;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Alvord Desert, Oregon + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Dave Watrous + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 06:58 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alvord 1K Wave" "ALVRD1" "_" "N4242.500" "W11812.500" "Alvord 200K S" "ALVRD2" "_" "N4214.500" "W11827.000" "Alvord 2K N" "ALVORD" "_" "N4302.000" "W11815.000" "Alvord 2K Wave" "ALVOR2" "_" "N4232.500" "W11800.000" "Alvord 3K E" "ALVRD3" "_" "N4306.000" "W11857.000" "Alvord 500K West" "ALVRD5" "_" "N4336.483" "W12020.333" "Alvord Base" "ALVRDB" "123.3" "N4231.683" "W11831.533" "Alvord Dst" "ALVRDD" "_" "N4236.000" "W11829.000" "Alvord East" "ALVORE" "_" "N4224.000" "W11805.500" "Alvord Est" "ALVRDS" "_" "N4235.600" "W11831.800" "Alvord North" "ALVRDN" "_" "N4239.000" "W11821.000" "Alvord Desert" "ALVORD" "_" "N4231.583" "W11827.300" "Alvord Hot Springs" "ALVRDH" "_" "N4232.633" "W11831.983" "Alvord Lake" "ALVRDL" "_" "N4223.083" "W11836.400" "Alvord Peak" "ALVRDP" "_" "N4220.850" "W11842.183" "Alvord Ranch" "ALVRDR" "_" "N4237.133" "W11829.883" "Alvord 200 W" "ALVOR0" "_" "N4242.200" "W11847.000" "Alvord 2K N2" "ALVORK" "_" "N4301.000" "W11815.500" "Alvord Ra St" "ALVORR" "_" "N4229.950" "W11822.033" "Alvord South" "ALVRDS" "_" "N4222.500" "W11829.500" "Big Sand Gap" "BGSNDG" "_" "N4229.067" "W11823.033" "Bluejoint Ranch DL" "BLJNTR" "_" "N4243.583" "W11939.000" "Borax Lake" "BORXLK" "_" "N4219.650" "W11836.100" "Buckskin Mountain" "BCKSKN" "_" "N4215.283" "W11824.467" "Burns Junction" "BRNSJN" "_" "N4246.983" "W11750.950" "Carls" "CARLS" "_" "N4231.183" "W11831.650" "Catlow Peak" "CTLWPK" "_" "N4202.000" "W11819.000" "Coyote Lake" "COYTLK" "_" "N4234.517" "W11806.717" "Devine Rock" "DVNRCK" "_" "N4238.767" "W11832.450" "Duck Creek Butte" "DCKCRK" "_" "N4310.067" "W11808.250" "Duffer Peak" "DFFRPK" "_" "N4139.450" "W11843.933" "EW Sulphur Springs Jst" "EWSLPH" "_" "N4052.150" "W11843.433" "Fields" "FILDS" "_" "N4215.850" "W11840.500" "Fifteen Cent Lake" "FFTNCN" "_" "N4258.117" "W11818.200" "Fish Lake" "FISHLK" "_" "N4244.217" "W11838.817" "Flagstaff Butte" "FLGSTF" "_" "N4211.917" "W11822.700" "Field4 OR" "FILD4R" "_" "N4310.700" "W11817.767" "Granite Spring DL" "GRNTSP" "_" "N4046.267" "W11851.183" "Green Roof" "GRENRF" "_" "N4229.800" "W11832.100" "Hwy 78" "HWY 78" "_" "N4303.417" "W11811.500" "Jungo Flats N" "JNGFLT" "_" "N4059.500" "W11820.500" "Jungo Flats S" "JUNGOF" "_" "N4055.500" "W11821.500" "Juniper Lake" "JNPRLK" "_" "N4255.083" "W11820.650" "Landing Field" "LNDNGF" "_" "N4243.550" "W11827.900" "Little Sand Gap" "LTTLSN" "_" "N4225.650" "W11825.083" "Mann Lake" "MANNLK" "_" "N4246.317" "W11826.817" "Mann Lake Ranch" "MNNLKR" "_" "N4244.350" "W11828.333" "McDermitt 500K" "MCDRMT" "_" "N4156.383" "W11725.900" "Mickey Basin" "MCKBSN" "_" "N4244.317" "W11819.050" "Mickey Butte" "MCKBTT" "_" "N4242.550" "W11820.900" "Mickey Hot Springs" "MCKHTS" "_" "N4240.717" "W11820.883" "N/S Dry Lake" "NSDRLK" "_" "N4106.783" "W11752.667" "Oregon Canyon Mtns Pk" "ORGNCN" "_" "N4207.333" "W11755.600" "Peak 7571" "PK7571" "_" "N4234.133" "W11835.400" "Pine Grove" "PINGRV" "_" "N4133.950" "W11748.550" "Pueblo Mountain" "PBLMTN" "_" "N4205.967" "W11839.050" "Red Mountain" "REDMTN" "_" "N4205.000" "W11824.000" "Skull Creek Reservoir" "SKLLCR" "_" "N4223.800" "W11844.983" "Slickey Lake" "SLCKLK" "_" "N4219.283" "W11855.300" "Star Mountain" "STRMTN" "_" "N4322.517" "W11758.167" "Steens Mt" "STEENS" "_" "N4238.500" "W11834.500" "Ten Cent Lake" "TNCNTL" "_" "N4259.633" "W11817.050" "V Lake" "V LAKE" "_" "N4228.133" "W11844.617" "Wildhorse Lake" "WLDHRS" "_" "N4237.750" "W11835.333" "Willow Butte" "WLLWBT" "_" "N4213.000" "W11815.000"