E00518,183" "Salignac Champ GEd3" "SLGNCC" "Bleu 323 (Page 151) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4408,300" "E00558,800" "Sallanches Aero GEd3" "SLLNCH" "129975 Orange LFHZ {Aerodrome} Ferme" "N4557,000" "E00638,333" "SalonEyguieresAeroGEd3" "SLNGRS" "122.650 Gris LFNE (Page 9) {Aerodrome}" "N4339,450" "E00500,767" "Samoens Champ GEd3" "SMNSCH" "Rouge 614 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4604,267" "E00644,450" "Saou Champ GEd3" "SCHMPG" "Violet 510 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4438,200" "E00503,767" "Sederon Champ GEd3" "SDRNCH" "Gris 131 (Page 102) {Moyen}" "N4413,233" "E00534,483" "Selonnet1 Champ GEd3" "SLNNT1" "Bleu 330(1) (Page 154/155) {Moyen}" "N4422,100" "E00618,600" "Selonnet2 Champ GEd3" "SLNNT2" "Bleu 330(2) (Page 154/155) {Moyen}" "N4420,800" "E00619,900" "Serres Aero GEd3" "SRRSRG" "Bleu (Page 24) LFTM {Aerodrome}" "N4427,433" "E00543,633" "Seyne Aero GEd3" "SEYNEA" "Bleu Seyne Velisurface {Aerodrome}" "N4420,533" "E00622,367" "SisteronVaumeilhAerGd3" "SSTRNV" "These 122650 Bleu LFNS {Aerodrome}" "N4417,200" "E00555,750" "Soleilhas Champ GEd3" "SLLHSC" "Vert 223 (Page 118) {Difficile}" "N4351,217" "E00638,817" "Sollieres Aero GEd3" "SLLRSR" "Orange LFKD (Page 68) {Aerodrome}" "N4515,233" "E00648,067" "Taninges Champ GEd3" "TNNGSC" "Rouge 613 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4605,683" "E00638,750" "Tarascon ULM GEd3" "TRSCNL" "Gris 111 (Page 87) {Facile}" "N4347,300" "E00441,817" "Thoard Champ GEd3" "THRDCH" "Bleu 324 (Page 152) {Difficile}" "N4407,050" "E00607,700" "Thorame BasseChampGEd3" "THRMBS" "Vert 221 (Page 114) {Moyen}" "N4404,617" "E00628,417" "Thorame HauteChampGEd3" "THRMHT" "Vert 220 (Page 113) {Tres Difficile}" "N4405,717" "E00633,617" "TretsPourrieresULMGEd3" "TRTSPR" "Vert 214 (Page 112) Terrain ULM {Facile}" "N4328,833" "E00542,683" "Trigance Champ GEd3" "TRGNCC" "Vert 228 (Page 125) {Moyen}" "N4345,267" "E00627,333" "ValenceChabeuilAeroGd3" "VLNCCH" "122500 Violet LFLU {Aerodrome}" "N4454,933" "E00458,117" "Valenty Champ GEd3" "VLNTCH" "Bleu 312 (Page 137) {Moyen}" "N4421,600" "E00555,800" "Valreas Aero GEd3" "VLRSRG" "123.500 Gris LFNV (Page 4) {Aerodrome}" "N4420,150" "E00454,417" "Vif Champ GEd3" "VFCHMP" "Violet 520 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4504,600" "E00540,900" "St Auban Aero GEd3" "STBNRG" "123650 Bleu LFMX VHF 3 129900{Aerodrome}" "N4403,517" "E00559,450" "Vizille Champ GEd3" "VZLLCH" "Violet 521 (Page 184) {Moyen}" "N4504,800" "E00546,650" "Volonne Champ GEd3" "VLNNCH" "Bleu 322 (Page 150) {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4406,100" "E00600,000" "Voreppe Champ GEd3" "VRPPCH" "Rouge 633 {Zone Atterrissable}" "N4516,217" "E00537,933" "Envie Aero GEd3" "ENVRGD" "Jaune (Page 42) {Aerodrome}" "N4441,817" "E00724,200" "Oulx Oulzio Champ GEd3" "OLXLZC" "Jaune 410 (Page 162) {Difficile}" "N4502,500" "E00650,333" "Abondance" "ABNDNC" "Village" "N4616,900" "E00643,200" "Agathazeller" "AGTHZL" "_" "N4733,417" "E01016,400" "Aiguebelle" "AIGBLL" "Gare" "N4532,633" "E00618,450" "Aiguines" "AIGUNS" "Pont Verdon" "N4348,083" "E00614,967" "Albeuve" "ALBEUV" "Eglise" "N4631,083" "E00703,417" "Alpnach Aero" "ALPNCH" "_" "N4656,800" "E00817,200" "Alzate Brianza" "ALZTBR" "_" "N4546,217" "E00909,650" "Ambri Aero" "AMBRIR" "_" "N4630,967" "E00841,283" "Amlikon" "AMLIKN" "_" "N4734,517" "E00902,917" "Andey" "ANDEY" "Pointe" "N4602,600" "E00625,200" "Annot" "ANNOT" "Gare" "N4357,833" "E00640,333" "Aoste Aero" "AOSTER" "_" "N4544,317" "E00721,750" "Apt" "APT" "Ville" "N4352,567" "E00523,817" "Aups Village" "APSVLG" "Eglise" "N4337,683" "E00613,600" "Auribeau" "AURIBE" "Sommet" "N4413,383" "E00610,117" "Authon" "AUTHON" "Sommet" "N4413,417" "E00607,150" "Avignon Ville" "AVGNNV" "_" "N4356,933" "E00448,483" "Avoriaz" "AVORIZ" "Centre" "N4611,500" "E00646,600" "Bad