Soaring Magazine Index for 1946 organized by subject

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

1, 2, A, B, C, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, T, W, None


What next in sailplanes, September-October, page 1
P.A. Schweizer, Schweizer's proposed high-performance sailplane, September-October, page 8

2     (up to table of contents)

F.E. Hurtt, Schweizer's new two-place utility, March-April, page 12

A     (up to table of contents)

Aerodynamic Design
W.Z. Stepniewski, Design diving speed of gliders, January-February, page 10
J.A. Simpson, The design of sailplane dive brakes, November-December, page 6
F. Chardon, Optimum sailplane design, November-December, page 11
Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs
E.J. Reeves, Soaring over Texas, January-February, page 6
Airplane Towing
R.S. Barnaby, Recapitulation, January-February, page 2
Changing horses in mid-air, May-June, page 12
American History
A.B. Schultz, Eyes to the future, November-December, page 1
M. Warner, Australian news, May-June, page 16
M. Warner, Australian news, cont., July-August, page 16

B     (up to table of contents)

Baby Albatross
R.H. Jonnson, The Baby's last flight, January-February, page 13
The Bumblebee, January-February, page 17

C     (up to table of contents)

H.A. Provisor, Glider training in Canada, May-June, page 2
B.S. Shenstone, Glider towing hooks and releases, July-August, page 6
B.S. Shenstone, Glider towing hooks and releases, cont., September-October, page 22
J.A. Simpson, The design of sailplane dive brakes, November-December, page 6
Canard Type Aircraft
R. Lopez, Directional and longitudianl stability in a Canard glider, May-June, page 6
Commercial Operations
A soaring school in action, March-April, page 15
A new gliding and soaring service: Gliding and Soaring Service, Inc., July-August, page 13
Herman Stiglmeier, Just wind, May-June, page 15
13th National - Rules and. Regulations Contest rules and regulations, July-August, page 2
T.M. Boyer, The 13th annual national soaring contest, September-October, page 2
Herman Stiglmeier, Fifth annual western states championship soaring meet, September-October, page 4
13th National - Statistics Performance, September-October, page 18
F.B. Compton, Standardization of contest rules, November-December, page 2
Regulations covering records for gliders and powered gliders, July-August, Cover

F     (up to table of contents)

C.W. Luebker, Post-liberation soaring in France, May-June, page 5

G     (up to table of contents)

R.S. Barnaby, Recapitulation, January-February, page 2
The Bumblebee, January-February, page 17
R.H. Rush, Cargo glider versus cargo plane and helicopter, March-April, page 2

H     (up to table of contents)

J.A. Simpson, The evolution of the sailplane, March-April, page 6

I     (up to table of contents)

A. Raspet, Angle of Attack Indicator The angle of attack indicator, May-June, page 9

L     (up to table of contents)

T. Horsley, Soaring Flight, September-October, page 27

M     (up to table of contents)

Manufacturers of Gliders
W. Schweizer, Production methods in glider manufacture, July-August, page 4
Mountain Soaring
W. Dollfus, Alpine soaring, January-February, page 9
W. Dolfus, Mountain climbing with sailplanes, November-December, page 4

N     (up to table of contents)

H.F. Schwing, Gliding and soaring in the Netherlands, September-October, page 16

O     (up to table of contents)

L.D. Montgomery, July-August, page 11
Wise Dallas, Jr., July-August, page 11
Stanley C. Fierstein, September-October, page 25
W.B. Pagan, L.D. Montgomery, September-October, page 28
A. Dawydoff, Guy Storer's Olympia, September-October, page 11

R     (up to table of contents)

Record Flights
July-August, page 17
P. Tuntland, High altitude in Florida, September-October, page 15
R.H. Johnson, Distance over the desert, November-December, page 10
Rush, R.H.
Cargo glider versus cargo plane and helicopter, March-April, page 2

S     (up to table of contents)

R.H. Jonnson, The Baby's last flight, January-February, page 13
Safety and sailplanes, July-August, page 1
Florida SSA invited by Governor to establish a permanent site in Florida, September-October, page 14
Soaring Society of America
1946 SSA officers and board of directors, May-June, page 13
Meeting of the board of directors, September-October, page 26
Meeting of the board of directors, November-December, page 16
Stepniewski, W.Z.
Design diving speed of gliders, January-February, page 10
C. Birch-Jensen, The Swedish championship competition, September-October, page 6
W. Dollfus, Alpine soaring, January-February, page 9
W. Dolfus, Mountain climbing with sailplanes, November-December, page 4

T     (up to table of contents)

B.S. Shenstone, Glider towing hooks and releases, July-August, page 6
R. Noonan, The double pulley tow, July-August, page 8
B.S. Shenstone, Glider towing hooks and releases, cont., September-October, page 22
W.B. Hammond, The case for the single-place training glider in the public schools, January-February, page 14
H.A. Provisor, Glider training in Canada, May-June, page 2

W     (up to table of contents)

The Weihe, September-October, page 13

None     (up to table of contents)

No subject
B. Shupack, ed., Our new directors, January-February, page 1
S.A. Hall, Formula for getting ahead, March-April, page 1
Soaring, the essence of private flying, May-June, page 1

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.