++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Angouleme, France + + + + Contributed by AAAC + + Contributed on 27 February, 2004 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Saturday, 24 April 2004 at 21:50 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ANU, AnglmBrCh, 45, 43.77, 0, 13.15, 133 ALB, AlblSqstr, 43, 54.8, 2, 7.0, 172 ALJ, AleuJoubc, 42, 53.88, 1, 11.43, 1030 AMB, AmboisDrr, 47, 20.48, 0, 56.55, 55 ANR, Aneres, 43, 4.97, 0, 27.98, 520 ANC, Ancenis, 47, 24.48, -1, -10.65, 34 AND, AndolllTr, 48, 10.42, -0, -50.8, 105 ANG, AngersMrc, 47, 33.62, -0, -18.73, 59 ANU, AnglmBrCh, 45, 43.77, 0, 13.15, 133 ARC, ArcchnlTs, 44, 35.92, -1, -6.88, 15 ARH, ArchgnyCh, 46, 41.35, 0, 40.3, 140 ARG, ArgntnCrs, 46, 35.82, 1, 36.15, 202 ABG, AubignyNr, 47, 28.83, 2, 23.65, 192 ACH, AuchLamth, 43, 41.27, 0, 36.1, 125 ARL, Aurillac, 44, 53.92, 2, 25.1, 639 BGN, BgnrsdLch, 42, 48.0, 0, 36.0, 618 BLL, Bllrmnnvl, 48, 30.95, 1, 38.4, 155 BSM, BsMygndVl, 45, 19.67, 0, 38.27, 124 BGP, BaugPntgn, 47, 34.2, -0, -4.13, 60 BEA, BeaulieLr, 47, 33.47, 2, 49.65, 135 BGR, BgrllsnMg, 47, 7.88, -0, -54.6, 100 BEL, Bellac, 46, 7.85, 1, 4.8, 250 BLV, BlvsStPrd, 44, 46.95, 0, 57.53, 241 BRG, BrgrcRmnr, 44, 49.47, 0, 31.23, 52 BLS, BloislBrl, 47, 40.78, 1, 12.35, 121 BRD, BrdxLgnnS, 44, 42.02, -0, -35.73, 58 BOR, BordxYvrc, 44, 52.63, -0, -28.75, 73 BOU, Bourges, 47, 3.87, 2, 22.73, 161 BRN, Bournan, 47, 5.05, 0, 43.22, 115 BRL, BreulBrrt, 46, 39.67, -0, -39.72, 207 BRR, BrrChtlln, 47, 36.87, 2, 46.92, 164 BRI, BriodBmnt, 45, 19.5, 3, 21.55, 452 BRV, BrivelRch, 45, 8.98, 1, 28.47, 116 CBN, Cabanac, 44, 36.9, -0, -34.5, 65 CHR, ChrsLlbnq, 44, 21.03, 1, 28.72, 278 CSS, CssgnsBgn, 44, 10.77, 2, 31.12, 616 CST, CstlnMgnc, 43, 16.77, 0, 31.3, 300 CAS, Cstlsrrsn, 44, 5.22, 1, 7.7, 74 CAR, CstrsMzmt, 43, 33.37, 2, 17.53, 240 CYL, Caylus, 44, 13.45, 1, 43.88, 330 CZR, CzrsPlmny, 43, 12.13, 1, 3.07, 247 CHL, Chalais, 45, 16.08, 0, 1.02, 87 CHA, ChmpcvnlB, 45, 12.83, 0, 43.87, 210 CHB, Charbonnr, 46, 0.8, 3, 1.23, 630 CHO, ChrrxGrnt, 46, 11.4, 3, 0.62, 344 CHT, ChrtrsChm, 48, 27.53, 1, 31.43, 155 CHE, Chateaudn, 