Courtesy of Dave Watrous
Dated: 05 July 2019
Magnetic Variation: 20E
Time zone: US/Pacific, Summer offset from GMT is -7:00 and in Winter it is -8:00.
The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds
Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.
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"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
Airspace System are for the use of the owner only or with the
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and should not be attempting to land at private use airports."
Name Codes Links Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Elevation ID ICAO Frequency R/W Direction R/W Length R/W Width R/W Surface
° ' " ° ' " ° ' ° ' Feet ID Feet
Air Sailing DPT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 52 20 N 119 42 04 W or 39 52.333 N 119 42.067 W 4300 NV23 NV23 193 219 17/35 7000 100 D NV23, RW width: 100
Alkali Lake State AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 05 15 N 119 58 34 W or 43 05.250 N 119 58.567 W 4312 R03 R03 83 318 122.9 18/36 6100 150 V R03, RW width: 150, CTAF: 122.9
Alturas AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 28 58 N 120 33 55 W or 41 28.967 N 120 33.917 W 4378 AAT AAT 127 256 122.8 03/21 2506 60 A AAT, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
Alvord 1K Wave T a,g,V,o,G 42 42 30 N 118 12 30 W or 42 42.500 N 118 12.500 W 4236 ALV1KWV 20 72
Alvord 200K S T a,g,V,o,G 42 14 30 N 118 27 00 W or 42 14.500 N 118 27.000 W ALV200KS 20 189
Alvord 2K N T a,g,V,o,G 43 02 00 N 118 15 00 W or 43 02.000 N 118 15.000 W 5272 ALV2KN 38 42
Alvord 2K Wave T a,g,V,o,G 42 32 30 N 118 00 00 W or 42 32.500 N 118 00.000 W 4192 ALV2KWV 27 108
Alvord 3K E T a,g,V,o,G 43 06 00 N 118 57 00 W or 43 06.000 N 118 57.000 W 4519 ALV3KE 45 352
Alvord 500K West T a,g,V,o,G 43 36 29 N 120 20 20 W or 43 36.483 N 120 20.333 W 4662 ALV500KW 118 330
Alvord Base HSFLT a,g,V,o,G 42 31 41 N 118 31 32 W or 42 31.683 N 118 31.533 W 4000 ALVBASE 123.3 5000 Alvord Base Camp, 18/36 preferred 9/27 Freq: 123.3 Auto Tow Launches generally start at camp and proceed SSE but we can launch anywhere. Gliders can reach a height of 2800 ft AGL while on tow.
Alvord Dst T a,g,V,o,G 42 36 00 N 118 29 00 W or 42 36.000 N 118 29.000 W 4300 ALVDST 5.4 43
Alvord East T a,g,V,o,G 42 24 00 N 118 05 30 W or 42 24.000 N 118 05.500 W 4514 ALVEAST 24 132
Alvord Est T a,g,V,o,G 42 35 36 N 118 31 48 W or 42 35.600 N 118 31.800 W 4530 ALVEST 4.5 17
Alvord North T a,g,V,o,G 42 39 00 N 118 21 00 W or 42 39.000 N 118 21.000 W 4105 ALVNORTH 12 67
Alvord Desert T a,g,V,o,G 42 31 35 N 118 27 18 W or 42 31.583 N 118 27.300 W 4006 ALVORERT 3.6 112 Mostly landable unless wet. Avoid dark areas. Lots of sage brush on perimeters especially on the eastern and southern ends. North end is usually the last to dry out but the wind can push the water around.
Alvord Hot Springs T a,g,V,o,G 42 32 38 N 118 31 59 W or 42 32.633 N 118 31.983 W 4068 ALVORNGS 1.2 1 Good thermal source
Alvord Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 23 05 N 118 36 24 W or 42 23.083 N 118 36.400 W 4037 ALVORAKE 11 223 John Bradford landed a Ventus B successfully on the perimeter of this lake. Years ago, a small cessna flipped over while landing here due to landing in a soft area.
