++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Archer, Florida [ Flying Ten ] + + + + Contributed by Paulo Santos + + Contributed on 20 July, 2012 + + Last updated Friday, 20 July 2012 at 19:16 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FLN, FlyingTen, 29, 37.08, 82, 30.52, 85 FLN, FlyingTen, 29, 37.08, 82, 30.52, 85 85T, 85thAvenu, 29, 29.1, 82, 1.32, 80 ABB, Abbeville, 31, 36.01, 85, 14.33, 468 ACR, AcrsDmnds, 30, 53.18, 85, 9.83, 134 ALB, AlbrtWhtt, 27, 45.91, 82, 37.62, 7 AMS, Ames, 29, 35.25, 82, 52.27, 64 ANC, Ancientks, 29, 43.76, 83, 21.21, 26 AND, Andrews, 31, 24.93, 84, 42.78, 245 ANG, Angels, 30, 28.86, 84, 5.21, 150 APL, Apalachcl, 29, 43.65, 85, 1.65, 20 ARL, Arliss M, 29, 20.45, 82, 15.82, 200 ART, ArthurDnn, 28, 37.34, 80, 50.14, 30 BCK, BackAchrs, 29, 4.38, 81, 59.97, 90 BCN, BaconCont, 31, 32.16, 82, 30.39, 200 BGG, Baggett, 27, 28.19, 80, 24.99, 18 BRT, Bartow, 27, 56.6, 81, 47.01, 125 BRR, BerrienCo, 31, 12.75, 83, 13.58, 239 BIG, Big G, 29, 16.05, 81, 13.8, 40 BGK, BigOaksRc, 28, 40.02, 81, 5.07, 25 BRD, Bird, 30, 37.35, 83, 15.56, 150 BVN, Bivins, 31, 11.11, 82, 16.41, 134 BLA, Blackwell, 31, 25.87, 85, 37.15, 356 BLN, BlanketBa, 27, 46.72, 81, 5.99, 65 BLR, BlRdgFlgh, 28, 51.43, 80, 54.42, 25 BBL, BobLFlght, 29, 6.27, 81, 18.82, 94 BBW, Bob White, 28, 44.12, 81, 37.75, 78 BRA, Bradley, 29, 55.68, 82, 42.07, 20 BRS, BrdshwFrm, 28, 56.92, 81, 24.79, 55 BRN, BrantlCnt, 31, 12.76, 81, 54.32, 83 BRI, BrttBrwn+, 28, 54.3, 81, 25.99, 167 BRC, Brock, 30, 59.98, 84, 30.37, 130 BRO, BrckrPtch, 27, 42.52, 80, 27.17, 22 BRK, Brookinsr, 29, 30.65, 82, 51.61, 45 BUC, Buckner, 30, 5.93, 82, 55.66, 90 BDD, BddsgSrvc, 30, 7.35, 82, 58.07, 100 BUR, BurntwdRc, 28, 15.48, 81, 55.83, 119 BZS, Buzs, 29, 16.75, 82, 30.0, 65 BYR, Byrd Air, 29, 48.05, 81, 30.05, 21 CRG, CarGrdCnt, 30, 53.28, 84, 9.28, 265 CLH, CalhonCnt, 30, 29.23, 85, 6.82, 120 CML, CmllMtchl, 31, 12.78, 84, 14.21, 175 CMP, CmpBlndng, 29, 58.01, 81, 58.99, 196 CNN, CannonCrk, 30, 9.22, 82, 39.98, 125 CPC, CpCnvrlFS, 28, 28.05, 80, 33.99, 10 CRR, CrrbllThm, 29, 50.53, 84, 42.06, 20 CRT, Carter, 28, 37.13, 81, 30.52, 80 CTT, CttlCrkRc, 30, 31.09, 85, 11.93, 120 CCL, Cecil, 30, 13.12, 81, 52.6, 81 CDR, CdrKnllFl, 28, 46.92, 81, 9.55, 19 CHL, ChltSznnr, 27, 