The Nathan Maleady Club Class Speed Trophy is presented each year to the
pilot with the highest handicapped speed
as determined at the US National Club Class
Championships starting in 2018.
( Click on the image for the full-size image; courtesy of Richard Maleady )
The recipients of the trophy have been:
2024 - Tony Condon: 76.44 mph for 193.96 sm, Hobbs, NM, Standard Cirrus
2023 - Daniel Sazhin: 45.27 mph for 93.44 sm, Dansville NY, Discus 2b
2022 - Michael Marshall: 75.28 mph for 263.47 sm, Moriarty, NM, ASW-20C-15
2021 - Daniel Sazhin: 69.16 mph for 191.23 sm, Benton, TN, LS-4A
2020 - No contest
2019 - Michael Westbrook: 59.00 mph for 180.41 sm, Yoder, KS, Discus 2bW
2018 - Henry Nixon: 43.58 mph for 130.49 sm, Dansville, NY, ASW-28