;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Adrian, Michigan + ; + ; Region 6 North and Juniors, 2018 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Glenn Betzoldt + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at 20:12 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Start N" "STRT N" "_" "N4156.533" "W08404.517" "Start S" "STRT S" "_" "N4147.817" "W08404.467" "Start E" "STRT E" "_" "N4152.200" "W08358.717" "Steering" "STERNG" "_" "N4153.233" "W08409.650" "Finish" "FINISH" "122.8" "N4152.167" "W08404.483" "Adrian" "ADRIAN" "122.8" "N4152.067" "W08404.633" "Airstrip" "AS" "_" "N4156.717" "W08412.617" "Albion" "ALBION" "_" "N4213.933" "W08444.500" "Artesian" "ARTESN" "_" "N4202.867" "W08421.383" "Bellevue" "BELLEV" "_" "N4226.583" "W08503.133" "Bent" "BENT" "_" "N4156.833" "W08402.350" "Betz" "BETZ" "122.9" "N4151.333" "W08352.250" "Bluffton" "BLFFTN" "122.8" "N4053.133" "W08352.117" "Bombers" "BOMBRS" "_" "N4141.950" "W08404.233" "Brian" "BRIAN" "122.8" "N4128.033" "W08430.400" "Buehler" "BUEHLR" "_" "N4107.400" "W08437.067" "Bunker" "BUNKER" "_" "N4228.383" "W08419.817" "Cackleberry" "CCKLBR" "122.9" "N4225.500" "W08352.117" "Charloe" "CHARLO" "_" "N4108.067" "W08427.050" "Chesaning" "CHSNNG" "122.9" "N4310.917" "W08408.000" "Chrysler" "CHRSLR" "_" "N4215.083" "W08403.533" "Clark" "CLARK" "_" "N4117.067" "W08521.650" "Claucherty" "CLCHRT" "_" "N4204.683" "W08449.633" "Clayton" "CLAYTN" "_" "N4151.717" "W08414.150" "Cloud" "CLOUD" "_" "N4233.067" "W08405.900" "Coldwater" "CLDWTR" "122.7" "N4156.017" "W08503.133" "Crown" "CROWN" "_" "N4130.083" "W08452.700" "Defiance" "DEFINC" "122.7" "N4120.250" "W08425.733" "De Kalb" "DEKALB" "123" "N4118.433" "W08503.867" "Deshler" "DESHLR" "122.9" "N4112.950" "W08352.467" "Dowling" "DOWLNG" "_" "N4231.350" "W08515.200" "Findlay" "FINDLA" "122.725" "N4100.717" "W08340.117" "Fitch" "FITCH" "123" "N4234.450" "W08448.733" "Fostoria" "FOSTOR" "122.7" "N4111.450" "W08323.583" "Fulton" "FULTON" "123" "N4136.583" "W08407.633" "Gratiot" "GRATIT" "122.8" "N4319.333" "W08441.283" "Greenville" "GRNVLL" "122.8" "N4308.533" "W08515.233" "Hastings" "HSTNGS" "123.075" "N4239.817" "W08520.767" "Henry" "HENRY" "123" "N4122.450" "W08404.067" "Hillsdale" "HLLSDL" "122.8" "N4155.283" "W08435.200" "Holiday" "HOLIDA" "_" "N4136.650" "W08432.917" "Honey" "HONEY" "122.9" "N4204.667" "W08359.167" "Huffman" "HUFFMN" "_" "N4130.233" "W08415.617" "Ionia" "IONIA" "122.8" "N4256.283" "W08503.633" "Kendallville" "KNDLLV" "122.8" "N4128.367" "W08515.650" "Kirsch" "KIRSCH" "123.05" "N4148.800" "W08526.333" "Lee