Soaring Magazine Index for 2018 organized by author

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

Department, Columns, or Sections of the magazine are indicated within parentheses '( )'.
Subject, and sub-subject, are indicated within square brackets '[ ]'.

B, C, H, K, M, O, R, S, W, None


Bick, Frederick "Eric" (a.k.a. Eric Bick)
Flight Lines, January, page 2
Open Forum, January, page 40
Burn, Joan-Alice
Soaring Personalities, January, page 34

C     (up to table of contents)

Community, Letters from the Soaring
Soaring Mail, January, page 4

H     (up to table of contents)

Hasness, Rollin
Badges & Records, January, page 51
Hill, William G. (a.k.a. Bill Hill, Billy Hill, W.G. Hill, William Hill)
On-Line Contest, January, page 16

K     (up to table of contents)

Knauff, Thomas (a.k.a. Tom Knauff, T. Knauff)
Teaching Soaring, January, page 44

M     (up to table of contents)

Masters, Dale
Soaring Stories, January, page 42

O     (up to table of contents)

Olson, Tom
Book Review, January, page 25

R     (up to table of contents)

Ridenour, Ron
2018 Safety Program, January, page 6
Ryan, Bertha M. (a.k.a. Bertha Ryan, B.M. Ryan, B. Ryan)
US Hall of Fame Biographies, January, page 10

S     (up to table of contents)

Sorenson, Ken
Chairman's Thoughts, January, page 3

W     (up to table of contents)

Willat, Garret
XC Tips, January, page 39
Wyman, Jack
Soaring Memories, January, page 50

None     (up to table of contents)

The 2018 SSA Convention is coming to Reno, NV, January, cover
Soaring News: Information, Announcements, and Events, January, page 5
The 2017 U.S. National, Regional, and Other Champions, January, page 8
SSA Directors and Officers for 2018, January, page 20
SSA Convention in Minden, NV (Centerfold), January, pages 30, 31
Eagle Fund, January, page 45
Contests and Special Events, January, page 46
Soaring Milestones: Gliding Achievements and Final Glide, January, page 52

 Issue  Subject  Section
 2017 list of all years
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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

Last updated