57.23, 81, 36.09, 130 CHR, Charlotts, 30, 28.65, 84, 2.08, 80 CHE, ChrlLnLnd, 28, 40.27, 82, 5.24, 71 CHF, ChflndSkR, 29, 23.7, 82, 52.19, 40 CHN, Chinsegut, 28, 36.7, 82, 22.07, 80 CRC, Circle P, 30, 6.2, 83, 27.02, 83 CLR, Clarksvll, 30, 27.84, 85, 10.63, 90 CLE, Clearwatr, 27, 58.6, 82, 45.52, 71 CTS, Coates, 31, 29.48, 85, 1.0, 310 CKC, CookCount, 31, 8.27, 83, 27.18, 235 CKS, CksBrthrs, 30, 12.7, 83, 3.27, 90 CST, Costin, 29, 45.51, 85, 17.34, 13 CRA, Craig, 30, 20.18, 81, 30.87, 41 CRS, Cross C, 29, 38.13, 83, 6.29, 42 CRO, CrssCrkFr, 29, 14.37, 81, 13.32, 30 CRW, CrsswndFr, 29, 14.71, 82, 21.22, 74 CRY, CrystalLk, 31, 39.93, 83, 26.83, 327 CRL, CrystlRvr, 28, 52.1, 82, 34.77, 9 CRV, CrystlVlg, 30, 27.41, 85, 41.16, 113 CBH, Cub Haven, 28, 27.2, 82, 12.9, 70 CUY, Cuyler, 30, 21.76, 82, 13.57, 120 DVS, Davis, 30, 47.85, 82, 1.66, 68 DTN, DaytonBch, 29, 10.79, 81, 3.48, 34 DCT, DctrCntnd, 30, 58.29, 84, 38.21, 141 DPF, DeepForst, 30, 14.51, 81, 26.99, 24 DPW, DeepWdsRc, 29, 1.82, 81, 26.82, 45 DLN, DlndMnSdn, 29, 4.02, 81, 17.04, 79 DLT, Delta, 30, 7.51, 82, 39.82, 200 DPR, DprtmntCr, 29, 59.51, 82, 21.99, 131 DGS, DogIsland, 29, 48.51, 84, 35.74, 4 DGW, DogwodFrm, 30, 32.23, 84, 27.12, 200 DNL, Donlsnvll, 31, 0.42, 84, 52.66, 147 DTH, DothanRg., 31, 19.28, 85, 26.98, 401 DGL, Douglas, 31, 28.6, 82, 51.63, 257 DRK, Drake Rc, 28, 59.42, 82, 19.82, 50 DNN, DnnllnMrn, 29, 3.71, 82, 22.59, 65 DST, Dustrptch, 28, 24.78, 82, 13.4, 120 EGL, EaglesNst, 29, 25.71, 81, 35.19, 60 ERL, Earle, 29, 41.66, 81, 30.82, 25 EAR, EarlyCont, 31, 23.82, 84, 53.72, 214 ESC, Escape Rc, 27, 51.77, 80, 57.48, 71 EST, Estherbrk, 30, 37.46, 83, 17.21, 100 EXC, Executive, 28, 32.73, 81, 19.98, 113 EZL, Ezell, 29, 54.2, 83, 36.48, 25 FRG, Fargo, 30, 41.48, 82, 34.06, 118 FRM, FarmrSrvc, 30, 36.11, 85, 8.4, 150 FLL, Fellsmere, 27, 44.5, 80, 39.97, 24 FRN, FrnndnBch, 30, 36.7, 81, 27.74, 15 FNL, FinlsnFrm, 30, 37.0, 83, 39.14, 150 FTZ, Fitzgerld, 31, 41.02, 83, 16.23, 365 FLG, FlaglrCnt, 29, 28.04, 81, 12.38, 33 FLA, Flanders, 28, 12.38, 81, 49.67, 131 FLT, FlatCreek, 30, 36.26, 84, 47.45, 295 FLI, FlntsFlng, 29, 58.55, 82, 54.44, 45 FLO, FlrdShrff, 30, 24.93, 83, 0.99, 93 FLY, FlynRnchs, 27, 33.75, 80, 29.99, 25 FLC, FlyN R Rc, 28, 59.05, 81, 49.02, 78 FLF, FlngFFrms, 