Airspace for Austria

These have come from a variety of different sources, and they are provided "as is". Prudent pilots will, of course, check these values with the contest organizers and - especially - continue to keep their eyes outside the cockpit.   Files to facilitate loading of GPS units and flight computers are also provided; however they have not all been uploaded to the respective manufacturer's hardware and verified.

Here are two nice disclaimers that I came across, and which certainly apply here:

Caveats aside, we hope that this collection will facilitate your flying, and invite you to send along any suggestions, corrections, and new data to John Leibacher ( ). Fly safely!

"! Austro Control übernimmt keine Haftung und keine Zusagen für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Daten. Die kommerzielle Nutzung der Daten ist nicht gestattet. Das KML bzw. OpenAir File ersetzt nicht die Flugvorbereitung und dient auch nicht zur Unterstützung während des Fluges! Das KML bzw. OpenAir File dient als visuelle Unterstützung zur Erleichterung der Einarbeitung in und der Veranschaulichung der Luftraumstruktur !"
Austro Control assumes no liability and no commitments for the accuracy and completeness of the data. Commercial use of the data is not allowed. These files do not replace a careful pre-flight and do not support inflight use! The files serve as a visual aid to facilitate the familiarization with and are illustrative of the airspace structure!

The original data are available at

The airspace with additional information is available at
This version last updated 28 May 2015, but check the link for most recent releases.

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

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