French Alps Outlanding Fields Contributed courtesy of Norbert Behety Last updated Sunday, 27 May 2012 at 21:52 GMT Based upon the 2011 Guide des Aires de Securite dans les Alpes (FFVV - Comite Regional Alpes-Provence)See also the version which includes Outlanding, glider sites, and airfields UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoi Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Aiton 45 33.417 N 6 13.667 E ATN AITN AITON Aiton Aiton Aiton Aiton Aiton 2 Aix en 44 41.350 N 5 24.550 E AXN AXND AXNDS AixnDs AixenDis AixenDios AixenDiois Aix en Diois 3 Ampus 43 37.017 N 6 20.933 E AMP AMPS AMPUS Ampus Ampus Ampus Ampus Ampus 4 Aubena 44 41.700 N 5 9.033 E ABN ABNS ABNSS Abnssn Aubenssn Aubenassn Aubenasson Aubenasson LFJF 5 Aups 43 37.517 N 6 10.983 E APS AUPS AUPS Aups Aups Aups Aups Aups 6 Barrem 43 59.550 N 6 23.200 E BRR BRRM BARRM Barrem Barreme Barreme Barreme Barreme 7 Bernex 46 22.033 N 6 39.650 E BRN BRNX BERNX Bernex Bernex Bernex Bernex Bernex 8 Bonnev 46 4.683 N 6 23.167 E BNN BNNV BNNVL Bnnvll Bonnevll Bonnevill Bonneville Bonneville 9 Bonnie 43 50.000 N 5 17.500 E BON BNNX BONNX Bonnix Bonnieux Bonnieux Bonnieux Bonnieux 10 Bourg 45 3.850 N 6 1.917 E BRG BRGD BRGDS Brgdsn Borgdsns Bourgdsns BourgdOsns BourgdOisans 11 Caille 43 46.683 N 6 44.683 E CLL CALL CAILL Caille Caille Caille Caille Caille 12 Cerest 43 51.167 N 5 32.967 E CRS CRST CERST Cerest Cereste Cereste Cereste Cereste 13 Couste 43 51.700 N 5 10.800 E CST CSTL CSTLL Cstllt Coustllt Coustellt Coustellet Coustellet 14 Die 44 46.100 N 5 21.200 E DIE DIE DIE Die Die Die Die Die 15 Doussa 45 46.600 N 6 13.533 E DSS DSSR DSSRD Dossrd Doussard Doussard Doussard Doussard 16 Ecole 45 38.500 N 6 10.000 E ECL ECLN ECLNB EclnBg EcolnBgs EcolenBgs EcoleenBgs EcoleenBaugs 17 Espina 44 27.633 N 6 13.100 E ESP ESPN ESPNS Espnss Espinsss Espinasss Espinasses Espinasses 18 Eygali 42 47.000 N 4 59.533 E EGL EGLR EGLRS Eyglrs Eygalirs Eygaliers Eygalieres Eygalieres 19 Gordes 43 54.750 N 5 15.100 E GRD GRDS GORDS Gordes Gordes Gordes Gordes Gordes 20 Grisai 44 57.000 N 5 37.500 E GRS GRSL GRISL Grisal Grisail Grisail Grisail Grisail 21 Habere 46 16.183 N 6 27.800 E HBR HBRP HBRPC HbrPch HaberPch HaberePch HaberePoch Habere Poche 22 Isle/S 43 55.017 N 5 4.983 E ISL ISLS ISLSR IslSrg IsleSorg IsleSorgu IsleSorgue Isle/Sorgue 23 La Bat 45 38.100 N 6 27.100 E LBT LBTH LABTH LaBath LaBathie La Bathie La Bathie La Bathie 24 La Fau 44 33.817 N 5 45.533 E LFR LAFR LAFAR LaFaur LaFaurie La Faurie La Faurie La Faurie 25 La Mot 45 42.500 N 6 7.300 E LMT LMTT LMTTN LMttnB LMttnBgs LaMttnBgs LaMottnBgs LaMotteenBgs 26 La Mur 43 58.917 N 6 31.867 E LMR LAMR LAMUR LaMure La Mure La Mure La Mure La Mure 27 Landry 45 34.300 N 6 44.100 E LND LNDR LANDR Landry Landry Landry Landry Landry 28 Laragn 44 19.233 N 5 47.517 E LRG LRGN LARGN Laragn Laragne Laragne Laragne Laragne 29 Le Cas 44 58.967 N 6 29.633 E LCS LCSS LCSST LeCsst LeCasset Le Casset Le Casset Le Casset 30 Le Ros 44 56.133 N 6 40.850 E LRS LRSR LERSR LeRosr LeRosier Le Rosier Le Rosier Le Rosier 31 Les Cr 44 32.150 N 6 26.017 E LSC LSCR LSCRT LsCrts LesCrots