Ragaz" "BRAGAZ" "_" "N4700,967" "E00928,983" "Banon Village" "BNNVLG" "_" "N4402,333" "E00537,733" "Barberines" "BRBRNS" "Usine hydro" "N4603,033" "E00656,933" "Barbieres" "BARBRS" "Chateau" "N4457,333" "E00508,350" "Bardonecchia" "BRDNCC" "Gare" "N4504,617" "E00642,633" "Barreme Village" "BRRMVL" "Intersection" "N4357,133" "E00621,950" "Beaume" "BEAUME" "Montagne" "N4411,883" "E00558,300" "Beaumont de Pertuis" "BMNTDP" "Eglise" "N4344,267" "E00541,400" "Beaurieres" "BEARRS" "Gare" "N4434,167" "E00533,217" "Bedoin" "BEDOIN" "Cimetiere" "N4407,583" "E00510,600" "Bellechasse" "BLLCHS" "_" "N4658,850" "E00707,833" "Bellegarde Aero" "BLLGRD" "_" "N4607,450" "E00548,333" "Belley Aero" "BELLER" "_" "N4541,700" "E00541,533" "Bergamo" "BERGAM" "_" "N4540,150" "E00942,033" "Bern Belp" "BRNBLP" "_" "N4654,817" "E00730,017" "Beverin" "BEVERN" "Sommet" "N4638,883" "E00921,550" "Bex Aero" "BEXAER" "_" "N4615,550" "E00659,233" "Beynes Sommet" "BNSSMM" "Sommet" "N4358,417" "E00614,717" "Biel centre" "BLCNTR" "Gare" "N4708,000" "E00714,567" "Biel Kappele" "BLKPPL" "_" "N4705,367" "E00717,333" "Bimont Barrage" "BMNTBR" "Barrage" "N4332,433" "E00532,217" "Binn" "BINN" "centre" "N4621,917" "E00811,100" "Birrfeld" "BRRFLD" "_" "N4726,367" "E00813,950" "Bissorte" "BISSRT" "Barrage" "N4510,817" "E00634,783" "Blayeul" "BLAYEL" "TV" "N4414,750" "E00618,967" "Bonneval sur Arc" "BNNVLS" "Eglise" "N4522,283" "E00702,700" "Bonneville Echangeur" "BONNEV" "_" "N4604,217" "E00625,883" "Bormio" "BORMIO" "2Centre" "N4627,467" "E01021,517" "Boscomantico" "BSCMNT" "_" "N4528,367" "E01055,617" "Bourdeaux" "BOURDX" "Eglise" "N4435,150" "E00508,050" "Bourg St Maurice" "BRGSTM" "Gare" "N4537,083" "E00646,267" "Briancon" "BRINCN" "Gare" "N4453,383" "E00638,000" "Brig" "BRIG" "Gare" "N4619,000" "E00759,000" "Brignolles" "BRGNLL" "Echangeur" "N4325,350" "E00604,067" "Brunet" "BRUNET" "Pont" "N4353,883" "E00601,683" "Buochs" "BUOCHS" "_" "N4658,417" "E00823,700" "Burgdorf" "BRGDRF" "Gare" "N4703,633" "E00737,283" "Butwill" "BUTWLL" "_" "N4716,000" "E00818,233" "Cadenet" "CADENT" "Eglise" "N4344,183" "E00522,517" "Caiolo" "CAIOLO" "_" "N4609,300" "E00948,000" "Calcinate del Pesce" "CLCNTD" "_" "N4548,600" "E00846,083" "Cannes Aero" "CANNSR" "_" "N4332,783" "E00657,250" "Carces Barrage" "CRCSBR" "_" "N4327,767" "E00612,617" "Carpentras Ville" "CARPEN" "_" "N4403,317" "E00502,900" "Castillon Barrage" "CSTLLN" "_" "N4352,717" "E00632,233" "Cavaillon Ville" "CVLLNV" "_" "N4350,100" "E00502,417" "Cervin" "CERVIN" "Sommet" "N4558,717" "E00739,650" "La Beaume" "LABEAM" "Gare" "N4433,150" "E00538,017" "Chalais" "CHALAS" "Couvent" "N4517,550" "E00540,700" "Chamonix" "CHAMNX" "Gare" "N4555,233" "E00652,250" "Chamrousse" "CHMRSS" "Telepherique" "N4507,500" "E00552,633" "Charbonnel" "CHRBNN" "Sommet" "N4516,517" "E00703,217" "Charrat" "CHARRT" "2Champ CH" "N4607,100" "E00707,600" "Chateau Queyras" "CHQURS" "Chateau" "N4445,317" "E00647,300" "ChateauneufValStDonnat" "CHTNFV" "Eglise" "N4405,533" "E00556,950" "Chatillon en Diois" "CHTLLN" "Eglise" "N4441,683" "E00529,133" "Chavailles" "CHVLLS" "Eglise" "N4409,867" "E00627,733" "Chur" "CHUR" "Gare" "N4651,533" "E00931,583" "Col Acherli" "CACHRL" "_" "N4654,617" "E00820,600" "Col Agnel" "CAGNEL" "_" "N4441,200" "E00658,550" "Col Albrunh" "CLBRNH" "_" "N4622,217" "E00817,750" "Col Albula" "CALBUL" "_" "N4634,917" "E00950,250" "Col Allos" "CALLOS" "_" "N4417,883" "E00635,700" "Col Aprica" "CAPRIC" "_" "N4609,317" "E01009,550" "Col Aravis" "CARAVS" "_" "N4552,950" "E00627,900" "Col Arche" "CARCHE" "_" "N4425,500" "E00654,000" "Col Balme" "CBALME" "_" "N4601,550" "E00658,200" "Col Basmont" "CBSMNT" "_" "N4533,133" "E00623,333" "Col Bataille" "CBATLL" "_" "N4454,000" "E00513,900" "Col Bruenig" "CBRUNG" "_" "N4645,450" "E00808,300" "Col Cabre" "CCABRE" "_" "N4432,983" "E00535,917" "Col