++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for French Alps Outlanding Fields + + + + Contributed by Norbert Behety + + Contributed on 20 May 2012 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 27 May 2012 at 21:52 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ATN, Aiton, 45, 33.42, 6, 13.67, 300 AXN, AixenDios, 44, 41.35, 5, 24.55, 500 AMP, Ampus, 43, 37.02, 6, 20.93, 625 ABN, Aubenassn, 44, 41.7, 5, 9.03, 250 APS, Aups, 43, 37.52, 6, 10.98, 450 BRR, Barreme, 43, 59.55, 6, 23.2, 780 BRN, Bernex, 46, 22.03, 6, 39.65, 880 BNN, Bonnevill, 46, 4.68, 6, 23.17, 450 BON, Bonnieux, 43, 50.0, 5, 17.5, 180 BRG, Bourgdsns, 45, 3.85, 6, 1.92, 720 CRS, Cereste, 43, 51.17, 5, 32.97, 330 DIE, Die, 44, 46.1, 5, 21.2, 550 DSS, Doussard, 45, 46.6, 6, 13.53, 460 ECL, EcolenBgs, 45, 38.5, 6, 10.0, 750 ESP, Espinasss, 44, 27.63, 6, 13.1, 650 EGL, Eygaliers, 42, 47.0, 4, 59.53, 100 GRD, Gordes, 43, 54.75, 5, 15.1, 203 GRS, Grisail, 44, 57.0, 5, 37.5, 850 HBR, HaberePch, 46, 16.18, 6, 27.8, 1113 ISL, IsleSorgu, 43, 55.02, 5, 4.98, 65 LBT, La Bathie, 45, 38.1, 6, 27.1, 375 LFR, La Faurie, 44, 33.82, 5, 45.53, 820 LMT, LaMttnBgs, 45, 42.5, 6, 7.3, 710 LMR, La Mure, 43, 58.92, 6, 31.87, 930 LND, Landry, 45, 34.3, 6, 44.1, 750 LCS, Le Casset, 44, 58.97, 6, 29.63, 1500 LRS, Le Rosier, 44, 56.13, 6, 40.85, 140 LES, LesEchlls, 45, 26.03, 5, 44.87, 400 LGS, LogisduPn, 43, 46.65, 6, 38.47, 1025 LRM, Lourmarin, 43, 45.53, 5, 23.97, 280 MRC, Marcoux, 44, 8.5, 6, 16.53, 700 MNT, Montgardn, 44, 32.98, 6, 12.82, 800 MON, Montmaur, 44, 33.63, 5, 51.43, 900 MOT, Montmelin, 45, 29.4, 6, 2.3, 260 NSS, Nossage, 44, 18.93, 5, 44.65, 750 ORG, Orgon, 43, 46.75, 5, 5.0, 90 PSS, Passy, 45, 55.47, 6, 43.2, 590 PLL, Pellafol, 44, 48.18, 5, 54.28, 915 PRB, Prebois, 44, 47.45, 5, 41.32, 760 PGT, Puget, 43, 44.92, 5, 16.57, 133 QNS, Quinson, 43, 41.0, 6, 4.28, 500 RSN, Rosans, 44, 22.88, 5, 28.3, 620 STB, SteBlaise, 44, 52.37, 6, 36.6, 1200 STJ, Ste Jalle, 44, 20.07, 5, 18.18, 440 STC, Ste Croix, 43, 46.68, 6, 9.58, 655 SLG, Salignac, 44, 8.65, 5, 58.75, 500 SMN, Samoens, 46, 4.38, 6, 44.38, 710 SAO, Saou, 44, 38.2, 5, 3.77, 300 SDR, Sederon, 44, 13.23, 5, 34.48, 750 SEN, Seyne, 44, 20.53, 6, 22.37, 1200 STJ, StJenHrns, 44, 51.17, 5, 46.35, 825 STR, StRmdMrnn, 45, 22.17, 6, 16.92, 450 STV, StVincent, 45, 22.28, 5, 58.22, 260 TNN, Taninges, 46, 6.0, 6, 36.0, 625 THR, Thorame, 44, 4.62, 6, 28.42, 1100 TRG, Trigance, 43, 45.28, 6, 27.3, 740 VLN, Valenty, 44, 21.6, 5, 55.8, 570 VIF, Vif, 45, 4.6, 5, 40.9, 200 VZL, Vizille, 45, 4.8, 5, 46.65, 280