Alvord Peak 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 20 51 N 118 42 11 W or 42 20.850 N 118 42.183 W 7132 ALVOREAK 15 236
Alvord Ranch T a,g,V,o,G 42 37 08 N 118 29 53 W or 42 37.133 N 118 29.883 W 4196 ALVORNCH 6.4 33
Alvord 200 W T a,g,V,o,G 42 42 12 N 118 47 00 W or 42 42.200 N 118 47.000 W ALVRD200 18 333
Alvord 2K N T a,g,V,o,G 43 01 00 N 118 15 30 W or 43 01.000 N 118 15.500 W ALVRD2KN 36 42
Alvord Ra St T a,g,V,o,G 42 29 57 N 118 22 02 W or 42 29.950 N 118 22.033 W 4523 ALVRAST 8.3 124
Alvord South T a,g,V,o,G 42 22 30 N 118 29 30 W or 42 22.500 N 118 29.500 W 4068 ALVSOUTH 11 191
Amedee AAF YT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 15 57 N 120 09 02 W or 40 15.950 N 120 09.033 W 4012 AHC AHC 178 229 126.2 08/26 10000 150 T Military, AHC, RW width: 150, CTAF: 126.2
Arnold OR APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 25 10 N 118 34 34 W or 43 25.167 N 118 34.567 W 4140 7OR1 7OR1 62 18 E/W 1500 30 D 7OR1, RW width: 30
Barton Lake Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 07 44 N 118 40 36 W or 43 07.733 N 118 40.600 W 4159 OR08 OR08 42 10 122.8 07/25 2200 75 G OR08, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8
Bates CA APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 25 04 N 120 34 09 W or 41 25.067 N 120 34.150 W 4400 CA06 CA06 130 255 16/34 2200 80 G CA06, RW width: 80
Big Sand Gap T a,g,V,o,G 42 29 04 N 118 23 02 W or 42 29.067 N 118 23.033 W 4216 BIGSAGAP 7.8 133
Black Bull Spring Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 05 48 N 118 09 00 W or 43 05.800 N 118 09.000 W 4114 OR16 OR16 44 46 14/32 1400 40 G OR16, RW width: 40
Black Rock City APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 45 44 N 119 12 39 W or 40 45.733 N 119 12.650 W 3912 88NV 88NV 127 216 05R/23L 6272 100 D 88NV, RW width: 100, Fuel: 100/MOGAS
Bluejoint Ranch DL LT a,g,V,o,G 42 43 35 N 119 39 00 W or 42 43.583 N 119 39.000 W 4450 BLUJTRCH 59 304
Bodad APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 59 50 N 120 13 01 W or 39 59.833 N 120 13.017 W 5909 CA11 CA11 196 227 15/33 1032 40 G CA11, RW width: 40
Borax Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 19 39 N 118 36 06 W or 42 19.650 N 118 36.100 W 4088 BORAXAKE 14 216
Buckskin Mountain 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 15 17 N 118 24 28 W or 42 15.283 N 118 24.467 W 6080 BUCKSAIN 20 182
Burns Junction LT a,g,V,o,G 42 46 59 N 117 50 57 W or 42 46.983 N 117 50.950 W 3937 BURNSJCT 39 83 2000 BLM? 2012 - Mike Koerner says - 17 meter wide, 6 feet short grass either side and a crown that gives good clearance. Just North of the intersection of Hwy 78 and Hwy 95
Burns OR AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 35 31 N 118 57 20 W or 43 35.517 N 118 57.333 W 4159 BNO BNO 77 4 122.8 12/30 5100 75 C BNO, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
California Pines AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 24 44 N 120 41 02 W or 41 24.733 N 120 41.033 W 4389 A24 A24 135 256 123.0 05/23 4159 60 A A24, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 123.0
Carls T a,g,V,o,G 42 31 11 N 118 31 39 W or 42 31.183 N 118 31.650 W 4026 CARLS 0.6 210 Good house thermals generally between here and the ridge
Catlow Peak 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 02 00 N 118 19 00 W or 42 02.000 N 118 19.000 W 7680 CATLOEAK 36 183
Cedarville CA AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 33 13 N 120 09 56 W or 41 33.217 N 120 09.933 W 4623 O59 O59 108 252 122.8 02/20 4415 50 A O59, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8
