++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Alexandria, Indiana [50 nm] + + + + Contributed by John Earlywine + + Contributed on 11 February, 2014 + + Last updated Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 21:42 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALX, Alexandri, 40, 13.95, 85, 38.25, 900 ALX, Alexandri, 40, 13.95, 85, 38.25, 900 AND, AndrsnDrl, 40, 6.52, 85, 36.78, 919 BLK, Blknpcrsc, 40, 8.0, 85, 13.83, 1040 CRR, Carrolls, 40, 7.62, 85, 25.92, 940 CNN, CnnrsvllM, 39, 41.9, 85, 7.87, 866 CNV, Converse, 40, 34.25, 85, 53.5, 840 CRZ, Cruzan, 40, 10.35, 85, 56.68, 845 DLW, Delaware, 40, 14.55, 85, 23.75, 937 ELL, Ellison, 40, 17.67, 85, 56.55, 875 FRN, Frankfort, 40, 16.4, 86, 33.73, 861 GLN, Glenndale, 40, 26.0, 86, 12.2, 850 POP, Pope, 39, 47.42, 85, 44.17, 895 HGR, Hagerstwn, 39, 53.35, 85, 9.8, 1000 HNT, Huntingtn, 40, 51.17, 85, 27.42, 806 IND, IndinHlls, 40, 25.05, 86, 9.15, 860 MTC, MtComfort, 39, 50.62, 85, 53.82, 862 KKM, Kokomo, 40, 31.68, 86, 3.53, 830 MRN, Marion, 40, 29.4, 85, 40.78, 859 MCG, McGill, 40, 7.2, 86, 4.1, 855 MLL, Miller 1, 40, 43.0, 85, 15.0, 845 NWC, NwCstlHnr, 39, 52.55, 85, 19.58, 1088 NBL, Noblesvll, 40, 0.22, 85, 57.87, 821 PTR, PatRobnsn, 40, 2.53, 85, 51.92, 865 PER, Peru, 40, 47.15, 86, 8.78, 779 PRT, Portland, 40, 27.1, 84, 59.35, 925 RND, Randolph, 40, 10.07, 84, 55.77, 1123 RES, Reese, 40, 9.25, 85, 19.0, 991 RBS, Robison, 40, 44.17, 86, 6.92, 735 SHR, Sheridan, 40, 10.68, 86, 13.03, 936 SKR, Skyridge, 40, 10.75, 86, 6.95, 895 SMT, Smith 1, 40, 27.22, 85, 17.33, 902 STT, Stottlemr, 40, 13.6, 85, 48.98, 865 THL, ThLstRsrt, 40, 2.25, 85, 24.63, 1070 WBS, Wabash, 40, 45.72, 85, 47.92, 796 WST, Westfield, 40, 2.93, 86, 9.47, 932 WLL, Willcox, 39, 49.4, 85, 35.52, 990 FNS, Finish, 40, 14.05, 85, 38.25, 900 BRD, BardWlfrd, 40, 15.88, 86, 6.17, 880 BCR, BeeAcrFrm, 40, 12.37, 86, 6.03, 885 BON, Boone, 40, 0.43, 86, 26.43, 959 BWL, Bowlin, 40, 50.23, 85, 29.02, 810 BUR, Burk, 40, 3.03, 85, 36.17, 930 CLD, Caldwell, 40, 37.47, 86, 9.32, 800 CLB, Cliburn, 39, 50.47, 86, 20.92, 878 EGL, EagleCrek, 39, 49.85, 86, 17.67, 823 FRM, Farm, 39, 40.98, 85, 50.65, 825 FRR, Ferrell, 39, 58.2, 85, 28.25, 1070 FNN, Finneys, 40, 15.57, 85, 15.63, 965 FGH, FghrnFrms, 40, 1.97, 85, 47.02, 870 FLT, FoltzFarm, 39, 35.32, 85, 44.17, 820 FWL, Fowler, 40, 25.85, 85, 58.7, 854 FXS, Fox Sta., 40, 38.17, 85, 41.28, 835 FRS, Frost, 39, 47.73, 85, 47.17, 900 FLL, Fuller, 39, 54.12, 86, 21.78, 910 GLL, Galloway, 40, 2.52, 85, 55.02, 830 GLV, Galveston, 40, 35.05, 86, 15.42, 786 GDN, Goodenogh, 40, 44.38, 86, 0.03, 685 GRN, GrndlnrdH, 40, 45.37, 85, 15.03, 830 GRA, Gray, 39, 34.42, 85, 54.83, 750 GRW, Greenwood, 39, 37.65, 86, 5.28, 822 HRT, HrtmnFrms, 40, 31.28, 86, 12.9, 818 HIC, HickrHlls, 40, 25.67, 85, 22.4, 900 HRZ, Horizon, 40, 22.0, 85, 20.32, 940 INI, Indnplsxc, 40, 1.83, 86, 15.08, 922 INA, Indnplsnt, 39, 43.03, 86, 17.68, 797 INN, IndnplsMt, 39, 56.12, 86, 2.7, 811 IRN, Irion, 40, 7.7, 85, 53.17, 800 JHN, Johnson, 40, 46.5, 85, 20.33, 830 KNG, King, 40, 3.73, 86, 12.63, 925 LZB, Lazy B, 40, 4.12, 85, 55.33, 800 MRS, Marshall, 39, 38.58, 85, 58.9, 800 MAR, Mayer, 40, 47.15, 85, 14.65, 820 NSB, Nasby, 39, 31.3, 85, 41.18, 830 NLK, NLakeland, 40, 1.33, 85, 45.22, 870 OKS, Oakes, 39, 47.25, 85, 38.22, 935 PST, Post Air, 39, 45.0, 86, 0.83, 861 ROB, Roberts 2, 40, 0.13, 85, 25.73, 1085 ROI, Robinson2, 39, 37.4, 86, 1.88, 840 RCK, Rockeys, 40, 34.92, 86, 10.05, 810 RSH, Rush, 40, 50.07, 86, 3.13, 770 SLS, Salsbery, 40, 23.07, 86, 3.8, 870 SRH, SauerHrtr, 39, 53.0, 85, 42.15, 930 SHL, Shelbyvll, 39, 34.98, 85, 48.28, 803 SKP, SkipsPlac, 40, 50.22, 85, 10.27, 858 SML, Small, 39, 45.12, 85, 33.45, 920 SQR, Squires, 39, 43.1, 85, 2.93, 1000 STE, Starkeys, 40, 2.58, 85, 15.63, 1110 STV, StvnsFrms, 39, 39.63, 85, 32.9, 930 SGR, SugarCrek, 39, 55.22, 85, 35.92, 1000 TRG, Tragesser, 40, 18.02, 86, 3.02, 875 TUN, Turnpaugh, 40, 38.72, 86, 17.57, 757 WRD, Ward, 40, 10.0, 85, 56.45, 830 WEB, Webster, 39, 34.6, 85, 35.27, 910 WLD, Wildernss, 40, 1.07, 86, 9.62, 908 WIS, Willis 1, 39, 43.33, 85, 43.0, 880 WI2, Willis 2, 39, 44.0, 85, 43.4, 881 WND, WindyKnll, 40, 8.4, 86, 9.15, 920