The Junior National Champion

This is presented each year to the highest ranking contestant at any U.S. National contest who is under 26 years of age. - A Junior entrant is one whose 25th birthday is later than the first scheduled day of competition

7.7 Junior and Feminine National Champions

    7.7.1 The titles of Junior and Feminine National Champion will be awarded each year upon the completion of all National competitions.
    7.7.2 The Junior or Feminine National Champion is the qualifying pilot who achieves the highest percentage of the maximum possible score (the sum of all winning daily scores) at any US National Soaring Championship during the calendar year.
    7.7.3 A minimum of 60% of the maximum possible score must be achieved for a Junior or Feminine National Champion to be declared.

FAI Class National Competition Rules, Contest Year 2002, 24 March 2002

The recipients have included:

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