Christmas Valley AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 14 11 N 120 39 53 W or 43 14.183 N 120 39.883 W 4320 62S 62S 119 315 122.8 07/25 5200 60 A 62S, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 122.8
Coyote Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 34 31 N 118 06 43 W or 42 34.517 N 118 06.717 W 4092 COYOTAKE 21 101 DL
Crowley Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 18 29 N 117 53 40 W or 43 18.483 N 117 53.667 W 4128 78OR 78OR 63 50 03/21 2500 32 V 78OR, RW width: 32
Denio Junction AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 57 15 N 118 37 52 W or 41 57.250 N 118 37.867 W 4202 E85 E85 40 208 122.9 07/25 3100 100 D E85, RW width: 100, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: MOGAS
Derby NV AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 03 59 N 118 33 54 W or 40 03.983 N 118 33.900 W 3908 LOL LOL 170 201 122.8 02/20 5529 75 A LOL, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
Devine Rock T a,g,V,o,G 42 38 46 N 118 32 27 W or 42 38.767 N 118 32.450 W 7782 DEVINOCK 8.2 15
Dixie Valley APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 58 00 N 117 49 39 W or 39 58.000 N 117 49.650 W 3443 NV30 NV30 181 188 16/34 6000 60 A NV30, RW width: 60
Duck Creek Butte 5T a,g,V,o,G 43 10 04 N 118 08 15 W or 43 10.067 N 118 08.250 W 6123 DUCKCTTE 48 44
Duffer Peak 5T a,g,V,o,G 41 39 27 N 118 43 56 W or 41 39.450 N 118 43.933 W 9428 DUFFEEAK 61 210
El Rancho APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 19 53 N 118 39 02 W or 42 19.883 N 118 39.033 W 4130 2OG4 2OG4 15 225 17/35 2500 50 G 2OG4, RW width: 50
Empire NV APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 34 43 N 119 21 05 W or 40 34.717 N 119 21.083 W 3990 18NV 18NV 141 218 122.9 07/25 3170 48 D 18NV, RW width: 48, CTAF: 122.9
EW Sulphur Springs Jst LT a,g,V,o,G 40 52 09 N 118 43 26 W or 40 52.150 N 118 43.433 W 4068 EWSLPJST 115 205 3300 Dirt runway about 70 ft wide, some sage brush on runway
Farr OR APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 07 40 N 120 29 02 W or 42 07.667 N 120 29.033 W 4775 OR26 OR26 104 275 17/35 2800 40 G OR26, RW width: 40
Fields T a,g,V,o,G 42 15 51 N 118 40 30 W or 42 15.850 N 118 40.500 W 4210 FIELDS 20 223
Fifteen Cent Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 58 07 N 118 18 12 W or 42 58.117 N 118 18.200 W 4144 FIFTEAKE 32 40
Fish Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 44 13 N 118 38 49 W or 42 44.217 N 118 38.817 W 7374 FISHLAKE 16 357
Flagstaff Butte 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 11 55 N 118 22 42 W or 42 11.917 N 118 22.700 W 6033 FLAGSTTE 24 182
Field4 OR LT a,g,V,o,G 43 10 42 N 118 17 46 W or 43 10.700 N 118 17.767 W 4016 FLD4OR 46 34 Good farm fields 7/2008
Flying Eagle NV APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 50 48 N 119 41 12 W or 39 50.800 N 119 41.200 W 4220 77NV 77NV 195 218 16/34 4564 30 A 77NV, RW width: 30
Fort Bidwell AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 52 35 N 120 08 48 W or 41 52.583 N 120 08.800 W 4616 A28 A28 94 262 122.9 16/34 3660 50 V A28, RW width: 50, CTAF: 122.9
Gibb Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 50 05 N 119 40 29 W or 39 50.083 N 119 40.483 W 4242 2NV2 2NV2 195 218 16/34 4000 40 D 2NV2, RW width: 40
Granite Spring DL LT a,g,V,o,G 40 46 16 N 118 51 11 W or 40 46.267 N 118 51.183 W 4265 GRANITDL 123 208 Dry Lake
Green Roof T a,g,V,o,G 42 29 48 N 118 32 06 W or 42 29.800 N 118 32.100 W 4052 GREENOOF 2.2 213 Green Roofed House - House thermal. Thermals are generally located between here and the ridge to the west.
