Airspace for the Netherlands

These have come from a variety of different sources, and they are provided "as is". Prudent pilots will, of course, check these values with the contest organizers and - especially - continue to keep their eyes outside the cockpit.   Files to facilitate loading of GPS units and flight computers are also provided; however they have not all been uploaded to the respective manufacturer's hardware and verified.

Here are two nice disclaimers that I came across, and which certainly apply here:

Caveats aside, we hope that this collection will facilitate your flying, and invite you to send along any suggestions, corrections, and new data to John Leibacher ( ). Fly safely!

Courtesy of NicoB


Het bestand is samengesteld m.b.v. informatie uit de AIPs van Nederland, Duitsland en België & Luxemburg. De informatie beperkt zich tot het luchtruim boven het vasteland van Nederland t/m een hoogte van FL095. Het overige luchtruim, boven FL095 en boven de Noordzee, is onvolledig.

Als gebiedsnaam wordt de 4-letter ICAO, een herkenbare 3-letter dan wel de volledige naam gebruikt. Indien nodig wordt er verwezen naar AIP of NOTAM voor extra informatie (bijv. activatie en classificatie van luchtruim).

The data have been compiled using information from the AIPs of the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium & Luxembourg. The information is limited to the airspace above the mainland of the Netherlands up to an altitude of FL095. The remaining airspace, above FL095 and above the North Sea, is not included.

The area name is the 4-letter ICAO, a recognizable 3-letter, or the full name. If necessary, reference is made to AIP or NOTAM for additional information (for example airspace activation and classification).

Lokaties met classificatie DANGER AREA: Onderstaande informatie ontbreekt:
Areas classified DANGER AREA: The following information is not included:
All Parachute Climb-out Areas

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

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