Caduc" "CCADUC" "_" "N4414,467" "E00632,433" "Col Carro" "CCARRO" "_" "N4525,800" "E00707,583" "Col Cayolle" "CCAYLL" "_" "N4415,583" "E00644,567" "Col Cenis" "CCENIS" "_" "N4515,400" "E00654,000" "Col Cine" "CCINE" "_" "N4407,000" "E00624,000" "Col Corgella" "CCRGLL" "_" "N4608,783" "E00901,917" "Col Croix Haute" "CCRXHT" "_" "N4443,433" "E00540,567" "Col Deux Soeurs" "CDXSRS" "_" "N4500,817" "E00535,000" "Col Echelle" "CECHLL" "_" "N4501,767" "E00639,767" "Col Encombre" "CNCMBR" "_" "N4517,633" "E00627,850" "Col Etache" "CETACH" "_" "N4509,000" "E00648,800" "Col Eusche" "CEUSCH" "_" "N4637,950" "E00717,133" "Col Faucille" "CFACLL" "Centre" "N4622,200" "E00601,133" "Col Ferret" "CFERRT" "_" "N4553,283" "E00704,667" "Col Festre" "CFESTR" "_" "N4440,000" "E00551,500" "Col Fluela" "CFLUEL" "_" "N4645,033" "E00956,517" "Col Forclaz" "CFRCLZ" "_" "N4603,333" "E00700,017" "Col Forcol" "CFORCL" "_" "N4619,417" "E00917,817" "Col Freissiniere" "CFRSSN" "_" "N4444,367" "E00621,367" "Col Frejus" "CFREJS" "_" "N4507,400" "E00640,567" "Col Furkapass" "CFRKPS" "_" "N4634,467" "E00825,167" "Col Galibier" "CGALBR" "_" "N4503,883" "E00624,400" "Col Gaviao" "CGAVIA" "_" "N4620,583" "E01029,417" "Col Glandon" "CGLNDN" "_" "N4514,400" "E00610,550" "Col Gotthard" "CGTTHR" "_" "N4633,233" "E00834,067" "Col Grand St Bernard" "CGRNDS" "_" "N4552,100" "E00710,250" "Col Granon" "CGRANN" "_" "N4458,000" "E00636,500" "Col Grimsel" "CGRMSL" "_" "N4633,633" "E00820,200" "Col Iseran" "CISERN" "_" "N4525,067" "E00701,783" "Col Izoard" "CIZORD" "_" "N4449,200" "E00644,033" "Col Lautaret" "CLATRT" "_" "N4502,150" "E00624,233" "Col Limouches" "CLMCHS" "_" "N4453,083" "E00509,233" "Col Loetschenluecke" "CLTSCH" "_" "N4628,483" "E00757,633" "Col Longet" "CLONGT" "_" "N4438,667" "E00657,000" "Col Lukmanier" "CLKMNR" "_" "N4633,733" "E00848,083" "Col Madeleine" "CMADLN" "_" "N4526,100" "E00622,917" "Col Maloja" "CMALOJ" "_" "N4623,850" "E00941,700" "Col Monges" "CMONGS" "_" "N4416,083" "E00608,967" "Col Mongenevre" "CMNGNV" "_" "N4455,800" "E00643,817" "Col Mosses" "CMOSSS" "_" "N4623,967" "E00706,167" "Col Nivolet" "CNIVLT" "_" "N4529,400" "E00708,700" "Col Nufenen" "CNUFNN" "_" "N4628,583" "E00823,250" "Col Oberalp" "COBRLP" "_" "N4639,483" "E00840,267" "Col Ofen" "COFEN" "_" "N4638,367" "E01017,567" "Col Pas de la Cavale" "CPSDLC" "_" "N4446,133" "E00621,233" "Col Pelouse" "CPELOS" "_" "N4508,550" "E00645,000" "Col Perty" "CPERTY" "_" "N4417,000" "E00534,000" "Col Petit St Bernard" "CPTTST" "_" "N4540,733" "E00653,017" "Col Pillon" "CPILLN" "_" "N4621,067" "E00712,200" "Col Placette" "CPLCTT" "_" "N4522,100" "E00540,900" "Col Pragel" "CPRAGL" "_" "N4659,933" "E00852,167" "Col Rawil" "CRAWIL" "_" "N4622,950" "E00726,533" "Col Rochilles" "CRCHLL" "_" "N4505,500" "E00628,500" "Col Roselend" "CRSLND" "_" "N4541,633" "E00640,083" "Col Rousset" "CROSST" "_" "N4450,400" "E00524,333" "Col San Giacomo" "CSNGCM" "_" "N4627,500" "E00827,150" "Col St Theodule" "CSTTHD" "_" "N4556,600" "E00742,533" "Col Saisie" "CSAISI" "_" "N4546,217" "E00631,617" "Col San Bernardino" "CSNBRN" "_" "N4629,733" "E00910,267" "Col Sanetsch" "CSNTSC" "_" "N4619,850" "E00717,183" "Col Schallenberg" "CSCHLL" "_" "N4649,517" "E00747,783" "Col Seigno" "CSEIGN" "_" "N4545,050" "E00648,400" "Col Septimer" "CSPTMR" "_" "N4625,067" "E00938,233" "Col Serenne" "CSERNN" "_" "N4434,000" "E00645,500" "Col Simplon" "CSMPLN" "_" "N4615,017" "E00802,067" "Col Spluegen" "CSPLGN" "_" "N4630,300" "E00919,850" "Col Stilfserjoch" "CSTLFS" "_" "N4631,717" "E01027,183" "Col St Jorio" "CSTJOR" "_" "N4609,983" "E00909,567" "Col Susten" "CSUSTN" "_" "N4643,733" "E00826,850" "Col Talonc" "CTALNC" "_" "N4417,833" "E00639,983" "Col Terres Blanches" "CTRRSB" "_" "N4441,167" "E00626,050" "Col Tourettes" "CTRTTS" "_" "N4439,000" "E00626,000" "Col