30, 3.23, 83, 1.12, 40 FLB, FlngBrnst, 28, 47.85, 81, 56.15, 75 FLD, FlngDtchm, 29, 7.85, 82, 7.16, 75 FLH, FlngHrnss, 29, 43.11, 82, 50.67, 75 FLP, FlngPlmnR, 28, 52.68, 81, 56.45, 85 FLE, FlyingTgr, 29, 56.13, 82, 24.64, 85 FYI, FlyingARc, 30, 36.06, 81, 34.22, 25 FYN, Flying H, 28, 52.57, 81, 53.34, 80 FRS, Forestry, 31, 22.35, 82, 7.41, 105 FXF, Fox Field, 29, 53.36, 82, 47.92, 72 FRD, Freedom, 31, 6.96, 85, 37.53, 285 FRF, Freeflght, 28, 48.67, 82, 3.92, 55 GNS, GnsvllRg., 29, 41.4, 82, 16.31, 152 GMB, GmbrdGrvs, 28, 3.95, 80, 54.14, 36 GNT, Gentry, 28, 8.23, 81, 15.8, 80 GRG, GeorgTLws, 29, 8.26, 83, 2.99, 7 GLM, Gleim, 29, 42.16, 82, 25.54, 170 GLN, GlncJtprt, 31, 15.54, 81, 27.98, 26 GOR, Gore, 28, 8.6, 81, 38.82, 135 GRS, GrassPtch, 28, 38.73, 82, 13.14, 53 GRN, GreenSwmp, 28, 12.7, 81, 59.92, 115 GRE, Greystone, 29, 16.82, 82, 7.49, 100 HLL, Haller, 29, 54.18, 81, 41.16, 75 HRT, Hart, 30, 56.78, 85, 16.43, 125 HDL, Headland, 31, 21.89, 85, 18.58, 359 HNR, HnrTftMrs, 31, 25.73, 83, 29.27, 355 HRL, Herlong, 30, 16.67, 81, 48.36, 87 HRN, HernndCnt, 28, 28.42, 82, 27.33, 77 HCR, Hi Acres, 28, 28.72, 81, 42.87, 105 HDD, Hidden Lk, 28, 16.95, 82, 38.74, 30 HGH, Highlandr, 28, 53.28, 80, 51.99, 15 HIL, Hill, 30, 10.53, 82, 36.39, 160 HII, Hilliard, 30, 41.18, 81, 54.34, 59 HBB, HobbyHill, 28, 58.53, 81, 55.12, 95 HMR, Homervill, 31, 3.35, 82, 46.45, 186 HTS, Hutson, 29, 43.68, 81, 26.39, 50 IDL, Idle Wild, 29, 17.35, 82, 19.34, 80 IND, IndianRvr, 27, 35.92, 80, 30.12, 25 ING, Ingalls, 30, 35.43, 84, 1.83, 183 INV, Inverness, 28, 48.52, 82, 18.99, 50 JRS, JRS, 29, 0.22, 82, 33.32, 50 JCK, Jacksnvll, 30, 29.64, 81, 41.27, 30 JAC, JcksnvllN, 30, 14.08, 81, 40.59, 22 JFF, JffrsnLnd, 30, 35.08, 83, 42.48, 120 JKL, Jekllslnd, 31, 4.47, 81, 25.67, 12 JMF, JimFnlFrm, 29, 26.52, 81, 34.99, 40 JRD, Jordan, 29, 1.58, 81, 59.27, 72 JOR, Jordans, 31, 26.31, 84, 42.49, 250 KLR, KayLarkin, 29, 39.52, 81, 41.33, 49 KNN, Kennedy, 29, 21.68, 82, 8.99, 82 KST, Keystone, 29, 50.69, 82, 2.85, 196 KLP, KlptrckFr, 30, 43.64, 84, 55.06, 160 KRK, Kirkland, 30, 58.91, 85, 29.55, 180 KSS, KissmmGtw, 28, 17.39, 81, 26.23, 82 KTT, Ktthwkstt, 30, 20.33, 83, 8.66, 90 KLN, KlingerAr, 28, 31.6, 81, 52.49, 121 KOK, Ko Kee, 28, 35.7, 82, 8.99, 72 LFT, LfttLndng, 29, 