Herlong AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 08 19 N 120 10 48 W or 40 08.317 N 120 10.800 W 4062 H37 H37 186 228 122.9 06/24 3260 40 A H37, RW width: 40, CTAF: 122.9
Hooks APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 35 32 N 118 46 23 W or 43 35.533 N 118 46.383 W 4133 OR32 OR32 75 10 11/29 2000 30 G OR32, RW width: 30
Hwy 78 T a,g,V,o,G 43 03 25 N 118 11 30 W or 43 03.417 N 118 11.500 W 4218 HWY78 40 45 Hwy 78 and Fields Denio Rd
Jungo Flats N LT a,g,V,o,G 40 59 30 N 118 20 30 W or 40 59.500 N 118 20.500 W 4199 JUNGOTSN 107 195 Dry Lake
Jungo Flats S LT a,g,V,o,G 40 55 30 N 118 21 30 W or 40 55.500 N 118 21.500 W 4199 JUNGOTSS 111 195 Dry Lake
Juniper Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 55 05 N 118 20 39 W or 42 55.083 N 118 20.650 W 4026 JUNIPAKE 28 39
Lake County OR AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 09 40 N 120 23 57 W or 42 09.667 N 120 23.950 W 4734 LKV LKV 99 276 122.8 17/35 5318 100 A LKV, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
Landing Field LT a,g,V,o,G 42 43 33 N 118 27 54 W or 42 43.550 N 118 27.900 W 4256 LANDIELD 14 33 Marked landing field on some charts. Need to inspect this field before landing there. The crop circle immediately south may be a better option for an emergency landing.
Likely APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 14 25 N 120 31 34 W or 41 14.417 N 120 31.567 W 4420 9CL3 9CL3 136 250 06/24 1960 50 V 9CL3, RW width: 50
Little Sand Gap T a,g,V,o,G 42 25 39 N 118 25 05 W or 42 25.650 N 118 25.083 W 4206 LITTLGAP 8.8 162
Mann Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 46 19 N 118 26 49 W or 42 46.317 N 118 26.817 W 4183 MANNLAKE 17 33
Mann Lake Ranch T a,g,V,o,G 42 44 21 N 118 28 20 W or 42 44.350 N 118 28.333 W 4250 MANNLNCH 15 31
McDermitt State AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 00 37 N 117 43 38 W or 42 00.617 N 117 43.633 W 4478 26U 26U 54 151 122.9 16/34 5900 60 A 26U, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9
McDermitt 500K T a,g,V,o,G 41 56 23 N 117 25 54 W or 41 56.383 N 117 25.900 W 5813 MCDR500K 69 146
Mickey Basin T a,g,V,o,G 42 44 19 N 118 19 03 W or 42 44.317 N 118 19.050 W 3916 MICKESIN 18 56 Dry Lake
Mickey Butte 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 42 33 N 118 20 54 W or 42 42.550 N 118 20.900 W 6294 MICKETTE 15 56 Generally there are good thermals here
Mickey Hot Springs T a,g,V,o,G 42 40 43 N 118 20 53 W or 42 40.717 N 118 20.883 W 4066 MICKENGS 14 61
N/S Dry Lake LT a,g,V,o,G 41 06 47 N 117 52 40 W or 41 06.783 N 117 52.667 W 4350 NSDRAKE 103 181 Dry Lake
Nervino AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 49 07 N 120 21 10 W or 39 49.117 N 120 21.167 W 4900 O02 O02 210 228 122.8 08/26 4651 75 A O02, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
Oregon Canyon Mountains Peak 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 07 20 N 117 55 36 W or 42 07.333 N 117 55.600 W 8031 OREGOEAK 41 152
Owyhee Reservoir State AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 25 29 N 117 20 44 W or 43 25.483 N 117 20.733 W 2680 28U 28U 86 64 122.9 13/31 1840 30 D 28U, RW width: 30, CTAF: 122.9
Paisley AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 43 05 N 120 33 46 W or 42 43.083 N 120 33.767 W 4395 22S 22S 104 298 122.9 13/31 4300 60 A 22S, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9
Paiute Meadows APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 18 02 N 118 55 42 W or 41 18.033 N 118 55.700 W 4443 02NV 02NV 87 214 09/27 2200 50 G 02NV, RW width: 50
Peak 7571 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 34 08 N 118 35 24 W or 42 34.133 N 118 35.400 W 7571 PEAK7571 4.3 331
Pine Grove T a,g,V,o,G 41 33 57 N 117 48 33 W or 41 33.950 N 117 48.550 W 4250 PINEGROV 76 171 3700 PRI|RY 16/34:3700x28-ASPH-LGT|FUEL: 100 80|ACTVT LIRL RWY 16/34 - 122.8.|MGR: KEN H. EARP|415-886-3800