Tourniol" "CTORNL" "_" "N4455,233" "E00511,233" "Col Valferriere" "CVLFRR" "_" "N4345,100" "E00643,700" "Col Vallee Etroite" "CVLLTR" "_" "N4507,267" "E00636,517" "Col Vars" "CVARS" "_" "N4432,367" "E00642,100" "Col Vert" "CVERT" "_" "N4503,233" "E00535,383" "Col Voze" "CVOZE" "_" "N4552,567" "E00645,667" "Colette" "COLETT" "Sommet" "N4404,950" "E00603,700" "Colico Piana" "COLCPN" "2ULM" "N4609,800" "E00925,300" "Colmars" "COLMRS" "Eglise" "N4410,783" "E00637,600" "Colombis" "COLMBS" "Antenne" "N4429,750" "E00613,083" "Contamines" "CNTMNS" "Centre" "N4549,333" "E00643,733" "Corbonod Aero" "CRBNDR" "_" "N4557,750" "E00549,000" "Courchevel Altiport" "CRCHVL" "_" "N4523,800" "E00638,017" "Courmayeur" "COURMR" "Ville" "N4548,500" "E00658,300" "Courtelary" "CORTLR" "_" "N4711,083" "E00705,500" "Cousson" "COUSSN" "Pic SW" "N4402,683" "E00614,117" "Crest" "CREST" "Gare" "N4443,783" "E00500,850" "Cruis" "CRUIS" "Depart W" "N4403,767" "E00550,167" "Cruseilles" "CRSLLS" "Centre" "N4602,000" "E00606,400" "Cuers Pierrefeu" "CRSPRR" "_" "N4314,850" "E00607,617" "Cuneo Levaldigi" "CNLVLD" "TWR" "N4432,733" "E00737,350" "Die Gare" "DIEGAR" "Gare" "N4445,517" "E00521,750" "Dignes" "DIGNES" "Gare" "N4405,250" "E00613,333" "Dittingen" "DTTNGN" "_" "N4726,300" "E00729,500" "Dombresson" "DMBRSS" "Eglise" "N4704,367" "E00657,633" "Domodossola" "DMDSSL" "_" "N4608,150" "E00818,467" "Dormillouse" "DRMLLS" "Fort" "N4424,567" "E00623,183" "Echallens" "ECHLLN" "Gare" "N4638,350" "E00638,000" "Ecrins" "ECRINS" "Refuge" "N4455,750" "E00623,000" "Ecuvillens" "ECVLLN" "_" "N4645,400" "E00704,600" "Ehrwald" "EHRWLD" "2Turn Point" "N4723,933" "E01054,833" "Embrun" "EMBRUN" "Gare" "N4434,083" "E00629,900" "Emmen" "EMMEN" "_" "N4705,533" "E00818,283" "Etang de la Bonde" "ETNGDL" "Extremite" "N4345,483" "E00530,317" "Faverges" "FAVRGS" "Gare" "N4545,100" "E00617,633" "Forcalquier" "FRCLQR" "Village" "N4357,533" "E00546,850" "Frejus St Raphael" "FRJSST" "_" "N4325,050" "E00644,183" "Fricktal" "FRCKTL" "_" "N4730,617" "E00757,050" "Frutigen" "FRUTGN" "_" "N4635,317" "E00739,400" "Fuessen" "FUESSN" "_" "N4735,050" "E01041,133" "Fuldera" "FULDER" "2Centre" "N4636,850" "E01021,717" "Fully" "FULLY" "Lac" "N4610,583" "E00705,700" "Gache" "GACHE" "Montagne" "N4414,267" "E00559,567" "Ganagobie Prieure" "GNGBPR" "_" "N4359,883" "E00554,517" "Gap Ville" "GAPVLL" "Gare" "N4433,833" "E00605,233" "Gattinara" "GATTNR" "_" "N4536,417" "E00819,950" "Geneve Aero" "GENEVR" "_" "N4614,383" "E00606,617" "Ginnaservis" "GNNSRV" "Carrefour" "N4340,417" "E00550,867" "Glieres" "GLIERS" "Plateau" "N4557,800" "E00620,100" "Goppenstein" "GPPNST" "Centre" "N4622,133" "E00745,317" "Gordes Chateau" "GORDES" "Chateau" "N4354,633" "E00512,017" "Graechen" "GRACHN" "Centre" "N4611,833" "E00750,533" "Grenchen" "GRNCHN" "_" "N4710,883" "E00724,983" "Greoux les Bains" "GRXLSB" "Chateau" "N4345,617" "E00553,017" "Grindelwald" "GRNDLW" "Gare" "N4637,367" "E00801,550" "Grivola" "GRIVOL" "Sommet" "N4535,900" "E00715,300" "Gruyeres" "GRUYRS" "_" "N4635,717" "E00705,717" "Guillaume Sommet" "GLLMSM" "Sommet" "N4435,500" "E00626,250" "Hasenstrick" "HSNSTR" "_" "N4716,800" "E00852,900" "Hausen" "HAUSEN" "_" "N4714,300" "E00830,900" "Heiterwang" "HTRWNG" "2Centre" "N4726,617" "E01045,217" "Hohenems" "HOHNMS" "_" "N4723,083" "E00942,033" "Huttwil" "HUTTWL" "Gare" "N4706,883" "E00750,550" "Innerbraz" "INNRBR" "2Champ CH" "N4708,667" "E00954,750" "Interlaken Aero" "INTRLK" "_" "N4640,700" "E00752,800" "Izeron" "IZERON" "Centre" "N4508,800" "E00522,700" "Jausiers" "JAUSRS" "Lac" "N4425,267" "E00644,450" "Jungfrau" "JUNGFR" "Centre" "N4632,100" "E00757,517" "Kaegiswil" "KAGSWL" "_" "N4654,600" "E00815,283" "La Bastide desJourdans" "LBSTDD" "Eglise" "N4347,167" "E00538,117" "La Berra" "LABERR" "Centre" "N4640,717" "E00710,800" "La Brillanne" "LBRLLN" "Pont