10.12, 81, 15.89, 35 LKC, Lk City 1, 30, 10.92, 82, 34.61, 201 LK2, Lk City 2, 30, 2.63, 82, 36.24, 120 LKL, Lk Clinch, 27, 45.02, 81, 33.57, 140 LKW, Lk Wales, 27, 53.63, 81, 37.22, 127 LKX, Lake X, 28, 12.52, 81, 7.15, 72 LKL, LklndLndr, 27, 59.34, 82, 1.11, 142 LND, Lands, 30, 41.68, 85, 18.65, 100 LWR, Lawrence, 30, 42.93, 85, 1.46, 130 LZS, LazySFarm, 29, 52.11, 82, 38.07, 80 LFR, Lee Farms, 29, 20.08, 82, 10.01, 100 LSB, Leesburg, 28, 49.36, 81, 48.54, 77 LEE, LeewrdrRc, 29, 5.05, 82, 1.94, 86 LFF, Leffler, 28, 57.82, 81, 7.29, 43 LWS, Lewis, 27, 53.92, 82, 10.96, 45 LNK, Link, 29, 41.77, 82, 29.33, 100 LTT, LittleRvr, 30, 6.9, 82, 54.54, 90 LNG, Lng+ScttF, 28, 43.58, 81, 39.05, 80 LOV, Love, 28, 57.72, 81, 53.49, 80 LMR, Lumar, 30, 7.85, 83, 32.97, 51 MCD, MacDillFB, 27, 50.95, 82, 31.29, 14 MDS, MadisnCnt, 30, 26.85, 83, 18.66, 150 MLC, MlclmMcKn, 31, 9.1, 81, 23.63, 19 MLL, Mallory, 30, 57.05, 83, 14.05, 202 MNT, MntSprngs, 29, 29.56, 82, 59.47, 17 MRN, Marianna, 30, 50.27, 85, 10.91, 110 MRK, MarktWrld, 28, 3.52, 81, 48.99, 125 MSS, Massey Rc, 28, 58.73, 80, 55.5, 12 MPR, MayportNS, 30, 23.51, 81, 25.42, 17 MCG, McGinley, 29, 1.57, 82, 12.74, 84 MLB, Melbourne, 28, 6.17, 80, 38.75, 33 MLR, MlrsLndng, 29, 40.01, 81, 57.31, 159 MRR, Mrrttslnd, 28, 20.5, 80, 41.13, 7 MDF, MdFlrdrSr, 28, 50.77, 81, 37.82, 167 MIL, Mills RcS, 27, 46.7, 80, 55.32, 60 MNR, Monroe, 29, 1.13, 82, 6.82, 75 MON, MntgmrsFl, 28, 46.42, 82, 7.82, 70 MOO, Moody AFB, 30, 58.11, 83, 11.58, 235 MLT, Moultrie, 31, 5.09, 83, 48.2, 294 MTR, Mt Royal, 29, 26.16, 81, 39.4, 60 MLV, Mulvihill, 29, 20.05, 82, 15.06, 160 NSS, NSShttlLn, 28, 36.9, 80, 41.67, 9 NAS, NssBptstT, 30, 37.13, 81, 32.02, 20 NEL, Neal, 29, 33.16, 82, 52.12, 45 NWH, NewHibscs, 27, 37.94, 80, 31.65, 25 NWS, NwSmrnBch, 29, 3.35, 80, 56.9, 10 NMR, NmrcnFrms, 30, 57.88, 85, 4.16, 130 NRT, Norton, 29, 0.07, 82, 6.04, 67 OKR, OkRdgPlnt, 31, 21.99, 83, 45.29, 350 OCL, OcalaTalr, 29, 10.36, 82, 13.45, 89 ORN, OrangeHll, 30, 39.51, 85, 31.8, 260 ORL, Orlando, 28, 25.73, 81, 18.96, 96 ORA, OrlndCntr, 28, 42.43, 81, 34.9, 143 ORD, OrlndSnfr, 28, 46.66, 81, 14.25, 55 ORM, OrmondBch, 29, 18.07, 81, 6.83, 28 PNH, Panhandlv, 30, 53.29, 85, 10.06, 110 PNL, PaniolrRc, 29, 22.52, 82, 3.49, 140 PSF, PasoFnFrm, 30, 53.23, 