Soaring Magazine Index for 1932 organized by author

Soaring Magazine Index for 1932 organized by author

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

Department, Columns, or Sections of the magazine are indicated within parentheses '( )'.
Subject, and sub-subject, are indicated within square brackets '[ ]'.

H, L, None


Haller, A.C.
Tips on soaring (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Training], May, page 2
Tips on soaring (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Training], June, page 1

L     (up to table of contents)

Lawrence, A.L.
Notes on auto-tow glider instruction (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Training], May, page 2

None     (up to table of contents)

To all who believe in the future of motorless flight in America (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions], April, page 1
3rd National: The ball is rolling (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions\National], May, page 1
News of the meet (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions], May, page 1
The contest plans to date (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions], June, page 1
Curtain about to go up (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions], July, page 1
Well-it was a swell meet (Gliding and Soaring Bulletin) [Competitions], August, page 1
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], August, page 12

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.