* NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "amlikon3.stx" created Sunday, 24 March 2013 at 19:11 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Amlikon, Switzerland $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $IDL_MAP_TITLE Amlikon, 2013 $CD Y $CONTEST Segelflug Schweizermeisterschaft 2013 $COUNTRY CH $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Marcel Dünner $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL marcel.duenner@gmx.ch $URL_INFORMATION sm2013.ch/ SM 2013 $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $DISTANCE_UNIT Km $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $MILOMEI Yes $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $FILENAME_3 am3 $FILENAME_4 aml3 $FILENAME_5 amlk3 $FILENAME_8 amlikon3 $MODIFICATIONS 08 Jun 00: Original contribution courtesy of Patrik Hasler $MODIFICATIONS 28 May 03: All new data, many changes, courtesy of Marcel Dünner $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 17 Apr 10: A2 Homburg, Belchen, Biberach, Corvatsch, Gislifluh, Kirchberg, Mogelsberg, Muensingen-Eisberg, Musbach, Nagold, Pfullendorf, Regelstein, S-Chanf, Sonceboz, Tarasp, Teufen, Unterstammheim, and Wolfach added.   Bachtel Kulm, Bludenz, Chatel St. Denis, Cressier, Eichstütt, Engelberg, Füssen, Heuberg, Huttwil, Lago di Lucendro, Langenthal, Münster, Nördlingen, Nagold, Napf Kulm, Riederalp, Saanen, Sanetsch, Schüpfheim, Schwäbisch Gmund, St. Croix, Thun Allmend, Uznach, Vue des Alpes, Wald, Weesen, Zinal, and Zweisimmen removed. $MODIFICATIONS 20 Mar 13: Barmelweid, Crap Sogn Gion, Durlassboden Speicher, Furkapass, Furtwangen, Gammertingen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Glaswaldsee, Klausenpass, Mariawaldrast, Oetztalbahnhof, Ofenpass, Pany, Schwarzenbach Talsperre, and Zwiefalten added.   Connyland moved.   Laax Chur removed. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.4E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ============================================================================== * * Filename "amlikon3.stx" created Sunday, 24 March 2013 at 19:11 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Amlikon, Switzerland $CONTEST Segelflug Schweizermeisterschaft 2013 $COUNTRY CH $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Marcel Dünner $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL marcel.duenner@gmx.ch $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.4E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 20 March 2013 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 A1 Amlikon 001A1KON 47 34 27 N 9 3 0 E HFSAT 418 120.125 09/27 90 1100 G LSPA 2 A2 