2X4 2 X 4 Ranch u Dec2019 GEarth: dirt 22m wide; NM47 ; 3 RWYs 32 46.800 N 104 22.883 W AZM A Z Minerals x Mar2016 GEarth: overgrown vegetation is 6 foot acr 37 07.250 N 109 59.150 W ACG AC Goodwin Memorial Field Prescott Soaring Rev 3/21 123.5 2500x50 WINCH TOW 34 41.117 N 112 17.417 W AVR AV Ranch x (AN01) DO NOT LAND!!! TOO NARROW!! Two fields next 32 49.117 N 110 19.067 W ABR Abraham Ranch u May2022 GEarth: dirt 25m wide; 7CA1 34 24.883 N 116 37.350 W ADL Adelanto 52CL, RW width: 100 34 32.250 N 117 27.633 W ADB Adobe Ranch u Mar2022 GEarth: dirt 24m wide; NM37 MGR: 575-772-5 33 34.583 N 107 54.000 W ART Aero Tech x Mar2023 G. Earth: land is repurposed, multiple obs 34 24.950 N 103 08.867 W AGC Agua Caliente Springs L54, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 32 57.350 N 116 17.683 W AGD Agua Dulce L70, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 34 30.150 N 118 18.883 W AGF Agua Fria 33 56.800 N 112 12.667 W AHQ Aha-Quin x Sat Survey 6/2021 20ft wide with obstructions. Do 33 52.167 N 114 31.617 W ALR Aileron Orchards May2022 GEarth: dirt 24m wide; AZ49 35 47.333 N 114 07.933 W ARS Airscrew Flightpark x Apr2022 GEarth: only 110m RWY LENGTH with trees bo 33 31.800 N 112 13.000 W AJR Ajo Eric Marcus Muni (KPO1) RESTRICTED AIRSPACE ON THREE SIDES!! RWY 12 32 27.167 N 112 51.683 W AKC Ak Chin Farm Strip Formerly 41AZ 17/35 2950X100. Land on paved rwy no 32 59.450 N 112 01.417 W AKH Ak Chin Regional (KA39) AWOS: 126.9, RWY 04/26: 4751X50. Previously 32 59.433 N 111 55.133 W AKN Akin and Akin x Feb2020 GEarth: overgrown and too narrow; Not land 34 46.333 N 103 51.367 W ALM Alamo Fields x 5/2024 GEarth overgrown and abandoned - not landab 34 12.267 N 113 41.433 W ALA Alamo Landing Field L92, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9,Mgr:WENDY RUDDER (7 37 21.800 N 115 11.733 W ALO Alamogordo-White Sands ALM; RW width: 150' UNICOM: 122.8; AWOS-3: 127.825 32 50.367 N 105 59.467 W ALB Albuquerque Intl ABQTWR:120.3|ATIS:118.0 505-856-4928|APCH:123.9(S 35 02.417 N 106 36.550 W ALX Alexander Muni E80RY 03/21:6601x60-ASPH-LGT|RY03: 5 FT DIRT BERM 34 38.717 N 106 50.017 W ALP Alpine REV 05/21 33 50.750 N 109 08.850 W AMD Amado x Jan2023 GEarth: Overgrown - UNLANDABLE; prior note 31 44.417 N 111 03.917 W AMR Amargosa Jun2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; 70CL 36 18.083 N 116 25.050 W AMA Amarillo Valley Rd RWY 18/36: 1200X75.Flat, unobstructed dirt strip e 32 53.500 N 112 04.983 W AMG Amigos Del Cielo Oct2019 GEarth: dirt 19m wide; strip was cleared s 31 54.183 N 109 01.533 W AMM Ammon u May2022 GEarth: dirt 28m wide; LAND UPHILL RWY 27; 32 01.483 N 109 57.583 W AND Andrew Othole XNI, RW width: 75, CTAF: 122.9 35 03.633 N 108 56.250 W ANG Angel Field 911 u dirt 19-21m wide; many weeds on RWYs measuring 1-2 32 36.400 N 109 56.983 W ANE Angel Fire AXX, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 25.317 N 105 17.400 W ANM Animas 00C, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 37 12.183 N 107 52.150 W APC Apache Lake 33 34.767 N 111 16.117 W APP Apple Valley APV, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 34 34.517 N 117 11.167 W ARV Arivaca Boys Ranch 911 EMERGENCY USE ONLY!!!. FENCED PASTURE 100x500 WITH 31 33.650 N 111 17.950 W ARI Arivaca Field 911 Emergency only; E-W furrows. 31 34.417 N 111 20.217 W ARL Arlington 9/2022 land on wide E W runway - ignore SW strip n 33 19.350 N 112 45.233 W ARE Artesia ATS, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 123.075, Fuel: 100LL 32 51.117 N 104 28.050 W ASH Ash Creek x NO LONGER LANDABLE! Alternative: Sunizona, then Pr 31 51.500 N 109 32.050 W ASF Ashfork 35 13.500 N 112 29.000 W AVS Avi Suquilla P20RY 01/19:4780x75-ASPH-LGT|RY19: +7 FOOT BRUSH 9 34 09.033 N 114 16.267 W AZT Aztec Muni N19 RW width: 60 CTAF: 122.9 Fuel: 100LL 36 50.217 N 108 01.717 W B+R B & E Ranch May 2022: 2 dirt airstrip in close proximity; dirt 34 25.233 N 116 36.633 W BPP BP Pasture 911 Clearing with wires crossing N/S; Wires also N sid 32 03.983 N 111 22.383 W BBQ Baboquivari Peak REV 04/21 31 46.267 N 111 35.700 W BGD Bagdad E51RY 05/23:4575x60-ASPH|RY05: 50:1 AT DISPLACED T 34 35.750 N 113 10.217 W BKR Baker CA 0O2, RW width: 50, CTAF: 122.9 35 17.183 N 116 04.883 W BAK Bakers Acres 65'W x 3000'L DO NOT LAND ON THE CEMENT! Silverbel 32 33.983 N 111 43.600 W BAE Bakersfield L45, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 35 19.500 N 118 59.767 W BNN Banning BNG, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 55.350 N 116 51.050 W BRS Barstow-Daggett DAG, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 34 51.217 N 116 47.200 W BSS Bassett Peak REV 04/21 32 30.383 N 110 16.800 W BR9 Bauer 911 u May 2020 GEarth: Long abandoned dirt strip is FENC 34 10.483 N 116 04.750 W BEN Bean May2022 GEarth: dirt 21m wide; watch for children 33 46.667 N 112 25.733 W BTT Beatty BTY, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 36 51.667 N 116 47.183 W BVR Beaverhead Airstrip u Jan2018 GEarth: dirt 17m wide; (13NM) RWY 12/30: 3 33 25.167 N 108 08.367 W BCK Beckett Farm 911 u Dec2019 GEarth: No longer airstrip here but many f 33 03.417 N 106 01.517 W BLL Bell Ranch Waggoner NM32, RW width: 75 35 42.133 N 104 03.733 W BEL Bell Road x May2022 GEarth: VERY NARROW AND OVERGROWN; NOT LAN 33 37.967 N 112 46.550 W BND Benedict 911 u Jun2019 GEarth: ill-defined dirt 17m wide; VEG ON 33 15.117 N 104 26.550 W BNG Benger X54, RW width: 150, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: 100LL 34 39.250 N 102 41.517 W BNS Benson Muni (KE95) AWOS:118.475 RWY 10/28: 4002X75. MGR:520-58 31 59.967 N 110 21.450 W BRM Bermuda Dunes UDD, RW width: 70, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 44.900 N 116 16.483 W BGB Big Bear City L35, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.725, Fuel: 100LL 34 15.833 N 116 51.367 W BGC Big Chino May2019 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; SOME WEEDS ON RWY A 35 01.667 N 112 40.467 W BGS Big Sky x 2016 fence across runway - abandoned - Big Sky NM6 35 09.950 N 106 00.717 W BIG Big Springs Ranch AZ27RY 06/24:4200x75-DIRT|OWN:PETER HARTMANN ET AL 34 54.600 N 112 32.050 W BGT Big Tank Ranch 911 u Jan2020 GEarth: dirt 17m wide; Vegetation on RWY m 31 30.000 N 105 05.033 W BIL Billy Joe x Jan2023 GEarth: narrow asphalt; 12m INSUFFICIENT W 33 30.417 N 117 04.283 W BSP Biosphere Strip RWY 06/24: 750X60. Approach from East, land at Eas 32 35.433 N 110 50.967 W BPL Biplane Ranch x 2020 sat img no more runway - Biplane RnchNM02RY 0 34 55.333 N 106 10.033 W BSB Bisbee Douglas Intl (KDUG) ASOS:119.275, RWY 17/35: 6430x100, RWY 08/2 31 27.933 N 109 36.267 W BIS Bisbee Muni (P04) RWY 17/35: 5929X60, RWY 2/20:2650x110, MGR 5 31 22.150 N 109 53.033 W BSH Bishop Jan2022 Formerly Mobile 1AZ0130.475 RY 09/27:4500x 33 06.717 N 112 16.150 W BIH Bishop CA BIH, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 37 22.383 N 118 21.817 W BLC Black Canyon Cty 34 04.017 N 112 08.000 W BLA Black Mesa 33 35.967 N 114 01.167 W BLK Black Mountain x Jan2023 GEarth: VERY NARROW AND OVERGROWN; UNLANDA 32 42.583 N 110 52.733 W BLI Blackinton 2CA4, RW width: 50 33 15.533 N 117 05.533 W BLN Blanca x 05V, RW width: 52, CTAF: 122.9 37 24.667 N 105 33.100 W BLO Block Ranch x Dec2019 GEarth: Dirt 13.5m wide at E end; DANGER: 33 42.117 N 105 23.033 W BLF Bluff 911 u Oct2019 GEarth: asphalt 13m wide; veg at RWY edge 37 15.300 N 109 37.983 W BLT Blyth Muni (KBLH) AWOS: 120.17, RWY 08/26 6543X150, RWY 17/35 33 37.150 N 114 43.017 W BBH Bob Hope BUR, RW width: 150, Tower: 118.7, 132.325, UNICOM: 34 12.050 N 118 21.517 W BBM Bob Maxwell Memorial OKB, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.725, Fuel: 100LL 33 13.083 N 117 21.083 W BRN Boron Jul2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; 57CL; RW width: 50 35 00.217 N 117 36.417 W BRR Borrego Air Ranch 58CL, RW width: 45 33 11.517 N 116 16.800 W BOR Borrego Valley L08, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 15.550 N 116 19.250 W BLS Boulais Ranch 911 Mar2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide E end to 23m wide at 33 04.733 N 112 07.750 W BLD Boulder City Muni BVU, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.7, LARGE NUMBER OF 35 56.833 N 114 51.667 W BOS Bouse Jun2018 GEarth: gravel? 20m wide; N/S strip is E o 33 55.783 N 114 00.017 W BWX Bowie x 122.9 RW width: 70 32 20.150 N 109 28.433 W BRC Brackett POC, RW width: 75, ATIS: 124.4, Tower: 118.2, 133. 34 05.500 N 117 46.900 W BRW Brawley BWC, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: 100LL 32 59.583 N 115 31.033 W BRE Brenda Junction REV 4/21 33 39.717 N 114 00.850 W BRI Brian Ranch CL13, RW width: 50 34 30.917 N 117 45.717 W BRO Brown CA SDM, RW width: 150, ATIS: 132.35, Tower: 128.25, U 32 34.333 N 116 58.817 W BUC Buckelew West Open oval desert area. RWY 13/31: 1000X200, RWY 18 32 04.717 N 111 20.517 W BUK Buckeye Muni (KBXK) AWOS:119.625, RWY 17/35: 5500X75. MGR:623-3 33 25.233 N 112 41.167 W BUE Buenos Aires Airstrip RWY 11/29: 1750X50, Land W of Fuel Tank. REV 01/19 31 35.300 N 111 31.700 W BUR Burris Ranch NR 1 55NMRY 01/19:5000x50-DIRT|RY 08/26:5000x40-DIRT|RY 34 29.000 N 106 36.783 W BYR Byron x Oct2020 GEarth: No airfield in vicinity; prior des 33 40.017 N 114 38.017 W C+L C & L Ranch x Jan2020 GEarth: No airstrip in vicinity; AZ19 is d 31 44.267 N 110 37.583 W CLN C Landfill x Apr2021 GEarth: Debris piles make this area now un 34 03.800 N 112 06.933 W CAS Caas Jul2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; Difficult to judge 36 09.017 N 115 53.983 W CBL Cable CCB, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 34 06.700 N 117 41.250 W CDZ Cadiz 911 u Aug2019 GEarth: asphalt 15m wide; vegetation distr 34 30.833 N 115 31.167 W CLB Cal Black Memorial U96, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL, Mgr 37 26.117 N 110 33.850 W CLX Calexico CXL, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 32 40.050 N 115 31.050 W CLF California City L71, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 122.7, Fuel: 100LL/80 35 09.067 N 118 01.000 W CLV Calvada Meadows 74P, RW width: 48, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 16.317 N 115 59.717 W CMR Camarillo CMA, RW width: 150, ATIS: 126.025, Tower: 128.2, U 34 12.817 N 119 05.667 W CMC Camco Ranch x Nov2017 GEarth: dirt 14.5m wide rwy with likely be 35 34.483 N 103 17.233 W CMN Camino Aug2019 GEarth: dirt 19m wide; CL29 34 50.117 N 114 57.417 W CND Canadian River Ranch Apr2019 GEarth: Asphalt 13m wide with cleared RWY 35 24.167 N 102 48.450 W CAN Canyon Lake 33 32.617 N 111 26.183 W CRR Carranza Farm Airstrip u Mar2022 GEarth: asphalt 10m wide with cleared dirt 32 50.700 N 111 57.050 W CAR Carrizozo F37, RW width: 90, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 38.933 N 105 53.767 W CSD Casa Adobes Airpark Jan2020 GEarth: asphalt 8m wide with dirt side cle 32 48.800 N 107 56.150 W CSG Casa Grande Muni (KCGZ) AWOS:132.175, RWY 05/23: 5200X100. RP 23, M 32 57.300 N 111 46.017 W CSC Cascabel Strip RWY 02/20: 2800X80. Shallow uphill to North. Fence 32 18.050 N 110 21.867 W CST Castle Hot Springs 33 59.000 N 112 22.000 W CAT Castle Well 911 Jul2022 GEarth: asphalt 7m wide with light clearan 33 51.950 N 112 36.200 W CTL Catalina AVX, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.7 33 24.300 N 118 24.950 W CTH Cathedral Rock 32 32.683 N 112 10.783 W CVR Cavern City Air TRML CNM, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 32 20.250 N 104 15.800 W CNT Central Cascabel Fields Land N/S 100X1200. Beware irrigation equipment and 32 14.083 N 110 19.683 W CHM Chama Land & Cattle 911 u Jun2022 GEarth: dirt 85m wide; very LARGE VEGETATI 36 52.833 N 106 34.233 W CHA Champion Ranch Jun2019 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; 01NM 33 00.517 N 104 32.417 W CHN Chandler CHD, RW width: 75, ATIS: 128.325, Tower: 126.1, 12 33 16.150 N 111 48.667 W CHP Chapman Ranch 911 u Apr2022 GEarth: dirt 15-17m wide WITH BERM; N end 34 05.617 N 110 55.967 W CHE Chemehuevi Valley 49X, RW width: 