;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Albert Lea, Minnesota + ; + ; Region 7 2024 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Leon Zeug + ; + ; Generated Friday, 05 April 2024 at 09:21 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Start N" "STRT N" "_" "N4346.100" "W09322.033" "Start E" "STRT E" "_" "N4340.883" "W09314.833" "Start S" "STRT S" "_" "N4335.683" "W09322.033" "Start W" "STRT W" "_" "N4340.883" "W09329.233" "Finish" "FINISH" "16/34" "N4340.750" "W09322.283" "Ackley" "ACKLEY" "22.9 15/33" "N4232.850" "W09302.000" "Albert Lea" "ALBRTL" "16/34" "N4340.900" "W09322.033" "Algona Muni" "ALGNMN" "122.8 12/30" "N4304.667" "W09416.317" "Scott Muni" "SCTTMN" "122.8 17/35" "N4259.100" "W09147.433" "Allison Muni" "ALLSNM" "122.9 18/36" "N4245.833" "W09248.267" "Austin" "AUSTIN" "122.7 18/36" "N4339.750" "W09255.983" "B and D Flyers" "B+DFLR" "E/W" "N4349.833" "W09350.433" "Belmond" "BELMND" "122.9 17/35" "N4251.167" "W09335.683" "Bluebird" "BLUBRD" "12/30" "N4237.383" "W09230.083" "Blue Earth" "BLURTH" "122.8 16/34" "N4335.717" "W09405.567" "Bergemann Pvt" "BRGMNN" "Pvt Delisted, Land?" "N4400.250" "W09410.683" "Burk Pvt" "BRKPVT" "Pvt Delisted, Land?" "N4350.633" "W09417.150" "Charles City" "CHRLSC" "122.8 12/30" "N4304.350" "W09236.650" "Church" "CHURCH" "122.8 15/33" "N4321.917" "W09207.983" "Clarion" "CLARIN" "22.8 08/26" "N4244.517" "W09345.533" "Clarks Grove" "CLRKSG" "_" "N4345.833" "W09319.750" "Caldbeck Pvt" "CLDBCK" "18/35 Land?" "N4342.317" "W09227.650" "Congor" "CONGOR" "_" "N4336.933" "W09331.700" "Dale Delight" "DLDLGH" "Pvt Delisted, Land?" "N4304.733" "W09136.917" "Decorah" "DECORH" "22.8 11/29" "N4316.533" "W09144.367" "Dexter" "DEXTER" "_" "N4343.133" "W09242.283" "Dodge Center" "DDGCNT" "122.9 16/34" "N4401.083" "W09249.883" "Drake" "DRAKE" "22.8 08/26" "N4219.000" "W09325.017" "Eagle Grove" "EGLGRV" "122.8 13/31" "N4242.583" "W09354.967" "Eagles Nest" "EGLSNS" "16/34" "N4407.583" "W09352.300" "Emmetsburg" "EMMTSB" "22.8 17/35" "N4306.117" "W09442.283" "Emmons" "EMMONS" "_" "N4330.100" "W09329.317" "Estherville" "ESTHRV" "122.8 16/34" "N4324.450" "W09444.783" "Fairmont" "FARMNT" "122.8 13/31" "N4338.633" "W09424.933" "Faribault" "FARBLT" "122.8 12/30" "N4419.650" "W09318.633" "Fillmore" "FILLMR" "122.9 10/28" "N4340.600" "W09210.783" "Flying A" "FLYING" "122.9 9/27" "N4349.183" "W09220.017" "Forest Muni" "FRSTMN" "122.8 15/33" "N4314.083" "W09337.450" "Freeborn" "FREBRN" "_" "N4345.950" "W09333.850" "Friesenborg Pvt" "FRSNBR" "17/35 Land?" "N4325.550" "W09350.150" "Geneva City" "GENEVC" "City" "N4349.400" "W09316.067" "Glenville" "GLNVLL" "_" "N4334.250" "W09317.017" "Gordonville" "GRDNVL" "_" "N4330.850" "W09315.150" "Grundy Center" "GRNDCN" "22.9 17/35" "N4221.050" "W09250.617" "Hampton Muni" "HMPTNM" "122.7 