++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Alvord Desert, Oregon [All] + + + + Contributed by Dave Watrous + + Contributed on 05 July 2019 + + Last updated Saturday, 06 July 2019 at 21:56 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALB, AlvordBas, 42, 31.68, 118, 31.53, 4000 ARS, AirSailng, 39, 52.33, 119, 42.07, 4300 ALK, AlklLkStt, 43, 5.25, 119, 58.57, 4312 ALT, Alturas, 41, 28.97, 120, 33.92, 4378 ALB, AlvordBas, 42, 31.68, 118, 31.53, 4000 ARN, Arnold OR, 43, 25.17, 118, 34.57, 4140 BRT, BartnLkRc, 43, 7.73, 118, 40.6, 4159 BTS, Bates CA, 41, 25.07, 120, 34.15, 4400 BLC, BlckBllSp, 43, 5.8, 118, 9.0, 4114 BLA, BlackRckC, 40, 45.73, 119, 12.65, 3912 BLJ, BljntRcDL, 42, 43.58, 119, 39.0, 4450 BDD, Bodad, 39, 59.83, 120, 13.02, 5909 BRN, BurnsJunc, 42, 46.98, 117, 50.95, 3937 BUR, Burns OR, 43, 35.52, 118, 57.33, 4159 CLF, CalfrnPns, 41, 24.73, 120, 41.03, 4389 CDR, CedarvllC, 41, 33.22, 120, 9.93, 4623 CHR, ChrstmsVl, 43, 14.18, 120, 39.88, 4320 CRW, CrowleyRc, 43, 18.48, 117, 53.67, 4128 DNJ, DenioJunc, 41, 57.25, 118, 37.87, 4202 DRB, Derby NV, 40, 3.98, 118, 33.9, 3908 DXV, DixieVall, 39, 58.0, 117, 49.65, 3443 ELR, El Rancho, 42, 19.88, 118, 39.03, 4130 EMP, Empire NV, 40, 34.72, 119, 21.08, 3990 EWS, EWSlphrSp, 40, 52.15, 118, 43.43, 4068 FRR, Farr OR, 42, 7.67, 120, 29.03, 4775 FIE, Field4 OR, 43, 10.7, 118, 17.77, 4016 FLN, FlyngglNV, 39, 50.8, 119, 41.2, 4220 FRT, FortBdwll, 41, 52.58, 120, 8.8, 4616 GBB, Gibb Rc, 39, 50.08, 119, 40.48, 4242 GRN, GrntSprng, 40, 46.27, 118, 51.18, 4265 HRL, Herlong, 40, 8.32, 120, 10.8, 4062 HKS, Hooks, 43, 35.53, 118, 46.38, 4133 JNG, JungFltsN, 40, 59.5, 118, 20.5, 4199 JUN, JungFltsS, 40, 55.5, 118, 21.5, 4199 LKC, LkCountyR, 42, 9.67, 120, 23.95, 4734 LND, LandngFld, 42, 43.55, 118, 27.9, 4256 LKL, Likely, 41, 14.42, 120, 31.57, 4420 MCD, McDrmttSt, 42, 0.62, 117, 43.63, 4478 NSD, NS Dry Lk, 41, 6.78, 117, 52.67, 4350 NRV, Nervino, 39, 49.12, 120, 21.17, 4900 OWH, OwhRsrvrS, 43, 25.48, 117, 20.73, 2680 PSL, Paisley, 42, 43.08, 120, 33.77, 4395 PTM, PaiutMdws, 41, 18.03, 118, 55.7, 4443 RVN, Ravendale, 40, 48.22, 120, 21.97, 5306 RRN, RrngSprng, 42, 38.98, 118, 59.5, 4576 RLL, RllngThnd, 39, 49.52, 119, 39.27, 4240 RMS, RomeServc, 42, 50.05, 117, 37.75, 3387 ROM, RomeState, 42, 34.67, 117, 53.13, 4053 SLD, SldrMdwNr, 41, 22.97, 119, 10.15, 4494 SOL, SoldierMe, 41, 7.42, 119, 8.32, 4150 SSN, Susanvill, 40, 22.55, 120, 34.37, 4149 SWN, SwansnRc3, 40, 0.5, 117, 23.52, 4940 WGN, Wagontire, 43, 15.0, 119, 52.52, 4725 WHT, WhithrsRc, 42, 20.13, 118, 15.45, 4447 WIL, WldhrsVll, 42, 29.28, 118, 36.5, 4225 WNN, Winnemucc, 40, 53.8, 117, 48.35, 4308 WTH, Withrotor, 42, 16.53, 120, 23.62, 4920