83, 24.96, 200 PTR, PatrickFB, 28, 14.37, 80, 36.45, 9 PTT, Pttrsnsln, 31, 27.68, 81, 20.32, 10 PCH, Pechrchrd, 29, 33.58, 82, 29.97, 75 PVF, PeavyFrms, 30, 40.23, 84, 24.84, 270 PRR, PerryFole, 30, 4.16, 83, 34.84, 45 PET, PetrKnght, 27, 54.93, 82, 26.96, 8 PRS, Pierson, 29, 15.0, 81, 27.55, 63 PLT, PilotCntr, 28, 19.82, 82, 29.79, 80 PIN, PinLksFrm, 28, 56.68, 81, 24.49, 60 PNB, PnblmPlnt, 31, 24.18, 84, 19.36, 170 PLN, Plant C, 28, 0.01, 82, 9.85, 154 PMN, PomnLndng, 29, 30.13, 81, 34.7, 50 PST, PostOakRc, 28, 51.35, 82, 33.16, 25 PRT, Pratt, 30, 25.53, 83, 34.56, 100 QNC, Quincy, 30, 35.87, 84, 33.45, 221 QTM, QtmnBrksC, 30, 48.34, 83, 35.19, 185 RRC, R O Ranch, 29, 54.86, 83, 15.99, 50 RNL, Reynolds, 29, 58.35, 81, 39.66, 21 RMS, RmsLkcrst, 29, 28.08, 82, 9.53, 65 RVR, RvrRcRsrt, 27, 46.94, 81, 12.32, 55 RLM, RLM Farms, 27, 48.6, 80, 51.54, 75 RCK, Rockledge, 28, 17.9, 80, 43.12, 27 RNW, Ron Wood, 30, 25.93, 85, 17.33, 140 RSS, Rossi, 30, 8.8, 82, 34.34, 183 RDS, Rudys, 29, 43.35, 82, 39.56, 90 RTT, RttnDstng, 30, 40.76, 84, 22.14, 260 RBL, Rybolt Rc, 28, 35.37, 81, 8.65, 55 S+S, S+SAvinRc, 28, 57.55, 82, 8.05, 70 SND, SandyCrek, 30, 6.15, 85, 27.75, 13 SNT, SntFRvrRc, 29, 55.01, 82, 28.99, 145 SPL, Sapelslnd, 31, 25.55, 81, 17.16, 12 SWW, SwWhtFrms, 29, 41.4, 82, 52.27, 50 SBS, Sebastian, 27, 48.77, 80, 29.74, 23 SMN, SeminolLk, 28, 24.35, 81, 50.27, 120 SHD, Shady, 29, 5.77, 82, 10.74, 102 SHA, ShadyBend, 29, 48.85, 82, 55.54, 25 SHT, Sheets, 28, 31.97, 81, 50.8, 118 SHL, ShiloFrms, 30, 55.86, 83, 23.01, 211 SKN, SknnrsWhl, 29, 24.3, 81, 29.75, 20 SLK, SLakeland, 27, 56.0, 82, 2.64, 110 S1T, S 1 Ten, 31, 10.71, 83, 13.59, 225 STH, Southrlnd, 28, 43.97, 81, 4.72, 15 SOU, Southerly, 28, 0.85, 81, 32.43, 78 SOT, SthwstGrg, 31, 32.13, 84, 11.67, 197 SPC, SpaceCost, 28, 30.89, 80, 47.95, 34 SPN, Spence, 31, 8.26, 83, 42.24, 292 SPE, Spencers, 30, 4.11, 81, 57.64, 150 SPR, SpruceCrk, 29, 4.81, 81, 2.8, 24 STG, StAugustn, 29, 57.55, 81, 20.39, 10 STL, StLuciCnt, 27, 29.7, 80, 22.1, 23 STM, St Marys, 30, 45.28, 81, 33.44, 24 STP, StPtrsbrg, 27, 54.64, 82, 41.25, 11 STF, Stafford, 30, 48.67, 81, 28.0, 8 STT, StatePrsn, 30, 3.35, 82, 10.34, 123 STE, StepHdFrm, 30, 25.21, 85, 18.03, 60 STO, Stout, 28, 15.52, 81, 23.04, 65 SNB, Sunbelt, 31, 