48, 3.47, 1, 22.77, 132 CHU, ChatnfChr, 46, 52.27, 2, 22.62, 168 CHX, ChatrxDls, 46, 51.62, 1, 43.27, 161 CHV, ChtrxVllr, 46, 50.63, 1, 37.42, 165 CHG, ChtllrltT, 46, 46.88, 0, 33.12, 63 CHY, Chauvigny, 46, 35.02, 0, 38.55, 134 CEN, Chenay, 46, 20.92, -0, -0.77, 131 COL, ChltLPntr, 47, 4.92, -0, -52.63, 135 CLE, ClrmntFrr, 45, 47.15, 3, 9.75, 332 CGN, CgncChtbr, 45, 39.5, -0, -19.05, 31 CND, CndtlsMnt, 45, 33.72, 3, 27.07, 760 CON, CondatVzr, 45, 6.47, 1, 12.78, 152 COD, CondomVal, 43, 54.62, 3, 23.23, 135 COU, CouheVerc, 46, 16.37, 0, 11.43, 152 CRC, CrctFlchg, 48, 17.45, -0, -15.6, 210 DMM, DameMarie, 47, 32.13, 1, 1.33, 120 DRX, DrxVrnllt, 48, 42.4, 1, 21.77, 135 DNS, Dunes, 44, 6.35, 0, 46.65, 73 EGL, Egletons, 45, 25.28, 2, 4.13, 566 FGC, FigcLvrnn, 44, 40.4, 1, 47.35, 331 FNT, FntnylCmt, 46, 26.48, -0, -47.57, 26 FGR, Fougeres, 47, 27.67, 1, 22.17, 102 FRQ, Fourques, 44, 27.98, 0, 9.68, 21 FML, FmlMntyrl, 44, 27.82, 1, 0.47, 211 GLL, GllcLslTr, 43, 53.03, 1, 52.53, 136 GRD, GrdchVllv, 43, 24.2, 1, 41.47, 160 GLT, GaltStDns, 48, 13.0, 1, 29.83, 136 GRL, GrlhtMntd, 43, 46.2, 2, 0.53, 177 GRT, GrtStLrnt, 46, 10.75, 1, 57.5, 370 GUI, Guillandr, 48, 34.05, 1, 16.55, 150 HVL, HvlllBrnc, 48, 27.1, 1, 37.8, 150 IDR, IdrcRspll, 43, 30.97, 0, 26.03, 147 ILD, IldYGrndP, 46, 43.12, -2, -23.47, 24 ISE, Isle/Tarn, 43, 51.83, 1, 49.57, 120 ISS, IssorlBrc, 45, 30.9, 3, 16.05, 378 ISO, IssodnlFy, 46, 53.32, 2, 2.48, 162 JVR, Javerlhac, 45, 33.2, 0, 33.55, 183 JNZ, JonzcNlls, 45, 29.05, -0, -25.28, 39 LCH, LEchalier, 47, 6.5, 1, 34.0, 152 LBL, LaBlscblc, 47, 17.37, -2, -20.78, 32 LBZ, LaBazouge, 48, 0.77, -0, -29.58, 94 LFL, La Fleche, 47, 41.65, -0, -0.2, 37 LMN, LaMntgnNr, 43, 24.45, 1, 59.42, 448 LMT, LaMttBvrn, 47, 39.4, 1, 59.35, 126 LRL, LaRelFlds, 44, 34.08, -0, -2.37, 13 LRC, LaRocheYn, 46, 42.15, -1, -22.9, 91 LAO, LaRchChls, 45, 9.08, 0, 0.32, 116 LAC, LaRochbcr, 45, 28.0, 0, 24.0, 143 LAH, LaRochell, 46, 10.75, -1, -11.72, 22 LSS, LaSaussay, 48, 24.55, 1, 33.38, 100 LTR, LaTranche, 46, 21.5, -1, -25.5, 8 LAP, LplssPrgn, 46, 15.23, 3, 35.32, 317 LVL, Lvlntrmms, 48, 1.93, -0, -44.65, 100 LEB, Le Blanc, 