* NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "aeccvv_s.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 00:23 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 * filename: Piloni/Stage05.cup * by 'read_cup' on Sunday, 14 August 2005 at 21:41 GMT $COUNTRY IT $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $HOME Aeroclub Centrale di Volo a Vela, Italy [ Stage ] $CONTRIBUTOR Aeroclub Centrale di Volo a Vela $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 March 2005 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Acera 42 49 0 12 50 26 T 972 Acquasparta 42 40 25 12 33 7 T 300 Alfedena 41 44 20 14 2 40 T 915 Amatrice 42 37 30 13 17 40 T 951 Antrodoco 42 25 0 13 4 55 T 510 Anversa degli Abruzzi 41 58 59 13 48 55 T 773 Acquasparta Stazione 42 41 15 12 32 57 T 319 Arezzo 0 42 42 15 12 37 10 T 550 Arezzo Ae 43 28 0 11 53 0 T 248 Arrone 42 35 6 12 45 59 T 285 Arsoli 42 1 42 13 0 57 T 389 Assergi 42 25 8 13 30 49 T 975 Assisi 43 4 5 12 37 16 T 450 Assisi BS 43 4 29 12 36 15 T 366 Avezzano 42 1 51 13 25 32 T 695 Avezzano SG 42 2 59 13 24 55 T 695 Barisciano 0 42 12 19 13 35 19 T 970 Barisciano 42 19 32 13 35 31 T 970 Barrea 41 44 50 13 59 34 T 1130 Bastardo 42 53 48 12 32 15 T 290 Bastia Umbra 43 4 10 12 32 30 T 201 Bettolle 43 12 20 11 48 25 T 308 Bettona 43 0 45 12 29 5 T 392 Bibbiena 43 40 49 11 48 25 T 315 Borgorose 42 11 0 13 15 0 T 733 Borgo San Pietro 42 16 34 13 3 57 T 601 Campobasso 41 34 0 14 39 0 T 702 Campo di Giove 42 0 29 14 2 28 T 1077 Campoli Appennino 41 43 54 13 41 25 T 581 Campotosto 42 31 23 13 22 19 T 1315 Cantalice 42 28 5 12 54 16 T 780 Cantiano 43 28 15 12 37 25 T 300 Carsoli 42 5 56 13 5 30 T 603 Casa Castalda 43 11 44 12 38 7 T 500 Cascia 42 45 10 13 1 0 LT 916 Castel di Sangro 41 46 47 14 5 59 T 801 Castelluccio 42 49 42 13 12 23 T 1303 Castel San Vincenzo 41 38 39 14 3 23 T 730 Celano 42 3 10 13 33 31 LT 681 Celano Av 42 3 10 13 33 31 T 680 Celano 42 5 1 13 32 40 T 825 Chianciano 43 2 25 11 48 40 T 505 Chiusi Della Verna 43 40 25 11 55 45 T 1101 Chiusi Scalo 43 0 10 11 57 28 T 205 Cittaducale Incrocio Stradal 42 23 19 12 56 33 T 481 Citta' di Castello 43 27 35 12 14 25 T 270 Cittaducale 42 23 0 12 57 10 T 481 Cittareale 42 37 1 13 9 39 T 962 Cocullo 42 1 27 13 47 13 T 892 Collelongo 41 53 40 13 35 0 T 916 Contigliano 42 24 34 12 45 56 T 431 Cortona 43 16 30 11 59 8 T 494 Costacciaro 43 21 33 12 42 55 T 550 Fabriano 43 20 30 12 54 28 T 325 Falconara 43 36 55 13 21 45 AT 15 04/22 A LIPY Ferentillo 42 37 0 12 47 0 T 253 Filetto 42 22 38 13 30 58 T 1069 Foligno 42 57 5 12 42 33 T 240 Foligno A 42 55 34 12 42 22 TA 220 09/27 G LIAF Foligno SG 42 57 5 12 42 33 T 240 Fonte San Gemini 42 38 1 12 32 51 T 335 Fossa 42 17 34 13 30 28 T 755 Fossato di Vico 43 17 30 12 45 50 T 584 Fuori 12k 43 14 33 11 24 31 LT 146 Fuori 8ks 43 15 43 11 22 25 LT 183 Fuori Acquasparta 42 41 3 12 33 4 LT 314 Fuori Alf 42 44 0 11 58 0 LT 555 S Fuori Amaatrice 42 37 0 13 13 59 LT 995 Fuori Ampugnano 43 15 29 11 15 20 AT 194 18/36 A LIQS Fuori Arezzo 43 27 19 11 50 50 AT 248 126.900 12/30 C LIQB Fuori Campochia 41 27 30 14 32 20 LT 527 Fuori Cascia 42 45 0 13 1 0 LT 850 Fuori Cdi 41 44 30 14 5 12 LT 820 Fuori Cdi 43 21 3 12 12 32 LT 300 Fuori Corfinio 42 6 59 13 50 51 LT 360 Fuori Duc 42 10 40 13 16 48 LT 847 Fuori Gualdo 43 16 32 12 44 39 LT 410 G Fuori Gubbio 43 19 21 12 34 40 LT 420 Fuori Lag 43 7 59 12 2 15 LT 261 Fuori Lag 43 4 0 12 5 18 LT 273 Fuori Mon 42 47 2 12 45 18 LT 243 Fuori Nar 42 27 32 12 25 28 LT 58 Fuori Piazza Siena 43 20 41 11 15 35 LT 262 Fuori Sch 42 42 58 12 49 45 LT 280 Fuori Sch 42 43 39 12 49 52 LT 287 Fuori Sin 43 12 55 11 49 16 LT 247 Fuori Terrni 42 34 14 12 35 2 AT 114 Fuori Todi 42 52 9 12 23 4 LT 148 Fuori Umbertide 43 15 41 12 22 56 LT 233 Fuori Vr 41 40 38 13 44 32 LT 389 Galleria S. Rocco 42 13 12 13 18 21 T 1111 Gioia dei Marsi 41 57 31 13 42 10 T 703 Greccio Piazza 42 26 32 12 45 0 T 705 Gualdo Tadino 43 14 10 12 46 24 T 470 Gubbio 43 21 42 12 33 16 T 500 Guidonia 41 59 25 12 44 27 AT 89 18/04 A LIRG Isernia 41 36 5 14 14 35 T 513 Labro 42 31 30 12 48 0 T 628 Lago del Salto 42 16 48 13 1 25 T 601 Lago Della Duchessa 42 11 15 13 21 5 T 1781 Lago di Ripa Sottile 42 28 42 12 48 43 T 375 L'Aquila 42 21 5 13 23 10 T 720 Leonessa 42 33 59 12 57 44 T 961 Luco dei Marsi 41 57 43 13 28 2 T 667 Magione 43 8 56 12 12 10 T 385 Magliano 42 7 35 13 17 40 T 701 Marana 42 29 30 13 13 45 T 792 Marmore 42 32 34 12 43 17 T 363 Mascioni 42 31 57 13 21 5 T 1393 Meggiano 42 48 22 12 52 27 T 780 Melello 43 34 55 12 7 30 T 335 Monte Cristo 42 26 40 13 32 45 T 1121 Monte Mario 41 55 31 12 27 11 T 1 Monte Nerone 43 33 30 12 31 0 T 1525 Montereale 42 31 22 13 14 38 T 945 Monte Torre Maggiore 42 37 35 12 36 10 T 1121 Navelli 42 14 0 13 43 51 T 680 Nocera Umbra Centro Paese 43 6 40 12 47 10 T 549 Norcia 42 47 32 13 5 36 T 604 Opi 41 46 16 13 49 27 T 1125 Orte 42 26 48 12 23 31 T 46 Ortucchio 41 57 30 13 38 40 T 681 Orvieto 42 42 50 12 9 0 T 184 Ovindoli 42 8 20 13 31 10 T 1379 Paganica 42 20 5 13 27 42 T 660 Passo delle Capanelle 42 27 22 13 21 5 T 1300 Passignano Trasimeno 43 11 15 12 8 9 T 290 Perugia 43 6 18 12 23 16 T 428 Perugia/S. Egidio 43 5 49 12 30 41 TA 211 01/19 A LIRZ Pescasseroli 41 48 15 13 47 44 T 1155 Pescasseroli 41 48 26 13 47 23 T 1151 Pescina 42 2 0 13 39 0 T 735 Petrella Salto 42 17 47 13 4 8 T 778 Pettorano sul Gizio 41 57 44 13 58 8 T 770 Piediluco 42 32 15 12 45 29 T 585 Pieve Santo Stefano 43 40 11 12 2 27 T 450 Pizzoli 42 26 5 13 18 1 T 733 Pianello Incrocio Strade 43 8 32 12 32 21 T 260 Poggio Bustone 42 30 20 12 54 5 T 819 Polino 42 35 4 12 50 22 T 836 Pontedera 43 39 28 10 37 3 AT 14 A Ponte Pattoli 43 10 20 12 25 37 T 221 Popoli 42 9 22 13 49 29 T 250 Preturo 42 22 15 13 17 50 T 670 Promano 43 21 50 12 16 20 T 281 Rieti Aero 42 25 19 12 51 14 TA 390 16/34 G LIQN Rieti Ospeda 42 25 20 12 54 23 T 390 Rieti Torre 42 25 32 12 50 52 T 390 Rieti Traguardo 42 25 51 12 50 56 HFA 391 Rivisondoli 41 51 47 14 4 11 T 1226 Rivodutri 42 30 54 12 51 20 T 598 Rocca Pia 41 55 40 13 58 40 T 1185 Roccaraso 41 50 50 14 4 46 T 1236 Roma/Urbe 41 57 5 12 30 4 AT 18 16/34 A LIRU San Gemini 42 36 33 12 32 50 T 336 San Demetrio Ne' Vestini 42 17 30 13 33 40 T 670 San Giovanni Reatino 42 20 31 12 51 18 T 456 San Sepolcro 43 34 4 12 7 24 T 315 Santa Maria degli Angeli 43 3 15 12 35 41 T 218 San Biagio Saracinisco 41 36 37 13 58 21 T 911 San Donato Val di Comino 41 42 30 13 49 0 T 721 Scanno 41 53 20 13 53 20 T 1015 Scheggia 43 24 20 12 39 30 T 570 Scurcola Marsicana 42 2 28 13 20 26 T 730 Sella di Corno 42 21 31 13 11 32 T 1005 Siena 43 19 0 11 20 0 T 320 Sigillo 43 20 0 12 44 10 T 486 Somma Gal 42 39 24 12 43 20 T 642 Spello 42 59 30 12 39 16 T 221 Spoleto 42 44 8 12 44 29 T 304 San Stefano di Sessanio 42 19 58 13 39 8 T 976 Sulmona 42 3 30 13 55 25 T 403 Todi 42 46 47 12 24 25 T 410 Todi Chiesa 42 46 38 12 24 3 T 344 Torano 42 8 43 13 16 27 T 701 Trasacco 41 57 40 13 32 10 T 685 Trevi 42 52 40 12 44 53 T 429 Trevi Centro 42 52 27 12 44 16 T 223 Trevi Giarfino 42 52 40 12 44 53 T 429 Umbertide 43 18 19 12 19 45 T 240 Valfabbr 43 9 35 12 35 46 T 289 Valfabbrica 43 11 14 12 36 12 T 300 Valle del Salto 42 10 28 13 17 13 T 651 Viamaggio 43 40 54 12 7 2 T 980 Villa Vallelonga 41 52 20 13 37 25 T 1001 Villetta Barrea 41 46 50 13 57 15 T 990