Homburg 002A2URG 47 38 6 N 9 0 30 E S 615 3 A3 Weinfelden 003A3DEN 47 33 56 N 9 6 24 E S 420 4 A4 Märwil 004A4WIL 47 31 54 N 9 4 4 E S 505 5 A5 Märstetten 005A5TEN 47 35 25 N 9 3 54 E S 418 6 Agathazel 006AGZEL 47 33 22 N 10 16 20 E AT 727 123.35 18/36 137 C 7 Albstadt 007ALADT 48 14 59 N 9 3 37 E AT 878 125.1 09/27 296 G EDSA 8 Amden 008AMDEN 47 8 52 N 9 10 17 E T 952 9 Andermatt 009ANATT 46 38 11 N 8 35 36 E T 1447 10 Appenzell 010APELL 47 19 43 N 9 24 35 E T 784 11 Arosa 011AROSA 46 46 45 N 9 40 44 E T 1739 12 Balsthal 012BAHAL 47 18 46 N 7 41 41 E T 484 13 Barmelweid 013BAEID 47 25 17 N 7 58 14 E T 770 14 Belchen 014BEHEN 47 21 9 N 7 50 7 E T 610 15 Bernina 015BEINA 46 24 39 N 10 1 21 E T 2328 16 Beromünster 016BETER 47 11 59 N 8 10 16 E T 608 17 Biberach 017BIACH 48 6 39 N 9 45 46 E AT 580 122.75 04/22 299 A EDMB 18 Bichelsee 018BISEE 47 27 31 N 8 54 3 E T 590 19 Binningen 019BIGEN 47 47 48 N 8 42 57 E AT 490 130.6 20 Blaubeuren 020BLREN 48 24 13 N 9 47 25 E T 505 21 Blumberg 021BLERG 47 50 42 N 8 33 57 E AT 698 123.05 07/25 235 G EDSL 22 Boltshausen 022BOSEN 47 34 49 N 9 4 57 E T 421 23 Braunwald 023BRALD 46 56 19 N 8 59 50 E T 1250 24 Bürglen 024BULEN 47 32 44 N 9 8 59 E T 443 25 Chasseral 025CHRAL 47 7 35 N 7 2 43 E T 1548 26 Chur 026CHHUR 46 51 13 N 9 31 48 E T 595 27 Connyland 027COAND 47 36 57 N 9 3 46 E T 505 28 Corvatsch 028COSCH 46 25 5 N 9 49 16 E T 3303 29 Crap Sogn Gion 029CRION 46 50 6 N 9 12 58 E T 2216 30 Durlaßboden Speicher 030DUHER 47 14 12 N 12 5 3 E T 1407 31 Ebenalp 031EBALP 47 17 6 N 9 24 42 E T 1666 32 Ebnat-Kappel 032EBPEL 47 15 46 N 9 7 17 E T 630 33 Einsiedeln 033EIELN 47 7 34 N 8 45 12 E T 905 34 Engen 034ENGEN 47 51 16 N 8 47 57 E T 613 35 Farrenberg 035FAERG 48 23 10 N 9 4 36 E AT 805 123.475 10/28 229 G 36 Felsenegg 036FEEGG 47 18 42 N 8 30 23 E T 809 37 Frauenfeld 037FRELD 47 33 29 N 8 53 49 E T 405 38 Freudenstadt 038FRADT 48 27 49 N 8 24 40 E T 728 39 Furkapass 039FUASS 46 34 21 N 8 24 54 E T 2429 40 Furtwangen 040FUGEN 48 3 5 N 8 12 24 E T 860 41 Gammertingen 041GAGEN 48 15 2 N 9 13 4 E T 675 42 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 042GAHEN 47 29 29 N 11 5 49 E T 706 43 Geisingen 043GEGEN 47 55 19 N 8 39 41 E T 673 44 Geislingen 044GEGEN 48 37 12 N 9 50 30 E T 466 45 Gepatschsee 045GESEE 46 57 30 N 10 44 21 E T 1755 46 Giengen 046GIGEN 48 38 6 N 10 12 56 E AT 518 122.35 47 Gislifluh 047GILUH 47 25 31 N 8 6 30 E T 768 48 Glaswaldsee 048GLSEE 48 25 33 N 8 15 43 E T 850 49 Goldau 049GODAU 47 2 53 N 8 33 13 E T 510 50 Goßau 050GOSAU 47 24 40 N 9 15 17 E T 648 51 Grüneck 051GRECK 47 35 25 N 8 59 53 E T 410 52 Gundremmi 052GUMMI 48 30 55 N 10 24 9 E T 438 53 