Pueblo Mountain 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 05 58 N 118 39 03 W or 42 05.967 N 118 39.050 W 8632 PUEBLAIN 30 212
Ravendale AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 48 13 N 120 21 58 W or 40 48.217 N 120 21.967 W 5306 O39 O39 152 239 122.9 17/35 2607 30 A O39, RW width: 30, CTAF: 122.9
Red Mountain 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 05 00 N 118 24 00 W or 42 05.000 N 118 24.000 W 6989 REDMOAIN 31 188
Roaring Springs Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 38 59 N 118 59 30 W or 42 38.983 N 118 59.500 W 4576 OR10 OR10 25 310 18/36 6000 75 A OR10, RW width: 75
Rolling Thunder APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 39 49 31 N 119 39 16 W or 39 49.517 N 119 39.267 W 4240 NV96 NV96 196 218 05/23 2000 40 D NV96, RW width: 40
Rome Service Airport APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 50 03 N 117 37 45 W or 42 50.050 N 117 37.750 W 3387 0OR6 0OR6 50 85 16/34 2900 40 D 0OR6, RW width: 40
Rome State AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 34 40 N 117 53 08 W or 42 34.667 N 117 53.133 W 4053 REO REO 33 104 122.9 03/21 6000 150 V REO, RW width: 150, CTAF: 122.9
Skull Creek Reservoir T a,g,V,o,G 42 23 48 N 118 44 59 W or 42 23.800 N 118 44.983 W 4962 SKILLOIR 15 252
Slickey Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 19 17 N 118 55 18 W or 42 19.283 N 118 55.300 W 4536 SLICKAKE 25 255 Dry Lake
Soldier Meadow Nr 1 APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 22 58 N 119 10 09 W or 41 22.967 N 119 10.150 W 4494 NV06 NV06 86 223 18/36 4000 40 D NV06, RW width: 40
Soldier Meadow Nr 2 APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 41 07 25 N 119 08 19 W or 41 07.417 N 119 08.317 W 4150 NV05 NV05 102 218 18/36 4000 40 D NV05, RW width: 40
Star Mountain 5T a,g,V,o,G 43 22 31 N 117 58 10 W or 43 22.517 N 117 58.167 W 6037 STARMAIN 65 45
Steens Mt T a,g,V,o,G 42 38 30 N 118 34 30 W or 42 38.500 N 118 34.500 W 9733 STEENSMT 8.2 2
Susanville AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 22 33 N 120 34 22 W or 40 22.550 N 120 34.367 W 4149 SVE SVE 183 236 122.8 11/29 4051 75 A SVE, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL/80
Swanson Ranch 3 APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 00 30 N 117 23 31 W or 40 00.500 N 117 23.517 W 4940 NV64 NV64 184 181 16/34 2500 50 V NV64, RW width: 50
Ten Cent Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 59 38 N 118 17 03 W or 42 59.633 N 118 17.050 W 4177 TENCEAKE 34 41
V Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 28 08 N 118 44 37 W or 42 28.133 N 118 44.617 W 6591 VLAKE 12 270
Wagontire APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 43 15 00 N 119 52 31 W or 43 15.000 N 119 52.517 W 4725 81OR 81OR 85 327 04/22 2000 80 G 81OR, RW width: 80, Fuel: MOGAS
Whitehorse Ranch APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 20 08 N 118 15 27 W or 42 20.133 N 118 15.450 W 4447 OR09 OR09 19 154 12/30 3247 94 D OR09, RW width: 94, Fuel: 100
Wildhorse Lake T a,g,V,o,G 42 37 45 N 118 35 20 W or 42 37.750 N 118 35.333 W 8418 WILDHAKE 7.7 355
Wildhorse Valley APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 29 17 N 118 36 30 W or 42 29.283 N 118 36.500 W 4225 OG53 OG53 5.0 257 16/34 3000 50 D OG53, RW width: 50
Willow Butte 5T a,g,V,o,G 42 13 00 N 118 15 00 W or 42 13.000 N 118 15.000 W 5439 WILLOTTE 26 167
Winnemucca AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 40 53 48 N 117 48 21 W or 40 53.800 N 117 48.350 W 4308 WMC WMC 119 182 122.8 14/32 7000 100 A WMC, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL
Withrotor APT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 42 16 32 N 120 23 37 W or 42 16.533 N 120 23.617 W 4920 22OG 22OG 97 280 01/19 1300 30 A 22OG, RW width: 30