Les Crots Les Crots Les Crots 32 Les Ec 45 26.033 N 5 44.867 E LES LSCH LSCHL Lschll Leschlls LesEchlls LesEchells Les Echelles 33 Logis 43 46.650 N 6 38.467 E LGS LGSD LGSDP LgsdPn LogisdPn LogisduPn LogisduPin Logis du Pin 34 Lourma 43 45.533 N 5 23.967 E LRM LRMR LRMRN Lormrn Lourmarn Lourmarin Lourmarin Lourmarin 35 Marcou 44 8.500 N 6 16.533 E MRC MRCX MARCX Marcox Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux 36 Montga 44 32.983 N 6 12.817 E MNT MNTG MNTGR Mntgrd Montgrdn Montgardn Montgardin Montgardin 37 Montma 44 33.633 N 5 51.433 E MON MNTM MNTMR Montmr Montmaur Montmaur Montmaur Montmaur 38 Montme 45 29.400 N 6 2.300 E MOT MONT MNTML Mntmln Montmeln Montmelin Montmelian Montmelian 39 Nossag 44 18.933 N 5 44.650 E NSS NSSG NOSSG Nossag Nossage Nossage Nossage Nossage 40 Orgon 43 46.750 N 5 5.000 E ORG ORGN ORGON Orgon Orgon Orgon Orgon Orgon 41 Passy 45 55.467 N 6 43.200 E PSS PASS PASSY Passy Passy Passy Passy Passy 42 Pellaf 44 48.183 N 5 54.283 E PLL PLLF PLLFL Pellfl Pellafol Pellafol Pellafol Pellafol 43 Preboi 44 47.450 N 5 41.317 E PRB PRBS PREBS Prebos Prebois Prebois Prebois Prebois 44 Puget 43 44.917 N 5 16.567 E PGT PUGT PUGET Puget Puget Puget Puget Puget 45 Quinso 43 41.000 N 6 4.283 E QNS QNSN QUNSN Quinsn Quinson Quinson Quinson Quinson 46 Remoul 43 56.600 N 4 34.917 E RML RMLN RMLNS Remlns Remoulns Remoulins Remoulins Remoulins 47 Rosans 44 22.883 N 5 28.300 E RSN RSNS ROSNS Rosans Rosans Rosans Rosans Rosans 48 Saint- 44 52.367 N 6 36.600 E StB StBL StBLS SteBls SteBlais SteBlaise Ste Blaise Saint Blaise 49 Sainte 44 20.067 N 5 18.183 E StJ StJL StJLL SteJll SteJalle Ste Jalle Ste Jalle Sainte Jalle 50 Sainte 43 46.683 N 6 9.583 E StC StCR StCRX SteCrx SteCroix Ste Croix Ste Croix Sainte Croix 51 Salign 44 8.650 N 5 58.750 E SLG SLGN SLGNC Salgnc Salignac Salignac Salignac Salignac 52 Samoen 46 4.383 N 6 44.383 E SMN SMNS SAMNS Samons Samoens Samoens Samoens Samoens 53 Saou 44 38.200 N 5 3.767 E SAO SAOU SAOU Saou Saou Saou Saou Saou 54 Sedero 44 13.233 N 5 34.483 E SDR SDRN SEDRN Sedern Sederon Sederon Sederon Sederon 55 Seyne 44 20.533 N 6 22.367 E SEN SEYN SEYNE Seyne Seyne Seyne Seyne Seyne 56 St Jea 44 51.167 N 5 46.350 E STJ STJN STJNH StJnHr StJnHrns StJenHrns StJeanHrns StJeanHerans 57 St Rem 45 22.167 N 6 16.917 E STR STRM STRMD StRmdM StRmdMrn StRmdMrnn StRemdMrnn StRemideMrnn 58 St Vin 45 22.283 N 5 58.217 E STV STVN STVNC StVncn StVincnt StVincent St Vincent St Vincent 59 Taning 46 6.000 N 6 36.000 E TNN TNNG TNNGS Tanngs Taninges Taninges Taninges Taninges 60 Tarasc 43 47.300 N 4 41.817 E TRS TRSC TRSCN Tarscn Tarascon Tarascon Tarascon Tarascon 61 Thoram 44 4.617 N 6 28.417 E THR THRM THORM Thoram Thorame Thorame Thorame Thorame 62 Trets 43 28.833 N 5 42.683 E TRT TRTS TRETS Trets Trets Trets Trets Trets 63 Trigan 43 45.283 N 6 27.300 E TRG TRGN TRGNC Trignc Trigance Trigance Trigance Trigance 64 Valent 44 21.600 N 5 55.800 E VLN VLNT VALNT Valent Valenty Valenty Valenty Valenty 65 Vif 45 4.600 N 5 40.900 E VIF VIF VIF Vif Vif Vif Vif Vif 66 Vizill 45 4.800 N 5 46.650 E VZL VZLL VIZLL Vizill Vizille Vizille Vizille Vizille