75, CTAF: 122.9 34 31.733 N 114 25.917 W CHV Chevlon x 2017 sat img no longer an airport - just a narrow 34 37.000 N 110 37.683 W CHK China Peak 32 40.967 N 110 19.317 W CHO China Peak Obs x Abandoned and unlandable. On sectional but does no 32 43.750 N 110 17.783 W CHL Chinle Muni E91 RW width: 60ft CTAF: 122.9 RY 18/36 Mgr:DAVE W 36 06.550 N 109 34.533 W CIN Chino CNO, RW width: 150, ATIS: 125.85, Tower: 118.5, UN 33 58.483 N 117 38.183 W CHR Chiriaco Summit Jan2020 GEarth: ashalt 20m wide with edge stripe a 33 39.883 N 115 42.633 W CHC Chiricahua Peak REV 04/21 31 51.050 N 109 16.983 W CHD Chloride 911 u Jun2022 GEarth: dirt 14-15m wide; Berm looks likel 33 19.700 N 107 39.717 W CHU Chuichu REV 04/21 32 45.117 N 111 46.983 W CBC Cibecue u (Z95) RWY 07/25: 4200X100. Land 07 preferred for u 34 00.200 N 110 26.650 W CLD Cielo Dorado Estates Dec2020 GEarth: asphalt 14m wide with RWY lights a 31 54.550 N 106 38.467 W CIM Cimarron Peak 32 26.350 N 112 23.867 W CRC Circle Fields 33 57.750 N 113 46.967 W CRH Circle H Ranch x Ded2020 GEarth: dirt RWY is 11-12m WIDE; UNLANDABL 31 29.817 N 109 23.550 W CLM Clementine 33 46.767 N 112 20.650 W CLI Cliff Dwellers 911 u Jul2019 GEarth: Dirt 13 m wide; Wider center area 36 44.067 N 111 45.167 W CLH Cliff Hatfield CLR, RW width: 50, CTAF: 122.9 33 07.883 N 115 31.283 W CLE Clines Corners x Nov2019 GEarth: ancient strip appears too overgrow 35 00.483 N 105 39.867 W CLO Clovis CVN, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 34 25.600 N 103 04.650 W CCH Cochise College (KP03) RWY 05/23: 5500X60. MGR:520-417-4114 REV 01 31 22.267 N 109 41.433 W COC Cochran County F85, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 33 43.750 N 102 44.033 W CLR Colorado City Muni KAZC 122.7 11/29x75 paved 02/20x75 - LADELL BISTLI 36 57.600 N 113 00.833 W COU Columbus Muni u Dec2020 GEarth: dirt 27m wide; (0NM0) RWY 08/26: 4 31 49.417 N 107 37.617 W COM Columbus Stockyards x Appears to be too narrow, grown over, and too clos 31 47.267 N 107 38.500 W COP Compton/Woodley CPM, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 123.05, Fuel: 100LL 33 53.400 N 118 14.633 W CNC Conchas Lake E89, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 35 22.067 N 104 10.833 W CNS Cones x May2020 GEarth: dirt 10m wide TOO NARROW WITH VEG 34 09.767 N 116 02.883 W CNG Congress 911 u Dec2019 GEarth: dirt 20m wide with substantive lin 34 07.433 N 112 55.050 W CON Congress Junction 34 09.967 N 112 50.650 W CNV Conover x Mar 2021 GEarth: dirt 8m wide UNLANDABLE; 02CL; St 34 45.667 N 119 03.533 W COT Continental (35AZ) RWY 01/19: 1500X70. Caution Tall Wires clos 31 50.750 N 110 58.533 W COO Coolidge Muni (KP08) AWOS: 119.35, RWY 05/23: 5564X150, RWY 17/3 32 56.167 N 111 25.583 W CRD Cordes x Overgrown and narrow. North end is probably better 34 18.333 N 112 09.883 W CRN Corona AJO, RW width: 60, UNICOM: 122.7, Fuel: 100LL 33 53.867 N 117 36.150 W CRT Cortez Muni CEZ, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8,Mgr:JEREMY PATTO 37 18.183 N 108 37.683 W CTT Cottonwood P52122.7 RY 14/32:4250x75-ASPH-LGT|RY14/32: 300 FT 34 43.800 N 112 02.100 W CNR Coyner x former runway is now a housing developement 33 30.000 N 112 28.000 W CTS Coyote Store Rd 911 EMERGENCY ONLY!! RWY 18/36: 2000X25. USE CAUTION A 32 02.433 N 111 28.983 W CRK Creekside 5CL8, RW width: 100 35 10.567 N 118 55.383 W CRS Crosswinds May2020 GEarth: dirt 45m wide; ; 2CA3; RW width: 2 34 09.600 N 115 59.850 W CRW Crownpoint 0E8RY 18/36:5820x60-ASPH-LGT|RY18: +8 FT BERM 0-20 35 43.067 N 108 12.100 W CRY Crystal 46CN, RW width: 250, UNICOM: 123.0 34 29.083 N 117 49.583 W CRA Crystal Springs x Jul2022 GEarth: dirt 11m wide with veg and trees e 37 15.200 N 113 20.050 W CBR Cubero x DISUSED AND OVERGROWN: NM74RY 08/26:3600x100-TURF| 35 05.250 N 107 33.783 W CUL Culberson County VHN, RW width: 76, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: 100LL 31 03.467 N 104 47.033 W CUN Cunningham Pass 33 57.267 N 113 33.300 W CUR Curtis and Curtis x Feb2020 GEarth: RWY ill-defined; good farm fields 34 43.600 N 103 36.583 W CRX Cyr x land long since repurosed; no airstrip now. 33 35.017 N 114 36.000 W DNB Danby 911 u Aug2019 GEarth: dirt 15m wide; NARROW; Significant 34 33.000 N 115 21.000 W DTC Date Creek Dec2019 GEarth: asphalt 7m wide with dirt clearanc 34 12.700 N 113 03.800 W DTL Dateland u Dec2019 GEarth: Abandoned MIL airport; Access unkn 32 48.967 N 113 31.667 W DPW Deep Well Ranch Jan2021 05/23 1000x100 packed dirt land parallel t 32 46.800 N 111 18.517 W DRS Deer Springs Ranch u Oct2019 GEarth: dirt 16m wide with some segments a 37 20.550 N 112 13.417 W DRV Deer Valley DVT, RW width: 100, ATIS: 126.5, Tower: 118.4, 120 33 41.300 N 112 04.950 W DLL Dell City Jan2021 GEarth: asphalt 17m wide with veg growing 31 56.850 N 105 11.500 W DMN Deming Airport (KDMN) ASOS:118.525, RWY 08/26 8018X75, RWY 04/22: 32 15.750 N 107 43.133 W DNV Denver City Feb2019 GEarth: Asphalt 14m wide with RWY lights a 32 58.483 N 102 50.700 W DEP Depue May2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; 6CA8 34 51.383 N 117 08.250 W DSR Desert Air Sky Ranch May2022 GEarth: dirt 28m wide with a few weeds abo 33 28.867 N 115 52.450 W DES Desert Center Dec2019 GEarth: Asphalt 15m wide; Between 2016 and 33 44.867 N 115 19.517 W DEE Desert Rock NV65, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8 36 37.200 N 116 01.933 W DER Desert Wings Ranch 911 u May2022 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; MANY WEEDS UP to 2F 33 04.900 N 116 26.483 W DIA Diamond Bell 911 u Dec2020 GEarth: Clearing has grown out; veg measur 32 02.550 N 111 21.217 W DCK Dick Dale Skyranch May2020 GEarth: Concrete RWY is 13m wide with clea 34 12.367 N 115 59.867 W DLK Dilkon 35 23.200 N 110 19.800 W DNN Dona Ana County DNA, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.725, Fuel: 100LL 31 52.833 N 106 42.200 W DST Dos Titos REV 05/21 32 16.533 N 111 26.867 W DBL Double Circle Ranch 911 u May2019 GEarth: ill-defined dirt RWY ~20m wide; RW 33 20.433 N 