17/35" "N4243.417" "W09313.583" "Harris" "HARRIS" "18/36" "N4314.133" "W09312.500" "Hartland Cty" "HRTLND" "City" "N4348.217" "W09329.200" "Hay Shakers" "HSHKRS" "18/36" "N4416.750" "W09412.800" "Hayward" "HAYWRD" "_" "N4339.033" "W09314.650" "Hollandale" "HLLNDL" "_" "N4345.650" "W09312.267" "Hope" "HOPE" "_" "N4357.717" "W09316.583" "Houston" "HOUSTN" "22.9 13/31" "N4335.783" "W09130.233" "Humboldt" "HMBLDT" "22.8 12/30" "N4244.167" "W09414.717" "Iowa Falls" "IWFLLS" "122.8 13/31" "N4228.250" "W09316.200" "Jackson Muni" "JCKSNM" "122.8 13/31" "N4339.000" "W09459.200" "Jirak" "JIRAK" "20.925 E/W" "N4308.700" "W09203.217" "Kiester City" "KISTRC" "City" "N4332.167" "W09342.483" "Kohlhaas" "KOHLHS" "18.475 17/35" "N4257.233" "W09410.067" "Lansing" "LANSNG" "_" "N4344.800" "W09258.200" "Le Roy City" "LEROYC" "City" "N4330.583" "W09230.233" "Le Sueur" "LESUER" "122.9 13/31" "N4426.250" "W09354.767" "Lake Mills" "LKMLLS" "122.9 18/36" "N4325.000" "W09330.517" "London" "LONDON" "_" "N4331.633" "W09303.483" "Mankato" "MANKAT" "122.725 15/3" "N4413.300" "W09355.133" "Mapleton City" "MPLTNC" "City" "N4355.667" "W09357.367" "Mason Muni" "MASNMN" "123.0 17/35" "N4309.467" "W09319.883" "Matawan" "MATAWN" "_" "N4351.483" "W09338.167" "New Hampton" "NWHMPT" "122.9 17/35" "N4305.233" "W09220.600" "New Ulm Muni" "NWLMMN" "122.8 15/33" "N4419.167" "W09430.133" "Northwood" "NRTHWD" "122.9 17/35" "N4326.900" "W09312.117" "Oakland" "OAKLND" "_" "N4340.433" "W09305.333" "Osage" "OSAGE" "122.8 17/35" "N4317.550" "W09247.767" "Otisco" "OTISCO" "_" "N4358.717" "W09330.133" "Owatonna" "OWATNN" "122.7 12/30" "N4407.400" "W09315.633" "Pocahontas" "PCHNTS" "22.8 18/36" "N4244.567" "W09438.833" "Rosenberg" "RSNBRG" "10/28" "N4331.333" "W09434.950" "Rushford" "RSHFRD" "122.9 16/34" "N4348.950" "W09149.800" "Scarville" "SCRVLL" "_" "N4328.183" "W09337.050" "Sleepy Eye" "SLEEPY" "122.9 14/32" "N4415.000" "W09443.017" "South 80" "S 80" "08/26" "N4311.450" "W09346.250" "Spirit Lake" "SPRTLK" "22.7 16/34" "N4323.250" "W09508.350" "Spotts" "SPOTTS" "09/27" "N4308.250" "W09304.100" "Springfield" "SPRNGF" "22.8 13/31" "N4413.867" "W09459.933" "St James" "STJAMS" "122.9 15/33" "N4359.183" "W09433.483" "Stanton" "STANTN" "122.8 18/36" "N4428.533" "W09300.983" "Med City Aviation" "MEDCAV" "09/27" "N4359.767" "W09220.150" "Twin Lakes City" "TWNLKS" "City" "N4333.583" "W09325.367" "Waldorf" "WALDRF" "_" "N4356.117" "W09341.867" "Walters" "WALTRS" "_" "N4336.350" "W09340.400" "Waltham" "WALTHM" "_" "N4349.300" "W09252.633" "Waseca" "WASECA" "122.8 15/33" "N4404.400" "W09333.183" "Waverly IA" "WAVERL" "122.8 11/29" "N4244.517" "W09230.483" "Webster City" "WBSTRC" "22.8 05/23" "N4226.200" "W09352.133" "Wells" "WELLS" "122.9 17/35" "N4344.000" "W09347.017" "Windom" "WINDOM" "22.9 17/35" "N4354.800" "W09506.567" "Zumbrota City" "ZMBRTC" "City" "N4417.483" "W09240.417"