autoroute" "N4355,550" "E00553,750" "LaChappelleenValgadmrd" "LCHPPL" "Eglise" "N4448,983" "E00611,667" "La Cluse" "LACLUS" "Eglise" "N4438,383" "E00550,933" "La Cote Aero" "LACOTR" "_" "N4624,383" "E00615,483" "La Foux dAllos" "LFXDLL" "Eglise" "N4416,633" "E00634,717" "La Javie Pont" "LJVPNT" "Pont Bleone" "N4410,300" "E00620,983" "La Motte Chalancon Vlg" "LAMOTT" "Eglise" "N4429,133" "E00522,767" "La Motte du Caire Vlg" "LAMOTE" "Eglise" "N4420,717" "E00601,750" "La Roche de Rame Usine" "LAROCH" "Usine" "N4444,183" "E00634,967" "LAlpe dHuez" "LLPDHZ" "_" "N4505,300" "E00605,050" "Landeck" "LANDCK" "Centre" "N4708,200" "E01033,483" "Langenthal" "LNGNTH" "_" "N4710,967" "E00744,483" "Laragne Monteglin Gare" "LRGNMN" "Gare" "N4418,983" "E00549,117" "Argentiere" "ARGNTR" "Usine" "N4447,417" "E00633,550" "Lausanne La Blec" "LSNNLB" "_" "N4632,783" "E00637,033" "Le Brassus" "LBRSSS" "Gare" "N4635,150" "E00612,783" "Le Castellet Aero" "LCSTLL" "Hangar" "N4315,217" "E00547,250" "Le Luc Aero" "LELUCR" "_" "N4323,133" "E00623,267" "Le Muy" "LE MUY" "Peage" "N4327,633" "E00633,067" "Le Vernet" "LEVRNT" "Village" "N4416,533" "E00623,467" "Les Eplature" "LSPLTR" "_" "N4705,133" "E00647,767" "Les Gets" "LESGTS" "Centre" "N4609,500" "E00640,000" "Les Houches" "LSHCHS" "Viaducst" "N4553,817" "E00647,167" "Les Mees" "LESMES" "Village" "N4401,750" "E00558,550" "Les Puisots" "LSPSTS" "Centre" "N4552,017" "E00607,283" "LEscale" "LESCAL" "Arrivee" "N4404,567" "E00601,250" "LIsle sur la Sorgue" "LSLSRL" "Ville" "N4355,150" "E00503,133" "Livigno" "LIVIGN" "2Centre" "N4632,667" "E01008,583" "Locarno" "LOCARN" "_" "N4609,717" "E00852,783" "Lodrino AB" "LODRNB" "_" "N4617,850" "E00859,517" "Lommis" "LOMMIS" "_" "N4731,550" "E00900,250" "Luc en Diois Gare" "LCNDSG" "Gare" "N4436,833" "E00527,283" "Lugano" "LUGANO" "_" "N4600,283" "E00854,683" "Lure Sommet" "LRSMMT" "Sommet" "N4407,500" "E00548,250" "Lurs" "LURS" "Village" "N4358,167" "E00553,383" "Lus la Croix Haute Vlg" "LSLCRX" "Eglise" "N4439,933" "E00542,333" "Luzern Beromuenster" "LZRNBR" "_" "N4711,467" "E00812,333" "Male" "MALE" "2Centre" "N4621,000" "E01054,167" "Malijai" "MALIJA" "Depart E" "N4402,800" "E00601,850" "Maljasset" "MLJSST" "Eglise" "N4435,650" "E00650,633" "Mallefougasse" "MLLFGS" "Depart W" "N4403,983" "E00553,883" "Mallemoisson Village" "MALLEM" "Centre" "N4402,483" "E00607,550" "Manosque Pont" "MNSQPN" "Pont Durance" "N4348,267" "E00549,467" "Marcelly" "MARCLL" "Croix" "N4607,800" "E00634,600" "Megeve Altiport" "MGVLTP" "_" "N4549,250" "E00639,133" "Meiringen AB" "MRNGNB" "_" "N4644,667" "E00806,600" "Mens" "MENS" "Eglise" "N4449,117" "E00545,133" "Meoune les Montrieux" "MNLSMN" "Eglise" "N4316,867" "E00558,233" "Meribel Altiport" "MRBLLT" "_" "N4524,417" "E00634,833" "Mezel" "MEZEL" "Eglise" "N4359,850" "E00611,717" "Mirabeau Pont" "MRBPNT" "Pont" "N4341,233" "E00540,383" "Modane" "MODANE" "Soufflerie" "N4512,767" "E00642,667" "Mollis AB" "MOLLSB" "_" "N4704,983" "E00903,967" "Mont Aiguille" "MNTGLL" "Sommet" "N4450,500" "E00533,000" "Mont Ventoux" "MNTVNT" "Relais" "N4410,433" "E00516,667" "Montalto dOra" "MNTLTD" "_" "N4529,167" "E00751,800" "Montaud" "MONTAD" "Eglise" "N4515,750" "E00533,783" "Monte Marenzo" "MNTMRN" "_" "N4546,000" "E00926,500" "Montelimar Ancone" "MNTLMR" "_" "N4434,983" "E00444,417" "Monte Rosa" "MONTRS" "Sommet" "N4556,217" "E00752,033" "Aspremont" "ASPRMN" "Pont sur le Buech" "N4429,483" "E00543,700" "Montmeyan" "MONTMN" "Eglise" "N4338,817" "E00603,767" "Montricher" "MNTRCH" "_" "N4635,417" "E00624,033" "Morestel Aero" "MRSTLR" "_" "N4541,267" "E00527,183" "Morez" "MOREZ" "Gare" "N4631,550" "E00601,433" "Morgon" "MORGON" "Sommet" "N4429,500" "E00624,000" "Morteau" "MORTEA" "Gare" "N4703,233" "E00636,300" "Morzine" "MORZIN" "Centre" "N4610,750" "E00642,600" "Moucherotte" "MCHRTT" "Centre" "N4509,000" "E00539,000" "Moustiers Ste