6.68, 83, 41.04, 230 SNS, SnshnFrms, 29, 56.95, 81, 29.42, 23 SWN, SuwannBll, 30, 5.55, 83, 5.12, 50 SUW, SuwannCnt, 30, 18.06, 83, 1.39, 104 SUA, SuwnnFrms, 30, 5.43, 83, 3.27, 50 SUN, SwnnWdlnd, 30, 2.9, 82, 59.03, 55 SLV, SlvnmrFrm, 29, 49.26, 83, 34.39, 8 SYL, Sylvester, 31, 33.51, 83, 53.74, 403 TLL, Tallahass, 30, 23.79, 84, 21.02, 81 TAL, TllhssCmm, 30, 32.84, 84, 22.43, 155 TMP, Tampa, 27, 58.53, 82, 32.0, 26 TAM, TampNrPrk, 28, 13.28, 82, 22.47, 68 TNG, Tangerine, 28, 45.62, 81, 36.35, 125 TTR, TaterFrms, 29, 40.08, 81, 29.84, 14 TDF, TedfordRc, 28, 2.6, 81, 1.15, 54 TXM, TexMerrtt, 28, 40.07, 81, 55.09, 95 THC, TheCedars, 29, 13.68, 82, 56.62, 8 THT, TheTrails, 30, 6.55, 83, 11.32, 45 THM, Thomasvll, 30, 54.09, 83, 52.88, 264 THO, Thompson, 29, 59.0, 82, 50.13, 110 THP, ThmpsnsGn, 29, 23.2, 82, 8.57, 85 THR, Thrifts, 30, 20.96, 82, 7.26, 100 THN, Thundrbrd, 29, 28.33, 81, 34.32, 67 TGR, Tiger Lk, 27, 53.02, 81, 21.79, 54 TRD, Tradewnds, 28, 45.85, 80, 51.24, 5 TRC, TriCounty, 30, 50.75, 85, 36.08, 85 TRP, Triple M, 27, 33.25, 80, 26.39, 20 TRK, TrkScrtch, 30, 24.22, 83, 48.6, 115 TRN, TurnerCnt, 31, 41.13, 83, 37.93, 389 TWL, TwelveOks, 28, 58.68, 82, 21.82, 50 TWJ, TwJSFlngR, 28, 27.15, 82, 12.47, 60 TND, TyndallFB, 30, 4.2, 85, 34.59, 18 UMT, Umatilla, 28, 55.37, 81, 39.1, 107 VLD, ValdstRg., 30, 46.95, 83, 16.6, 203 VLK, Valkaria, 27, 57.72, 80, 33.59, 26 VND, Vandenbrg, 28, 0.84, 82, 20.72, 22 VRB, VeroBeach, 27, 39.33, 80, 25.08, 24 VLF, ViolaFarm, 30, 43.42, 84, 32.47, 285 VSK, Vosikas, 30, 46.79, 85, 35.88, 69 WKL, WakullCnt, 29, 59.37, 84, 23.72, 11 WTS, WtsnFlght, 29, 40.1, 82, 49.57, 55 WCR, WcrssWrCn, 31, 14.94, 82, 23.72, 142 WLL, Wellborn, 30, 14.73, 82, 46.71, 180 WHT, WhiteFrms, 29, 30.76, 82, 52.49, 46 WHI, WhithsNLF, 30, 21.01, 81, 52.99, 99 WIL, Williams, 30, 2.58, 81, 52.86, 50 WII, Williston, 29, 21.25, 82, 28.37, 76 WMM, Wimauma, 27, 42.72, 82, 16.97, 100 WND, WindyAcrs, 29, 33.95, 82, 52.12, 45 WNG, Wings, 29, 14.55, 82, 32.72, 100 WIN, WngsNSnst, 30, 15.01, 82, 55.44, 130 WNT, WntrHvnsG, 28, 3.77, 81, 45.2, 145 WDS, Woods+Lks, 29, 7.42, 81, 53.22, 100 WRL, WrldsGrts, 28, 10.02, 81, 48.49, 139 WRG, WrghtFrms, 30, 10.6, 82, 59.87, 104 ZRC, Z Ranch, 30, 2.06, 82, 46.92, 75 ZPH, Zephrhlls, 28, 13.68, 82, 9.36, 90