109 29.667 W DOU Double Eagle II AEG TWR:120.15|AWOS:119.025|RY 04/22:7398x100-ASPH 35 08.717 N 106 47.717 W DOB Double V Ranch x long abandoned and overgrown UNLANDABLE 34 07.033 N 104 25.633 W DGL Douglas Muni Jul2022 GEarth: Asphalt 21m wide with margin clear 31 20.550 N 109 30.383 W DTH Douthitt 23CN, RW width: 100 32 47.333 N 115 31.783 W DRM Dream Catcher Ranch May2021 GEarth: dirt 22m wide; 25NM RY 05/23:4000x 34 28.617 N 108 01.867 W DNS Dune Shadow 911 EMERENCY ONLY! RWY 09/27: 1200X35. Flat Gravel roa 32 53.050 N 112 06.833 W DUN Dunes East 911 Apr2023 walked. Large rut 1/3 of way from N end - 33 07.600 N 112 07.883 W DNT Dunton Ranch 911 u 5/2024 GEarth survey looks 45ft pavement with clea 35 12.117 N 113 21.650 W DRN Durango-La Plata County DRO, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 37 09.100 N 107 45.233 W DUS Dusty Wings u May2021 AZ06 2300x85 dirt. appears maintained and 32 46.817 N 113 57.450 W EGL Eagle Airpark u Nov2022 GEarth: Asphalt with 16m or possibly more 34 53.283 N 114 37.000 W EAG Eagle Roost 911 u (27AZ) CAUTION TOO NARROW! LAND AT SAMPLEY'S 1 MIL 33 55.167 N 113 10.067 W EAL Eagletail Ranch Aug2022 RWY 08/26: 3820X100 Land on E half - W hal 33 23.733 N 113 13.383 W ERV East Aravaipa Road 911 u EMERGENCY ONLY!!! RWY 08/26: 1000X30. A last resor 32 50.800 N 110 42.483 W EST Eastside Oct2019 GEarth: Asphalt 12m wide; dirt clearance t 36 55.300 N 106 33.617 W ECH Echo Bay May2022 GEarth: Asphalt 15m wide with veg growing 36 18.667 N 114 27.833 W ECK Eckert 1Q1, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 09.750 N 119 03.033 W ELM El Mirage 99CL, RW width: 150 34 37.500 N 117 36.300 W ELP El Paso ELP, RW width: 150, Tower: 118.3, UNICOM: 122.95, 31 48.433 N 106 22.583 W ELR El Ranchito Strip x Strip is abandoned and overgrown. Compleltly unlan 32 51.050 N 110 41.017 W ELT El Tiro Gliderport (AZ67) RWY 08/26 5000x100, RWY 17/35 5000x100, MGR 32 25.700 N 111 23.383 W ELF Elfrida 31 41.000 N 109 36.000 W ELK Elk Valley x May2021 GEarth: 15m narrow washed out rutted overg 34 29.767 N 108 01.783 W ELO Eloy Farms Airstrip Land at Pretzer not here. EE0, RW width: 75 Mgr:SA 32 41.367 N 111 32.967 W ELY Eloy Muni (E60) USE CAUTION HEAVY SKYDIVING ACTIVITY! RWY 02 32 48.400 N 111 35.200 W EMR Emory Ranch x May2022 GEarth: Asphalt 13m wide with large veg at 32 44.967 N 116 00.967 W EMP Empire Ranch x CAUTION DO NOT LAND UNTILL SURVEY IS COMPLETE!!!! 31 47.533 N 110 37.717 W ENC Enclave Farms E/W Field: 2000X150; Furrows in grass; Beware of F 31 50.583 N 110 12.017 W ERN Ernst 911 u Sep2022 GEarth: dirt 15m wide; Image suggests poss 33 35.850 N 116 53.017 W ESN Esenada x 2016 sat img no longer a runway - it was at one ti 36 43.833 N 106 29.700 W ESA Estancia Muni 911 u Nov2019 GEarth: dirt centrally cleared at 14m wide 34 45.800 N 106 02.483 W ESR Estrella (E68) RWY 06/24: 1995X50. Glider traffic Pattern i 33 05.117 N 112 09.683 W ESE Estrella Peak 33 15.250 N 112 15.550 W ETH Ethnos Air (2AZ9) RWY 04/26: 4330X100, RWY 17/35:3060x100, La 31 36.033 N 109 39.683 W EVL Evelyn Field 911 u Jan 2015 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; heavily overgrown 31 22.150 N 110 07.500 W FBN Fabens Jun2022 GEarth: Asphalt 17m wide; RWY LTS 22m clea 31 30.933 N 106 08.833 W FRV Fairview x TOO NARROW; XA05; RW width: 26 34 06.067 N 102 37.450 W FLC Falcon AZ FFZ, RW width: 100, ATIS: 118.25, Tower: 124.6, UN 33 27.650 N 111 43.700 W FLL Fallbrook Community L18, RW width: 60, CTAF: 123.05, Fuel: 100LL 33 21.250 N 117 15.050 W FGR Figure 2 Ranch 911 u Dec2019 GEarth: dirt 20m wide with considerable ve 31 27.350 N 104 50.667 W FRS First Aero Squadron u Ded2020 GEarth: dirt 22m wide; (NM09) RWY 09/27: 4 31 52.033 N 107 38.150 W FLB Flabob RIR, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 59.333 N 117 24.600 W FLG Flagstaff Pulliam FLGTWR:134.55|ATIS:125.8|RY 03/21:8800x150-ASPH-LG 35 08.417 N 111 40.150 W FLR Florence Model Park Jan2021 13/31 1250x100 Land on hard dirt next to p 32 59.133 N 111 21.400 W FLN Flying A Ranch 911 u May2022 GEarth: dirt 19m wide with edge veg choke 33 10.200 N 112 17.033 W FLY Flying Bucket Ranch May2022 GEarth: dirt N/S RWY is 17m in middle and 32 58.933 N 112 17.233 W FLI Flying Dare's Ranch Jan2022 GEarth: dirt 30m wide; 26AZ 12/30 2600x50 34 00.717 N 113 12.183 W FLD Flying Diamond Jan2023 GEarth: Asphalt is 10m wide with margins c 31 56.250 N 111 07.167 W FLE Flying Eagle Ranch 911 u Jan2020 GEarth: dirt 27m wide; speckled with consi 31 46.500 N 105 25.883 W FLH Flying H Ranch 911 u Dec2015 GEarth: dirt 18m wide; exstensive veg on R 33 01.717 N 105 07.617 W FLJ Flying J Ranch 911 u Jan2022 GEarth: Eastern N/S RWY dirt 16m wide with 32 50.817 N 109 52.767 W FLS Flying S Ranch CA u Jul2016 GEarth: dirt 25m wide W end; considerable 35 24.433 N 118 30.000 W FLC Flying S Ranch NV x Jul2022 GEarth: defunct ultralight strip; old runw 36 18.417 N 115 59.333 W FLT Flying T Ranch u Jul2022 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; a few small weeds a 33 04.217 N 116 45.117 W FRP Forepaugh 911 u Jun2022 GEarth: dirt 16-17m wide; Heavy veg on RWY 33 57.133 N 112 59.633 W FRT Fort Sumner FSU, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8 34 29.267 N 104 13.017 W FRC Four Corners Rgnl FMN, RW width: 150, ATIS: 127.15, Tower: 118.9, UN 36 44.483 N 108 13.800 W FOU Four Peaks Rev 05/21 33 41.000 N 111 19.000 W FOR Four Pillars u Jan2020 GEarth; dirt 57m wide; (AZ21) Unsurveyed b 31 44.750 N 110 14.867 W FRZ Fraziers Well don't see any reason for this point?? 