Marie" "MSTRSS" "Village" "N4350,867" "E00613,283" "Mouthe" "MOUTHE" "Eglise" "N4642,600" "E00611,650" "Moutiers Carrefour" "MTRSCR" "_" "N4528,883" "E00632,050" "Moutiers Aero" "MOTRSR" "_" "N4505,833" "E00104,083" "Mueenster" "MUNSTR" "_" "N4628,817" "E00815,800" "Nassereith Nord" "NSSRTH" "2Centre" "N4719,000" "E01050,000" "Nauders" "NAUDRS" "Centre" "N4653,500" "E01030,067" "Neuchatel Colombier" "NCHTLC" "_" "N4657,450" "E00651,883" "Nice Aero" "NICEAR" "_" "N4339,917" "E00712,900" "Notre Dame delaSalette" "NTRDMD" "Sanctuaire" "N4451,517" "E00558,700" "Nyons" "NYONS" "Pont" "N4421,300" "E00508,300" "Olten" "OLTEN" "_" "N4720,467" "E00753,450" "Oraison" "ORAISN" "Centre" "N4354,950" "E00555,100" "Orcieres Merlette" "ORCRSM" "Eglise" "N4441,133" "E00619,600" "Orpierre" "ORPIRR" "Centre" "N4419,000" "E00541,450" "Orsest" "ORSEST" "Centre" "N4600,583" "E00712,117" "Oyonnax Aero" "OYNNXR" "_" "N4616,750" "E00540,050" "PanneauxSolairesPumchl" "PNNXSL" "Panneaux solaires sud Malijai" "N4400,950" "E00601,067" "Passo del Tonale" "PSSDLT" "2Centre" "N4615,533" "E01035,167" "Payerne AB" "PAYRNB" "_" "N4650,467" "E00654,917" "Pertuis" "PERTUS" "Gare" "N4341,067" "E00530,300" "Peyruis Piton" "PRSPTN" "Sommet" "N4402,500" "E00555,033" "Pic de Bure" "PICDBR" "PiCol" "N4437,583" "E00555,933" "Pierre Chatel" "PRRCHT" "Eglise" "N4457,417" "E00546,517" "Place Moulin" "PLCMLN" "Barrage" "N4554,000" "E00729,500" "Plampinet" "PLMPNT" "Centre" "N4500,133" "E00639,083" "Pontarlier" "PNTRLR" "_" "N4654,267" "E00619,617" "Pontcharra" "PNTCHR" "Peage" "N4525,533" "E00559,717" "Porrentruy" "PRRNTR" "_" "N4724,700" "E00703,133" "Poschiavo" "POSCHV" "2Centre" "N4617,900" "E01004,717" "Prapoutel" "PRAPTL" "Station s" "N4515,383" "E00559,667" "Prarayer" "PRARAR" "Hameau" "N4555,850" "E00732,017" "Pre de Mme Carle" "PRDMMC" "Parking" "N4455,000" "E00624,967" "Puimichel" "PUMCHL" "Village" "N4358,517" "E00601,250" "Pylones St Auban" "PLNSST" "_" "N4403,933" "E00602,533" "Raron" "RARON" "_" "N4618,217" "E00750,517" "Reallon Ski" "RLLNSK" "Station" "N4434,633" "E00621,733" "Reallon Village" "RLLNVL" "Centre" "N4435,850" "E00621,333" "Reichenbach" "RCHNBC" "_" "N4636,933" "E00740,733" "Reutte" "REUTTE" "_" "N4728,217" "E01041,533" "Revest du Bion" "RVSTDB" "Eglise" "N4404,967" "E00532,933" "Rheinwaldhorn" "RHNWLD" "Centre" "N4629,683" "E00902,217" "Rians" "RIANS" "Eglise" "N4336,383" "E00545,400" "Rochemolles" "RCHMLL" "Barrage" "N4507,650" "E00645,867" "La Roche des Arnauds" "LRCHDS" "Pont sur le petit Buëch" "N4433,667" "E00557,367" "Romont" "ROMONT" "Gare" "N4641,683" "E00654,767" "Ruth" "RUTH" "Sommet" "N4406,517" "E00604,817" "Saanen" "SAANEN" "_" "N4629,250" "E00714,967" "St Andre les Alpes" "STNDRL" "Gare" "N4358,217" "E00630,400" "St Bonnet en Champsaur" "STBNNT" "Eglise" "N4440,967" "E00604,450" "St Christol Aero" "STCHRS" "_" "N4403,200" "E00529,700" "St Claude Aero" "STCLDR" "_" "N4623,000" "E00546,000" "St Etienne les Orgues" "STTNNL" "Eglise" "N4402,683" "E00546,733" "St Eynard" "STENRD" "Fort" "N4514,200" "E00545,700" "St Gallen Altenrhein" "STGLLN" "_" "N4729,183" "E00933,683" "St Geniez" "STGENZ" "Depart N" "N4414,733" "E00603,200" "St Gingolph" "STGNGL" "Cimetiere" "N4623,600" "E00648,067" "St Jean Couz" "STJNCZ" "Centre" "N4528,200" "E00549,100" "St Jean dAvelanne Aero" "STJNDV" "_" "N4530,950" "E00540,800" "St Jean de Maurienne" "STJNDM" "Gare" "N4516,650" "E00619,733" "St Jurs" "STJURS" "Eglise" "N4353,917" "E00612,083" "St Maximin" "STMXMN" "Basilique" "N4327,167" "E00551,850" "St Nazaire en Royans" "STNZRN" "Pont Isere" "N4504,033" "E00514,567" "St Nazaire le Desert" "STNZRL" "Eglise" "N4434,167" "E00516,517" "St Pierre dEntremont" "STPRRD" "Eglise" "N4524,917" "E00551,233" "St Stephen AB" "STSTPH" "_" "N4630,050" "E00724,617" "St Veran" "STVERN" "Eglise" "N4441,950" "E00652,050" "Ste Jalle