46, 37.25, 1, 5.25, 115 LFR, LFrtslnns, 46, 26.25, 0, 20.58, 126 LFS, LeFoussrt, 43, 16.25, 1, 3.4, 247 LEG, LGrndPrlh, 45, 56.65, 3, 19.68, 310 LLR, LeLorxTrs, 47, 9.0, 0, 42.77, 126 LEM, LeMansrng, 47, 56.92, 0, 12.1, 59 LPT, LPttBsLnd, 48, 23.58, 1, 3.28, 270 LPM, LePommier, 46, 11.73, 1, 27.57, 350 LPY, LePuyLods, 45, 4.83, 3, 45.88, 832 LEC, LctrMrsln, 43, 57.57, 0, 31.18, 180 LSR, LesRotsVl, 47, 7.98, 1, 31.28, 146 LES, LesSables, 46, 28.62, 1, 43.37, 32 LEA, LesSalles, 45, 44.45, 0, 40.37, 133 LSP, LsprrStLr, 45, 11.87, -0, -52.93, 32 LEV, Levroux, 46, 57.6, 1, 39.6, 163 LIB, Lbrnrtgsd, 44, 59.1, -0, -8.17, 48 LMG, LmgsBllgr, 45, 51.65, 1, 10.82, 396 LDN, Loudun, 47, 2.23, 0, 6.08, 96 LOU, LrrStLrnt, 46, 38.2, 2, 0.87, 200 LCN, Lucon, 46, 26.0, -1, -11.0, 14 LUR, LurcyLevs, 46, 42.77, 2, 56.77, 227 MRS, MrsdCntrs, 46, 52.62, 2, 30.2, 160 MRN, Marennes, 45, 49.5, -1, -4.6, 5 MLN, Mauleon, 46, 54.23, 0, 41.78, 176 MPS, MaupasGrn, 43, 50.1, -0, -7.23, 80 MZY, MzyrtLngc, 45, 6.33, 3, 30.45, 500 MSS, Messeux, 46, 1.68, 0, 21.17, 165 MLL, MillaLrzc, 43, 59.35, 3, 11.0, 795 MNT, MntgStGrg, 46, 55.98, -1, -19.53, 56 MON, MntrgsVmr, 47, 57.63, 2, 41.15, 94 MOT, Montauban, 44, 1.65, 1, 22.7, 107 MOE, Montendre, 45, 16.47, -0, -27.13, 45 MOL, MntlcnDmr, 46, 21.22, 2, 34.33, 235 MOU, MntlcnGrt, 46, 13.57, 2, 21.75, 415 MOM, Montmrlln, 46, 23.62, 0, 57.85, 160 MOR, MntrlBlly, 47, 6.78, -0, -6.77, 40 MOS, Montsurs, 48, 7.42, -0, -33.88, 83 MOO, MlnsMntbg, 46, 32.1, 3, 25.37, 278 MRT, MuretLhrm, 43, 26.95, 1, 15.82, 189 NRT, NiortSoch, 46, 18.8, -0, -23.67, 62 NOG, Nogaro, 43, 46.18, -0, -1.97, 92 ONZ, Onzain, 47, 31.18, 1, 11.12, 100 PMR, PmrslsPjl, 43, 5.43, 1, 41.75, 340 PRG, PrgxBssll, 45, 11.85, 0, 48.92, 100 PYR, Peyrelevd, 45, 42.37, 2, 2.02, 760 PEY, Peyresord, 42, 47.82, 0, 26.13, 1534 PRR, Pierres, 48, 35.5, 1, 31.67, 160 PTH, Pithivirs, 48, 9.43, 2, 11.55, 117 PTR, PoitrsBrd, 46, 35.25, 0, 18.4, 128 PMM, Pommevic, 44, 5.02, 0, 55.82, 69 PNS, Pons Avy, 45, 34.2, -0, -30.9, 35 PNT, Pontlevoy, 47, 23.25, 1, 12.93, 107 PNC, PncChtbrn, 47, 44.43, -1, -11.28, 98 PRS, Pressignc, 44, 54.0, 0, 44.85, 