35 51.150 N 113 04.383 W FRN French Valley F70, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 33 34.450 N 117 07.700 W FUL Fullerton FUL, RW width: 75, ATIS: 125.05, Tower: 119.1, UNI 33 52.317 N 117 58.783 W FUR Furnace Creek L06, RW width: 70, CTAF: 122.9 36 27.633 N 116 52.783 W GBR G Bar F Ranch 911 u Mar2016 GEarth: dirt 16m wide with a few plants th 33 32.667 N 105 22.533 W GMR G M Ranch 911 u May2022 GEarth; dirt 12m wide at sevral veg choke 32 54.100 N 112 14.283 W GLL Gallup Muni GUPASOS:118.375|RY 06/24:7316x100-ASPH-LGT|FUEL: 1 35 30.667 N 108 47.367 W GND Ganado 911 u Jul2020 GEarth; dirt 34m wide with a lot of veg on 35 42.067 N 109 31.033 W GSL Gas Line Strip Apr2022 GEarth: dirt 16m wide in two places with u 32 22.517 N 111 22.183 W GSS Gas Station The Speedway station at the East end of El Tiro RD 32 25.733 N 111 18.283 W GNW Gene Wash Reservoir Mar2021 GEarth: Asphalt 10m wide with clearance to 34 18.483 N 114 11.200 W GNR General Dick Stout 1L8, RW width: 40, UNICOM: 123.05, Fuel: 100LL/MOG 37 08.417 N 113 18.367 W GEN General Wm J Fox WJF, RW width: 150, ATIS: 126.3, Tower: 118.525, U 34 44.467 N 118 13.117 W GFF Giffin Ranch 911 u Jan2020 GEarth: dirt 16m wide; Narrow and overgrow 31 06.017 N 103 57.683 W GIL Gila Bend Muni (KE63) BEVERY CLOSE TO THE AIRSPACE BOUNDARY FOR 32 57.600 N 112 40.450 W GLC Gila Compressor x Overgrown; Unlandable 33 14.967 N 112 48.700 W GIE Gillespie CA SEE, RW width: 100, ATIS: 125.45, Tower: 120.7, 12 32 49.567 N 116 58.350 W GLN Glendale AZ GEU, RW width: 100, ATIS: 119.425, Tower: 121.0, U 33 31.617 N 112 17.700 W GLE Glenwood County May2019 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; S end slightly wide 33 21.200 N 108 52.033 W GNA Gnaws Farm x Dec2019 GEarth: completely overgrown and unlandabl 31 17.067 N 103 38.633 W GLD Goldstone(GTS) 00CA, RW width: 80 35 21.300 N 116 53.117 W GDR Goodyear GYR, RW width: 150, ATIS: 118.35, Tower: 120.1, UN 33 25.400 N 112 22.517 W GOO Goodyear Blimp Base 33 51.300 N 118 16.567 W GRN Grand Canyon Airport RY 03/21 LGTD DISTANCE REMAINING SIGNS ON E SIDE.| 35 57.133 N 112 08.817 W GRA Grand Canyon Bar Ten 911 u Latest GEarth image is 2012 (very old): narrow ~10 36 15.383 N 113 13.850 W GRD Grand Canyon Caverns x overgrown do not land - Grand Canyon Caverns L37RY 35 31.617 N 113 14.850 W GRC Grand Canyon S Rim 36 04.000 N 112 09.000 W GRY Grand Canyon West 1G4 RY 17/35:5058x60-ASPH|RY35: +15' ROADWAY; 152' 35 59.417 N 113 48.983 W GRI Granite Mountain 34 38.000 N 112 33.000 W GRT Grant Besley 911 u Jul2020 GEarth: dirt 16-18m wide; veg on RWY appea 36 39.733 N 105 43.217 W GRO Grant County (KSVC) AWOS:126.725. RWY 08/26: 6802X100, RWY 03/2 32 38.200 N 108 09.383 W GRS Grants-Milan Muni GNTRY 08/26:2350x40-DIRT|RY 13/31:7172x75-ASPH-LGT 35 10.033 N 107 54.117 W GRP Grapevine 911 u Jun2020 GEarth: asphalt 12m wide with dirt margin 33 38.450 N 111 03.417 W GRM Grassy Meadows/Sky Ranch UT47, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 123.05 37 06.117 N 113 18.833 W GRB Gray Butte 04CA, RW width: 150 34 34.000 N 117 40.217 W GRR Gray Ranch 911 u EMERGENCY ONLY! RWY 04/22: 1800X30, RWY 12/30: 180 31 27.517 N 108 51.750 W GRE Greene Over Field Surveyed 01/21. Giant alfalfa field 4000'x1000'. W 32 36.900 N 111 38.817 W GRL Greenlee County (KCFT) AWOS:119.050 RWY 07/25: 4978X75. MGR:928-86 32 57.417 N 109 12.667 W GCH Gu Achi Peak 32 20.850 N 111 52.617 W HND H&H Ranch 911 u Apr2021 GEarth: dirt 12m wide; veg to sides of RWY 34 45.983 N 112 32.950 W HCN Hacienda Sur Luna NM78RY E/W:4800x30-ASPH|MGR: ARLIN H GAMBEL|505-53 31 52.667 N 107 38.733 W HML Hamilton Aircraft Feb2019 GEarth: Gravel? with 18m clearance to like 32 43.917 N 102 56.633 W HNG Hangar Haciendas Asphalt 7m wide with cracks; Cleared margins about 33 21.200 N 112 07.650 W HNS Hansen x May2022 GEarth: TOO NARROW; LAND REPURPOSED; ; 11C 34 37.800 N 117 39.200 W HPP Happy Mountain 911 u May2021 GEarth: dirt 13m wide; may have berm?; veg 34 03.667 N 108 05.783 W HRC Harcuvar East 34 05.633 N 113 16.900 W HAR Harcuvar West 33 51.700 N 113 43.200 W HRQ Harquahala Peak 33 48.350 N 113 21.233 W HRR Harry Reid Intl LAS-formerly McCarran Intl, RW width: 150, Tower: 36 04.800 N 115 09.133 W HRV Harvard Jun2022 GEarth: dirt27m wide; ; CN23 34 57.700 N 116 40.517 W HTC Hatch Muni Dec2019 GEarth: Asphalt 17m wide; RWY LT clearance 32 39.667 N 107 11.883 W HFN Hefner Farms x Overgrown and Too Narrow 34 36.217 N 102 51.583 W HLV Helvetia Mine x From 2011 Sat Image - Narrow (14.5m) with obvious 31 54.217 N 110 47.150 W HMT Hemet-Ryan HMT, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 33 44.050 N 117 01.333 W HEN Henderson Executive HND, RW width: 100, ATIS: 120.775, Tower: 125.1, U 35 58.367 N 115 08.067 W HRT Heritage x Not Landable; Too Narrow; NV42 35 46.550 N 115 37.883 W HSP Hesperia L26, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 34 22.617 N 117 18.967 W HDD Hidden Valley Skdiving stay clear 2nm 122.9 they report on freq 33 03.250 N 112 10.417 W HGH High Desert Ranch 911 u Apr2020 GEarth: dirt 28m wide; dispersed and patch 34 11.950 N 105 09.850 W HIG High Lonesome 911 u Nov2015 GEarth: dirt 7m wide; Possible Berm hazard 34 37.333 N 108 47.417 W HIH High Mesa Airpark dirt 17m wide; sparse veg - biggest is 2ft across; 32 46.017 N 109 39.183 W HLL Hillside strip is TOO NARROW - 7m 34 25.000 N 112 55.000 W HBB Hobbs Industrial NM83, RW width: 150 32 46.000 N 103 12.533 W HFF Hoffman Jul2022 GEarth: dirt 18m clearance to RWY LTs; 75x 33 08.583 N 116 44.717 W HLB Holbrook P14AWOS:118.675|RY 03/21:6698x75-ASPH-LGT|RY 11/29 34 56.433 N 110 08.300 W HLD Holiday Ranch May2022 GEarth: dirt VARIABLE WIDTH: 20m at N end 34 33.667 N 117 04.833 W HLT Holtville 911 u Dec2019 GEarth: old paved RWYs 60m wide are Xed of 32 50.700 N 115 16.117 W HPF Hope Fields complex of fields 33 40.033 N 113 45.667 W HLP Hualapai x Apr2022 GEarth: Asphalt 25ft wide with large crack 35 34.333 N 113 17.550 W HMB Humbolt Peak 33 58.850 N 111 47.850 W HMP Humphreys Peak 35 20.783 N 111 40.667 W HW6 62 Pasture 911 u April 2021 GEarth; Veg has grown from 2ft to 6ft a 34 13.933 N 112 51.200 W I10 I-10 Intersection 33 32.283 N 113 09.867 W I19 I-19 Fields 75'W between wheel irrigation lines 31 32.517 N 111 02.217 W IME Imperial County IPL, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.7, Fuel: 100LL 32 50.050 N 115 34.733 W IND Inde Motorsports May2022 GEarth; Asphalt 17m likely side clearance 32 13.483 N 110 00.467 W INE Independence