Village" "STJLLV" "Eglise" "N4420,633" "E00517,233" "Ste Victoire Sommet" "STVCTR" "Sommet" "N4332,350" "E00538,700" "Samedan" "SAMEDN" "_" "N4632,067" "E00953,033" "Samoens Village" "SMNSVL" "Eglise" "N4605,033" "E00643,567" "S Vittore" "SVITTR" "_" "N4614,183" "E00906,050" "Sautet" "SAUTET" "Barrage" "N4449,100" "E00555,100" "Savines" "SAVINS" "Pont" "N4431,550" "E00624,267" "Schaenis" "SCHANS" "_" "N4710,383" "E00902,433" "Schwarzsee" "SCHWRZ" "Centre" "N4640,233" "E00717,250" "Scopi" "SCOPI" "Sommet" "N4634,533" "E00849,867" "Sederon Village" "SDRNVL" "Eglise" "N4412,367" "E00532,250" "Semnoz" "SEMNOZ" "Sommet" "N4547,850" "E00606,150" "Serre Poncon Barrage" "SRRPNC" "_" "N4428,317" "E00616,250" "Serres Gare" "SRRSGR" "_" "N4425,683" "E00543,133" "Sierre" "SIERRE" "Ville" "N4618,133" "E00731,583" "Sisteron Peage Sud" "SSTRNP" "_" "N4410,317" "E00557,350" "Sitterdorf" "STTRDR" "_" "N4730,617" "E00915,833" "Sluderno" "SLUDRN" "2Centre" "N4639,700" "E01034,517" "Somaggia" "SOMAGG" "_" "N4614,433" "E00925,917" "Speck Fehraltorf" "SPCKFH" "_" "N4722,650" "E00845,500" "Tamie" "TAMIE" "Abbaye" "N4541,200" "E00618,950" "Terri" "TERRI" "Sommet" "N4635,883" "E00901,950" "Thoard Village" "THRDVL" "Depart E" "N4408,983" "E00608,817" "Thorens" "THORNS" "Turn Point" "N4559,900" "E00614,900" "Thun Allmend" "THNLLM" "_" "N4645,450" "E00736,083" "Tole Ondulee" "TOLNDL" "Sommet" "N4406,167" "E00603,733" "Tomul" "TOMUL" "Sommet" "N4637,383" "E00913,967" "Tour" "TOUR" "Turn Point" "N4600,300" "E00656,700" "Triengen" "TRINGN" "1" "N4713,600" "E00804,683" "Turtmann Unterems" "TRTMNN" "_" "N4618,150" "E00742,833" "Tulette" "TULETT" "Eglise" "N4417,233" "E00455,800" "Turin Nord" "TRNNRD" "_" "N4512,100" "E00738,967" "Turin Sud" "TURNSD" "_" "N4505,167" "E00736,217" "Ugine" "UGINE" "Croisement" "N4544,733" "E00625,250" "Ulrichen" "ULRCHN" "_" "N4630,167" "E00818,133" "Vaison la Romaine" "VSNLRM" "Theatre" "N4414,633" "E00504,150" "Valbelle" "VALBLL" "Depart N" "N4408,983" "E00552,650" "Valbrembo" "VLBRMB" "_" "N4543,250" "E00935,600" "Valensol" "VALNSL" "Eglise" "N4350,233" "E00558,983" "ValloireBonnenutltsrfc" "VLLRBN" "_" "N4507,233" "E00625,217" "Valpelline" "VLPLLN" "Centre" "N4549,600" "E00719,617" "Vals" "VALS" "Centre" "N4637,133" "E00910,900" "Varese Venegono" "VRSVNG" "_" "N4544,467" "E00853,200" "Vaumuse Chapelle" "VMSCHP" "Chapelle" "N4409,250" "E00604,650" "Verbier" "VERBIR" "Centre" "N4605,717" "E00713,217" "Vergiate" "VERGIT" "_" "N4542,717" "E00842,083" "Veynes" "VEYNES" "Gare" "N4431,917" "E00548,967" "Veyrier" "VEYRIR" "Mont" "N4554,000" "E00611,000" "Vezza dOgli" "VZZDGL" "2Turn Poi" "N4614,200" "E01024,167" "Vif Eglise" "VIFGLS" "Eglise" "N4503,367" "E00540,267" "Villard de Lens" "VLLRDD" "Centre" "N4504,217" "E00533,533" "Visperterminen" "VSPRTR" "Centre" "N4615,567" "E00754,117" "Volx" "VOLX" "Village" "N4352,750" "E00550,483" "Voreppe Village" "VRPPVL" "Eglise" "N4517,900" "E00538,350" "W Sud Lure" "WSUDLR" "Route en W" "N4404,900" "E00556,050" "Wangen Lachen" "WNGNLC" "_" "N4712,367" "E00852,100" "Wildberg" "WLDBRG" "_" "N4735,900" "E00944,400" "Willisau" "WILLIS" "Gare" "N4707,350" "E00759,800" "Winterthur" "WNTRTH" "_" "N4730,983" "E00846,383" "Yverdon les Bain" "YVRDNL" "_" "N4645,683" "E00636,600" "Zermatt" "ZERMTT" "Ville" "N4601,283" "E00745,067" "Zinal" "ZINAL" "Centre" "N4608,233" "E00737,633" "Zweissimmen" "ZWSSMM" "_" "N4633,150" "E00722,833" "Altdorf" "ALTDRF" "2Champ CH" "N4652,817" "E00837,517" "Alvaneu Bad" "ALVANB" "2Champ CH" "N4640,067" "E00939,517" "Andeer" "ANDEER" "2Champ CH" "N4636,483" "E00925,667" "Andermatt" "ANDRMT" "2Champ CH" "N4637,733" "E00835,050" "Bauma" "BAUMA" "2Champ CH" "N4722,617" "E00851,883" "Bennau" "BENNAU" "2Champ CH" "N4708,600" "E00842,383" "Bludenz" "BLUDNZ" "2Champ CH" "N4708,600" "E00950,383" "Buetschwil" "BTSCHW" "2Champ CH" "N4722,300" "E00904,200" "Crete Longue" "CRTLNG" "2Champ CH" "N4615,150" "E00729,500" "Davos See" "DAVOSS" "2Champ CH" "N4648,900" "E00950,933" "Disentis Est" "DSNTSS" "2Champ CH" "N4642,183" "E00851,433" "Disentis Oue" "DISNTS" "2Champ CH" "N4642,000" "E00851,150" "Dorenaz" "DORENZ" "2Champ CH" "N4609,350" "E00702,600" "Ebnat" "EBNAT" "2Champ CH" "N4716,233" "E00906,617" "Einsiedeln" "ENSDLN" "2Champ CH" "N4706,683" "E00843,750" "Finges" "FINGES" "2Champ CH" "N4618,300" "E00737,900" "Fischenthal" "FSCHNT" "2Champ CH" "N4719,567" "E00855,183" "Fluelen" "FLUELN" "2Champ CH" "N4653,250" "E00836,733" "Frauenkirch" "FRNKRC" "2Champ CH" "N4646,350" "E00948,083" "Freienbach" "FRNBCH" "2Champ CH" "N4712,117" "E00845,833" "Galtur" "GALTUR" "2Champ CH" "N4658,400" "E01012,067" "Gortipohl" "GRTPHL" "2Champ CH" "N4700,267" "E01000,283" "Ibach Nord" "IBCHNR" "2Champ CH" "N4700,883" "E00837,750" "Ibach Sud" "IBCHSD" "2Champ CH" "N4700,500" "E00838,467" "Ilanz" "ILANZ" "2Champ CH" "N4646,517" "E00913,067" "Imst" "IMST" "2Champ CH" "N4713,217" "E01044,767" "Ischgl" "ISCHGL" "2Champ CH" "N4700,667" "E01017,250" "Jenaz" "JENAZ" "2Champ CH" "N4656,617" "E00942,450" "Klosters" "KLSTRS" "2Champ CH" "N4651,750" "E00953,867" "Lagnau" "LAGNAU" "2Champ CH" "N4656,117" "E00748,150" "Lauerzersee" "LARZRS" "2Champ CH" "N4702,350" "E00836,067" "Lavin" "LAVIN" "2Champ CH" "N4646,083" "E01007,283" "Ludesch" "LUDSCH" "2Champ CH" "N4711,400" "E00946,283" "Maloja" "MALOJA" "2Champ CH" "N4623,017" "E00939,700" "Marbach" "MARBCH" "2Champ CH" "N4652,033" "E00754,317" "Mils" "MILS" "2Champ CH" "N4712,467" "E01040,883" "Nenzing" "NENZNG" "2Champ CH" "N4711,633" "E00941,567" "Pettneu" "PETTNE" "2Champ CH" "N4708,950" "E01021,117" "Pfaeffikon" "PFFFKN" "2Champ CH" "N4712,350" "E00847,483" "Prutz" "PRUTZ" "2Champ CH" "N4705,083" "E01040,083" "Ramosch" "RAMSCH" "2Champ CH" "N4650,000" "E01023,183" "Reschen" "RESCHN" "2Champ CH" "N4651,783" "E01030,667" "Rhaezuens" "RHAZNS" "2Champ CH" "N4648,067" "E00924,233" "Rona" "RONA" "2Champ CH" "N4633,300" "E00937,583" "Rothenbrunnen" "RTHNBR" "2Champ CH" "N4644,533" "E00925,717" "Sagogn" "SAGOGN" "2Champ CH" "N4647,333" "E00915,483" "Saland" "SALAND" "2Champ CH" "N4723,517" "E00851,417" "Savognin" "SAVGNN" "2Champ CH" "N4635,533" "E00936,150" "Schiers" "SCHIRS" "2Champ CH" "N4658,533" "E00940,150" "Schnann Nord" "SCHNNN" "2Champ CH" "N4709,083" "E01022,017" "Schnann Sud" "SCHNAN" "2Champ CH" "N4709,083" "E01022,017" "Schruns Dorf" "SCHRNS" "2Champ CH" "N4704,317" "E00955,317" "Schuepfheim Nord" "SCHPFH" "2Champ CH" "N4657,683" "E00801,233" "Schuepfheim Ouest" "SCHUEP" "2Champ CH" "N4656,217" "E00759,500" "Scuol Pradella" "SCLPRD" "2Champ CH" "N4648,133" "E01019,733" "Scuol Sura" "SCULSR" "2Champ CH" "N4648,033" "E01018,800" "Sedrun" "SEDRUN" "2Champ CH" "N4640,667" "E00845,933" "Susch" "SUSCH" "2Champ CH" "N4644,567" "E01004,833" "Thusis" "THUSIS" "2Champ CH" "N4642,617" "E00926,750" "Toesens Sud" "TSNSSD" "2Champ CH" "N4700,367" "E01035,717" "Toesens Nord" "TSNSNR" "2Champ CH" "N4701,450" "E01037,083" "Trub" "TRUB" "2Champ CH" "N4656,283" "E00752,283" "Tschagguns" "TSCHGG" "2Champ CH" "N4704,983" "E00953,767" "Vernayaz" "VERNAZ" "2Champ CH" "N4607,600" "E00703,200" "Waedenswil Est" "WDNSWL" "2Champ CH" "N4713,483" "E00839,167" "Waedenswil Ouest" "WAEDEN" "2Champ CH" "N4713,850" "E00838,117" "Walenstadt" "WLNSTD" "2Champ CH" "N4707,033" "E00918,533" "Wattwil" "WATTWL" "2Champ CH" "N4716,817" "E00906,017" "Weesen" "WEESEN" "2Champ CH" "N4707,433" "E00906,100" "Wimmis" "WIMMIS" "2Champ CH" "N4639,833" "E00736,200" "Zell" "ZELL" "2Champ CH" "N4726,800" "E00849,067" "Zernez" "ZERNEZ" "2Champ CH" "N4641,533" "E01005,567" "Zignau" "ZIGNAU" "2Champ CH" "N4644,383" "E00900,433" "Zuoz S chanf" "ZZSCHN" "2Champ CH" "N4635,950" "E00958,050" "Sisteron Citadelle" "SSTRNC" "_" "N4411,983" "E00556,567"