Soaring Magazine Index for 1949 organized by subject

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, O, P, R, S, T, W, None


R.D. Hiscocks, Airfoils, January-February, page 8
A.H. Cronkhite, Full-span flaps, May-June, page 12
Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs
Soaring festival and regatta, from The Thermal, January-February, page 6
A. Dawydoff, Wurtsboro thermals, January-February, page 10
H.E. Burr, Snowbirds, 1948, January-February, page 12
E.O. Menefee, How a club promotes soaring, March-April, page 8
Altitude Flights
G.A. and M. Downsbrough, We went to Bishop, November-December, page 2
Atmospheric Research
A. Raspet, Technical progress, March-April, page 4

C     (up to table of contents)

D.A. Shenstone, January-February, page 13
D.A. Shenstone, March-April, page 9
D.A. Shenstone, May-June, page 6
D.A. Shenstone, July-August, page 10
D.A. Shenstone, September-October, page 13
D.A. Shenstone, November-December, page 9
Civil Air Patrol
E.J. Reeves, Air youth - the shore dimly seen, January-February, page 1
Competition Flights
J. Robinson, America's longest flight, May-June, page 7
P. MacCready, Jr., West to Ohio, July-August, page 2
Soaring festival and regatta, from The Thermal, January-February, page 6
E. Knight, The midwestern, March-April, page 6
J. Spurgeon, Pacific coast championships, July-August, page 4
P.A. Schweizer, 16th national The sixteenth national, September-October, page 2
B. Shupack, 16th National - Statistics National flight data, September-October, page 4
E. Knight, The midwestern, September-October, page 10
Wright memorial glider meet, September-October, page 11
H. Cronkhite, The southwestern, November-December, page 4
R. Comte, Swiss international, March-April, page 2
Cross-Country Soaring
P.B. MacCready, Jr, The walk out, July-August, page 2
From behind the iron curtain, January-February, page 4

D     (up to table of contents)

W.B. Briegleb, Powered sailplanes, May-June, page 2

E     (up to table of contents)

A. Dawydoff, The Elfe, July-August, page 11

F     (up to table of contents)

International meeting, September-October, page 14
M. Choisnet, International duration, July-August, page 6

G     (up to table of contents)

T. Nelson, Power for soaring, May-June, page 1
W.B. Briegleb, Powered sailplanes, May-June, page 2
E.V. Martz and E.G. McGuinnes, The powered HI 20, from Flugsport, May-June, page 5

H     (up to table of contents)

Hi 20
E.V. Martz and E.G. McGuinnes, The powered HI 20, from Flugsport, May-June, page 5
W.B. Briegleb, Powered sailplanes, May-June, page 2

I     (up to table of contents)

R. Comte, Swiss international, March-April, page 2

L     (up to table of contents)

Lunak L-107
The Czech Lunak, November-December, page 8

M     (up to table of contents)

J.S. Malkus, Cumulus, thermals and wind, September-October, page 6
J.B Robinson and H.C. Ross, Bishop Bishop soaring, January-February, page 2
P. MacCready, Jr., West to Ohio, July-August, page 2

O     (up to table of contents)

Y. Sekella, Mrs. Thomas Rhodes, January-February, page 13

P     (up to table of contents)

E.O. Menefee, How a club promotes soaring, March-April, page 8
D. Ryon, Promote soaring, November-December, page 10

R     (up to table of contents)

Record Flights
J.B Robinson and H.C. Ross, Bishop Bishop soaring, January-February, page 2
J. Robinson, America's longest flight, May-June, page 7
M. Choisnet, International duration, July-August, page 6
M. Choisnet, 35 hours aloft, September-October, page 9

S     (up to table of contents)

R.J. Comey, Safety IS important, September-October, page 1
J.B Robinson and H.C. Ross, Bishop Bishop soaring, January-February, page 2
Soaring Society of America
R.J. Comey, Crossroads, March-April, page 1
SSA directors' meeting, March-April, page 12
R.J. Comey, Unite to soar, July-August, page 1
Directors elected to 1952, September-October, page 16
SSA Directors' meeting, November-December, page 14
Soaring Magazine
R.J. Comey, '49 '50 and you, November-December, page 1

T     (up to table of contents)

Wave Soaring
J.B Robinson and H.C. Ross, Bishop Bishop soaring, January-February, page 2
A. Van Name, Silver C duration on the wave, July-August, page 8
T. Pfeiffer, Wurtsboro wave, July-August, page 8
E.J. Reeves, Air youth - the shore dimly seen, January-February, page 1
G. Bardwell, Youth on the wing, May-June, page 10

W     (up to table of contents)

R. Comte, The high-speed WLM-1, July-August, page 9

None     (up to table of contents)

No subject
R. Comte, Swiss international, March-April, page 1
J. Robinson, A mile a minute, from The Thermal, November-December, page 7

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.