;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Saratoga, New York [ Adirondak Soaring Club ] + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Tim Hanke + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 01 October 2014 at 20:49 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Argyle" "ARGYLE" "122.9" "N4315.250" "W07328.250" "Bennington" "BNNNGT" "122.8" "N4253.467" "W07314.767" "Brown Airstrip" "BROWNS" "_" "N4339.967" "W07309.967" "Chapin" "CHAPIN" "122.9" "N4303.000" "W07321.967" "Circle K Ranch" "CRCKRC" "_" "N4308.233" "W07406.967" "Comstock Prison" "CMSTCK" "_" "N4327.300" "W07326.000" "Cooperstown" "CPRSTW" "122.8" "N4237.750" "W07453.467" "Corinth Airstrip" "CRNTHS" "_" "N4313.800" "W07348.000" "Duanesburg" "DNSBRG" "123.0" "N4245.500" "W07407.967" "Duflo Airport" "DUFLO" "122.8" "N4350.550" "W07525.717" "Eagle Corners Airport" "EGLCRN" "_" "N4257.183" "W07325.133" "Fair Haven" "FARHVN" "_" "N4336.917" "W07316.467" "Fort Ann Airport" "FORTNN" "122.9" "N4324.533" "W07331.917" "Freehold" "FREHLD" "122.85" "N4221.850" "W07403.950" "FULCO" "FULCO" "122.7" "N4259.900" "W07419.767" "Galway" "GALWAY" "_" "N4300.550" "W07405.467" "Garnseys" "GARNSS" "122.9" "N4304.500" "W07334.967" "Gar Ranch" "GAR RC" "_" "N4249.633" "W07424.233" "Gills Airstrip" "GILLSS" "_" "N4303.250" "W07328.433" "Glens Falls" "GLNSFL" "123.0" "N4320.467" "W07336.617" "Gore Mt Bennetts" "GRMTBN" "_" "N4342.000" "W07358.967" "Granville" "GRNVLL" "_" "N4325.367" "W07316.083" "Great Barrington" "GRTBRR" "122.8" "N4211.050" "W07324.200" "Greenville" "GREENV" "122.8" "N4225.000" "W07400.967" "Greenwich Airstrip" "GRNWCH" "_" "N4307.733" "W07329.633" "Hamilton Airport" "HAMLTN" "123.0" "N4250.600" "W07533.667" "Heber" "HEBER" "122.9" "N4311.000" "W07337.983" "Hill Corners Airport" "HLLCRN" "_" "N4301.950" "W07409.050" "Hiserts Airpark" "HISRTS" "122.8" "N4259.000" "W07431.000" "Hogan" "HOGAN" "_" "N4246.883" "W07419.533" "Hoosick Falls" "HSCKFL" "_" "N4149.900" "W07407.800" "Island August" "ISLNDG" "_" "N4312.567" "W07334.900" "Johnson" "JOHNSN" "_" "N4259.500" "W07408.167" "Keene Marcy" "KENMRC" "122.9" "N4413.250" "W07347.483" "Lake George Village" "LKGRGV" "_" "N4325.500" "W07343.000" "Lake Placid" "LKPLCD" "122.8" "N4415.867" "W07357.717" "Manchester Airport" "MNCHST" "_" "N4309.717" "W07302.767" "McGregor Prison" "MCGRGR" "_" "N4311.967" "W07344.983" "Mechanicville" "MCHNCV" "122.9" "N4253.583" "W07340.100" "Middlebury" "MDDLBR" "122.8" "N4359.083" "W07305.750" "Mohawk Airport" "MOHAWK" "_" "N4259.250" "W07458.000" "Mohawk Valley" "MHWKVL" "_" "N4252.083" "W07401.717" "Montpelier" "MNTPLR" "122.8" "N4412.217" "W07233.733" "Morrisville" "MRRSVL" "122.8" "N4432.083" "W07236.833" "Mothons" "MOTHNS" "_" "N4258.767" "W07401.150" "Murphys" "MURPHS" "_" "N4302.250" "W07411.050" "Nellis Airport" "NELLIS" "122.8" "N4257.767" "W07440.950" "Netties" "NETTIS" "_" "N4242.600" "W07413.417" "North Adams" "NADAMS" "122.8" "N4241.767" "W07310.217" "Oneonta" "ONEONT" "122.8" "N4231.483" "W07503.867" "Piseco" "PISECO" "122.8" "N4327.200" "W07431.067" "Pittsfield" "PTTSFL" "122.7" "N4225.617" "W07317.583" "Plateau Sky Ranch" "PLTSKR" "122.8" "N4313.500" "W07406.883" "Richfield Springs" "RCHFLD" "_" "N4251.667" "W07456.733" "Round Lake" "RONDLK" "122.8" "N4255.750" "W07346.217" "Russell" "RUSSLL" "_" "N4252.200" "W07429.950" "Rutland" "RUTLND" "122.8" "N4331.800" "W07256.983" "Saratoga Co" "SARTGC" "122.8" "N4303.050" "W07351.700" "Schroon Lake" "SCHRNL" "122.9" "N4351.750" "W07344.550" "Sharon Springs" "SHRNSP" "122.8" "N4246.700" "W07434.667" "Sugarbush" "SGRBSH" "123.0" "N4407.000" "W07249.617" "Ticonderoga" "TCNDRG" "122.8" "N4352.633" "W07324.783" "Tracy Field" "TRCFLD" "_" "N4308.717" "W07325.183" "Warrensburg Airstrip" "WRRNSB" "_" "N4331.133" "W07345.183"