196 RVL, RevlMntgy, 43, 28.88, 1, 58.8, 196 RBR, RibrcStly, 45, 14.42, 0, 16.02, 107 RCH, RchfrtStg, 45, 53.37, -0, -58.95, 17 RDZ, RdzMrcllc, 44, 24.45, 2, 29.0, 581 RMR, Romorantn, 47, 19.25, 1, 41.33, 88 RYN, RoyanMeds, 45, 37.87, -0, -58.53, 22 SDR, Sadournin, 43, 19.75, 0, 25.0, 270 SAI, SantsThnc, 45, 42.12, -0, -38.17, 36 SND, Sandillon, 47, 49.63, 2, 3.62, 98 SRD, SrdnLChmp, 45, 58.6, 3, 14.18, 320 SRL, SarlatDmm, 44, 47.6, 1, 14.68, 298 SRR, SrrtBlpch, 43, 12.42, 1, 42.5, 160 SMR, SmrStFlrn, 47, 15.4, -0, -6.82, 82 SVT, SvtrrBrnd, 43, 28.5, 0, 4.7, 179 SLM, SolomcMbc, 43, 47.4, 0, 54.52, 170 SOG, Souge, 47, 43.58, 0, 44.28, 82 SLC, SoulacMer, 45, 29.7, -1, -4.93, 2 STF, StffrqBlm, 43, 49.45, 2, 44.92, 514 STM, StAmndSvr, 46, 53.5, -0, -48.0, 185 STB, StBenotLr, 47, 47.67, 2, 20.4, 112 STR, StBrvnlsP, 47, 16.18, -2, -7.93, 3 STD, StDnsdlHt, 47, 53.85, 2, 9.85, 120 STO, StFlrCltn, 45, 4.5, 2, 59.55, 979 STU, StGdnsMnt, 43, 6.52, 0, 37.22, 404 STS, StGrgsdRx, 46, 14.75, -0, -40.3, 18 STN, StGrnsntc, 43, 0.53, 1, 6.27, 417 STJ, StJndngly, 45, 57.98, -0, -31.52, 75 SJI, St Junien, 45, 54.2, 0, 55.2, 275 STT, StLrntSvr, 46, 56.25, -0, -54.92, 190 SME, StMmlsCrr, 45, 38.05, -0, -9.38, 25 SMI, StMchlMnt, 46, 49.67, -0, -55.58, 148 STZ, StNzrMntr, 47, 18.63, -2, -9.4, 4 SPI, StPrrdlrn, 45, 57.55, -1, -18.97, 6 SPR, StPrstdsC, 45, 57.52, 2, 44.97, 685 STY, St Puy, 43, 52.0, 0, 28.5, 190 SRE, StRemyCrs, 46, 57.22, 0, 40.13, 116 SSE, StSecondn, 46, 20.0, 0, 31.0, 135 SEF, StFylGrnd, 44, 51.0, 0, 10.0, 299 SRY, SuryenVax, 47, 23.02, 2, 46.98, 300 TRB, TrbsLrdsP, 43, 11.13, -0, -0.17, 384 TAR, TarbsLlbr, 43, 12.97, 0, 4.72, 328 THR, Thouars, 46, 57.72, -0, -9.17, 104 TLS, TlsBrgStB, 43, 36.73, 1, 43.52, 160 TOU, TolsLsbrd, 43, 35.33, 1, 29.98, 140 TRS, TorsSrgny, 47, 16.05, 0, 42.07, 91 USE, UsslThslm, 45, 32.22, 2, 25.53, 740 VND, VndysMntl, 45, 22.83, -1, -6.95, 5 VCH, VchyChrml, 46, 10.3, 3, 24.25, 249 VRZ, VierzonMr, 47, 11.68, 2, 4.0, 131 VIE, Vllfrnchd, 44, 22.2, 2, 1.68, 334 VIM, Villematr, 43, 49.68, 1, 29.27, 116 VIN, VillenvLt, 44, 24.02, 0, 45.67, 58 VVS, VovesVibn, 48, 12.75, 1, 40.5, 145