Harburg 053HAURG 48 46 45 N 10 41 57 E T 450 54 Hausen am Albis 054HABIS 47 14 17 N 8 30 56 E AT 592 130.75 09/27 207 A LSZN 55 Hayingen 055HAGEN 48 17 6 N 9 27 56 E AT 715 123.5 14/32 247 G 56 Heiden 056HEDEN 47 26 48 N 9 32 13 E T 786 57 Heidenheim 057HEEIM 48 40 22 N 10 8 24 E T 550 58 Heubach 058HEACH 48 48 9 N 9 55 52 E AT 436 123.025 59 Hilzingen 059HIGEN 47 45 37 N 8 46 3 E AT 453 123.375 09/27 250 G 60 Hörnli 060HONLI 47 22 14 N 8 56 29 E T 1133 61 Hohenzollern 061HOERN 48 19 25 N 8 58 0 E T 855 62 Hornberg 062HOERG 48 12 43 N 8 13 59 E T 375 63 Hütten Hotzenwald 063HUALD 47 37 59 N 7 56 30 E AT 873 130.125 11/29 216 G 64 Imst 064IMMST 47 14 46 N 10 44 26 E T 828 65 Isny Rotmoos 065ISOTM 47 42 0 N 10 1 15 E AT 685 123.5 08/26 137 G 66 Kirchberg 066KIERG 47 24 41 N 9 2 24 E T 737 67 Klausenpass 067KLASS 46 52 6 N 8 51 20 E T 1948 68 Klippeneck 068KLECK 48 6 26 N 8 45 22 E AT 950 69 Klosters 069KLERS 46 52 11 N 9 52 51 E T 1201 70 Konstanz 070KOANZ 47 40 55 N 9 8 15 E AT 396 119.9 12/30 283 G EDTZ 71 Lago di Lei 071LALEI 46 28 52 N 9 27 12 E T 1932 72 Landeck 072LAECK 47 8 54 N 10 34 42 E T 775 73 Landquart 073LAART 46 57 54 N 9 33 17 E T 528 74 Langenbrand 074LAAND 48 48 28 N 8 37 27 E T 708 75 Leibertingen 075LEGEN 48 2 38 N 9 1 49 E AT 830 129.975 76 Lenzburg 076LEURG 47 23 12 N 8 11 8 E T 508 77 Lenzerheide 077LEIDE 46 43 38 N 9 33 35 E T 1473 78 Lommis 078LOMIS 47 31 28 N 9 0 11 E AT 469 119.3 06/24 189 G LSZT 79 Luzern 079LUERN 47 3 10 N 8 20 9 E T 435 80 Magglingen 080MAGEN 47 8 36 N 7 12 13 E T 975 81 Maria Waldrast 081MAAST 47 7 50 N 11 24 19 E T 1650 82 Marmorera 082MAERA 46 30 31 N 9 37 56 E T 1680 83 Menzingen 083MEGEN 47 10 39 N 8 35 18 E T 805 84 Mogelsberg 084MOERG 47 21 49 N 9 8 32 E T 718 85 Mollis 085MOLIS 47 5 56 N 9 4 14 E T 437 86 Moutier 086MOIER 47 16 48 N 7 22 53 E T 529 87 Münsingen-Eisberg 087MUERG 48 24 33 N 9 26 30 E AT 722 123.5 08/26 137 G 88 Musbach 088MUACH 48 30 15 N 8 28 40 E AT 698 130.125 17/35 305 G 89 Nagold 089NAOLD 48 33 45 N 8 30 4 E T 546 90 Nauders 090NAERS 46 53 32 N 10 30 17 E T 1388 91 Neresheim 091NEEIM 48 45 21 N 10 20 36 E T 582 92 Neuhausen 092NESEN 47 58 37 N 8 54 19 E AT 808 130.5 09/27 375 A EDSN 93 Neustadt 093NEADT 47 54 44 N 8 12 54 E T 828 94 Nufenen 094NUNEN 46 32 21 N 9 14 42 E T 1569 95 Ötztal Bahnhof 095OEHOF 47 14 18 N 10 51 33 E T 692 96 Ofenpass 096OFASS 46 38 23 N 10 17 33 E T 2149 97 Pany 097PAANY 46 55 41 N 9 46 16 E T 1250 98 Pforzheim 098PFEIM 48 53 37 N 8 42 12 E T 273 99 Pfullendorf 099PFORF 47 54 33 N 9 15 2 E AT 695 123.25 02/20 180 G EDTP 100 Pfyn 100PFFYN 47 35 48 N 8 57 29 E T 413 101 Plettenberg 101PLERG 48 13 4 N 8 48 53 E T 