CA 2O7, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 36 48.983 N 118 12.300 W INI Indian Hills Jan2020 GEarth: Asphalt 12m wide; 24m clearance to 33 45.550 N 113 36.933 W INA Indian Hills Rd NOW OVERGROWN; previously: Flat open field with go 32 57.217 N 110 45.000 W INK Inyokern IYK, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 35 39.517 N 117 49.767 W IRN Iron Mountain Pump Plant Dec2019 GEarth: Asphalt 8m wide with margins clear 34 08.050 N 115 07.150 W J+M J & M Farms x airstrip is OVERGROWN and LONG OUT OF SERVICE; pre 34 34.883 N 106 04.517 W JCK Jack Northrop/Hawthorne HHR, RW width: 100, ATIS: 118.4, Tower: 121.1, Fue 33 55.367 N 118 20.100 W JCQ Jacqueline Cochran TRM, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 33 37.600 N 116 09.583 W JCM Jacumba L78, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 32 36.950 N 116 09.933 W JKS Jakes Fields Jakes Field: hay fields -- possible high crop or b 33 57.850 N 111 19.317 W JLP Jalapeno Ranch dirt 17m wide; 62AZ CTAF: 122.9 33 51.600 N 113 55.783 W JEN Jean 0L7RY 02L/20R:4600x75-ASPH-LGT|RY 02R/20L:3700x60- 35 46.100 N 115 19.783 W JNK Jenkins x Overgrown - NM87, RW width: 100 33 14.300 N 104 28.233 W JWT Jewett Mesa 911 u Feb2016 GEarth: 13m wide with possible berm; veg a 34 00.200 N 108 40.683 W JCR Jicarilla Apache Nation 24N, RW width: 75, CTAF: 122.9 36 49.717 N 106 53.050 W JHN John Nichol's x Jul2021 GEarth: asphalt 9m wide with veg at the ma 32 38.000 N 116 53.417 W JOH John Wayne -Orange County SNA, RW width: 150, Tower: 119.9, 126.8, 128.35, U 33 40.533 N 117 52.100 W JLN Julian Hinds Pump Plant asphalt 12m wide with margins clear to 20m; 73CL, 33 41.933 N 115 38.217 W JNP Juniper 911 u Apr2022 GEarth:dirt 17m wide; there is veg distrib 34 59.050 N 113 02.583 W KNB Kanab Muni KNB RW width: 75 UNICOM: 122.8 RY 01/19 Mgr:JEFF T 37 00.633 N 112 31.883 W KNT Kayenta 0V7, RW width: 75, CTAF: 122.9 36 42.983 N 110 13.700 W KRN Kearny E67122.950 RY 08/26:3400x60MGR: GARY EIDE||TOWN MA 33 02.833 N 110 54.550 W KLS Kelso Valley 911 u Mar2020 GEarth: dirt 60m wide; OVERGROWN with larg 35 23.017 N 118 13.217 W KER Kern Valley L05, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.8 35 43.700 N 118 25.183 W KST Keystone towers 31 52.617 N 111 12.900 W KDW Kidwell Mar2021 GEarth: dirt 19m wide; 1L4RY 15/33:4140x6 35 18.333 N 114 52.967 W KNG King Anvil Ranch Land N/S in west field, E/W in east field 31 59.367 N 111 23.083 W KIN Kingman IGMASOS:119.275|RY 03/21:6827x150-ASPH-LGT|RY 17/3 35 15.567 N 113 56.283 W KIG Kingston Ranch 911 u Nov2019 GEarth: old cracked asphalt 14.4m with lar 35 45.333 N 115 39.083 W KRK Kirkland x Completely overgrown - Unlandable 34 23.750 N 112 40.867 W KTT Kitt Peak 31 57.800 N 111 36.017 W KRE Krey 0CL1, RW width: 100 34 34.167 N 117 33.333 W LCH La Cholla Airpark 3/4 clicks AWOS/lights. RWY 01 1.3% uphill for lan 32 26.800 N 111 00.167 W LKR Lake Arrowhead 911 u May2022 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; OVERGROWN with veg 34 18.250 N 117 09.083 W LKH Lake Havasu City HII AWOS:119.025|RY 14/32:8001x100-ASPH-LGT|FUEL: 34 34.267 N 114 21.500 W LKP Lake Pleasant 33 50.867 N 112 16.500 W LKI Lake Riverside Estates Oct2021 GEarth: dirt 26m wide; 54CL, RW width: 100 33 31.250 N 116 47.800 W LKS Lake St. Clair 32 39.083 N 111 56.833 W LKW Lake Wohlford Resort Jul2021 GEarth: Asphalt 8m wide; 21m Lateral clear 33 10.550 N 117 00.133 W LKS Lakeside Airpark 5/2021 Lake Side AZ05RY 16/34:2750x36 15M only 36f 33 06.750 N 112 39.700 W LND Landfill Clearing x Unlandable due to new debris 34 03.017 N 112 06.017 W LAN Landfill Strip (Dirt Strip on north side of . Appears flat and 50 32 41.000 N 111 17.317 W LSR Las Arenas Earth + SkyObsx Unlandable too narrow 37 28.667 N 105 36.950 W LSC Las Cruces Intl LRU122.7 AWOS:119.025|RY 04/22:7499x100-ASPH-LGT|R 32 17.367 N 106 55.317 W LSV Las Vegas LVS, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 35 39.250 N 105 08.550 W LGH Laughlin/Bullhead Intl IFPTWR:123.9|AWOS:119.825|RY 16/34:7500x150-ASPH-L 35 09.350 N 114 33.567 W LCN Lea County HOB, RW width: 150, ATIS: 119.75, Tower: 120.65, U 32 41.250 N 103 13.033 W LEA Lea County(Jal) E26, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 32 07.867 N 103 09.283 W LEC Lea County-Zip Franklin E06, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 32 57.233 N 103 24.533 W LER Leroy Dirt 18m wide; 4AZ9RY 07/25:2640x70MGR: PHIL |520 32 06.783 N 109 45.700 W LBR Liberty Haven July 2022 GEarth; Dirt 18m wide; Sparce veg up to 33 52.517 N 112 37.950 W LNC Lincoln Station x ; NM25, RW width: 75 34 07.450 N 105 40.283 W LIN Lindrith May 2020 GEarth; Dirt 18m wide; E32; RW width: 75; 36 17.483 N 107 03.367 W LNR Linear Horse Track x Too narrow; unlandable 34 12.250 N 112 32.250 W LTT Little Buttes Antique Oct 2020 GEarth; Dirt 23m wide; ; 1CL1; RW width: 34 47.650 N 118 16.650 W LZZ Lizzy Lizard x Oct 2020 GEarth; Dirt 14m wide; TOO NARROW; (8AZ5) 31 53.883 N 109 03.417 W LCK Locker Brothers Mar 2022 GEarth; Asphalt 7m wide; cleared margins 34 16.167 N 102 43.033 W LMM Loma Madera Ranch 911 u Oct2021 GEarth; Dirt 19m wide; Substantially overg 33 10.750 N 116 47.550 W LNM Lone Mountain Intl Dec 2019 GEarth; Dirt 21m wide; Lone Mtn AZ74RY 06 31 21.300 N 110 22.433 W LNP Lone Pine O26, RW width: 90, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 35.317 N 118 02.967 W LNG Long Beach (Daugherty) LGB, RW width: 200, ATIS: 127.75, Tower: 119.4, 12 33 49.083 N 118 09.117 W LRD Lordsburg Muni (KLSB) AWOS: 118.1, RWY 12/30: 5011X75, RWY 01/19: 32 20.000 N 108 41.500 W LOS Los Alamos LAMAWOS:124.175|RY 09/27:5550x113-ASPH-LGT|RY 09/2 35 52.783 N 106 16.167 W LSN Los Angeles LAX, RW width: 200, Tower: 119.8, 120.95, 133.9, U 33 56.550 N 118 24.483 W LDL Ludlow 911 u Feb 2020; Dirt 17m wide; Veg up to 4ft across (202 34 43.733 N 116 09.517 W LK1 Luke #1 x Completely overgrown - Unlandable 33 43.233 N 112 32.383 W LK2 Luke #2 x Land repurposed 33 42.000 N 112 25.000 W LK4 Luke #4 x completely overgrown - Unlandable 33 44.517 N 112 38.333 W LNL Luna Landing x severly overgrown in 2010 sat image |NM26RY 08/26: 32 06.000 N 107 49.367 W LLL Lyall 911 u Jul 2021 GEarth: Asphalt 13m wide; Small dirt side 33 19.467 N 116 59.417 W MCK Macks Crossing x Overgrown: Macks Crossing 34 41.000 N 111 00.917 W MGD Magdalena Dec 2019 GEarth; Dirt 25m wide; N29RY 02/20:5650x5 34 05.667 N 107 17.867 W MNV Manville & Sandario 32 14.917 N 111 13.100 W MNZ Manzano Mountain Air Rc x 2020 sat img overgrown and too narrow for gliders 34 46.550 N 106 31.267 W MRN Marana Regional AVQ123.0 AWOS:118.375 RY 03/21:3892x75RY 12/30:690 32 24.567 N 111 13.100 W MRB Marble Canyon 911 u Jul2019 GEarth; Asphalt 11m wide; Dirt side margin 36 48.650 N 111 38.667 W MSS Massey Farm x Unlandable- too narrow; Massey Farm AZ34RY 18/36:1 34 41.483 N 114 05.867 W MLD Mauldin Airstrip x May 2021 satimg shows 45ft wide with encroaching b 33 28.917 N 113 00.133 W MZT Mazatzal Peak 34 04.000 N 111 28.000 W MCC McClellan-Palomar CRQ, RW width: 150, ATIS: 120.15, Tower: 118.6, Fu 33 07.700 N 117 16.800 W MCO McConville x Jun 2022 GEarth; Unlandable- too narrow 10m; CA42, 33 38.617 N 117 25.750 W MWN Me-Own 911 u June 2022 GEarth; Dirt 17m to 20m wide; significan 33 12.717 N 108 01.533 W MDW Meadows CA BFL, RW width: 150, ATIS: 118.6, Tower: 118.1, UNI 35 26.033 N 119 03.467 W MLB Melby Ranch 911 u Jul2020 GEarth: Dirt 28m wide; significant veg on 37 03.900 N 105 27.817 W MSG Mesa Gateway IWA, RW width: 150, ATIS: 133.5, Tower: 120.6, Fue 33 18.467 N 111 39.333 W MSV Mesa Verde Ranch Nov 2018 GEarth; Gravel 22m wide; 7NM1, RW width: 32 56.117 N 106 02.717 W MSQ Mesquite 67L, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 49.983 N 114 03.350 W MCM Mica Mtn 32 13.033 N 110 31.667 W MCR Microwave 32 31.167 N 111 23.883 W MDV Mid Valley Airpark x Unlandable- Heavy veg in side margins; Mid Valley 34 45.583 N 106 44.717 W MLL Millar 2AZ4RY 16/34:2300x75-DIRT|MGR: CHARLES |520-568-25 33 03.217 N 112 08.750 W MNG Mingus Mountain 34 42.000 N 112 07.000 W MGL Mogollon Airpark AZ82RY 03/21:3420x50-ASPH|RY 03 HAS 700 X 30 FT OV 34 23.833 N 110 31.783 W MHW Mohawk Canal u May2021 2300x65 paved. runwy surface appears crack 32 45.050 N 114 03.183 W MOH Mohawk Pass 32 43.500 N 113 44.000 W MJV Mojave Air and Space Port MHV, RW width: 200, Tower: 127.6, Fuel: 100LL 35 03.533 N 118 09.033 W MNT Monte Prieto Ranch x Unlandable- Too narrow; ; 57NM; RW width: 50 34 05.317 N 106 07.150 W MON Montezuma 19AZRY 17/35:3300x60-ASPH-LGT|RY17/35: 60 FT ASPH 34 36.300 N 111 51.917 W MOT Montezuma Peak 33 11.083 N 112 11.833 W MOG Montgomery-Gibbs MYF, RW width: 150, ATIS: 126.9, Tower: 119.2, 125 32 48.950 N 117 08.367 W MNM Monument Valley x Mar 2016 GEarth; 13m wide with 8ft across veg at t 37 01.000 N 110 12.033 W MSC Moose Creek Dirt 21m wide; AZ78, RW width: 60 33 00.283 N 112 16.583 W MRT Moreton Airpark April 2021 GEarth; Dirt 38m wide; 23AZRY 09/27:20 34 01.167 N 112 49.550 W MRR Moriarty 0E0RY 08/26:7700x75-ASPH-LGT|FUEL: 100LL A|FOR JET 34 59.133 N 106 00.567 W MOR Morris Ag Air SW Oct 2020 GEarth; Asphalt 6m wide; clearance to RWY 33 35.517 N 114 36.333 W MOO Morton Ultralight x Unlandable- Too narrow; , AZ00, RW width: 30 32 48.350 N 113 30.417 W MTW Motown May 2022 GEarth; Dirt 18m wide; 5AZ6 RY 06/24:270 32 55.500 N 112 15.567 W MTJ Mount Ajo 32 01.617 N 112 41.433 W MTD Mount Devine 32 07.900 N 111 48.267 W MTR Mount Ord 33 54.000 N 111 25.000 W MTN Mount Union 34 25.000 N 112 24.000 W MTN Mountain Valley L94, RW width: 36, UNICOM: 123.0 35 06.067 N 118 25.383 W MTA Mountainair Muni March 2020 GEarth; Dirt 18m wide; M10RY 08/26:257 34 32.000 N 106 13.433 W MTG Mt Graham 32 42.233 N 109 53.050 W MTH Mt Hopkins 31 41.350 N 110 53.117 W MTL Mt Lemmon 32 26.550 N 110 47.350 W MTA Mt. Washington 31 20.983 N 110 43.500 W MLS Muleshoe 2T1, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: 100LL 34 11.100 N 102 38.467 W MUR Murrow On The Divide 911 u May2020 GEarth: dirt 12m wide with veg on RWY edge 36 25.633 N 107 00.050 W MUS Music Mountain x Too narrow for gliders - do not land here - Music 35 28.500 N 113 46.150 W MST Mystery Well Ranch Overflew 05/21 and looks likely good, possibly som 31 48.583 N 109 03.517 W MYS Mystic Bluffs 911 u Mar2021 GEarth: dirt 17m wide E end to 9m wide W e 35 09.917 N 108 27.533 W NTS N Test Track 33 03.117 N 111 56.150 W NLR N. El Ranchito Fields u Large Fields need surveyed. RWY 08/26: 1200X100 RE 32 50.283 N 110 41.467 W NLD Nalda Ranch X NARROW AND OVERGROWN: Nalda Ranch 84NMRY E/W:5000x 34 21.200 N 108 09.733 W NVJ Navajo Lake 1V0, RW width: 60, CTAF: 122.9 36 48.500 N 107 39.150 W NAV Navajo Mountain June 2022 GEarth; Dirt 20m wide; 04UT, RW width: 5 37 00.500 N 110 47.700 W NDL Needles EED, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 34 45.983 N 114 37.400 W NGR Negrito Airstrip x Unlandable- Too narrow and overgrown; (0NM7) RWY 1 33 31.450 N 108 32.533 W NWB New Bowie 911 u Apr2022 GEarth; appears significantly overgrown; P 32 18.550 N 109 24.767 W NWS New SaddlebrookGolfFairway April2020 Land on fairway 750x80 or road to north 32 35.950 N 110 55.350 W NWM Newman Peak 32 43.133 N 111 24.017 W NGH Night Sky Fields complex of fields 32 27.350 N 111 44.883 W NGL Nogales Airport AZ OLS122.8 ASOS:121.125 RY 03/21:7199x99MGR:LAWRENCE 31 25.067 N 110 50.867 W NLS North Las Vegas VGT, RW width: 75, ATIS: 118.05, Tower: 125.7, UNI 36 12.650 N 115 11.667 W OTM Oatman Mountain 33 03.600 N 113 09.517 W OCT Ocotillo L90, RW width: 150, CTAF: 122.9 33 08.867 N 116 07.900 W OHK Ohkay Owingeh E14RY 16/34:5007x75-ASPH-LGT|RY34: 4 FT BRUSH 126 36 01.567 N 106 02.733 W ONT On The Rocks Feb 2022 GEarth; Dirt RWY width varies; 18m at S e 32 45.900 N 116 43.350 W ONA Ontario ONT, RW width: 150, Tower: 120.6, Fuel: 100LL 34 03.367 N 117 36.067 W ORM Orme School x 3/2022 no longer landable do not land here| Orme S 34 25.800 N 112 03.750 W OSB Osborne x June 2022 GEarth; Asphalt 9m wide; Large veg at RW 34 35.033 N 117 16.000 W OTR Otero Mill Gravel? 