Farms" "LEFRMS" "_" "N4035.683" "W08525.467" "Lima" "LIMA" "122.7" "N4042.450" "W08401.633" "Livingston" "LVNGST" "123" "N4237.767" "W08358.933" "Loch" "LOCH" "_" "N4201.233" "W08408.167" "Maidens" "MAIDNS" "122.9" "N4244.033" "W08419.333" "Manchester" "MNCHST" "_" "N4208.500" "W08401.800" "Maple" "MAPLE" "122.8" "N4243.033" "W08403.750" "Margarita" "MARGRT" "_" "N4151.167" "W08421.700" "Marshal" "MARSHL" "122.8" "N4215.067" "W08457.333" "Mason" "MASON" "122.7" "N4233.950" "W08425.400" "Mckenzies" "MCKNZS" "_" "N4236.183" "W08351.583" "Merillat" "MERLLT" "122.8" "N4158.500" "W08355.517" "Meyers" "MEYERS" "122.9" "N4201.500" "W08356.350" "Mills" "MILLS" "122.9" "N4202.033" "W08352.700" "Millstream" "MLLSTR" "122.9" "N4257.783" "W08402.667" "Mis" "MIS" "_" "N4204.000" "W08414.450" "Morenci" "MORENC" "_" "N4143.183" "W08413.067" "Moscow" "MOSCOW" "_" "N4203.000" "W08430.533" "Murphy" "MURPHY" "_" "N4141.500" "W08451.950" "Nashville" "NSHVLL" "_" "N4235.983" "W08505.617" "Newbury" "NEWBUR" "_" "N4142.200" "W08400.167" "Onsted" "ONSTED" "_" "N4159.983" "W08411.467" "Owosso" "OWOSSO" "123" "N4259.567" "W08408.333" "Perry W" "PERRYW" "_" "N4208.917" "W08539.167" "Perry E" "PERRYE" "_" "N4249.283" "W08416.733" "Pingston" "PNGSTN" "_" "N4248.617" "W08404.983" "Posey" "POSEY" "_" "N4153.850" "W08417.800" "Raether" "RAETHR" "122.9" "N4233.917" "W08351.383" "Ransom" "RANSOM" "_" "N4146.600" "W08432.083" "Rapids" "RAPIDS" "_" "N4232.067" "W08437.700" "Reid" "REID" "123" "N4142.167" "W08525.167" "Riga" "RIGA" "_" "N4148.600" "W08349.317" "Three Rivers" "THRRVR" "122.8" "N4157.583" "W08535.583" "Rossettie" "ROSSTT" "122.9" "N4211.700" "W08401.850" "Ruhes" "RUHES" "123" "N4106.183" "W08403.117" "Sand" "SAND" "_" "N4203.350" "W08408.117" "Sandhill" "SNDHLL" "122.9" "N4226.500" "W08404.000" "Shamrock" "SHMRCK" "122.9" "N4205.700" "W08414.450" "Ski" "SKI" "_" "N4232.500" "W08348.600" "Skyway" "SKYWAY" "122.9" "N4235.033" "W08439.083" "Sod" "SOD" "_" "N4231.017" "W08403.233" "St Johns" "STJHNS" "122.9" "N4302.150" "W08426.117" "Sunfield" "SUNFLD" "122.9" "N4246.200" "W08457.900" "Taylors" "TAYLRS" "_" "N4150.800" "W08553.700" "Tristate" "TRISTT" "123.075" "N4138.383" "W08505.017" "Vanwert" "VANWRT" "123" "N4051.833" "W08436.383" "Warsaw" "WARSAW" "122.7" "N4116.483" "W08550.400" "Wend" "WEND" "122.9" "N4234.683" "W08454.533" "Weston" "WESTON" "_" "N4146.217" "W08405.850" "Wheatland" "WHTLND" "_" "N4158.233" "W08424.100" "Williams" "WILLMS" "_" "N4221.667" "W08425.483" "Wolf" "WOLF" "122.9" "N4212.583" "W08413.900" "Woodstock" "WDSTCK" "_" "N4200.467" "W08417.533"