988 102 Regelstein 102REEIN 47 14 52 N 9 4 39 E T 1350 103 Reiselfingen 103REGEN 47 51 11 N 8 22 29 E AT 725 104 Reutte-Höfen 104REFEN 47 28 13 N 10 41 32 E AT 854 122.4 05/23 152 G LOIR 105 Riedlingen 105RINGE 48 8 40 N 9 28 0 E AT 528 129.975 04/22 158 G 106 Sargans 106SAANS 47 3 1 N 9 26 15 E T 515 107 S-Chanf 107S-ANF 46 37 10 N 10 0 3 E T 1650 108 Schlechtenfeld 108SCELD 48 17 3 N 9 40 26 E AT 550 123.5 33/51 91 G 109 Schluchsee 109SCSEE 47 48 2 N 8 11 1 E T 940 110 Schwägalp 110SCALP 47 15 22 N 9 19 4 E T 1352 111 Schwarzenbach Talsperre 111SCRRE 48 39 16 N 8 19 47 E T 666 112 Schwenningen 112SCGEN 48 3 57 N 8 34 0 E AT 667 113 Sedrun 113SERUN 46 40 50 N 8 46 12 E T 1404 114 Seefeld 114SEELD 47 19 43 N 11 11 22 E T 1178 115 Sigmaringen 115SIGEN 48 5 16 N 9 13 0 E T 570 116 Sihlbrugg 116SIUGG 47 13 2 N 8 34 37 E T 535 117 Silvretta 117SITTA 46 54 56 N 10 5 31 E T 2026 118 Sitterdorf 118SIORF 47 30 32 N 9 15 46 E AT 506 118.35 08/26 143 G LSZV 119 Sonceboz 119SOBOZ 47 11 49 N 7 11 10 E T 710 120 Sonnenberg 120SOERG 47 31 40 N 8 57 52 E T 649 121 Splügen 121SPGEN 46 33 13 N 9 19 27 E T 1457 122 St. Blasien 122STIEN 47 45 36 N 8 7 48 E T 771 123 St. Gallen 123STLEN 47 25 23 N 9 22 9 E T 670 124 St. Georgen 124STGEN 48 7 25 N 8 20 30 E T 811 125 Stahringen-Wahlwies 125STIES 47 48 13 N 8 58 46 E AT 411 130.125 01/19 213 G 126 Stockach 126STACH 47 50 27 N 9 1 21 E T 412 127 Stuben 127STBEN 47 8 18 N 10 9 32 E T 1396 128 Sulz Bf 128SUBF 48 22 1 N 8 38 15 E T 420 129 Tannheim 129TAEIM 48 0 39 N 10 6 3 E AT 579 122.825 09/27 308 G EDMT 130 Tarasp 130TAASP 46 46 45 N 10 15 41 E T 1490 131 Teufen 131TEFEN 47 23 25 N 9 23 24 E T 834 132 Todtmoos 132TOOOS 47 44 25 N 8 0 3 E T 821 133 Trogen 133TRGEN 47 24 31 N 9 27 56 E T 898 134 Tuttlingen 134TUGEN 47 58 50 N 8 47 56 E T 651 135 Ulm Münster 135ULULM 48 23 55 N 9 59 30 E T 475 136 Unterstammheim 136UNEIM 47 38 27 N 8 47 30 E T 472 137 Urnäsch 137URSCH 47 18 59 N 9 17 0 E T 832 138 Vaduz 138VADUZ 47 8 27 N 9 31 32 E T 563 139 Wägitalersee 139WASEE 47 6 20 N 8 54 16 E T 902 140 Walenstadt 140WAADT 47 7 8 N 9 18 47 E T 427 141 Wattwil 141WAWIL 47 17 51 N 9 5 14 E T 613 142 Weinfelden Schloß 142WEOSS 47 34 35 N 9 6 31 E T 560 143 Weissenstein 143WEEIN 47 15 5 N 7 30 34 E T 1284 144 Wil 144WIWIL 47 27 44 N 9 2 20 E T 574 145 Winterthur 145WIHUR 47 30 59 N 8 46 23 E AT 460 134.975 01/19 210 G LSPH 146 Winzeln-Schramberg 146WIERG 48 16 46 N 8 25 44 E AT 671 123.65 15/33 216 A EDTW 147 Wolfach 147WOACH 48 17 59 N 8 13 28 E T 268 148 Zernez 148ZENEZ 46 41 49 N 10 5 24 E T 1473 149 Zervreila 149ZEILA 46 34 39 N 9 7 6 E T 1862 150 Zwiefalten 150ZWTEN 48 13 56 N 9 27 42 E T 550