28m wide; 72NM, RW width: 80 32 57.500 N 105 57.783 W OTB Outback Ranch AS 911 u Jan 2020 GEarth; Dirt 20m wide; Considerable large 33 50.867 N 113 34.217 W PGM Page Muni PGA 122.8 15/33 paved 150ft wide Rev 6/2021 Mgr:RI 36 55.567 N 111 26.900 W PHT Pahute Mesa x Overgrown- Unlandable; L23, RW width: 100 37 06.167 N 116 18.800 W PLM Palm Springs PSP, RW width: 150, ATIS: 124.65, Tower: 119.7, UN 33 49.783 N 116 30.400 W PAO Paloma Ranch 29AZ122.8 RY 03/21:5500x60MGR: JOHN UTZ|928-683-22 32 54.333 N 112 54.017 W PRK Park Springs x Completely overgrown; NM76, RW width: 50 35 15.650 N 104 55.133 W PRS Parsons Field x Overgrown and unlandable - Parsons 4AZ6RY 15/33:15 34 59.883 N 113 27.700 W PTT Patterson Ranch x 2016 unlandable and abandoned - Patterson Ranch NM 35 10.500 N 105 52.183 W PMV Pauma Valley CL33, RW width: 50, UNICOM: 122.725 33 18.633 N 116 59.883 W PSN Payson PANAWOS:119.325|RY 06/24:5500x75-ASPH-LGT|RY06: RW 34 15.417 N 111 20.350 W PBD Peabody Bedard 38AZ, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8 36 28.300 N 110 25.067 W PRC Pearce Ferry May 2022 GEarth; Dirt 30m wide; sparce small veg o 36 05.600 N 114 02.800 W PEA Pearce x Pearce 31 54.500 N 109 49.000 W PCN Pecan Rd Strip 60ft wide depending on crops on either side. Irrig 32 37.517 N 111 19.983 W PCS Pecos PEQ, RW width: 80, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 31 22.950 N 103 30.650 W PGS Pegasus 5000 X 80 33 12.517 N 111 37.183 W PER Perkins U08, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100 36 34.083 N 114 26.600 W PRR Perris Valley L65, RW width: 50, CTAF: 122.775, Fuel: 100LL 33 45.883 N 117 13.133 W PEY Perry Stokes TAD, RW width: 100, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 37 15.550 N 104 20.450 W PSC Pescadero 32 11.067 N 111 23.983 W PHN Phoenix Sky Harbor PHX, RW width: 150, Tower: 118.7, 120.9, Fuel: 100 33 26.050 N 112 00.700 W PCC Picacho Peak 32 38.000 N 111 23.983 W PIE Pierce 10AZRY 08/26:3407x150-ASPH-LGT|RY08/26: CENTER 40' 33 22.000 N 112 37.133 W PLT Pilots Rest 911 u Nov2019 GEarth: dirt 13m wide; unknown veg height 34 55.850 N 112 30.750 W PNL Pinal Airpark MZJ123.050 AWOS:130.375 RY 12/30:6849x99MGR: SAMUE 32 30.583 N 111 19.517 W PIN Pinal Pk 33 17.800 N 110 50.733 W PNM Pine Mountain 34 17.833 N 111 47.100 W PNN Pinon Canyon Sep2022 GEarth; Dirt 35m; 0CD5, RW width: 70 37 29.433 N 104 08.650 W PLS Playas Air Strip u Dec 2019 GEarth; Asphalt 17m wide; large veg up to 31 56.200 N 108 32.200 W PLE Pleasant Valley Airstrip x Too Narrow (12m) with veg on RWY - not landable; P 34 09.483 N 110 56.117 W PCL Poco Loco 911 u April 2022 GEarth; Dirt 13m - 16m wide; Large veg 34 24.917 N 108 04.617 W PLC Polacca Asphalt 15m wide; with clear side margins to 28m; 35 47.500 N 110 25.400 W PNT Pontious Asphalt 9m wide; side clearance to 17m; historical 34 56.550 N 118 10.183 W POR Porcupine Ridge Dirt 21m wide with likely berm; NM30 34 30.783 N 108 02.167 W PRT Portales Asphalt 18m wide with RWY light clearance at 23m; 34 08.733 N 103 24.617 W POT Porterville PTV, RW width: 150, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL/80 36 01.767 N 119 03.767 W POE Potters Field March 2022 GEarth; Asphalt 8m wide with dirt side 32 52.433 N 111 57.583 W PRE Prescott 125.300 RW width: 150 34 39.067 N 112 25.367 W PRZ Pretzer Strip Asphalt 6m wide with possible berm at 18m or possi 32 40.200 N 111 32.583 W PRI Price Range 911 u Jul2022 GEarth: Dirt 20m wide with heavy veg enchr 31 52.667 N 109 31.417 W PRD Price's Dairy x Not present in 2011 sat image 35 19.483 N 106 40.033 W QLL Quail Lake Sky Park x Mar2021 GEarth: Old carcked asphalt 12m wide with 34 46.067 N 118 43.900 W QLM Quail Mesa Ranch 911 u October 2020 GEarth; Dirt 35m wide; 2020 image sho 33 45.683 N 114 27.567 W QUA Quail Mesa x Completely Overgrown, Not Landable [GW 2005] 33 44.667 N 114 28.633 W QRT Quartz Peak 33 13.817 N 112 13.800 W QUR Quartzsite 911 u Oct2020 GEarth: Gravel airstrip next to junkyard; 33 39.717 N 114 14.917 W QMD Quemado x TOO NARROW:NM80RY 06/24:5000x40-DIRT|TOO NARROW:NM 34 20.417 N 108 30.867 W QST Questa Muni Nr 2 N24, RW width: 75, CTAF: 122.9 36 48.017 N 105 35.850 W QJT Quijota Mountain 32 07.983 N 112 09.533 W QNT Quintero Golf 33 50.683 N 112 25.067 W RLR Rael Ranch Pasture x NO LANDING APPARENT: Rael Ranch NM68RY 06/24:2500x 33 48.300 N 108 20.600 W RGG Ragged Top 32 26.983 N 111 29.517 W RNB Rainbow Fields Appears landable fields. Has not been scouted 33 13.650 N 112 26.517 W RAI Rainbow Rancho 911 u Apr2022 GEarth: dirt 20m wide; water ruts likely o 33 13.217 N 112 18.433 W RMN Ramona RNM, RW width: 150, ATIS: 132.025, Tower: 119.875, 33 02.350 N 116 54.917 W RNC Rancho Del Cielo XS44, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.975 31 00.917 N 104 12.733 W RAN Rancho Laos Clearing N/S:1300x120 31 50.333 N 111 24.017 W RAC Rancho Relaxo x Too narrow; 7AZ4, RW width: 40 31 56.317 N 109 35.300 W RAH Rancho San Lorenzo Asphalt 14m wide with additional 24m dirt side cle 31 33.517 N 106 12.217 W RAO Rancho San Marcos x Unlandable- too narrow; Rancho San Marcos 74AZ RY 31 37.183 N 110 02.850 W RNT Ranta Strip Dirt 17m wide; Sat image 6/2021 - 12AZ 08/26 1700x 33 51.233 N 112 39.200 W RTN Raton Muni/Crews RTN, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 36 44.550 N 104 30.100 W RRC Ray Ranch x Overgrown- Unlandable; NM17, RW width: 44 35 55.833 N 104 11.033 W RDH Red Horse x Unlandable- overgrown veg 12ft across 35 50.050 N 111 53.017 W RDM Red Mine 33 54.783 N 112 28.033 W RDF Redfield Canyon Huge circle, land wherever you want. Power lines o 32 25.383 N 110 29.367 W RDL Redlands CA REI, RW width: 75, UNICOM: 123.05, Fuel: 100LL 34 05.117 N 117 08.783 W RDR Redrock 32 35.300 N 111 20.083 W RGN Regeneration 911 u Sep2020 GEarth: Dirt 17m wide at far S end; N end 33 01.967 N 109 59.250 W RLP Reiley Pk 32 22.467 N 110 05.000 W RSR Reserve T16RY 06/24:4800x50-ASPH-LGT|RY06: ROAD 160 FT LEF 33 41.650 N 108 50.967 W RMR Rimrock 48AZRY 05/23:2300x75-ASPH-LGT|RY05: